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 Post subject: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 14th, '17, 18:34    


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"When you're soulmates, it hits you like lightning.

And you just know that's the one person in the world

you were meant to be with."

-- L. J. Smith

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 14th, '17, 19:18    


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Name: Echildur Lutharion

Age: 352

Species: Elf .....Subspecies: Vazarin Elf

Appearance: [link]
He stands tall like most other elven soldiers at 5'9". He has a lithe figure covered under layers of tunics, armor, and cloaks. Unlike most elves, he prefers his hair short.

Power: Healing. He can heal minor wounds using his own energy. He can also transform destructive energy into healing pulses that affect the nearby flora by channeling it through the ground. He lacks the control to fully make use of his power without his anchir though, having his healing usually stop midway.

Bio: As a young elfling, Echildur has always loved visiting the Sanctuaries during their yearly pilgrimage. But as time went by, the flames of war destroyed those lands of peace and prosperity. The Trees of Life had died and all creatures under its protection had perished.

The elven king then called for soldiers, brave elves who swore to protect the last remaining Sanctuary located in their kingdom: the Forest of Light.

The Vazarin Elves (those with the powers of healing) were spread around the kingdom in forts and villages but most had been stationed near the Tree. Echildur was stationed at the fort at the most western point of the kingdom to heal his comrades if war ever knocked at their doorstep.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 14th, '17, 20:07    


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Name: Farron Ryder

Age: 24

Species: human

Power: He makes things wilt, wither and dry up. Whether it be the land or plants, all he has to do it touch it and he causes decay. Even to people, he can suck energy out of them. Perhaps he can kill, but he’s tried very hard not to test it. His power is strong and without an anchor, in moments of excessive strife and stress, he’s likely to let it out in wave around him.

Appearance: X
5’7” tall, he was once a scrawny kid, but has gained some muscle from practicing with a sword. His weaker body frame is still evident though as he’s yet to fully devote himself to physical practice. Across the left side of his shoulder and torso are the marks of a burn. These have been covered up with alchemic symbols tattooed in black, red, and gold. His face might be described as handsome, however, he keeps his black hair long and his bangs hide his blue eyes at times. Often, he might wear a hood to further hide himself.

Bio: When he reached his teen years, Farron first started to see the full potential of his power. It terrified him after being loosed a couple times and he’s learned to hate it. While all around him people use their powers to help society, he refuses to see any benefit to his and will not use it.

After an incident where he accidentally made the flowers a girl gave him wither, the truth came out however and he was chased out of his village, getting burned in the process. He found family with a sort of ‘religious cult’ where he learned alchemy and everything about him changed. He closed off his anxious sides and became a fully conscious and willing pawn to someone else’s game because with alchemy, he could use magic that was not his own. As a pawn though, he does not know the true end goals of the group he belongs to.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 15th, '17, 09:04    


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"Greetings, Echildur!"

The pale blonde elf looked up from the book, trying to fit in some reading before the sun goes down. He had sat by the window, the soft wind breathing into his locks. As soon as he saw the two elves by the door, he closed the book and laid it on a nearby table and walked up to the two.

"Greetings, friends. What brings you to my quarters today?"

One of the elves, a young brunette, shyly scratched the back of his head. "I may have caused an accident during training today. Well ... um ..." He looked to the taller elf beside him who seemed to turn even paler the longer they stood there. "I think it would be better to show you."

The tall elf smiled and turned around to show an arrow embedded into his scapula. Echildur looked at the elf in admiration. To stand there smiling while in pain ... it was truly strange. He sighed and signaled the elf to take a seat on a stool. "This is the fifth time you've shot another soldier, Faemil." he spoke as he prepared a knife and some bandages. "Are you sure your bow is strung correctly?"

He cut the arrow out as the tall elf grimaced and grunted. He pressed some bandages over the wound as a soft green light emitted from his palm then frowned as the light flickered and disappeared. With another sigh, he wrapped the wound in bandages, still bleeding but small and shallow enough to be bearable. "I apologize for my lack of skill, Undrion. It seems I still cannot control my powers well."

The tall elf, Undrion, chuckled as he stood up. "It is nothing to worry about, Echildur. You are able to heal and that is all that counts. Faemil and I must report to the troop leader now. We will take our leave." He gave a nod as he stood at the doorway with the fidgeting brunette and the two left just as the sun set on the horizon.

The darkness of night swallowed the fort until the soft light of fireflies illuminated the area. Ancient runes glowed along the walls and bathed the area in a warm green glow.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 16th, '17, 00:02    


Joined: Jun 29th, '10, 21:58
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Farron stared out at the night sky rising above the open fields dotted with trees. A crescent moon shone above, which offered them the advantage. Some called it an old wives tale, but they considered it a fact that fuller moons gave power to human magic. What Farron's people used with not human magic though, or even natural at all. But then, that was why they used it.

Flexing his fingers into a tight fist around his sword hilt, Farron lost his calm for a second. But no, he couldn't be unreasonable now. Despite his younger age compared to other soldiers, he had been entrusted with much tonight. Tonight, they would start a war.

"The circles have all been drawn, Farron. Did Archadeas give you his order?" a cold, female voice asked from behind. Farron did not turn to see his comrade, already well aware of who spoke.

Just past a large corpse of trees, the warm green glow of runes announced the presence of the elven fort. For far too long, all of the races had written away the power of the alchemic cult. Blasphemous? Insane? They said these words, but they knew nothing. If not for the alchemists, Farron wouldn't even have a home.

So, as the moon crept to the top of the trees, he struck the rune on the top of his torch with a particular stone and the two materials reacted, bringing forth a burst of flame. Behind him, a serious or torches lit in the same manor, at least two dozen. "Yes, he said to leave no survivors. We attack as soon as the wall is breached. No one will even see it coming..." And that, was their own fault for underestimating blasphemy.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 16th, '17, 10:01    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( Were we still doing the no colors thing? ))

The soft music of a panflute flittered throughout the fort. Most of the elves not on guard duty were gathering around the bonfire. Tonight, they would feast under the stars. A boar was roasting and the scent of freshly baked bread wafted around the area. The greens were being chopped and the plates were being prepared.

"Ah, the stars are shining and the night is at peace," Echildur heard one say. There had been no enemy raids ever since he was stationed at the fort around two hundred years ago. The great wars ended just as Echildur reached the westernmost fort and peace just followed. There had been no blood shed since then, save for the minor wounds inflicted on the elves during training, mostly by Faemil with his swords, daggers, and bows.

He could smell the meat roasting as he neared the fire and found a place to sit just as some bread was passed to him. "How goes the healing, Echildur?" asked an elf who sat down beside him. "Greetings, Gwenon. I believe I am becoming more proficient at healing. A great difference compared to my first week here," he laughed in reply. "Just keep practicing, my friend. And who knows? You might meet your Gûr edhel on the pilgrimage to the Tree of Life just as I had met mine. What wonders you can make with your powers once you meet your heart." Echildur smiled at the elf and stared at the fire, feeling the excitement build within at the thought of meeting his soul mate near the Tree of Life.

But just as he was falling into his day dreams, a scream erupted from the west wall.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 16th, '17, 23:42    


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(That's what we planned on, but maybe not since I forgot? It seems like a bit much now and I think we could do the confusing battle scene just as well with their powers interacting or colors becoming more intense when they meet rather than all the way from no color?)

Blinding energy erupted into the night. The west wall of the fort blew apart, sending rock and stone flying into the open fields. One second calm, then a world of chaos. That was the power of alchemy. All a person had to do was draw the equations and runes out with chalk and then a simple touch to set it all off. It was nothing like the magic already prevalent in this world. Alchemy knew no instability. It did not need two hearts, just one simple, but brilliant mind.

In the wake of the attack, Farron rushed forward with the other soldiers. They wore no armor, only cloaks and cloth, weapons held in their hands. The moon above lit the way, though its silver light was weak. It still revealed to the elven fort an army of human night raiders.

Sliding his bastard sword from its sheath, Farron let himself get lost in the dozen others rushing toward the wall. The gaping opening brought only the clamor or surprised enemies. The smell of meat, bread, music--all of it meant nothing to him. Such simple pleasures were easy to brush away to the point he never even noticed them as he reached the opening. Steadying his hand against the jagged stone, he tossed his torch away. A second later, he jumped through the breach, ready.

"Come at me, foolish magic users!" he yelled in challenge. "Let's fight!" He had no doubts that he would win.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 08:03    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( Ooo, I'm liking the colors becoming more intense. Like, they lived in a world where all colors were muted but still there? And then BOOM. Color saturation. ))
(( I'm also thinking that the first time they're within range of their soul mate, they could feel their powers humming in their veins? ))

Echildur ran towards the west wall, his hand unsheathing the dagger strapped to his chest. Who was attacking? Why were they attacking? Why their fort? Why now? Those questions didn't matter anymore as he saw one of his elven brothers fall. He ran to the elf, pressing his hand to the open would.

"My friend, stay with me. Calm yourself." he spoke as he sent his energy out to heal him. He looked around to see countless elves falling over. They were unprepared. They were too relax. The hundreds of years spent in peace has dulled their senses. War had come knocking on their walls and they were dropping dead with only one useless healer to help them get back up.

He looked back down to his patient, his healing energy dissipating into the wind. The soldier had died, just like countless others. He steeled himself and grabbed his dagger and ran to the nearest breathing elf he could find only to suddenly pause as he started to heal him. The green runes along the fort grew more intense and the orange of the fires almost blinded him. The blood on the ground turned darker but brighter at the same time as the light from the fires reflected on it. Everything around him looked clearer. He could feel his energy pulse within his veins, circulating around his body as if a dam had burst open and drowned him and he could see the elf's wound close, the skin reforming over the bleeding gap.

"My Gûr edhel ..." he whispered, his wide pale eyes scanning the chaos around him. "My Gûr edhel is not an elf."

(( I hope this is alright. ))

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 19:52    


Joined: Jun 29th, '10, 21:58
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(Yeah, or at least in their first meeting, things become extra bright. Maybe their powers might automatically go off when they are very close. Or something like that)

Farron pushed back another enemy, not feeling a thing as the elf collapsed to the ground. He'd been told to show the might of their cult and so he blindly followed. Archaedes would praise him later, right? A feeling of happiness bubbled up for a second before he staggered, dizzy under a sudden sensation.

All around him, the colors of the world refracted with brightness. Vivid green, the otherwise invisible magic of the alchemy firing off all around him. Farron staggered, so caught off guard for a second that he barely parried a blow as the elves finally started to rally and fight back. It couldn't be the sign that his soulmate was near. Hallucinogens, there must be mushrooms in the fort. Why else would he see something so dizzying as his gaze sharpened on a distant short-haired figure? Farron tore his gaze away and rushed back toward the battle, determined to ignore this. Something inside him was coming unhinged though. He felt himself losing control.

As he fell against the stone wall, Farron threw away his gloves, horrified to see them turning brittle like every drop of moisture had been sucked out of the cloth. "Stop it! Stop!" But he couldn't stop the magic within him from reacting. All around him the ground turned brown with decay as Farron submitted himself to the fact that he didn't know how to control it, even when he relied on alchemy instead. The colors were too bright and his head rung madly.

Just as he felt his last threads of control snap, a sword butt struck his head. Farron dropped to the ground, letting out only a small cry of surprise.

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 Post subject: Re: You are my anchor. [Blackbriar and Eruvandir]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 15:33    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( I'm guessing an elf struck Farron? ))

Echildur noticed a human soldier in the midst of the chaos around them. The panicked soldier had fallen against the wall and shouted to himself, staring at his hands. The ground around him had turned brown as if the power inside him started to loose control. He was about to look away, disturbed at the scene when another soldier had knocked him in the head.

"No!" He felt something break inside him as he saw the human collapse. He ran towards the fallen soldier and dropped by his knees next to him, hands glowing green as he felt around the human's head. "My Gûr edhel ..." he whispered as he found the bump on the human's head, panic still apparent on his face as his energy flowed out of his body. Too focused on trying to heal the human, he had failed to notice the previously barren ground around them slowly start to glow. The brown soil turned green as grass started to grow and vines crawled up the walls.

The war around them was nothing to him as all he could focus on was the human. He did not notice the elven mages release their magic, their long chants finally complete after the foot soldiers successfully stalled the invader's attacks. He did not notice the walls of the fort give way under the intense strength of their spells. He did not notice the elven soldiers being surrounded protective magic and the archers shooting from the top of towers as they pushed the enemy away using their skills, perfected for over hundreds of years. He did not notice the humans use their fake-magic to try to overwhelm the foot soldiers as they stalled for more time for the mages to finish their chants.

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