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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 2nd, '18, 20:52    


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Okay my two cents...
Personally I much prefer simpler items. I really don't need fancy crowns and bling bling wings with diamonds. I'm the Bananarama person I guess. I'd like if we could at least keep some of the donation items simpler.
It looks like I'm the minority though so feel free to ignore me.

About the old MT sets... maybe you could bring them back as recolours? I'm not sure if people who spent a fortune on the original items will be happy if you bring back limited items? idk
You could take all the people who have made the "higher tiers" donation and put them in a raffle at the end of the month. Once the month ends you draw up a random number and the user attached to that number wins. You could even do up to 3 knuffel copies-3 winners (for different user, and depending on which one you want to do older knuffel or Unique and also depending on how many ppl donate). This way not everyone who donates gets that knuffel but there is still that chance.
OMG this would piss me off to no end. This sounds worse than lootboxes (which are already the cancer of gaming). Paying 38€ for A CHANCE to get a Knuffel? No, please no. In general your suggestions sound like you want to prey on people with addictive personality. I really don't like that. Please no gambling for RL money on this site.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 3rd, '18, 03:25    


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cyan wrote:About the old MT sets... maybe you could bring them back as recolours? I'm not sure if people who spent a fortune on the original items will be happy if you bring back limited items? idk
Parts of old MT sets come back as recolors via TT mini-sets. :mchappy: I believe these have been pretty successful as I'm always up for recolors.
cyan wrote:
Suugar-Fiend wrote:You could take all the people who have made the "higher tiers" donation and put them in a raffle at the end of the month. Once the month ends you draw up a random number and the user attached to that number wins. You could even do up to 3 knuffel copies-3 winners (for different user, and depending on which one you want to do older knuffel or Unique and also depending on how many ppl donate). This way not everyone who donates gets that knuffel but there is still that chance.
OMG this would piss me off to no end. This sounds worse than lootboxes (which are already the cancer of gaming). Paying 38€ for A CHANCE to get a Knuffel? No, please no. In general your suggestions sound like you want to prey on people with addictive personality. I really don't like that. Please no gambling for RL money on this site.
I have to agree with cyan on this one. I currently spend time playing a gacha game and browsing the sub-reddit, I constantly see people develop gambling addictions because of these lootboxes. Unfortunately, these games generate a lot of revenue because they prey on weaker personalities--but I really don't want KofK to become that kind of site. I've always enjoyed and respected KofK specifically because everything is obtainable if you work for it.

Just from the past KofK survey, I do remember Knuffels being an extremely popular part of the site. Those survey results really opened my eyes to how KofK has changed. People don't really come here anymore to participate in forums or dress up their avatar--they come for the cute knuffels. I think I also remember Firn saying that the Lava Lamp is currently the most purchased thing with FC. Based on this information, I'd say introducing a knuffel as a donation perk is a great idea.

I understand that a lot of knuffel hoarders will want to collect all the knuffel... But with the trading system now... maybe having a knuffel available for several months would give people opportunity to save up $$ to donate enough to purchase it? And if it's up for a few months, you could get multiple copies?

I don't really want to suggest introducing knuffels that you can buy for :fc:... but... I don't know how else to really have knuffel lovers donate to the site...

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 3rd, '18, 03:56    


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Yeah Starkad understandibly has little time for site updates as of late. So it would make sense for something that is suggested here and approved to take months anyway lol.
I think it would depend on Firn is it is new or past unique knuffel, tho it would be easier for her to be a chance at a past unique knuffel then a brand new one. But ultimately it would have to go on Firn's preference

lol when it came to me I almost flipped over in my chair. I think it would at least console some people that weren't able to get that first unique knuffel and it will jump donations as well as users getting a few coins. Sounds like a win win


Your idea for the old tt or mt item sounds good. But i fear that this system will run into the problem like the old knuffel. A very select few people will be able or want to buy those old items for such a high price. I am not sure there would be enough interest to devote the Firn Power it would take to keep the system going? But that's just me.

I agree, it would be a lot easier for Firn that way. If she wants to not have to design brand new items for next month she can take an old MT/TT and turn it into a perk item....after a few tweaking? maybe in gold.....as the consensus so far is that we really love gold XD. Just to see if the donation problem improves from the current state.

Thank you for your thoughts. We want to know a variety of people's preferences so yours is appreciated.

I like my "drop" knuffel idea better then the raffle idea. As this way there is a higher possibility of MORE people getting a special knuffel who have the ability to spend that little extra. The same knuffel could even be available for 3 months...or something. Buffer the urgency.

@Cyan and Hika

I am not preying on any specific group, as i've seen there is a level of addictiveness in everyone. I am just trying to bring that to a place were it is desperately needed. And honestly i thought about it being a bit of fun like "dang before this I had NO CHANCE of getting that past unique knuffle, but now I have at least SOME chance".
If you think about it the unique knuffel is already available with "free" currency. You just have to work hard to collect enough FP. And work hard to win the auction.

I understand your concerns on this regard....BUT.....
Honestly, people are responsible for their own spending habits.And frankly that's not Firn's problem, it's a users problem. If i were to spend a lot of money, that would be on me not on the site. Most would find it ridiculous if I maxed out a credit car buying jewelry and then blame the banking company for giving me a credit card.

We can't put even that responsibility on Firn and the site after everything she already has. People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

We can't ignore a good feature just because some MIGHT not be able to control themselves. We would only be offering this but we aren't forcing anyone to do anything. The site needs money to survive and its not getting it. This might be a good link in the chain of fixing that problem. By your comments it makes it out like a defining feature of the site which it really isn't. Adding something like this won't change the heart of the site as the majority of items can still be earned thru hard work. It is a nice sentiment to have ALL items/knuffel be accessible thru "free" means. But unfortunately that's not how life works, life isn't free. No one would be happy if the site continues as it does and dies because Firn and Starkad can't afford to keep it running.

We have to remember that IF this unique knuffel idea comes to fruition it ISN'T meant to be something you are ENTITLED to when you donate. It just something nice that COULD happen to you. Like a fairy item. After that it is a user's choice to be responsible.

I feel like we are giving the users of KofK too little credit. Most of us are above the age of 18 at least (myself being 22). I know KofK is kid friendly but most users aren't kids anymore. Some even have children of their own.

We have to have faith that they are responsible adults.

But to appease some user's worries. I have a suggestion. Maybe there could be a money cap? Let's say no more then 500 per user within a month? (or whatever amount Firn deems okay) I'm not sure how this would work as paypals is a fickle thing. Users still might ignore this with mules, but by golly we can't control all possible actions a person can irresponsibly make. That's insane. And it's not our job to.

I still strongly aid on the side of people being responsible adults who are in charge of their own financial habits.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 3rd, '18, 13:40    


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I don't think its a high price as they are old items and you can get the sets for those amounts.
Imagine at the beginning of the month the survey with 3 old mt. You know that in 2 weeks you can buy one so you have enough time to collect some money to donate in order to get fc. Lots of old beautiful items are not available in the market because the people who got them are either away, they left the site or are not that active much.

I am not an active person, i have to admit because theres not so much activity with the items. I dont wanna be rude or anything, its just the way i use the site. I like to shop for items and dress up my avatar. Collecting items its also a part of why im here.

Implementing a vip feature would be okay to keep people donating regularly.
There are so many amazing items on the site but hard to get or even impossible.
Bringing back old items would not decrease their value, but increase it.
Again, I don't know much about the system, it's just a mere newbie idea.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 3rd, '18, 13:57    


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Alexandra wrote: Bringing back old items would not decrease their value, but increase it.
Why would bringing back old itemes increase the value? I don't understand this. The more common and available something is, the less value it has.
Whenever I made old items available through the market, it decreased their value drastically with every sale, which is why I stopped doing it. That was upsetting to old users who had worked hard on earning such items. :mcsad:

I am not under the impression that old items aren't avialable. I watch the market a lot, especially for old items and I have seen several of the Queen's Gifts from the first year, event items from 2008 and 2009 and Treasure Trove items from 2009 being put up there several times just in the past months (for reasonal prices, meaning around the price they were sold last) and no one bought them! Yes, people probably want them, but they want them for ridiculously low prices.

I can even show you a current example! The Snow Hair 1 is currently in the market. It's an event item from 2009 and one of the oldest limited items of this site. The highest price it was ever sold for was 25 Fairy Coins. Now it's up for a Buy now price of 5 (!) Fairy Coins or 225k Food (which currently equals something like 2,5 Fairy Coins), it has been up for 12 days already and no one is buying it, even though it's a crazy low price for an item this old and rare.

I don't hold it against anyone to want to make a great bargain, but for me bringing back old items through any form of donationg is out of the question, because either most people would not purchase them, or they would only purchase them if they were sold for low prices that are in no way in proportion to the item's age and rarety and this would be very unfair to people who obtained the items for high prices. :mcsad: I am sure there are some exceptions were poeple would be willing to pay a lot for their dream items, but how many users are that really? I don't think enough to make a difference in the long run. It might boost donations if we put out old limited items and everyone who is willing to pay a high price for these items buys FC to get them, but once they have the items, what then? It seems like a one-time solution, but having more donations just once won't help the site in the long run.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 4th, '18, 01:00    


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After reading some more arguments I'm slowly leaning towards knuffel as donation perks more and more.
But still my first suggestion would be to try out with altered items from MT/TT sets and/or a perk item in gold (for some perks, others could be completely new items still). And see how that goes.

I did see the Mantra of Light on the market recently, but it was for 490k as I remember, and it was not only over twice as much as I had in food then (I'm no richer now, lol), but I still considered it a very high price. I'm not sure if I had paid as much if I had the funds. ... Though I might've. There's no telling until I have crazy amounts of food and see that item for the same price again xD

What if you tried making some really old queen's gifts, just in different color? (random thought) It wouldn't have to be very frequent, just once in a while.
I remember when the new perk system was introduced I wondering whether we'd always have new items from now on, or would we still have MT/TT recolored and altered items. I was also hoping for some alternate versions, but so far we've only had new items. (That big flower clip was so pretty tho! QuQ) So in other words, yeah, I kinda miss the altered items XD

I wouldn't like to see older sets come back for more coins, it kind of kills the whole "I'm questing an item" experience, where you need to interact with other users a bit, make a thread or post in a few, make some offers etc. And as it has been fairly stated, it would make the items' value decrease.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 4th, '18, 03:13    


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On the recolors of old items note, what about recolors of MT items that didn't make it into the miniset?

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 4th, '18, 19:45    


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It would be a good solution for people who have been disappointed. I'd love to see recolors of Leo robe for instance :mctongue:

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
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May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 10th, '18, 19:38    


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I really love recolored items as well :mclove:
I am also a huge fan of the idea of limited unique knuffels for donation perks. :qh:
However, for example if the knuffel would be the top donation perk, I would like it to not always be the case. Like, a unique knuffel is the top perk for a few months or something, and then it changes to a non knuffel item.
I guess my thought is i would not like the unique knuffel to completely replace the top perk item, but it would be a wonderful addition to offer at times.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 10th, '18, 20:54    


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Bunnei wrote:
However, for example if the knuffel would be the top donation perk, I would like it to not always be the case. Like, a unique knuffel is the top perk for a few months or something, and then it changes to a non knuffel item.
I guess my thought is i would not like the unique knuffel to completely replace the top perk item, but it would be a wonderful addition to offer at times.
I already talked this through with users on other ocassions before: Any kind of temporaty additional reward for donating that is not available at all times, is out of the question, because it always results in users not donating when such a reward is not available and holding off with their donation till a temporary reward will be available at some point. And while this might not change the overall amount of donations, but just shifts them from months where there are less to months where there are more, this is still a huge problem for us, because we have fixed times when our servers need to be paid.
We experienced this ourselves when we had a special deal on Fairy Coins, where people stocked up on them and then we had much less donations for the upcoming months, but also, when I talked about this with other users in other threads, they also confirmed that this is exactly what they do on other sites/games that have temporary offers.

I can imagine a Knuffel being a reward for the 20FC perk to replace the item from time to time, but I don't see it as any kind of additional offer.

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