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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Nov 15th, '18, 15:12    


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Oh, that's actually awesome. The last time I really borrowed books from the library was in high school and I remember some books I would have to wait for months before it was finally my turn to get it (a waitlist) and there were usually a limit on how long you can borrow a book if it's too popular. lol.

That's fine! I went to bed early to read. I also took a bath to read. I like to read in the bath tub...I limit myself to 3 baths a week, but I've taken 4 this week so far (sunday-saturday) whoops. probably read in front of the fireplace today since it decided to snow. It's so interesting and I just want to know more.

(and no, I didn't, I got my days mixed up and thought it ended sooner because of it, but that's okay because the ones I want are the wings and I got until February iirc)

ALSO speaking of snow, my dog is going to spend too much time laying in it and eating it and not actually going potty. he's such a dork.

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Nov 16th, '18, 08:38    

Akili Li

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I used it more when I was at Uni and lived only a couple blocks away from both the city and university libraries. Now the library is an hour and a quarter's walk so I get there less frequently, but I still go a lot. It's not so far by bus, when I remember about buses, but it's harder to sit and wait at a stop than it is to just walk, so that doesn't happen often.

There's definitely a hold list that can show up with long waits if you request a book that isn't out yet or is very new or very popular, but I mostly don't bother with that. I usually just go in when I can and borrow from what they've got in at the time. For how long you can borrow it, my library here has limits no matter how popular it is, but you can't renew it if someone else puts a hold on it to read after you. I've only run into that, ummm, twice I think? It doesn't much affect me, anyhow.

Huzzah for time to read! What book was it? Clearly it's a good one! (I don't much do baths, usually the tubs are not deep enough to be comfortable for me, but I do do the stereotypical curl-up-with-a-blanket-and-book-in-front-of-the-fire thing). It's not snowing here but we do need precipitation of some kind; we're well behind the usual annual precipitation and not much time left in the year to make it up.
The zoey wings are fun!

Ha ha, your dog sounds like he enjoys winter! I used to dogsit for one who LOVED retrieving, but was always so confused trying to bring back a snowball for you.... she'd look so PUZZLED about where it went, because she always chewed once or twice before bringing it back, and that would destroy the snow....

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Nov 17th, '18, 02:06    


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I have never ridden a public bus before but I don't think I could. I used the train before when I lived in the city and just walked to the place I wanted to go from the nearest station (I was too scared to conquer the bus). But still, libraries are so nice. so many books at your disposal.

Wait wait wait, so if you didn't get a chance to finish the book when you go to renew it, then you can't renew it to finish it because someone wants it? That makes no sense to me. Sometimes I'm either a fast reader or a slow. Mostly slow. Unless I have more time to invest in reading. Too many things to juggle around and not enough time in the day.

It is Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. It's really interesting, but it's a teen fantasy and sometimes they make me roll my eyes so hard. It's usually hard for me to adjust from reading regular fantasy to teen because it's clearly written for younger people, but I even had this problem as a teen. It's usually when it's a female for a main focal point and there's romance. gosh, I really can't explain this.
Also, had to have a nice big tub in the house before I would even think about buying the house. love my baths.

Oh my goodness, I did that with Viktor (that's his name) last year, (it was his first winter) and he got so confused on where the snowball went. It is hilarious. Can't wait to do that when the snow isn't so slushy later when real winter starts.

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Nov 17th, '18, 05:42    

Akili Li

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Ahhh, I've never actually had the trouble because I'm a very fast reader (I am on my 4th book today, and today was a work day). I guess if you weren't through, you'd either have to just pay the late fee and keep it until you were done, or return it early and put a new hold on it to check it out again afterwards.

I usually read while doing something else at the same time. Like prop a book up and read while folding laundry, and of course I read while I'm walking anywhere, and I usually have a book open on the counter while I'm cooking, and definitely while I'm spinning, and I can't read at all while I'm carving anything but my great-uncle is really good at that, so I hope someday I can. I don't know, just stuff like that. I usually always have a book open next to me (right now, too). I get grouchy if I can't get enough time to read.

I bought my house because of all the built-in-bookcases. They even left me the ladder so I could reach the higher ones :qh: Also, wood floors and a lifted ceiling and a skylight. It definitely has issues, what house doesn't, but it's a good house for me. Everything is on one floor, the front walk slopes up to the door instead of stairs, there's handrails installed already in one of the bathrooms, it's perfect. All the family Elders have no trouble, even in wheelchairs. There's steps in the garage but that isn't a real problem.

Red Queen, I'll see if our library has it. YA and teen books definitely sometimes do that. I remember when I was younger and read the Enchanted Forest chronicles by Patricia Wrede, I was so disappointed because Telemain was clearly supposed to be incomprehensible, but he made total sense to me and I didn't get why everyone was reacting to him like that, especially people who were supposed to be smart.

I always liked public buses better than school buses, and I was stuck with school buses for years, so I figure if I can put up with the one, then the other is perfectly doable. But I still usually just walk.

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Nov 18th, '18, 15:08    


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I went dress shopping in the city yesterday (2 1/2-3 hour drive one way) and I got some reading done in the car, yet when I got home, my book feel between my nightstand and wall and the cover tore and my heart broke a little.

Also got a letter from my electric supplier saying my provider is switched over and I'm like wth no? And then I woke up this morning and realized the thing I thought was a scam in the mail was not a scam and I'm annoyed because now I have to call said company I thought was a scam and see if I can get out of them because I did some research (I woke up super early annoyed at myself about this and looked them up) and they sound sketchy to begin with so why would I go with them. Literally been in this house for two months and they got to make this difficult. It was coming from Texas and when I look them up online, they have no office in Texas. such a scam in my book still.

I don't know how people read so fast. do you read every word, does it register in your brain. Sometimes I have to reread a paragraph because my brain is pretty much does not register what I just read. It's annoying, but at least I got every detail. lol.

First, what is spinning? I wish I could read while I knit, believe me, I can't. I can't find a way to keep it open and read it, then turn a page without breaking my groove. I stick to watching my youtube videos then. Also, I'm terrible when it comes to multitasking.

Your house sounds fabulous. Mine is like picture-perfect cookie cutter house. It has it's unique points, like a sunken family room (you have to step down into it), except I have tripped up the one step. I keep looking online at other houses that have been listed in my neighborhood after I moved in...so much nicer tbh. If I ever get the money, I want to redo some things, like the floors and get the walls painted (they destroyed the stairway walls when they were moving out and I can't get the scuffs off, but I need to spackle the holes still) I do have a guestroom for my nephew to come spend the night, but he's a busy little boy (he does taekwondo and he sees a behaviorist/therapist once a week, and some other shenanigans I can't remember, then he goes to his dad's every other weekend)

Honestly, I like it and I will definitely read the sequels because not a lot has really happened and I'm almost to the end of the book. Well it feels that way to me at the very least. I've never heard of that series before. I might look it up someday if I see it in a used book store, or if I ever get back to going to the library.

I barely rode a school bus either (I was within walking distance to the school and when I moved my brother would drive us to school, then it was only a short stint on the bus before I got my driver's license)

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Dec 19th, '18, 18:19    


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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Dec 19th, '18, 21:32    

Akili Li

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Ah, sorry, I kind of lost track of this thread and never answered you!

The electric mess sounds super annoying. Did you get hold of the company? Is there a way out of it?

I don't necessarily read every word; it depends on the book. A lot of times I'll come to a scene and start skimming until something grabs my interest again and then I go back to reading it more carefully again. Books I end up skimming most of, I know I didn't care for as much. The better the book (by my personal taste), the more carefully I'll read it.

Thanks, I love my house! A sunken family room sounds like a lot of fun. I couldn't do it myself, not with the Elders, but if I didn't have to worry about them it'd be so neat! Would you actually redo some things or would you end up selling this one and moving, since you see a lot of other houses that you like better? Guestrooms are handy to have.

Did the book end on a cliffhanger? Was it the kind of book series where you have to pick up the next book immediately after you finish the previous, or are they more stand-alone than that?

Spinning is turning fibers into thread or yarn or cordage. Every once in a while I'll get very engrossed in a passage in my book and lose the flow of the spinning and then things will unwind in a hurry and I have to redo a bunch, but that's okay, I don't really mind that much.

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Jan 5th, '19, 19:38    


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Hey Vally!

Don't worry about it Akili, I have been busy. Been trying to knit this blanket and restarted it 5 times. finally decided I dont care about the mistakes (have 3, but they aren't too noticeable unless you really look) I just got back from a two week vacation as well. Went on a disney cruise with my family. two days traveling to it, 7 days on the cruise, and a really long day to travel home in one day. Only slept an hour on the way home so I was up for practically 24 hours, and then power napped on the couch for about 2 because I was too awake on caffeine by then.

Yeah, electric company, it was actually local when I called the number and were helpful on the phone so it's okay.

Oh geez. I can't do that. I need to read every single word or I get annoyed by it. Man, I need to read more. That's my resolution for this year. I took a book with me to read during my vacation, but ended up reading a manga on my phone on the trip (it was easier carrying my phone around me then having to go back to the room every time to put my book back whenever I did an activity on the cruise)

It's only one step for my family room though, but I like it. I'm planning on redoing some of the floors for sure, and getting new front door (this one is all window and I don't like it), and a new fence for sure. My dog has taken to putting his front paws up on it and people watching. He can jump the fence so it makes me a little worried. OH AND GET THIS! So my crazy step-aunt watched my dog along with my mom's dogs at my mom's house and someone apparently opened the back gate. now, my mom lives on a highway and it can be busy...yeah, the dogs crossed the highway and was having a good time. I'm just glad they are alright.

I honestly don't remember. I never got around to reading the sequel yet. I think it has 4 books in the series. I will read them, but I'm good for reading the first book of the series and getting around to the next book in a year or two. But I do plan on reading more this year. I just know the characters started to annoy me after a while.

OH okay. Have I asked what you use the threads for when you're done? do you sell it or use it for a hobby? I read on a knitting blog that someone picked up making their own yarn thinking they would save money, but became too obsessed and spend more money making their own yarn then if they just kept buying it. haha. sounds like something I would do though. (I will stick to buying my yarn when it's on sale)

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Apr 7th, '19, 17:18    


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Bumping up to see if anyone wants to talk.

I quit my old job, went to Japan, came home and started a new job so now I'm not as worn out as I was. Amazing.

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 Post subject: Re: The Gem Room
Posted: Apr 7th, '19, 17:25    


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Jumping to say Hello :D
Hope you had a nice time in Japan, how was it?

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