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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 14th, '20, 00:16    


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I guess that's not happening for me. Well, it's started to but that's because I quit smoking. I didn't notice it from dieting and I was dieting before I quit smoking.

I've heard that if you give up sugar that things you wouldn't normally think of as sweet really are.

Thanks. You too. :qsml:

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 14th, '20, 13:40    


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Hi all!

I'd lost a bit of weight a few years back and then put it all back on double, haha. Ha. I haven't gained weight in a while, which is good, but I certainly haven't lost any.

I think I'm past the point where I think I'm super ugly and I'm really just like "y'know, I don't look that bad, but damn I am unhealthy" and the whole covid thing has really amplified that feeling.

My main problem is I have the awful habit of eating sweets when I feel bad. I am not quite sure what to do about it. I've tried just not having sweets in the house, but then I just felt absolutely awful for a week and did not do any work. :mcsweat:

I lost weight years ago with weightwatchers actually, but after they changed their system that just did not work anymore. And bc my brain has a capacity of 0 I can't really remember how it worked.

How do you combat these insane flashes of "I need this or I cannot do anything" or do you just not get them?

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 15th, '20, 01:10    


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Rayven- Ah, I see. Not sure myself about the effects of smoking. Could mean different variables effecting your tastebuds too!
It's about how long you can keep going on a different eating/active lifestyle. I have a family member that has been through every type of "diet" including one offered by the government to help people in the morbidly obese category. They were kicked out of the program for cheating/not following through. I know they feel like a good thing at the time ^^; but those cheat days are~...
- like a drug addict getting just a small hit to satisfy themselves despite being clean for a long time. It's a dependency and comfort; a satisfying feeling but it's fleeting. I don't mean to sound pretentious, but I do want to see you succeed and feel better for real. Not just for a little while but going forward for life. It's a matter of willpower and claiming you have power over your body and not the other way around.
I am known to family as the stubborn one : | that may be why I could tell my body what it will get rather than trust it to tell me. NOW I can trust it, but even if I notice I'm eating too many fruits >> I will be mindful and put things back in the fridge to have later. Again, sorry to sound like a know-it-all or something. Just beware the cheat day.

Luluannabell- Heya! Sweets-addict : | totally get you, lol. Very much what happened to me too. Depression is a thing and the sweets were a comfort. What about fruit? Would you feel okay about having a fruit rather than a cookie? Maybe small changes could help rather than cold turkey if weigh watchers worked for you. Not sure about the new system, but a friend of mine also had a good experience years ago with them. It's~ complicated though. Measuring and calorie counting were nowhere near doable for me << lol *lazy* So I must commend you for doing that stuff! Similarly again, she also gained back after going off it. Maybe it's a flaw in the weight watchers system idk.
Or that "Diets" are a falsehood. Really, if you eat a certain way consistently for life that works without going off it, that is actually your "diet" in truth. Problem with others I've seen is that they interpret the word diet as crash diet automatically. Once they lose the weight, they switch back to "regular" eating habits. The regular diet must be the new diet you choose; a life change. There must be a happiness found in the new eating/activity habits you find.
Once I had the willpower/drive from that documentary to do it, the partnership of my mom coming to walks with me and the garden to help make things as cheap as possible, it became gratifying. The gratification helped me continue onward. The weight loss helped me feel good about myself, but plateauing and the initial pains from walking did not. It really is about muting every pain and saying I'M DOING THIS F U BODY XD imo. Your body might want to fight you because it's not your routine habit. It's gotta be up to you to tell it no and that you are in control. Was never a looks thing for me either, it was a matter of feeling comfortable in my own skin when I wasn't. Maybe it's the same for you then and you can find the control/will yourself too :3 I think you can if you had the will to do a weigh watchers program, lol. Just keep the consistency on whatever plan of action you choose to take. I feel like you can do it ^^

ps. sorry for the text walls OTL

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 15th, '20, 13:49    


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It used to work that I eat fruit instead of sweets. I don't know what's changed since I gained the weight back.

I did quite well with the points system of ww, but calorie counting is too real for me. The new ww system just astronomically punishes you if you eat sweets once a week, to the point where you could eat a cookie and have no points left at all. That's a bit insane imo. :/

I did manage to stay with the "diet" I'd built up in ww for a while, but crashed after half a year :mcgloom: and now I'm having trouble going back into it.
Maybe it doesn't help that this time I also need to motivate my bf. He's way pickier with food than me. I used to just eat the same meal three times a week, but he'll complain about having to eat leftovers from the day before :/ It's a lot more challenging when every meal is supposed to be something "new" but also not unhealthy and you can't reuse meals from last week, because "we just had that".

I'm trying to get into an exercise routine at least with Ring Fit Adventure. It's worked "eh" so far, but that's better than nothing.

You're very motivating btw, thank you :qh:

It's great your mum helped you! I remember my mum just made me not want to diet from being so insistent. I did a lot better when I was living alone.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 15th, '20, 17:07    


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Ayaaa~ :mcsweat: Your hubby is definitely more complicated than mine. I think I kinda understand though. Of course you want him to be on a healthy food regimen as well. That energy and effort you put into him though might be draining you of your will to do it for yourself too. He would need to contribute with the same amount of energy :T If he doesn't have it, it's not going to work, tbh. We can't force anyone if they don't want to do it enough themselves- even if we want the best for them. If he is unwilling to change his ways, ... well... I don't know the situation of you two well enough to say ^^; but communication is always a good thing. Have you two had a sit-down about eating healthier?
I don't think there is anything wrong with eating the same thing either! That sounds like a bit much imo; wanting new things at every meal. If you made a lot of something, of course you should eat it all first. It goes bad first! We use a rule of "first in, first out" in our house. My hubbie knows this and will play to it. Shame is he can't do as I did to lose the weight, so we just handle things daily. He will eat what I make without complaint, at least :mcheh: sorry it is more difficult in your situation. Ngl, I would be livid if mine made such demands of me, lol. "You want something different? Make it yourself." How long would he last doing this for every meal, I wonder? : P

You're very welcome :mclaugh: :qh: I really do want to see you feeling better.

If you're self-motivated, that's a great attribute! That would mean you don't need to depend on anyone else to go for walks or eat what you want to. Best I can say is make sure you're focusing that energy on yourself primarily. Yeah, you want to help him, but again, he's got to put his own energy into it or it's a failure from the get-go. I don't want you to feel dismay as if you were the cause of both your failures to keep healthy. You just keep on as you are, trying to change. He must follow suit of his own will.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 15th, '20, 18:15    


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Koi-I understand what you mean about the cheat day. I'll give it some though. I would be more worried if I wasn't so good the rest of the time, but you might be right. :qsml:

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 15th, '20, 19:11    


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We've had many talks as he also needs to lose weight. We've tried different things a few times, but it does always seem to stop when he can't think of anything "new" to eat.
He is the one doing most of the cooking (not always well because he will deviate so far from the recipe that it doesn't resemble anything anymore, but he likes doing it and I'll eat it if it's not awful), but he relies on my recipe ideas and loves to shoot them down because he "doesn't feel like it". It's sticking to it no matter what that's the hardest for me, and sticking to it even if it means pasta 3 times a week for him that seems to be the issue. And because they are such separate issues it's hard to find one solution for us both, despite us both agreeing to lose weight. We'll also have bouts of one of us being more motivated than the other about this, but it kind of evens out in the end.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 20th, '20, 12:47    


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Sorry if it's tmi, but you'd prefer not to be the cook? I only ask because it would mean you'd be in charge of preparations instead. If he already asks you what to make, but retcons your ideas, then take his retcon out of the equation. He can only not eat or be burdened with making food for himself if he disagrees.
I won't lie <.< sometimes hubby was a big baby about trying different things. Wouldn't touch spicy food, was a big steak man and loved his pasta as well. It didn't help that we both come from Italian families, so pasta was an everyday meal XD;
But those carbs man.
Trouble walking, sitting (bending his knees in a position for a long time), and his sugar were immediate issues. I could see the repercussions of his habits through what his father was going through; diabetes, knee surgeries, etc. u.u Didn't want that for him. While I was able to curb things, it wasn't until he saw my results that he really couldn't say boo; just approve and try my methods. What worked for me won't work for him, but I can be his example. No meat, no wheat and no preservatives or added sugar. This is the general rule of thumb we stick to to avoid the need to feel "full" instead of promoting good eating habits for energy. We can now eat the same things together, with minor adjustments for his sugar. I WILL say what REALLY helped him was activity. Going from a desk job to more labour-intense action really came through for the sugar/weight part of things.

Maybe you two can't work on the same plan either initially. You could still help him though with your own progress and lead by example!
The "doesn't feel like it" is exactly what I meant by energy-draining. It's a negative view of the process. Like- "why should I make two trips up and down these stairs when I can make one?" or "Meh. I don't need that thing upstairs anyways." Instead, I opted to just go up and down the stairs twice if I forgot something/didn't want to carry too many things at once. Small changes in thinking like this helped too. Forced me to exercise XDDD I'll still ask hubby to do things with this in mind. He'll do them because he loves me : DDD It's a win/win. Totally play that card as needed, shhhhh, lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jul 22nd, '20, 13:07    


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I absolutely prefer not being the cook. There's some things I feel he still has to learn since he moved out from his parents and immediately moved in with me, like cleaning up your own mess after cooking, and actually relying on a recipe instead of just saying "this will be better" and ruining it. He's gotten a lot better at it since he started doing most of the cooking.
Also. I'm a lazy cook. XD
There's a similar thing going on with my bf and a family history of weight-related issues, however he's still in the process of coming to terms with a verbally abusive life (basically until he moved in with me, and even after, so many times he just heard "you shouldn't eat that because you're fat" even if it was just a second slice of bread for dinner) so any hint at "we don't want you to end like your grandfather" or a pain in the foot, whatever it is from, will make him just stop eating at all, which doesn't really help.
We are trying to at least make walks a thing. It's going eh.

I've made bad experiences saying "because you love me?" with him even as a joke, he does not like that at all.
It is a thing in the mind, but it's not something I can just turn off, I just need to still try to get off my butt. :mcsweat:

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 06:59    


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You should love yourself despite your weight, it does not define you! I know this trouble too. But don't give up

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