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 Post subject: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 20th, '13, 23:34    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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Website: http://seppukuaddict.deviantart.com/
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I have three best friends because I couldn't choose one over the other.
They're very close to me even if they're in other states.
I met them all online and we've been friends for years.
People say online friends aren't real, but I disagree.
And they're on KofK.

Aki (Agriimony): She's really witty and smart. We always joke around about stupid things. She listens to me when I complain and helps me feel better. She also knows when to tell me I'm mistaken I believe her with most things. She's a talented artist. She always picks the weirdest things and says "This reminds me of you" which amuses me. She's very popular from what I've seen, but she's not a snob and hard to talk to. And she tolerates my fangirling about things.

Cassie (Reanna): I met her like 4-5 years ago on Gaia of all places.
We randomly played a game with this guy and we started talking one on one.
She's the sweetest and helpful kind of person. She's very smart. She is also a talented artist. She always tries to cheer me up and give me good advice. She loves her cats and likes to show them to me. She's been a good friend to me for so long and I'm happy I met her.

Celestay: I met her on KofK when she made a chat thread. I talked to her a little a few times. Then we became friends. She's so upbeat and likes to joke around. She is really someone who helped break my shell. I became more talkative and silly because of her. I don't get to talk to her as much these days, but we talk sometimes. She is also a talented artist. I've never actually seen her angry.

I hope to get a good job and save up to go see them.

So describe your best friend(s).

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 21st, '13, 00:36    


Joined: Sep 6th, '11, 23:58
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I'm not really sure if I can call anyone best friend.

I have one person in real life that I spend time with sometimes, but it's more like... we both don't have anyone close in our town, so we stick together. She comes, cries a bit and leaves. She's using my patience to let her anger and frustration go, but for spending time together she'd always choose others over me.

And I really like TimTam, here on KofK. Guess she's the one I'm always most honest with. Though I sometimes feel like I annoy her. But she's always sweet and patient when talking to me, she's like the best person I ever met. And it always feels like she'd be awesome to hang out with, even if we'd just end up sitting next to each other, feeding knuffel. I still wish I could do it.

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32. Pansexual, mentally genderless, pagan, and full of attitude. Born female. Is a cat. Call me ama. I eat people. Ó~Ò_F
Qui-Gon Jinn wrote:Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan.
TimTam wrote:ama must be mad. XD
Merrymaking wrote:I wanted to die in a bloody fashion. And now I don't even die at all. I don't get crucified, either. It's stupid.
kaguya wrote:Once I remembered my birthday because the bread went out of date on it. @.@
Hinote no Akai wrote:some other random conversation
I just mostly laugh to my comps
or shout at them
I think his head is ok

 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 21st, '13, 08:46    

Plushie Heartless

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M o i, I think it's wonderful that you've got such lovely friends. and that you want to actually go see them - online or offline doesn't matter at all, but it's still nice and supposed to be a good sign that you want to take it offline, I think? That might be just romance advice, though XD

It's pretty enviable, actually...three close friends, that's really nice...

For me, a best friend would be... um.

Don't get me wrong, I'm close with my mom and I have some great friends online, but there's a certain level of intensity that I associate with a "best" friend and I don't quite get that with anyone right now. (I wonder if other people have the same definition...) Nothing bad, we just haven't had the one-on-one time or enough shared tastes/interests to be super close. There's overlap, of course, a lot of artists too, even, but we're all so different...

There's one friend in particular that I wish would be around more, because she's super nice and cheerful. She's one of those infectious mood people, too, so I feel kinda cheerful around her too. I'm not sure how much she really likes me in return, though. ;u;

I think... I've kind of closed the gate on the super intense friendships, though - I'm not sure the ones I've had were entirely healthy? The one I had with my ex-best friend definitely wasn't, and it devolved into something like Amalath's RL situation (which is saddening, btw :< ), actually, very take and take and lots of emotional dumping on me and not so much support the other way around. I don't deal with her anymore, because the cons outweigh any benefits, but I do kind of miss those few benefits... :c

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 22nd, '13, 11:58    

Celestial Wolf

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I have four, or at least that's how many people I consider to be my best friend. One is on Kofk, the other on dA, and the other two are offline friends.

The one on Kofk offers me advice a lot, and they are really nice about my situation. They helped me with some hard times.
The one on dA I have always admired because of her drawing skills. She's very patient and understanding and fun to talk to.
i have a male offline best friend and a female offline best friend. I talk to the guy more often, and he offers me comfort and is generally a nice guy to be around. The other best friend I talk to less but it's still clear that we're good friends.

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The name's Celeste. ♥
don't we all wish we were clever?

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 23rd, '13, 03:04    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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There are you happy now D:<!?!?!?

I know what it's like to have friend troubles.
There was a girl who I thought was my friend and in highschool she told the office I was trying to cut myself, which made them worried about me committing suicide.
I never talked to her again.

And when I was younger this one girl, I really liked and I always wanted to talk to her and be with her.
And she was telling people how annoying I was.
So I stopped talking to her.

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 23rd, '13, 04:00    

Plushie Heartless

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@Moi - Time flies? XD

Both of those incidents are terrible... I can't understand why people do such things. Especially the first girl, what would prompt that in her mind? That's bizarre. D:

If we're sharing rejection stories too, there was one time I tried talking to the girl in front of me on the first day of middle school, 'cause she was there and looked nice enough, I guess? She and her friend spent the rest of the year giving me crap in return. >>;

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 24th, '13, 22:30    


Joined: Sep 23rd, '13, 21:12
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I have two best friends. They aren't too fond of each other but don't have a problem sharing me most of the time. One of the two is Alissa. She's very intelligent and hilarious which is why I love her. She makes the best facial expressions xD. The other friend is Courtney, one thing that made us very close is that we had similar problems, which made it easier for us to open up to each other. Courtney is also hilarious. Another thing, they were both my sister's friends but they're closer to my age and after a while my sister got new friends and I kept Courtney and Alissa. Although I hardly see Courtney, me and Alissa are inseparable. I also must add, don't judge people before you get to know them. Alissa and I hated each other for a year before we became friends. I assumed she was stuck up. She thought I was super weird. Turns out she's actually really down to earth and is freaking hilarious and I'm, well... I'm weird but she accepts it c;

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 29th, '13, 06:42    


Joined: Sep 29th, '13, 02:24
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Website: http://ihaileehoward.deviantart.com
Location: Florida, USA
my best friend is named carly sama and she be trippen
she my hoe
i luv dat bitch

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Sep 29th, '13, 14:16    


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I count myself immensely blessed cause I have a lot of people I can call my friend, be it online or in real life, but the one I've known the longest and can definitely name my true best friend is Emma (Necroshear) c:

She's just amazing. You know how sometimes with a friend you can have that whole conversation going on and yet neither of you have actually spoken a word? We have that. And I never get tired of talking or just being around her, she's wiggled herself so far into my comfort zone that she's basically a part of it. I can tell her everything, safe in the knowledge that she will do the same and we won't spill each others secrets. I also never tire of her, cause we're both the kind of people that don't have to keep talking; we can just hang out in total silence and still enjoy each others company ~ I love making silly faces and watching her laugh break the silence x'D

We've known each other for quite a while now, and seen so much of each others shit and both still stuck around cause it was just natural to us. And we can totally call each other names and insult each other and see it for the affection it really is, talk about the most embarrassing and hurtful things and just cry it out together clutching fast food and throwing gossip at each other & damn is that like the ultimate measure of comfort or what?

My biggest hope is that someday, when we're both in our forties and have lived together for years we'll share some chocolates or coffee at the dinner table, like we have a ritual or something. And then one of us will ask the other how we even met, and we'll both not remember, cause it was just like an instant connection <3

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 Post subject: Re: Describe Your Best Friend
Posted: Oct 4th, '13, 20:32    


Joined: Oct 3rd, '13, 11:00
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I only have one best friend.
My boyfriend.

And he's the best.
He's really sweet and nice and tolerates me.
I've known him for almost three years now, boy time flies.

It's hard to describe someone who I find so perfect other than perfect.
To me he is perfect.

And as for online friends not being "real" friends, that's just silly.
They are real people, so they are real friends.

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