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 Post subject: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 17th, '20, 22:47    


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Was wondering if anyone else on here is trying to lose weight/ be healthier and wanted to chat progress and keep each other motivated haha

Or if people wanna talk about their weight and what they do to stay fit?

I've got quite a long way to go - I'm 5ft6 and 280lbs :qoops:
I've lived with depression since I was a kid and very much use food as a coping mechanism - but I'm trying to stay positive and love myself - I just want to be healthy c:

I know weight loss can be a tough subject - just thinking about anything to do with my weight used to make me depression spiral, so if you just wanna rant/ express your feelings around it, that's fine too c:

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 18th, '20, 01:55    


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Hi! I wish you the best of luck on your journey. :qsml:

I've lost about 30 pounds now. My weight has been up and down my whole life. The only thing I've found that works well is to eat less and move more. I count calories. It's a pain but it works.

I'm not sure why I always put the weight back on. I think I just love food too much. :qlol: I don't think I'm an emotional eater, but who knows?!

What have you been doing to lose?

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 18th, '20, 03:16    


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Awe, thank you :qh:

I'm doing a kind-of intermittent fasting thing - I do a 20/4 or sometimes 16/8 (which means 20 hours fasting with a 4 hour eating window etc. ) - but I do have a bit of fruit in the evening sometimes if I'm feeling particularly hungry, or I didn't eat much in my food window (I try to have a substantial, 'dinner' at lunchtime ).

I've been try to just generally eat healthier too, but I'm not calory counting at the moment, and I've been doing yoga, squats and pushups P:

Only decided to actually work at being healthier again 3 weeks ago, so not much visable progress yet (and I only actually weighed myself this Monday xP )

Yeah, I definitely love food and dislike most forms of exercise - so not a great combination xP

I'm learning to actually like yoga and weight training though (I'd love to have a bit of muscle haha)

And congratulations on losing 30lbs! That's really good c:
Do you have any particular exercise routine?

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 18th, '20, 13:25    


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You're very welcome. :qh:

Wow! I don't think I could go 20 hours without eating. XD I'm glad it's working for you though. :qsml:

My parents and I have been at it about 3 1/2 months now I think. We've been eating a lot of salad. LOL I just quit smoking about 3 weeks ago too. My brother thought I was crazy for dieting and quitting smoking at the same time. Maybe I am, but it's working.

I hate exercise too but I love to walk.

Thank you! :qh: I'm not sure how much more I want to lose. I'm not miserable where I'm at but it would be nice to fit into some of my old clothes again. If I want to do that I'd have to lose another 30 pounds to get into a size 8. My mom says that's too thin for me though. I'm 5' 6" too.

I've been going for a walk with my dog in the mornings before it gets too hot. I also do lots of chores around the house and outside. I don't stop moving most of the day. Once in a blue moon, I do some calisthenics, crunches, and stair climbing. I use an empty gallon milk jug full of water to exercise my arms. :qlol:

Do you know what your goal weight is?

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 19th, '20, 20:15    


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I guess go by what feels healthy?
Were you a lot younger when you were a size 8? Because it could be that your frame is just naturally a bit bigger than that now - just make sure you're being healthy about it I guess and use your best judgement c:

Congratulations on quiting smoking too - you're bossin' it :qw:

I'm not sure honestly - I'd love to go back down to a size 16 - but health wise it would probably to keep trying to lose more after that?
I'm just taking it day by day atm xD

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 19th, '20, 21:39    


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I think so. I guess I'll know when I get there. No, it wasn't that long ago. Thanks, that's good advice. :qsml:

Thanks. I'm trying. LOL

I think that's a great goal to at least start with. You can do it! :qsml: Healthwise it may be necessary to go lower. Maybe just see how your blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. is when you get there?

I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes right now but I don't know where my cholesterol is. Last time I had it checked my good cholesterol was low and the bad was high. I've lost weight and eat healthier since then though.

Me too. Day by day. There's no hurry really. I'm older now so I can see that. :qlol:

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 19th, '20, 22:13    


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Yeah, I'm just going to have to see how I am when I get there - I'm unsure because I just naturally have a larger frame, I have wide hips and *ahem* ample bosom.
My sister is super fit and healthy, she runs every day, bikes & climbs mountains for fun and eats healthily - and she's still a size 12-14
Our genetics are just big on a base level, so I don't think it would be possible/ healthy for me to get tiny haha

(oh, also, these are uk sizes - so might be slightly different to what you might expect? )

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 20th, '20, 18:30    


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I also having the same depression coping eating to make me feel better. I been dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety recently it becoming annoying for me to deal with. I been eating to make me feel little better cause I feel happier when I'm eating sadly. I can't really talk about this subject cause it so sensitive and I try not to bring it up but also why I been hating myself to.

I was doing the no gluten and no sugar for awhile and it was working a lot. I was at 240 and drop down to 179, but then I had gallblader stones and needing a surgery so I started eating the bad food and gain the weight again. I'm only 5'0 so it is horrible cause I'm short and fat XD. Since a lot of stressful and horrible shit happening to me I been eating a lot and drinking more soda when I use to not drink any.

I'm getting to the point why should I even care anymore part of my depression >~<.

Btw Gluten/No sugar and working out was the time I was really happy it felt like it.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 20th, '20, 21:27    


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Reht-I'm right there with you on the bosom part. XD

Yeah, it sounds like your family just has a larger frame. Nothing wrong with that at all. :qsml: Personally, I don't think my frame is large enough to make me look bad at a size 8. I think moms just worry. LOL We just need to be healthy, that's what counts.

They probably are different but I'm not sure. I know your shoe sizes are different than ours.

moonlight_sonata-I'm sorry to hear that you needed surgery. Are you healed up now?

Please don't give up. :qh: It helps me to chew gum when I need a treat or just need to do something with my mouth.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jun 21st, '20, 04:10    


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Oh man. I understand.
Depression, obesity and bosoms.

I lost... let's see...height is 5'2" (approx.163cm?) was 192 at my turning point and went down to 130 for my wedding a year later. Now, five years later, I sit around the 142-45 realm comfortably. I did two things for one year: juiced and walked.
1. Every day I went for walks. Slow walks, but for a good distance. I hate cardio gyms just aggravated me, lol. When walking, my shins would hurt and the sweat was gross XP ugh. But eventually, I'd last for longer and longer and the pain would leave. I got to the point where I looked forward to walks and enjoyed them. I now look forward to long walks in the summer.
2. I juiced. Sugar was my bff and it needed to stop. Dinner would've consisted of nothing but chocolate chips in a bowl, eaten like popcorn. I watched a documentary called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and it inspired me to try and get my sugar issue under control by cutting out added sugar. It also meant having no solid foods. I drank green juices with the fruits added being lemon and apples for flavor. Examples of the veggies I used are: kale, collard greens, celery, cucumbers, parsley and cilantro. When I say I drank parsley or cilantro, I mean it was in bunches and the main ingredient of the juice, not just an additive. Tried my best to use dark leafy greens in every juice batch. Would make a jug in the morning and continuously drink through the day. If I went to the fridge out of habit or something, I could just get a glass of juice. Cravings? Have a juice. Meal time? Have a juice. It was never a problem of feeling lethargic- if anything, I began to get more energetic.
Don't even get me started on... lady issues. It was the best damn experience I've ever had. No pain and no bloating; I miss this so much. I'd be juicing to this day if it wasn't so hard to come by produce all year round here :P Key was that we were able to grow a good 90% of what we needed during the summer and I froze veggies to use in soups for the winter. Okay, it's not juice, but it was still a liquid diet. Helped me enjoy spicing more too in order to make my soups savory and not sweet. EVERYTHING tasted sweeter, lol. Broccoli always made my soups sweeter, so I had to get masalas in there, lol. I started eating solid veggies and fruits regularly the following year to get my insides used to the additional fibre again. Having those soups in the winter also helped with this.
Now, I still enjoy this style of eating but have added fancier stuff like quinoa, oats, nuts, cocoa and junk food like popcorn and tortilla chips to the mix. I cook and use a dehydrator to keep produce I grow in the summer for some nostalgic soup. Not enough these days to juice, but it's a delight~

tl;dr: I loved/miss juicing

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