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 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 6th, '19, 06:00    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
Posts: 19812
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Location: Buried under the To-Do list
I'm posting from the East side of the US right now (visiting the family who settled here) but am currently living on the West side of the US at this point. My family is historically very migratory and we've lived a number of places, though. I've cousins on most of the continents, still, although right now nobody is in Antarctica. :mcsmirk: :mclaugh:

You've been here off and on for a long time, it seems! Has it always been as quiet as it is these days? Or were there more active years?

(0) (0)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 6th, '19, 21:31    

Death Candy

Joined: Nov 1st, '14, 20:05
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Location: Lost
Carter wrote:That’s cute! I mean giving her your items is still your items haha. It’s still in the family!

Avatar sites used to be my favorite, but now I just don’t have the time / I barely use the computer unless it’s for work
Yep! It gives her a bit of extra fun. She's under Batman, and she dresses in mix-n-match styles. XD She hasn't been on too much lately, it's summer vacation and all.

I know the feeling. But I need something to do since I work at home. I'm my mother's care provider. So we're living with Grandma and Grandpa. Not that I mind. I get the house when they pass.

I had a rough night last night, stomach problems. So I was up till like six in the morning. And I just woke up like half an hour ago and I'm still tired. Joslyn is such a sweetheart, she woke up while I was still asleep and quietly watched cartoons. She went down, said hi to Grandma and Grandpa, got some Poptarts so she could eat upstairs and let me sleep. :qh: It was so nice of her.

(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 6th, '19, 22:03    


Joined: Jul 13th, '10, 06:07
Posts: 1304
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Mood: Time flies.
Location: Balancing the East and West
Akili Li wrote:I'm posting from the East side of the US right now (visiting the family who settled here) but am currently living on the West side of the US at this point. My family is historically very migratory and we've lived a number of places, though. I've cousins on most of the continents, still, although right now nobody is in Antarctica. :mcsmirk: :mclaugh:

You've been here off and on for a long time, it seems! Has it always been as quiet as it is these days? Or were there more active years?
That's cool :) all my family is concentrated in New York (within 30 minutes of each other), so there's no such thing as "visiting family".

It's never been this quiet. I think the golden years were '09-'12. It was super active. Selling Offers were basically hangout spots. I miss it quite a bit.

Death Candy wrote:
Carter wrote:That’s cute! I mean giving her your items is still your items haha. It’s still in the family!

Avatar sites used to be my favorite, but now I just don’t have the time / I barely use the computer unless it’s for work
Yep! It gives her a bit of extra fun. She's under Batman, and she dresses in mix-n-match styles. XD She hasn't been on too much lately, it's summer vacation and all.

I know the feeling. But I need something to do since I work at home. I'm my mother's care provider. So we're living with Grandma and Grandpa. Not that I mind. I get the house when they pass.

I had a rough night last night, stomach problems. So I was up till like six in the morning. And I just woke up like half an hour ago and I'm still tired. Joslyn is such a sweetheart, she woke up while I was still asleep and quietly watched cartoons. She went down, said hi to Grandma and Grandpa, got some Poptarts so she could eat upstairs and let me sleep. :qh: It was so nice of her.
I understand. It's good to have family around you. I live with my parents along with my grandma, who helped out a lot with raising me while my parents worked. It's ideal, especially in our culture (Chinese).

I would think summer vacation gives her more of an excuse to go on the site, haha!

(0) (0)
Carter wrote:Incredibly grateful for this site keeping me company in my schooling years.
Do not PM me about buying any of my items.
Please check the Market regularly, as I am slowly listing my older items for 1 :food:
(Auction and buy it now)



 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 7th, '19, 06:20    

Akili Li

Joined: Nov 24th, '15, 22:02
Posts: 19812
Hugs: 231214
Mood: contemplative
Location: Buried under the To-Do list
Carter, thank you for the lovely items. I'm going to have such fun with these!

Multi-generational families are awesome. We do a fair bit of those, but who lives with whom, and where, tends to shift a lot with jobs or general feelings of (in)security in various regions, etc. We're also the sort of family who keep tabs on relatives a bit more distant than most of my friends considered. We had a history teacher once who was trying to make a point about how much geography shaped history, and wanted to demonstrate that physically impassable areas would isolate regions and sort of concentrate culture and families. She talked about how it used to be not just common, but standard, that people would be born and die in the same area, and would have continuity of family in a region such that nearly everyone in that town would be related in some way. Which means everyone would grow up with the same family stories, same culture, same habits, same traditions, same prejudices and quirks and basic assumptions, and how strangers were truly strange...
she had everyone look around the classroom and see if anyone was related to each other (we had three sets of twins but other than that no one was), and raise our hands if our grandparents lived in this town with us, and then raise our hands if we had at least four aunts/uncles in the town, and then raise our hands if we had any great-aunts/uncles, and if any second cousins, or third cousins, and did anyone in class even know who our fourth cousins were?

It was really interesting to me, to see how that played out. I always thought we were a scattered family, but we at least knew each other. Turned out most of the class didn't even know who their second cousins were, much less third or fourth. That was an eye-opener. I haven't even met all my third cousins, but I know who nearly all of them are and where they are, and I can at least name a few of my fourth cousins...

(0) (0)
I want to buy or trade for these knuffels:
Earth Gen 18, Light Gen 19, Fire Gen 21, Air/Light/Water Gen 22, Light Gen 23, Earth/Light Gen 25, Darkness Gen 26.
Please PM me if you can help!

 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 7th, '19, 20:26    

Death Candy

Joined: Nov 1st, '14, 20:05
Posts: 11855
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Mood: Forever confused
Location: Lost
@Carter: No, she sees it as more time to watch her favorite cartoons and draw. Oh and play with her cousins, and have mommy and grandma play CandyLand and poker. Yes, we taught her poker. But we don't gamble. I was tired of playing Go Fish four or more times a day. lol

I'm just glad my siblings don't live with us anymore. One the house is like 900 square feet and two: half the time I want to strangle them.

I had to change my avatar with some of the new items!

(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 8th, '19, 05:54    


Joined: Jul 13th, '10, 06:07
Posts: 1304
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Mood: Time flies.
Location: Balancing the East and West
@death candy:

That’s good. I remember hating staying inside as a kid, even though I had TV and a home computer. I’m an only child actually, but my cousins basically all grew up in my apartment for at least 5 years of their lives.

I actually never learned a single card game in my life... I’m 22... kind of sad. It might be an attention span thing for me.

I live in an apartment, so I have no interpretation of how big 900 square feet is haha.

@akili: no problem! I rather have someone use them than hoard it all.
I understand the small town thing, I have many friends who are ready to move out of their small town, even though everyone knows each other. They just don’t see their lives being around the same people forever and they don’t want their kids to live like this too.

I can’t relate because I never really knew who any of my neighbors were/still don’t know who are my neighbors are. I guess some people truly like that feel or everyone being the same/the same background. I don’t think it does much in terms of progress though.

(0) (0)
Carter wrote:Incredibly grateful for this site keeping me company in my schooling years.
Do not PM me about buying any of my items.
Please check the Market regularly, as I am slowly listing my older items for 1 :food:
(Auction and buy it now)



 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 8th, '19, 20:01    


Joined: Jun 29th, '14, 02:58
Posts: 3703
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Location: New York
I have lived in New York all my life, but I have never been to NYC. I lived near Utica for a year, but other than that year I have always lived near Syracuse.

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 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 8th, '19, 21:52    

Death Candy

Joined: Nov 1st, '14, 20:05
Posts: 11855
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Mood: Forever confused
Location: Lost
@Carter Right now we're relaxing inside. Grandma and Grandpa are sleeping and I need to be awake for any important phone calls. Mom has problems sleeping at night so she sleeps when she can. I don't want it bothering her.

Sometimes I feel like an only child and sometimes I feel like the oldest even though I'm the middle.

I'm 34 and I haven't learned to ride a bicycle. XD That's way worse.

Ummm... I'm not sure either, I'd say a few feet bigger than an apartment, but we do have an upstairs. Our house is so old, we found places where outhouses used to be. And our dinning room used to be the kitchen. We have one bathroom and to get to it you have to go through the kitchen.

(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 9th, '19, 01:48    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 27869
Hugs: 281226
Location: Japan
Hello !
I'm originally from France but currently live in Japan.
So visiting family is a big time and money investment so I can't do it very often.

Oh, and I'm visiting NYC next August. I think I have one day in there on my way back so if you guys have any must-see that's beyond the obvious tourist spots, I'm all ears.

(0) (0)
Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: Giving away my things (please read everything b4 comment
Posted: Jul 11th, '19, 09:01    


Joined: Jul 13th, '10, 06:07
Posts: 1304
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Mood: Time flies.
Location: Balancing the East and West
Currently posting from China and I won’t have a stable WiFi connection until next week! (Not ignoring you), will send trades and give a better reply by next week.

(0) (0)
Carter wrote:Incredibly grateful for this site keeping me company in my schooling years.
Do not PM me about buying any of my items.
Please check the Market regularly, as I am slowly listing my older items for 1 :food:
(Auction and buy it now)



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