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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 29th, '17, 13:48    


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Rewards for smaller donations sound great! I personally only donate when I really, reeeeally love the gotq, because 20fc are a lot of money. With 5fc or 10fc gfts, I might not be quite as picky and donate more regularily.

As for what those rewards should be ... tricky question :mcheh:
-I don't think giving out past items is a very good idea, since that could decrease their value quite a lot and and surely upset some users.
-The gold-silver-bronze recolor idea is very cute in theory, but I agree that the silver/bronze items might not be as popular because browns and greys aren't very popular colors in general.
-Picking a favorite color for the King or Walla is a nice idea!

-additional idea: something like a donation fairy? Have a set of items in several recolors, and if you donate at all, you get one random item a month, and if you donate beyond a certain threshold, you get a second random item? Or tie them to certain amounts of FC in the first place, so x amount of FC gets you one random item.
Or make it a donation nymph or something, so there's no rivalry with the fairies xD
Possible problem (as seen with the wild knuffel items): when new items are added, the old ones become a bit of a nuisance because there are already quite a few of them in the pool. But maybe that would make them more accesible after a while for users that can't donate, which would also be nice ... I dunno. Just an idea I had!

As for giving out a gift for very high donations, like 40FC ... I don't think that's a very good idea, honestly.
In past discussions about site activity, one major complaint and source of frustration I remember was "the things I want are too hard to get". So adding items that are behind an even higher paywall sounds counterproductive.
Not to mention, with kofk being so small, how many potential donors are there even that could afford donating for a 40 fc gift? If Firn had to come up with an extra pretty donation gift for extremely high donations, and only 2 or 3 people got it ... that doesn't sound like a very good use of Firn's time, creating items that only a tiny amount of people will posess. And other users might get frustrated, because the item is basically impossible to get for them...
I think getting some users that don't donate yet to donate a little is a better plan of action than trying to get the people who already donate a lot to donate even more. Just my two cents however :mcheh:

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 29th, '17, 17:14    


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Thoughts to add:

- I really like the idea of getting random items as a reward - whether it's a new item, a fairy item as suggested, a recolour, or an old limited item. It would become almost a collect-em-all thing where you're excited to see which one you would get. I feel like they should be items which are less valuable than the GftQ to keep things balanced so something like an old GftQ shouldn't be given out at lower tiers.
- For the lower point donation reward, it would probably be most useful to figure out what is the lower average amount that people donate (ie if you take out bulk donations and donations which are clearly aimed at getting the GftQ, the smaller donations which people are making month on month). Set it a little higher than that, so if it's 5FC is the normal rate, set it at 6FC. If it's around the average rate then people are already donating that much and won't be tempted to do more. But being just that tiny bit more, it would push that extra donation each time. I usually do 5FC and I would definitely do 6FC for the promise of an extra item.
- We could also keep the Queen/King/Princess tier theme without having to be the same items. It could be a set of items that the King and Princess love, with the gold items then being things that the Queen loves. So like, "since you've donated, here's my favourite item for you" sort of idea. That way there can be more flexibility on combining a few of the different ideas people have come up with here.

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 29th, '17, 19:50    

Carrot Cake

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The reason why I think 40fc is counterproductive is because there are already people who donate 40fc so its not really more incentive for them to donate. Its trying to get people who can't donate a lot to donate for the smaller tiers. So I dont think that's the problem...

Also the average to make the tiers is a good idea but that still affects the people who already donate. I was trying to give more incentives for users who don't donate at all. People are still donating 5fcs without that and now they will get rewarded for it instead of trying to get one more fc out of them.

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 29th, '17, 21:57    


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The "random item as a reward for donating" idea is a bit counter-intuitive to me - isn't the "reward" for donating the ability to purchase a limited-edition, special item from the MT or TT?
Remember, originally users who donated were rewarded with a special set of items each month - the original Monthly Treasure. It was not until later that the Fairy Coin was introduced to that users could choose what they used that fairy coin to purchase. The "reward" was, and always has been, an MT or TT set. So the idea of an ADDITIONAL free, special item to each person who donates seems a bit far-fetched, no? :mcblush: Though, that's just my opinion.

I'm all for adding tiers - even if it's just one at 15FC or 10FC. I could see how lower tiers, such as 5FC and 2FC, would be appealing to users, but I bet that Firn and Starkard would be opposed, seeing as it is more work to create the items each month for such a low donation.

I think Silver wouldn't be a bad option, since it seems to be popular currently.
Using the King or Walla's favorite color would also be good.
A glimmering copper or shimmering bronze may be nice, as well. I know that Brown, Dark Brown, and Sand Brown haven't been super popular lately, but Mocha and Topaz have been a big hit! Plus, these colors might make a great addition to the site - I could see Firn making some beautiful armor, jewelry, and eye shadows using these colors in the future! :qh:
If copper and bronze aren't your style, you could always go for a "diamond" color - an iridescent white. I could see that color getting VERY popular!

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 29th, '17, 23:04    

Carrot Cake

Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
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Some people can only afford to donate such a low amount. I don't see how that would be far-fetched to reward someone for donating all that they can spare... :mcheh: It's not a little amount either.... 12.50$ is a lot of money for people struggling and especially if you aren't American... I imagine in other countries that could easily be a whole lot more. :mcsweat:

But my original idea included that there are so many nice items here you can get without donating (event, troth items, caravan items, fairy items, digging items and a wide range of commons and limited commons) that to me the reward of getting an MT/TT set is very little incentive. Especially if you're hoping someone else decides to sell it on market or trade it to you. Now if people who can donate only about 5fc worth amount could get their hands on an "exclusive pretty" item then that would shift their pov to donating rather than just passing on it. That would be extra 12.50$ the site would be getting that otherwise it would not have.

Because current as it is I would not donate anything more than maybe 1fc every month and thats only if the MT is to my liking... I have more than enough items to last me forever without donating. I was just trying to help get people who currently don't donate to have more incentive to donate- even small amounts. Not people who already donate since to them current situation for them is incentive enough. Not everyone thinks the same way unfornately :qhehe:

And this way the people who currently donate will also benefit too. It's not like Im just thinking of new donators but also the ones who do it still.

Also making new colors just seem like more work for Firn...

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 30th, '17, 10:50    


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It's up to Firn, but I'm not so sure rewarding a super small donation is very desirable. Incentivizing more people to donate is good, but with what Firn explained of the fixed fee, I'm not sure if incentivizing super small donation would be worth it.

That was also another reason why I suggested a higher tier donation gift; so that we aren't merely incentivizing small donations but also big donations to offset the bigger percentage that is taken from more smaller donations. However,
Pernelle wrote:If Firn had to come up with an extra pretty donation gift for extremely high donations, and only 2 or 3 people got it ... that doesn't sound like a very good use of Firn's time, creating items that only a tiny amount of people will posess. And other users might get frustrated, because the item is basically impossible to get for them...
that is a very good point. I myself, at my current donating habits, would probably only get the higher tier gift once a year. And I certainly wouldn't want to spend time and effort on something that people won't be able to enjoy.

But I still believe that we need to find a happy medium of having more people donate but having those donations be big enough to offset the fixed fee.

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 30th, '17, 10:52    


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Fire wrote:
The "random item as a reward for donating" idea is a bit counter-intuitive to me - isn't the "reward" for donating the ability to purchase a limited-edition, special item from the MT or TT?
Remember, originally users who donated were rewarded with a special set of items each month - the original Monthly Treasure. It was not until later that the Fairy Coin was introduced to that users could choose what they used that fairy coin to purchase. The "reward" was, and always has been, an MT or TT set. So the idea of an ADDITIONAL free, special item to each person who donates seems a bit far-fetched, no? :mcblush: Though, that's just my opinion.

I am reading everyone's comments with great interest, just haven't formed my opinion on most things yet, so I am not commenting on most things yet, but I wanted to comment on this, because it already got me thinking when it was suggested to reward every single donation with an item.

I agree with Fire here. It is like people forgot that they already get items - more than one - for every donation? When you donate, you get a Fairy Coin, with which you can buy different things, among them a Monthly Treasure Set with 8 limited items - It seems kind of odd to me to suggest to give people an item for each donation, when that's already what we have, even far more than just one item. :mcheh: That's the idea behind the donating system: Donate and get a reward.

I don't have a problem with rewarding people for donating bigger amounts but the small donation that equals one Fairy Coin is already giving you a lot of things. On most other avatar sites, if you want a monthly set where you wish to equip all items, you need to purchase it once for every item. So, if you have a set that has 8 different items you would need to donate 8 times (=$20) to wear them all. Here you only need to buy it once and can wear all of them together. I think that's already quite a lot?

I believe that, if possibly getting 8 limited items with the donation of $2.50 isn't motivating people to donate this small amount, then getting an additional item, so 9 instead of 8, won't really make a difference? That's how I feel.
But we also kind of tried this a few times: There are MT sets that have 9 instead of 8 items (Hair without decoration and with, the swan), and there were even MTs (The Cat MT and Guro Lolita) that had 16 insead of 8 items. Did people donate more? Not really, but you know what happened instead - The Food Price of Fairy Coins made a huge jump, because while peopel charged like 2000 per MT item before, they still did it, so the whole set and therefore a Fairy Coin was suddenly "worth" 32K insead of 16K to them. And once they saw that people were willing to pay this price for a FC, the prices stayed up, even when the next set only had 8 items again. Sadly this was another experiment that beackfired on us. :mcsweat:

For any kind of donation perks I think the amount that equal 5, 10 and 15 Fairy Coins in addition to the Queen Gift for 20 Fairy Coins sounds reasonable to me.

(By the way - We do "kind of" have a "Get an item for every donation" thing in addition to all the items you could possibly buy with a Fairy Coin: If we manage to fill our donation meter within a month, so get together all the money we need to run this site plus some additional amount for things like paying for advertisement or comissioning artists - everyone who donated within that month will get a special item, no matter what amount. However, I don't advertise with this, as it seems like baiting people with false promises, because this case has only happened every once (People got the Thanks Headwings for it) since I introduced the donation meter and that was 4 years ago, so the chance of that ever happening again is like 0,01%).

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 30th, '17, 11:50    


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Fire wrote:The "random item as a reward for donating" idea is a bit counter-intuitive to me - isn't the "reward" for donating the ability to purchase a limited-edition, special item from the MT or TT?
Remember, originally users who donated were rewarded with a special set of items each month - the original Monthly Treasure. It was not until later that the Fairy Coin was introduced to that users could choose what they used that fairy coin to purchase. The "reward" was, and always has been, an MT or TT set. So the idea of an ADDITIONAL free, special item to each person who donates seems a bit far-fetched, no? :mcblush: Though, that's just my opinion.
That's a really good point :mcheh: You're right, the fact that a fairy coin and the things you can buy with it are already a reward seems to have slipped a few minds, including my own lol

Nonetheless, with donations being as they are, I think it's a valid discussion to have, to try and get more people to donate or donate slightly higher amounts.

Okay, different idea:
How about having a sort of donation event every once in a while where small donations get an extra reward, instead of always additionally rewarding small donations?
Pick a two week period or something, and everyone who makes a minimum x fc donation (2fc? 5fc?) in this period gets the extra gift. It could be a recolor of a popular past gotw (in rose gold? :qsmr: ) for example.
Not all the time of course, every couple of months to half a year maybe?
So it would be a sort of sale, but not a fc sale but a gotq sale :mcheh:

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 30th, '17, 12:03    


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Pernelle wrote: Okay, different idea:
How about having a sort of donation event every once in a while where small donations get an extra reward, instead of always additionally rewarding small donations?
Pick a two week period or something, and everyone who makes a minimum x fc donation (2fc? 5fc?) in this period gets the extra gift. It could be a recolor of a popular past gotw (in rose gold? :qsmr: ) for example.
Not all the time of course, every couple of months to half a year maybe?
So it would be a sort of sale, but not a fc sale but a gotq sale :mcheh:

At first I thought I liked this idea (Just with old event items and doing it during events), but the more I think of it, the more I can think of downsides: What if people start expecting periods where they get an extra item and start holding back donations to wait for such a period because they think "Why donate now if I can donate next month or the month after that and get an extra item?". Such an attitude could be fatal for KOfK because if we don't get enough donations for the deadlines of our server payments, we would need to shut down the site. There is, unfortunately, a limit to how much we can come up with out of our own pocket. :mcshock:

Sorry if I am a crabber, it's just that a lot of things we tried to motivate people to donate more had negative side-effects in the past, so I am thinking through all possible worst-case scenarios.

I think any kind of donation perk must be something that would be available all the time, otherwise it might not really help to get more donations, just change the time when people will donate.

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 30th, '17, 12:26    


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I absolutely agree that limited time sales can be very dangerous. I used to play a browser game (not an avatar site, but similar enough in that you could buy items for a premium currency) where they introduced limited time offers of getting an additional item if you bought some currency. I stopped buying anything outside of these times. They eventually devolved into having big packs of items that you'd get on top of the currency itself available at all times, just changing the packs each week or so...
So yeah, I think whatever you decide to do, don't do limited time offers. They also feel like baiting people into paying with the feeling of "if I don't do it now, I won't get anything extra!", which doesn't really leave a good feeling in the long run. (Yes, I intentionally said paying now and not donating. Because the more items you directly get for it, the more it might feel that way...)

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