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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Mar 17th, '17, 15:00    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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(( I am indeed c:
Also, I'm a lady haha ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Mar 18th, '17, 23:57    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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((@Reht: sorry about that, guessing someone's gender can be confusing xD))

((@Ririenne: I'm waiting for your reply, is it ok for me to join the RP?))

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Mar 30th, '17, 00:11    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
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Louifayette wrote: ((@Ririenne: I'm waiting for your reply, is it ok for me to join the RP?))

[I'm sorry for how long it took me to reply, I completely forgot about this thread. I'll be hiatus from this thread for a bit I've had really bad writers block and lack of motivation, feel free to continue and make your own characters though. :mcheh: ]]

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 14:56    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
((Aw, too bad, I was liking the interaction of our characters! I'll write you out by having Aivio be sent away on a mission, if that's alright. That way you can always jump back in by having her return from it.))

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Apr 11th, '17, 12:34    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
((Sorry for the double post, but I wanted it to be noticable that there's new content.))

The city guard nodded back at Melyna, but suddenly stiffened when he recognized Aivio. "Miss, I have orders for you. You are to pack your things in all haste and report to the commander immediately upon your return to the city. There is an urgent mission you have been selected for."
Melyna frowned. Just when they had made such nice plans for lunch... But it sounded important and looking at Aivio, it probably was. The cheerful girl that was talking about cherry pies just minutes before had been replaced by a stern, dutiful warrior. She nodded towards the guard in acceptance "I will make haste.".
Then she turned towards Melyna and her expression softened a bit. "I'm terribly sorry I can't stay for lunch." Her stomach growled as if to emphasise the statement. Melyna chuckled. "I can hear that... You must come look for me when you return from your mission, so that we can catch up on the lunch!"
Dark thoughts began crossing her mind, but she quickly suppressed them. Aivio didn't look worried about the mission, so she really shouldn't be either. Maybe it was something very ordinary to happen. Nevertheless, she felt she should say something. "And good luck on your mission! I hope it will be something enjoyable for you to do and you come back safely!"
Aivio smiled, obviously noticing the lingering worry in Melyna's voice. "Thank you. I'm sure it will be, it's bound to be more interesting than guard duty! But now I have to go." She waved and disappeared in quick stride.
Melyna looked after her before turning to the guard. "What kind of mission is she going on?" The guard gave a faint smile but shook his head. "I can't tell you ma'am, I'm sorry. But don't worry, your friend is very good at what she does, I'm sure she will be fine." Melyna sighed and thanked the guard for telling her at least that much. Not that she had doubted Aivio's skill after having seen her fight earlier. But it was still reassuring to hear it from a professional somehow.
With a last glance in the direction Aivio had vanished in, she set out toward the market on her own. She thought about whether she still wanted to get meat, seeing that she had the pie to herself now. But the thought of the performers on the market swayed her. She really wanted to go see them, and she could still decide whether to get meat once she saw what the butcher currently had to offer.
There was a big crowd on the market square and she could barely see what was going on from the back. There was a brightly dressed young man standing in the middle, knives ready to throw. Did he have a blindfold over his eyes? It looked like it. That was a more dangerous kind of performance than she had expected. There was some tension in the crowd and she wondered for a moment if something had happened. Had he hurt someone? No, there would be more talking, people trying to help, movement. And he probably wouldn't look like he was about to throw a knife anymore. Maybe it was just the anticipation of a stunning feat of skill that had the crowd hushed and holding their breath. She tried to get a little closer to be better able to see what was going on, but quickly found herself stuck between the others.

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My personal Quest thread:

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My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Apr 27th, '17, 20:37    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Location: England

Jess scowled at Cass' retreating back, not even flinching as he threw the apple towards her, easily catching it and continuing to glare at the infuriating man.

"Now dearie, if you could just make sure you back is square to that wooden post behind you and place the apple on your head, we can get on with the show!" Cass called enthusiastically - eliciting some nervous glances from members of the crowd as they realized the intentions of his next trick.

The barmaid rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, and looked down at the apple in her hand, a wicked smile forming as an idea sprouted in her mind. Checking that Cass had indeed covered his eyes properly with her sash, she called over "Yeah yeah, alright pretty boy. I'm walking over to the post." Making sure to stamp her feet loudly, she didn't move, but instead wound her arm back and threw the apple square at Cass' head, the red projectile moving at a bruising speed.
Sensing her movements precisely, Cass waited until the last second before calmly moving his head to the side, the apple flying harmlessly past his cheek. Before Jess had chance to react, Cass launched the knife that he was holding towards her - its sharp point glinting dangerously as it flipped through the air. The crowd gasped, sure that they would see bloodshed in mere moments, but the knife tore through cloth instead of flesh - specifically the cloth of Jess' skirts, causing her to stumble backwards, her back hitting the wooden post. No sooner had her skin touched the hard surface than Cass launched two more knives at the woman.


The sharp blades sunk through two of the stiff, decorative leather flaps adorning the bottom of her corset and stuck firmly into the wood behind her, trapping her in place.

Blindfold still on, Cass showed the crowd an elaborate bow as Jess struggled against the post, full of rage.
"You can keep the knives, nice little souvenir for you!" Cass called over cheekily.
Realising that the girl was in no danger, pockets of laughter began to break out over the crowd - growing louder and more wide-spread as Jess began to curse at Cass, the knives sunk too deep into the wood for her to pull them out from her trapped position.

Cass unwound the sash from his head and draped it over a nearby horse rank post - deciding that with her arms still free, he didn't want to get too close to the raging female.
"Unfortunately, that's the end of my show today. Generous donations may lead to a second performance tomorrow though!" He winked at the crowd and gestured to the wooden slotted box attached to the side of his wagon and then happily busied himself collecting up his target points and decorations.

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: May 9th, '17, 17:56    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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(( Updated!
Sorry that took me this long just to write out that last little bit > .<;;; ))

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: May 9th, '17, 19:58    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
((No problem :) There's no hurry here, if inspiration and time are there, posts happen, if they aren't, there are breaks. That's fine, I don't like stressing about posting.))

Realizing that she would never be able to push through to the front to see what was going on, Melyna quickly glanced around. Everyone was focused on the performance, so she bent over, pretending to fumble with her shoe.
She concentrated, and when she stood up straight again, she was a head taller and her features looked slightly different. She felt it was best to look like a different, but very similar person when changing form in public like this. Drastic changes might be noticed easily, but she also did not want to compromise her normal image, so she had to look different. How awkward would it be if she met someone on a later date again at her normal height, but looking the same otherwise?
Just to be sure, she moved to a different spot in the crowd as well, so it would be less likely that anyone actually spotted her before and after.
Her longer legs caused Melyna to stumble once while doing that, she didn't like being this tall. It always felt somehow unnatural, maybe just because she wasn't used to it. But maybe it did have something to do with the height of her normal body when she realized her immortality and stopped growing...
The view of the stage was a great reward for the slight unpleasantness of this form though.
She was able to watch just in time to see a grin blooming on the face of an angry looking woman that was on the stage with the performer. Then she threw an apple straight at his head. It was a good throw, and Melyna fully expected to see the poor guy get hit in the face unexpectedly, but he miraculously managed to move away his head just in time.
Was this a trick? Was the woman an actress and this was all carefully planned to stun the crowd? It would be a good show for sure, she was very convincing. Her reaction to the knives the man threw at her now was perfectly on point, the mixture of surprise and anger looked very authentic.
Could it be that it wasn't an act at all? Was he an immortal using his power? A form of vision that didn't use the eyes maybe? Or maybe he was just a mortal with good hearing and intense training. Possible as well...
After he bowed and announced the end of his show, the crowd started to disperse, discussing the events loudly. Quite a lot of people followed his gesture and threw little slips of paper into his wooden box that invited him to some of their goods and services.
Melyna let herself get carried towards the wagon as well, but she was more interested in getting a closer look at the guy himself. He wore a decorated pink coat that was patched in a multitude of places. It was neatly done, one could tell that the man liked this garment and had taken good care of it for a great many years. It made Melyna like him a little instantly. People who had respect for their clothes just appealed to her. Occupational habit, most likely.
But it was also a good conversation opener.
"Hello! I only managed to see the last part of your show, so I would enjoy a repetition tomorrow. I would offer you my services, but it looks like you are well capable of taking care of your own clothes." She nodded towards the coat. "I'm a seamstress, as you might have guessed now." She caught herself before calling herself the local seamstress, remembering that she did not look like the local seamstress right now. "Do you need any materials maybe? I could bring something tomorrow. I think I have a spool of thread that matches the pink of your coat quite nicely, for example."

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My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Jun 25th, '17, 15:01    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Location: England

Cass whistled merrily to himself as he carefully gathered up a string of brightly coloured bunting, pleased to notice that several crowd members had answered his plea - he hoped an offer of bed and board was amongst those slips of paper, his back would welcome a proper bed for a couple of nights again.
Daydreaming about a potential evening of booze and barmaids, Cass didn't notice Melyna's approach until she spoke up.

Flashing a toothy smile, Cass took the opportunity to appraise the woman's appearance as she spoke. Warm eyes, good figure and tall, a little taller than him in fact - this he liked.
"Oh my dear, thank you for complimenting my simple handiwork - although I am sure your skills far surpass my own." He bent down as he spoke, putting the bunting in a box at his feet and taking another opportunity to look at her, she was quite lovely from this angle. "It is very generous of you to offer what I am sure are top quality materials. However-" He rose back up to his feet. "I would be beholden to you if instead you joined me for dinner? I am sadly currently without company for the night, and I've always thought that food tastes better when shared with a beautiful lady." He smiled again, one side of his mouth raising slightly higher than the other in a way in which he had been told was charming and patiently awaited her reply.

((Whoops, must admit I forgot about needing to post here, been focusing more on CS xP ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Jun 28th, '17, 17:12    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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The man had a catching smile that he gave very openly at the start of their conversation. Melyna couldn't help but smile back at him. She felt a bit irritated by the way he seemed to glance her over, but maybe that was just her imagination because she still felt a little out of place in this body herself.
When he asked her to join him for dinner, she cursed herself for not switching to her normal body before approaching him. Did she really want to spend the evening like this? She'd have to make up a bit of a background story for this appearance of hers as well.
Her curiosity about the man was only fueled by the slightly crooked grin he gave her after his words though. Of course, she could return in her usual form tomorrow and approach him again, but there was the risk that he would be less interested in spending time with her or already otherwise occupied.
Reminding herself that she was already taking awkwardly long to answer, she forced herself into a quick decision.
"Oh, that is a lovely offer! I'd be happy to spend my evening with you. You must tell me about your art, it is the first time I've seen someone with this kind of skills!"
She hoped dearly that the last sentence wouldn't drive him away. If he was secretly using an immortal power to achieve his tricks, he might be hesitant to speak about them. But on the other hand, it was a fairly expectable reaction, so he really should have a cover story in place. And it was the truth after all, she wanted to find out more about how he had done it...
"Oh, one more thing. If we are to meet for dinner, I think introductions are in order, no? My name is Lina."
A name similar enough in sound to her own that it would come natural to respond to it, but different enough to not provoke a comparison in anyone who knew her usual self. She did resemble her normal self quite a lot after all, so she had to be a bit careful.
((No problem :) I was about to poke you about it in the CS ooc thread to see if you had missed my post, but you were faster ;)))

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

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