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 Post subject: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 16th, '13, 03:40    


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I hate spoilers. I always manage to get something spoiled for me.
Be it a video game, an anime, a manga, a movie or a book.
My eyes just get attracted to spoilers and so I see them first off.
So I'm happy KofK has spoiler tags now.
Not that I've seen many spoilers on here that is.
But it's a great feature.

Tonight I'm watching a playthrough with Agriimony and I wanted to tell her about this game, but I didn't want to spoil it.
Me: A Tale of Two Sons. It's about two sons. u8
Aki: 8u . . .Bring it on u8

Do you hate spoilers?

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 16th, '13, 10:19    


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I don't mind spoilers. I often read the end of movie or game before watching/finishing it :o

EDIT: Oh and I usually start reading a book from reading last chapter :')
There was one single time when I regretted it. The ending of book was so awful, I couldn't force myself to read it after knowing what will happen ^^'

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32. Pansexual, mentally genderless, pagan, and full of attitude. Born female. Is a cat. Call me ama. I eat people. Ó~Ò_F
Qui-Gon Jinn wrote:Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan.
TimTam wrote:ama must be mad. XD
Merrymaking wrote:I wanted to die in a bloody fashion. And now I don't even die at all. I don't get crucified, either. It's stupid.
kaguya wrote:Once I remembered my birthday because the bread went out of date on it. @.@
Hinote no Akai wrote:some other random conversation
I just mostly laugh to my comps
or shout at them
I think his head is ok

 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 16th, '13, 14:40    


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I can avoid spoilers pretty well when I have to, but there are many types of spoilers that I just don't mind, like movies. "The good guys win, there." >=V how dare you

But to be honest I don't pay much attention to spoilers. I TRY not to be spoiled, but if it happens oh well.

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 17th, '13, 07:26    


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See, there are two types of spoilers.

Like. He ate some cheese in -insert thing here-...you still don't know why he ate the cheese.

Yes, it's a horrible example, but it's the only thing I could think of that didn't spoil something. So, apply it to something you've seen to where it tells what happened, but not the store of HOW everything got there.

I lied, spoiler time if, for some reason you have never read/watched/heard of LOTR

The ring is destroyed. Oops. I told you the end. But did it spoil it? No, because you have no idea how it happened. You have no clue whatsoever.

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 17th, '13, 12:49    


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I used to get really annoyed when people spoiled something for me, to the point I wouldn't even finish it. (Like Assassin's Creed - ended up playing the series 5 years later and loving it though)

But here recently I just don't care. I had Shingeki no Kyojin spoiled very early on, to name something recent. I had specifically told that person not to say a single word, but they started telling me major spoilers from the manga in detail. +shakes head+

But, yeah, if I happened to be spoiled, oh well. I still refuse to tell spoilers to others though, out of respect for them. It's just rude to ruin something for someone, even if it's minor.

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 17th, '13, 14:06    


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I really dislike them if they're about a book/game/movie that I really really want to read/play/see... I feel it takes away from the story, for me anyway.

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Sep 17th, '13, 18:03    


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For me it depends on the nature of the spoiler. If it's a key plot point I'll mind the spoiler, especially if the whole thing gets spoiled. Like before I read the Half Blood Prince I heard that Snape killed Dumbledore, but I didn't hear why he did, though that wasn't explained until the Deathly Hollows anyway. xD If it's a spoiler that's just simple thing, I don't mind it at all. For example in Pokemon X and Y I already know that there will be new legendaries (dun dun dun!). It's not a big deal since it's something I pretty much knew would happen.

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Oct 14th, '13, 18:45    

Lady Tatsuhiko

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Depends on the spoiler
and how important the thing is to me
I was super amendment about Pokemon spoilers
pertaining to anything not on Serebii's site
Especially Chespin's final form (boy was I surprised last night)

A lot of things I don't plan on reading/watching/playing I don't mind spoilers for
Attack on Titan is pretty much spoiled for me, my husband is into it as are some of my friends
and I honestly don't think I'll ever have time to watch/read it so I don't care
Or like the ending to Harry Potter, I still haven't watched the last movie
but I know how it ends for the most part and some day I will watch it

I try to make sure to either label my spoilers or make things as vague as possible
Sometimes spoilers do slip out though but it's usually because I don't consider that thing a spoiler really

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Oct 14th, '13, 18:48    


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I don't really mind tha much if someone spoils something for me, but people get really pissed if I spoil something for them. I don't get it.

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 Post subject: Re: Spoilers
Posted: Oct 14th, '13, 18:49    


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I'm glad there are spoiler tags now too. ^^ The old method of making the words white was okay, but having a spoiler tag makes things neater.

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