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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Apr 22nd, '18, 18:21    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Surprised at the carriage coming to a stop somewhere long before they reached the town, Ama clutched her dagger more tightly and tried to see what was going on through the window. She wanted to open the door and see, but worried that if the stop was due to them encountering other people, that would complicate matters.
A relived sigh escaped her lips when Gustavo climbed into the passenger compartment, smiling and saying "Well, with our new expert driver there's no need for me to sit outside, I believe." He raised his eyebrows as he looked at the blade in his students hand, gripped so hard that her knuckles went white.
Ama laughed, the sudden tension falling off her, and relaxed back into her seat. "Sorry Gustavo, I did not plan to stab you. I was just nervous because we suddenly halted in the middle of nowhere."
Gustavo sat down next to her and gave her the most soothing smile he could come up with. "Don't worry, we are already quite far away from the mansion and it is unlikely that word of Nox' escape has travelled ahead. And even if, nobody knows us or that we're linked to it at all. Remember, we went away to a concert, as long as they haven't found your letter yet, there's no suspicion against us. Anyone might have used the commotion of the whole family departing in the same day to steal Nox."
He was right of course, and Ama resolved not to worry as much as she smiled at him. Whether her resolve would make any difference she wasn't sure, though. "What is our story from here on, Gustavo? The concert doesn't exist, so it might be suspicious to mention a concert nearby the town that nobody has heard of."
He nodded and explained to her what he had already told Nox. "We are visiting relatives in Lestington. Your aunt, let's say, it doesn't matter much. Nox is our new driver, it's his first trip this far away from home, so he doesn't know the town, which will explain if I have to give him some directions. Anything unclear?"
The story sounded good, but not very fleshed out. "Well, that sounds good, but we need more details. Like names, for example, I don't think we should give our real ones, that would help people figure out where we went more easily once they start looking for us. Also, in what relation do we stand? It will make it harder to track us down if we don't travel as a student and teacher, no?"
Gustavo nodded slowly, thinking. Ama was right of course to demand more details to the story.

(( I can expand this and catch up to where you were with Nox in the previous post if you like, but I wanted to give you the possibility of jumping into the story building they're doing, so either post a bit from Gustavo's pov or let me know that I should finish it up :) ))

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Apr 26th, '18, 13:36    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( I'm sorry this took so long o.o ))

Gustavo pondered for a bit. What kind of relationship should they have that it wouldn't be awkward for them to be travelling together to visit Amaryllis' aunt? He also took note that renting out two separate rooms at an inn would be more inconvenient in case they had to make a quick escape but was unsure if his student would be willing to stay in the same room with two men but sighed as he knew that they had no choice if they didn't want to easily get caught. The two would be more than happy to sleep on the couches if needed be.

(( How old was Gustavo again? ))

"I could act as your betrothed. It is not uncommon for some nobles to have younger wives." Gustavo reasoned as he tried to keep a straight face. "I do not approve of the practice but using this as our story will make it difficult for any pursuers to follow our tail." He looked at Amaryllis as if to study her face as he frowned in concentration. "Amelia. Amelia White. That should be your name. I will be Gerald ... Violant." He sighed, unable to think of any other last name for himself. "An Nox ... I wonder if Nott would be okay."

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 6th, '18, 18:11    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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(( Sorry, now it took me ages... I was sick and also had a project deadline today, so I was kinda busy
Not sure if we ever fixed his age, but I imagined him to be in his late twenties? So about 10 years older than Ama? Not actually such a terrible age difference, I would say))

Hearing Gustavo's idea of posing as her betrothed made Ama blush involuntarily. It was a good plan though, it allowed them to show quite a bit more familiarity than would be appropriate for a student and teacher, so she nodded approvingly. "That is a good idea."
She thought a moment about what he had said about their age difference. Compared to some of the sons of her parent's friends that they were obviously considering as a match for her, Gustavo was a few years older, yes. But most of them were already a few years older than her, so to her it did not seem like such a big difference at all. If anything, marrying Gustavo seemed like a much nicer future than marrying one of these arrogant young men... She blushed even deeper and was glad that Gustavo distracted her by suggesting names for them to go by.
"Oh yes, Amelia is perfect, it will still seem perfectly normal if one of you slips up and calls me Ama." She smiled. "And Gerald, and Nott. I'll be sure to remember them."
Gustavo smiled back at her and leaned out of the window to let Nox know about the names as well.

When they arrived at the inn and Nox opened the door for her, Ama smiled at him and took his hand to let him help her out of the carriage. "Thank you, Nott!" She didn't know if anyone was within earshot, but she decided it would be safer and easier to stick to their new names even when no one was around. She would get used to them faster that way as well.
Gustavo walked ahead into the inn, renting a room for them for the night.
Ama stayed at the coach with Nox and showed him which of the bags to take out. They had far more luggage than they needed of course, thanks to Mia packing so many pretty dresses for her trip to town.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 9th, '18, 07:48    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( No worries ^^. So you feel better now? ))
(( Just to clarify. Stop over at this town and then to the forest? ))

Nox couldn't help but marvel at the town as he carried the bags and followed behind Amaryllis and almost walked into a post when he wasn't looking. He blushed and pulled his cap lower before following Amaryllis into the inn. Upon entering the room, he placed the bags by the wall and rushed towards the window where he looked at the view outside. The multitude of people walking around and the strange lights that lit the paths amazed him.

"How do they light up like that?" Nox asked without looking away, the light from the streets softly illuminating his curious face. "Did they take it from the sun? Did they catch the stars and keep them in tiny bottles? Or are they keeping fire in there? How is the fire not breaking out?""

(( I don't think that Nox has ever encountered a lamp ... Did Ama ever visit him with a lamp before? ))
(( Do they have electricity? Or candles and lamps? ))
(( I mentioned lamplighters in a previous post buuuut we can ignore that if they have electricity. ))

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 10th, '18, 12:00    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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(( Yeah, I'm doing much better. Still have to blow my nose with an annoying frequency, but oh well. :D
Yeah, they'll spend the night in town and then head for the forest the next morning, I think.
I doubt Nox has seen a lamp - Ama certainly never carried one when she visited at night (she would be way too worried about someone seeing her) and I imagined the great hall and the gathering more illuminated by candles and chandeliers rather than gas or oil lamps.
I definitely didn't imagine them to have electricity, so let's stick to the lamps I would say. ))

The inn was largely empty and Ama was glad to see that Gustavo waited for them with keys in hand when they arrived with the bags. She didn't have to talk to anyone, so there was no chance of contradicting anything Gustavo had told the innkeeper while she was still outside. She let out a small relieved sigh that could have easily been mistaken as the relief upon arriving and resting after an exhausting journey. She gave the innkeeper a friendly smile as they walked towards the stairs and up to their room.

When they had closed the door, she sighed again, turning to Gustavo. "Did everything go alright?"
Nox' fascination with the view distracted her and she followed him to the window. Smiling, she pointed towards one late-running lamplighter she spotted in the distance. "Yes, there's fire in there, look, that man is lighting them!" She thought a moment about his last question. How was the fire not breaking out? She had never given it any thought, oil lamps were just a normal part of life for her, they worked somehow without her having to know much about them. "I suppose there's only a little bit of fuel in there, so the fire can't grow larger. Now that I think about it, it does make me wonder how they can burn for hours though..." She shrugged. "But don't worry, the fire won't break out."
She gave Nox an uncertain look, wondering if he was just curious and excited about the new things he was seeing or if he really was worried. He didn't look very worried, so she smiled at him and turned to watch the people on the street as well. Most of them seemed to be workers hurrying along to get to their homes, but she saw a few women with children as well, and even some children playing outside all by themselves. They didn't seem to mind the people around them much at all, but always jumped out of the way when a carriage passed, resuming their games as if nothing had happened afterwards. It was fun to watch.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 10th, '18, 12:32    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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Gustavo nodded. "I've also arranged for our food to be brought to the room so we won't have to head downstairs for dinner." He told Amaryllis knowing that it would be best if at least one of them remained with Nox indoors. He brought out a map before taking a seat by the table. "Ama. Nox. Come here for a second." he called for the two as he spread the map on the table. "This is where we are right now. It would take us two days on horseback to reach the forest's border. Four or five if we brought the carriage along. Driving a carriage off of the main roads will lead to suspicion though so I suggest leaving it once we're far enough from prying eyes. I could only hope that any hunting dogs they send would not be able to follow our scent from there."

He took out his pocket watch before nodding to himself. "There is still time before shops start closing. I can purchase another horse for us. Maybe a few more saddle bags for our things. Those we can't bring we'll have to leave."

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 10th, '18, 13:57    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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As Gustavo mentioned his dinner arrangements, Ama thought about how lucky they had been to get Gustavo to come with them. Even staying at this inn for the night would have been much harder without him, a young girl travelling alone with just her driver would surely have raised suspicions.
She smiled when he called them to the table and took a seat across from him, looking at where he was pointing on the map. They had come a long way already, but Sondrier Forest was still a significant distance away.
She nodded to his suggestion of leaving the carriage and looked at the map to see where they could leave the roads and continue on horseback. There was a smaller road going off from the main road they'd have to take out of town a few miles away from town that crossed a small stream after a few winding turns. She pointed to the crossing. "Maybe we can leave the carriage here and follow the stream a bit. If its currents are not too strong we might be able to ride in the water to throw off any dogs."

Gustavo's suggestion of buying a horse made sense to her. They would surely be faster if they didn't have to share one horse between two of them, although it might be suspicious when they left with a spare horse. She nodded and suggested that she and Nox would start sorting their things so they could pack up the most important things as soon as he arrived with the saddle bags. She wanted to have everything packed and stored in the carriage ready to put on the horses, so they wouldn't have to linger at the spot where they'd abandon it, seeing how that would be the most suspicious activity of their journey.
"Do you have anything important in the carriage still, Gustavo? I already picked what bags of mine to bring inside when we arrived, but I wasn't so sure about yours."
Gustavo stood up and looked at the bags Nox had propped against the wall on arriving, seeing if he was missing anything. "My violin is still in the carriage, which I would hate to abandon, but I think that doesn't need packing. There's straps attached to the case so that I can just carry it on me when we ride, so it should be fine." He opened one of the bags, checking that his warmer coat was inside as he remembered. "No, I think this should suffice. But you might want to get some blankets from the carriage, we will have to spend the next nights outside and it does get pretty cold during the night even at this time of the year. If I think of anything else during my errands, I can also bring it in with me."
Ama nodded and started thinking about which of her things were essential to bring, happy that she had had the same thoughts already at home and managed to sneak one of her warm woolen cloaks into one of the bags.

Gustavo left to do his purchases and Ama turned to Nox. "Do you think you could go to the carriage and get the blankets on your own? There should be some in the passengers compartment and under the driver's seat. Just choose whichever three seem to provide the most warmth while taking up the least space." She looked at him a moment, unsure if he would be ok outside among the people of the town on his own. "Or would you rather I come with you?"

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 10th, '18, 14:48    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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"You don't need to come." Nox shook his head before pulling the cap lower over his face. He moved towards the door and opened it just a tiny bit so he could see the hallway outside. Upon seeing no one, he left the room and started to move down the stairs without stopping hoping that no one would think him suspicious. The innkeeper paid him no attention as he left the building and he made his way to the carriage.

"Warm but thin." Nox told himself as he looked at the blankets in the compartment. He started taking the blankets out one by one and separating the thick and heavy ones and the unnecessarily thin ones. He spent longer than he thought he would simply trying to decide between five blankets but finally managed to choose three. He returned the other blankets to the compartment and hugged the ones he chose to his chest.

Stepping down from the carriage proved to be a challenge and he needed to use his shoulder to close the door, but he managed. But when he turned around and took a step, he bumped into a man who was cleaning out the carriage beside theirs. Nox paled as he tried to hide his face within the fabric when the man turned to look at him.

"Is that ... really." The man scoffed with disbelief. "What kind of madman would tattoo a kid's face?" He bent down to take a closer look at Nox's tattoos. "You alright kid? Those look like old tattoos too. Must have hurt." He looked at the carriage behind the boy and his frown deepened. "Your master did that to you?"

Nox shook his head once he understood what the man was trying to say. "N-no sir! They saved me." He looked towards the inn then back to the man. "I- I should go now." He ran off into the inn and up the stairs, ignoring the innkeeper's warning about causing trouble in his inn. He stopped in front of the door and fumbled with the knob. "A- Amaris?"


Gustavo paid the stableman with a sigh. He had told him that the horse was a gift for his fiancée and the man was more than excited to get one ready. So there he was, standing in front of a horse with pink ribbons braided in its mane and tail and a glorious pink saddle and reins.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 10th, '18, 16:16    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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(( :D Haha, that horse seller! Well, at least they'll have a lady's saddle, I was thinking about how Ama would fare if she had to ride in a men's ;) ))

While Nox and Gustavo were both out, Ama started to unpack her bags and put everything in neat piles on the bed. She quickly put all the exceedingly frilly dresses off to one side, she wouldn't need those, even though it made her heart bleed to leave them. She was fond of pretty dresses after all.
Her warm cloak and two simple travelling dresses went on the "definitely need" pile, as well as her undergarments and a nightgown. She made sure the undergarments were not poking out, in case one of the men returned, she'd be terribly embarassed if either one of them glimpsed them. Her comb, powder and her favourite perfume went onto that pile as well, they wouldn't take up much space and this much vanity had to be okay, she hoped.
She took her travelling jewel case in one hand and tried to decide what to do with it. On the one hand, she really didn't need any jewellery in the forest and it would take up space, but on the other there were some valuable pieces in it that she would hate to have stolen from the abandoned carriage. And if things went very wrong at some point, she might be able to sell some of them to finance living in hiding.

She still hadn't made up her mind when she heard Nox call out to her and try to open the door. She put the jewel case down on the bed, still somewhere between her sorted piles, and rushed to open the door for him.
Nox looked shaken, hugging the blankets to his chest and slightly out of breath from running up the stairs. What was going on?
"Nox, what has happened?" She pulled him inside, closing the door behind him so that nobody would overhear what he said from the stairwell or the corridor.


Leading the new horse, Gustavo returned to the inn's stable. At least the horse itself wasn't pink, he thought to himself. It was actually a very beautiful palomino, no doubt the seller had chosen to market it as a lady's horse because of its colouring. He had considered trying to get a less dressed up horse, but found that this might actually help to make their spare horse seem more natural. It would not be weird that the lady in the carriage had fallen in love with this pretty horse and wanted to take it home with her or alternatively that the passengers took it to their destination to gift it to someone else. Well, he hoped that Ama would like it. It would certainly suit the radiant young blonde aesthetically.

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Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 11th, '18, 13:49    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( I've seen the pink horses. -shivers- ))

Nox shook his head fervently to deny that anything happened but nodded softly a few moments after. "A man saw me. He asked me if my master put tattoos on me. I didn't, I swear! I've never even seen a tattoo before." He reasoned with Amaryllis, telling her that he was innocent.


The man eyed Gustavo as he tied the horse's reins near the carriage and decided to confront the nobleman. "Sir, I would like to have a word." he said as he neared the musician with arms crossed over his chest. "I don't know how the minds of nobles work but having a little kid get tattoos all over his face is downright wrong."

(( Really short :mcdead: ))

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