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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 29th, '17, 01:55    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole was glad that his little act was able to bring forth a smile on Leanna face and make her laugh. "I do not intend to throw my life away. Afterall I still have things worth protecting." He stood up, brushing a hand through his hair. He sighed with a smile but sadness behind it. Right... She still though of him as a good man. But no woman deserves a murderer like him. Just for a second lost in though his attention was brought back by her laugh, and he smiled more content now. "Sure, let's go." He began walking after Leanna almost bumping into her as she halted. He gave her a confused look as he tilted his head.

He saw her walk over to her wardrobe, rummaging through it before pulling out a clean dress. Now it made sense to him. Cole couldn't help but tease Leanna a little as she asked him in such a shy demeanor to turn around. "Do I have to?" He smirked. "We are good friends afterall, we don't have to hide anything right Lee?" Cole made a reference laughing at the expression she gave him in return before giving in and turning around. He quiety stood there hearing how she stripped down her night gown. Cole couldn't help but begin imagining things. He was a grown man, he wasn't immune to all temptations. He breathed out relieved when Leanna announced she was done, he had been holding his breath unknowingly.

As Cole followed after the princess in the dark corridors he kept his senses sharp, in case someone would be lurking in the shadows. He almost immediately spotted a figure further down, but couldn't tell who that was until Leanna said the name. A little suprised he watched as she hid behind him in fear, holding on so tightly to his arm. He was confused by her beheaviour. It was her brother, her family, why did she fear him? Cole turned his attention back to the prince as he came closer, revealing a rather dark expression. As Targus began to spit his words with such spite, an alarm went off in Coles head. His left hand slowly slid to his swords hilt. "Care to explain what exactly you mean by that?" He furrowed his brows. Cole had an idea but still couldn't really believe he would put his own sister through such torture.

"Right the little rat is here too." Targus expression was blank, devoid of any sympathy. "I should have disposed of you sooner." Suddenly he began to cackle, seeming a bit like a maniac. He really had lost his mind. Targus drew his sword, swinging it once lazily. "Guess I can do that now!" He lunged forward, Cole quikly drawing his sword to parry, leading the hit sideways away. For a moment he threw a glance back to Leanna with uncertainty and questions in his eyes. Just what the hell was going on? He looked back ahead at Targus who went for him again. Shouting out his anger in the silent corridor made him sound like a beast. Cole played defensively, parrying and dodging the prince's attacks. It seemed like a ferocious intent lay behind every of his attacks, even more so when they first crossed swords. This time though, it seemed he really was after his life.

Again and again Cole tried to reason with him. "Why are you doing this?" He greeted his teeth as they had a stand off pressing their swords against each other, raw strenght deciding who would win the upper hand. Targus threw him murderous glances spitting. "I hate you bastard. You have no right!" Suddenly he shoved Cole, gaining strenght from somehwere, making him fall on his back. Cole grunted a little in pain, the prince suddenly above him with his sword swinging down. "No right at all!" He screamed, Cole desperately held up his sword redirecting the hit. Truthfully he wasn't in peak condition, not after his cold and not after such a busy night. He struggled not only with that, but if he should really hurt Leannas brother. He was her family afterall, in that regard he had qualms how far he should go.

With a kick to Targus stomach, Cole was able to gain enough time to stand up. Whilst the prince staggered backwards he quickly ran up to him swinging with his sword in both hands at the princes own one, to hit it out of his hand. It worked! The sword slipped out of Targus hand across the floor with a loud -shing- it glid until it lost its momentum. Meanwhile Cole took up the oppurtunity to let go of his own sword to tackle Targus against the wall. Pressing him with all he got to keep him in place who of course was trying to refuse, huffing steam as he greeted his teeth. The anger growing even more in his expression.

"I'm going to kill you!" No matter what Cole tried to say or ask him, that was the only response he gave him. In Targus current condition there was no talking to him, and right now he was a threat. Cole had to knock him out for good otherwise he would just keep coming at him. As he raised his fist, before throwing a pretty hard punch, Cole felt something enter the side of his stomach. Targus slumped to the ground as Cole looked down with widened eyes. A blood stained dagger lying beside the knocked out prince. As he looked down on himself. His left hand that had instinctively moved to his stomach was covered in blood, a quikly growing red stain spreading on his cloth on the left. In the end he had been stabbed and was loosing blood. "Shit" he cursed quikly applying pressure on the wound. Some blood still seeping through his fingers.

Cole turned around rather pale, he didn't feel life threatened just yet, but it was a pretty bad situation nonetheless. He looked at Leanna. "I need some bandage, a needle, thread-" He had to pause, the pain finally getting to him. "Some alcohol-" He squinted his eyes as he leaned on a nearby wall sliding down to the ground trying to keep holding on to his consciousness. "And call my mother please." His breathing went heavy but steady. This kind of wound wasn't a daily occurrence but it wasn't a first for him either. There was no point in panicking, all they had to do was keep cool headed. Hopefully Leanna wouldn't panic. She was his hope right now. Still. Cole looked back to Targus. He really didn't expect him to pull out a dagger beneath his uniform. That was his mistake though. Rule number one for warriors. Keep your enemy at least an arm length away. But why was he his enemy in the first place?

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 2nd, '17, 22:55    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1195
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Mood: Obsessed
Location: Between Realms
Targus was not the boy she once knew. His eyes were dark and menacing, he walked like a puppet - limbs disjointed and unsure of themselves. He looked possessed. She kept behind Cole, scared of what her brother might try and do to them, even his voice was different, laced with malice and venom, "Brother please!" she cried, trying to get him to stop advancing towards them, to maybe snap him out of whatever he was in. Cole tensed suddenly and Leanna spotted him reach for his sword defensively, surely it wouldn't come to that... would it? But Targus wasn't himself, and when he threatened Cole's life Leanna pleaded with him to stop; "Brother stop this! Please!"

But he didn't listen, and instead laughed like someone suffering insanity, it was crazed and sent a chill down Leanna's spine. He suddenly lunged forward, sword swinging with no real rhythm or thought process, Cole parried successfully but it threw Leanna against the wall, she stuck to it, trying her best not to get in the way, but watching them both fight was agony. She kept screaming over and over again for Targus to stop, but he just didn't listen. Her brother's attacks seemed stronger than ever, the sheer force he put behind each thrust was not human. Cole tried shouting back at him, and like a switch Targus spat back, hurting Cole as he could do nothing but block and defend.

Leanna tried so hard to think of something but knew she would only get in the way and cause more problems. She watched as her brothers sword, a sword she recognised as her fathers precious heirloom, was thrown to the floor and skittered across the stones, sliding towards her. In a moment of panic she picked it up with shaking hands, it was far heavier than her small one and it felt wrong to hold. Targus was seething like a rabid animal, she had to stop him somehow, but the moment she even tried to think about how she was going to help she remembered that Cole was there, and she could easily hurt him. So she stayed frozen on the spot, tears threatening to fall... like a lost child.

Purple eyes watched as Cole landed a clean hit to Targus' head, knocking him out cold. But it wasn't joy her heart felt, but pure, cold fear as she watched the red stain on Cole's side grow and deepen and drip to the floor as he too slumped down. Leanna rushed to his side, practically pushing her brothers body out of the way as she tried to help, she ripped the curtains from behind them and tried her best to apply pressure and help stop the bleeding somehow. He began to give her commands which she wanted to follow, but Leanna felt like leaving him would be so much worse, she rested him on her lap, taking over as his body weakened and pressing on the wound with one hand while the other ran through his hair gently. "Hey, it's alright." she lied. "You're gonna be fine."

She screamed for Freya several times, rejoicing when she heard the sound of footsteps - the woman knew exactly what to do. "There are medical supplies in each room hidden underneath the floorboards!" she yelled, "The closest one is in the door to the left, there will be one plank that's loose". Leanna's own breathing seemed to match Cole's and she held on to him tightly. "Oh God, please" she whimpered, "Please be okay, please be okay" those tears that threatened to fall now came like a flood and she stroked his face with her thumb, "You'll be just fine. Freya will know what to do." As if by magic, Freya appeared and took Cole from her, the grimace on the woman's face told Leanna all she needed to know and she let out a strangled gasp. Why was this happening?

Her eyes landed on Targus, his unconscious body lying at an awkward angle, the rage she felt was unbearable. She wanted nothing more than to stab him herself - but she knew better than that. Despite all her anger he was still her brother... just. As Freya helped Cole, Leanna turned Targus over, spotting the small wound on his head and then some more blood on his arm - where had that come from? - she looked him over, spotting no serious wounds, and them looked at her own hands. She wanted to vomit. This was Cole's blood. 'No Leanna. Get a hold of yourself'. She took a deep breath and stood, planning to get some rope to tie Targus' up with, she grabbed both his wrists and began to bind them together when a familiar stone caught her eye. It was a small gem in a silver ring, and the deep purple called to her like a siren. She took it off his fingers and held it up to the light.

It was rather beautiful.

Leanna felt her eyes grow heavy as she moved to place it on her own finger, but then she saw the blood on her skin and her mind woke with a jolt. She gave a sharp yell and launched the ring down the corridor. "T-Targus... he was wearing the same gemstone, the purple one!" she cried to herself more than the others. She crawled back over to Cole, Freya just finishing, and she smiled down at his weak expression, "I told you, you'll be fine" she said, giving Freya a quick embarrassed look before bending down and kissing his forehead sweetly. "Don't forget your promises so quickly you big moron" she half-joked, stroking his head once more as they all tried to gain some normality. "We should get him to a bed, there's one just down the hall we use for guests." Both she and Freya struggled to carry Cole to the room without hurting him, but got him there eventually, and laid him down.

The sheets were already stained but Leanna didn't care, instead she sat next to him and held his hand. Each time he moved she would whisper kind and sweet words to him, stroking his hair to get him to sleep. It was all she could do for now. "I'm so sorry Freya" she whimpered, "This is all my fault. I never meant to get you both caught up int his..."

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 4th, '17, 00:31    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
Posts: 2807
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Mood: Glad you came~ :)
Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Freya sat comfortably in her chair, maybe a little to much as she was about to fall asleep until she suddenly heard someone shouting. Her eyes snapped wide open as she listened in, recognizing the princess voice that was calling for her. Her heartbeat quikened suspecting something bad had happened. In an instant she sprung up immediately jogging out the door as fast as she could. She followed Leannas voice until she reached her destination. With shock she stared at the scene, three people on the floor, but as soon she recognized there was blood and from whom it was coming she shivered. Immediately she kneeled down beside Leanna and her son. She would have liked to ask what happened but she could guess as she saw the prince lying not to far off.

Without any hesitation Freya made her way into the room just as Leanna had described. She had to hurry. The more blood Cole lost, the longer the wound stayed open, the higher was the risk for infection. She had to look a little bit before she finally spotted the loose plank, pulling it out with new gained strenght. Freya grabbed the bag nervously untangling the string to take a look inside. She breathed out relieved as she had all the tools she'd need. Quikly running back to her son she sat down infront of him, sprawling the ingredients across the floor. She pulled up her sleeves, no longer caring if anyone would see her scars. She removed the curtains that Leanna had pressed against the wound, rolling up Cole's shirt. The wound seemed just like a slit, not a gaping hole, but it went deep and cause the endless stream of blood. She'd need to check if his internal organs were demaged. Freya threw a very serious almost grim expression towards Leanna. "You might want to look away." Operating was serious buisness, and not pretty at all. Many people couldn't stomach it, and before anyone else was going to faint on her she'd rather have the princess get away for now even though she seemed to be in more worry than she herself over her son.

As soon she was left to work on her son she checked him from head to toe. Freya tried talking to him who but barely was able to answer her. "You need to endure. Hear me? Try not to move as much as you can." She instructed him as she nervously threaded the needle. Cole nodded as a sign that he had understood. Before beginning she took a deep breather to calm herself, she went into her professional mode. She was concentrating so much that she barely registered Leannas yell. Cole was busy enough to hear his own ragged breathing as his mother flicked his wound together. After a while the corridor once again became quit. Cole was done, he barely was able to recognize anything around him anymore. Only his half closed eyes showed a sign of him still being concious, somewhat.

Even in this dire situation Leanna was able to bring a small smile on Freyas lips as she gave her son a small kiss on the forehead. Happy that someone was caring this much for him except her. She agreed to Leannas suggestion. Together they carried Cole into the guest room, even though it had proofed a bit difficult. It always hurt a mother to see her child in such pain. Cole's face seemed strained as he kept on groaning as a jolt of pain would run through him. His organs seemed intact, but Freya always feared that she might have overlooked something. She put her hands together in a prayer, squeezing her eyes shut. Please have mercy god. Don't take my only child away from me.

Leannas voice made her attention turn to her. Freya shook her head to the girls own accusations. She walked over to her putting a hand on her shoulder. "This isn't your fault. We can't forsee the future, nor can we stop all the horrible things from happening." Freya looked sideways at her son. Her heart heavy she sighed. "He has a talent for getting in trouble." She chuckled a little before averting her gaze heading for the door. "If you'll excuse me, I need a breather. Please watch after him while I'm gone." She opened the door. "Oh! And I'll take care of your brother don't worry." Freya walked out into the corridor, as soon she had closed the door, quit tears began to run down her cheek. She couldn't get used to it, she never would.

Cole in the meantime barely had perceived any of his surrounding. He felt disoriented, the pain damping the voices until he couldn't recognize them anymore. But as time passed he became calmer, his hearing clearer, his pain less, even if just a little. He began to recognize a sound, it sounded very much like the time his mother had cried helpless tears for his father. Cole forced his foggy vision to focus on the person beside him. As he recognized Leanna he felt slightly confused by her. Who was she crying for like this? Her eyes seemed red, looking back with such worry that it gripped at his heart.

Cole pressed a hand against his wound while shoving himself up with the other to sit. His face disorted horribly for a moment as another rush of pain came with the movement, but he didn't falter. Luckily it was gone soon enough, even though it felt like his stomach had been flipped upside down. He sighed reliefed before reaching out with his arm grabbing at the girl infront of him. Cole pulled Leanna closer with his one arm. "It's okay. I'll be fine. You said so yourself. And a queen is always right. Right?" He chuckled at his own last sentence. He kept holding her, leaning on her a bit to much as he still felt pretty weak. "There is no need for tears. As I told you. I don't plan on dying just yet. So please..." He paused squeezing her a little tighter with the little strenght he had left.
Cole sounded more troubled by her than by his wound. "I don't know.." He began to see black dots dance infront of his eyes, "How to-" His consciousness began to slip away. "...handle crying..." And suddenly everything turned black. Now only God knew when he would open his eyes again, if there was one to begin with.

Freya in the meantime after haven taken a breather walked up to the tied up prince. Somehow a pathetic sight to be honest. She remembered him as a enthusiastic child back then. But violent? Time changes everything doesn't it? She kneeled down, picking up the dagger with her sons blood on it. Turning it in her hand before looking back at Targus, her reflection glistening dangerously in the blade. A fleeting thought crossing her mind. She put a hand to her face throwing away the dagger. How could she imagen that? She was desperate, angry, sad and torn inside. To much to handle in her condition, but nonetheless she understood how to reason and appeal to her sanity. Just a few meters away something caught her eye. She walked over picking up a ring, immdeiately recognizing the stone embed in it. Her eyebrows furrowed. Tonight Freya had found her resolve to solve the mysterie behind those gems and their curse no matter what. It had to end or else they would destroy each other from within.

((Hope you don't mind I put a pic in there. Felt like drawing something.^^))

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 8th, '17, 20:25    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1195
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Mood: Obsessed
Location: Between Realms
Leanna stayed by Cole for a while, hating the pained look on his face. Freya left, and for a second Leanna wanted to ask her to stay - but this was her son, seeing such a wound on him must have taken a lot out of her, and so the young princess decided to give her some space. Leanna felt so guilty for all of this, if they had never met, if she hadn't dragged Cole into this whole ordeal then he wouldn't have gotten hurt and neither of them would have had to go through any of this suffering. She had caused this. Targus caused this. A course of anger ran through her blood and she choked on her tears, was he really a changed man? Or was Yeurna still trying to worm their way in through dark magic?

Cole stirred and it gripped on Leanna's heart. "Cole?" she whispered, tears still rolling down her cheeks, "Can you hear me?" Her eyes met his gold ones and she thanked the Heavens that he was alright, although his grimace told her otherwise, he forced himself to sit, "No Cole, you need to rest please-" but he held her, wrapping his arm around her and closing the gap between them. He told her such sweet words, such wonderful words that made her feel like all was right with the world again. Please don't cry. It made her give a broken laugh. "Look at me, you're the one wounded I'm here I am bawling like a baby" she sniffled and willed the tears to stop. But then he began to weigh down on her, his words slipping away as he fell back asleep. "Cole?" With shaking arms she laid him back to rest, checking his pulse just to ensure the worst hadn't happened.

He was still there, but barely, his breathing was heavy and a fever was forming. Leanna had no experience caring for others and so sat there holding his hand. She didn't know how long it had been, but she woke with a start, the room had gone a shade of orange. She was still holding Cole's hand as he slept, she wiped some of the sweat from his forehead and gave him a kiss, longer this time, smiling against him. "Thank you." Hopefully the rest of her family would begin to wake up soon, it was terrifying that a war was on their doorstep but the King had to know what happened. All of it, including Targus.

Her brother was once a quiet boy with a lot of talent talking to people no matter their status. He was sharp and clever with a right future as King - now what was he? a wreck of man who wasn't even himself. He was insane. There was a small knock at the door, "My Lady?" came a weak voice. Leanna spotted Marie leaning against the doorframe. "Marie, my goodness! Come here, sit down." she sat so that Marie could sit, "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need anything?" the maid sat hesitantly, wanting to offer it to the Princess, but deciding she needed it before she collapsed. "I'm sorry, I'm still very lethargic. Your kindness humbles me, your grace" Leanna smiled sweetly, one hand still holding on to Cole, the other now holding Marie.

"You're safe. You're all safe. That's all that matters" Leanna hated this, she hated seeing her loved ones hurt and in pain - it wasn't fair! If there was a way she could make this all stop she would do it in an instant. But what could she do? The young Prince seemed like he was the one pulling all the strings, not to mention they had magic on their side, Dragon Magic, Freya called it. If Azutri could talk maybe she could find something out, what part of a dragon is magical? Their blood? Was there a way to counteract it? "My lady, I can tell you're thinking too hard, you scrunch up your face. Please don't worry about us, you've been through more than just being drugged." Leanna's head was spinning, her emotions a wreck. "Oh Marie, I don't know what to do anymore." She turned to Cole, watching his face with grief, "I caused this and I don't know how to make it better."

"If you ask me, Princess, just being there for him is a great way to make up for it." she gave Leanna a soft smile, "And perhaps tell your mother of his heroic actions." Leanna smiled back. "Thank you Marie." Hopefully everyone was beginning to wake up now, the King and Queen would need to discuss the future and what kind of plans needed to be put ahead for a war that now seemed inevitable.

((That picture is amazing I love it alot! I'll have to draw one too!))

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wild knuffel vote

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 9th, '17, 20:22    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
Posts: 2807
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Mood: Glad you came~ :)
Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
The first day passed, haunted by nightmares in a feverish state.
The second day passed, draped in peaceful silence.
On the third day Cole finally awoke.

Slowly Cole opened his eyes, the sunlight giving him a hard time. He tried turning over, immediately regretting the decision, he moved back. Lying on his back he breathed out exhausted. "Where..?" He felt a little confused but as his eyesight finally adjusted to the bright sunlight he recognized the room, even if only in a blur. This was one of the guest rooms in the castle. Cole also remembered what had previously happened bevore he blacked out. Leanna almost getting abducted, everyone in the castle being asleep, him fighting Targus and finally getting hurt. Cole sat up throwing his legs over the edge, a hand to his wound. It didn't seem to hurt anymore, just a kind of uncomfortable pulling. But it did hurt if you pressed against it though, as he just had experienced moments ago.

A bit on shaky feet Cole stood up, feeling slightly anemic. He looked down on himself realizing he was only wearing trousers, not even his own, and the bandage around his abdomen. It didn't seem to have any red stains, pretty clean actually. "Okay what the hell happened to my clothes?" He said more to himself as he looked around wondering about that fact. He saw not much. There was no real room decor, just the necessities. But thankfully he spotted a bottle of water on a small cupboard. He took a long gulp from it. Emptying it almost in one swig. God had he been thristy, his throat had felt bone dry, and getting a drink finally replenished some of his stamina. Without further ado he waltzed out the door without a second thought.

As soon he was out he was greeted by suprised stares of a, for his propotions, massive number of people who had stopped in the middle of their tracks or work. Baffled he stared back unsure who to look at, he began feeling rather akward. With unsure steps he continued to walk down the hallway, the people slowly beginning to move along also. Cole tried to spot someone familiar inbetween the people buzzing around busily. After some moments he saw a maid that seemed familiar. "Ah excuse me, Marie was it?" He poked her shoulder to get her attention. She turned around suprised, the pot almost slipping out of her hands as she looked at him. Her shock seemed to immediately change to joy. "You're finally awake Sir Cole. Oh my, but you shouldn't be walking around yet!" Cole waved that worry of hers away with his hand. "No. I'm fine now." He shifted his stance as he looked back at a pair of girls who were gossiping behind his back, but imediately scattered when their eyes met.

Cole turned back to Marie. "So, can you tell me what I'm doing here?" He heaved a brow, the women opened her mouth ready to explain but was interrupted by another maid, needing her attention. She turned to the girl then back to him. "I'm sorry I don't have the time to explain, but if your looking for your mother, she is on the first floor in the library." Having said what she needed she hurried away. Cole felt stumped, as he blabbered. "But where is the library..." The castle was big, to big for his comfort, he had been here a few times but the only rooms he knew where the royal chambers.

In his distress he finally decided to ask another servant. After what had felt like an eternity he gave up searching on his own. He walked up to two young maids who didn't seem particular busy. "Excuse me, miss. Could you tell me where I can find the library?" He asked the shorter one of the two. Both stared at him baffled but began giggling as the one whispered something into the ear of the other, and they blushed. "Well Sir, it's right behind you." Cole looked over his shoulder feeling rather stupid, he turned back giving them a nod and thanks. They eagerly waved him a goodbye and he entered the room.

The inside appeared much larger then the door would lead on. Cole was mesmerized by the mosaic windows, they seemed to tell a story, but he didn't understand what kind. "You!" He heard someone snarl beside him, immediately turning around. Seeing a rather angry faced Freya with about three books under her left arms hold. The right hand pointing a acussing finger at him. "You. You. You. You." She tapped his chest with her finger over and over again. "You do know parents are suppoused to die before their children right?" Cole gave her a smile. "Well that's why I'm here." shrugging the matter off as a joke. Freya formed a fist hitting his chest, turning around walking towards a table. This time he actually felt it. "I'm sorry, okay. But that goes along with being a warrior. I have to protect the people." He walked after her. "And who protects you?" Cole didn't think long before answering. "I myself." "Haa!! And look where that got you." She reffered to his injury before sighning. "At least you are alive. For the last three days we were wondering if you would make it." She sat down in a chair, opening one of the books.

Cole froze in the spot with wide eyes. "WHAT? Three days?!" He almost shouted in suprise. He really didn't thought he had been out for so long. "Yeah, your injury got infected but luckily my new herb mixture was able to prevent the worst." She looked up from her book. "And don't worry, I was the one who changed your clothes." This time she smirked to Coles dumfounded expression. "I doubt you wanted to keep lying in your own blood for so long." He relaxed his posture. "Well no. Thank you, as always." He gave her an affirmative nod.

"So where ARE my clothes? I don't mind walking around half naked since it seems pretty sunny and warm today, but I'd like to have them back." Freya sighed. "Their in the wash, or are allready done? I don't know I've been busy." Cole gave her a displeased grimace. "With what?" She flipped a page. "History." Cole put up both of his hands. "And I'm out. As soon I find my clothes let's go back home." "Can't." She said dry. Cole halted in his tracks. "What do you mean?" He looked back at her. "I've asked for permission to stay. First, because a certain princess wanted to tend to you herself. Which you should also go and thank her for." Cole scratched his head, musing to himself. "And second. I want to stay to help out regarding those gems. I'm researching them currently. It's up to you if you want to go back, since you seem fit enough to walk around like that." With that she shooed him away with her hand sinking deeper into her book. Well, that was different. It seemed like his mother had changed somehow. Not sure if in a good or bad way.

Cole decided to leave his mother be, trying to figure out what to do next. Search for his Clothes or for Leanna first? He decided against both. He wanted to get some fresh air. As he walked through the corridors and the pathway leading to the garden he noticed that somehow everyone around him seemed extremly busy, whilst he leisurely took a walk. After a bit in the beating sun he decided to look for shade. He found a nice tree a bit farther away from the buzz. He sat under it with a sigh. Cole felt that he needed to organize his thoughts. It was a lot to take in from the past week. He didn't even get over the stuff that happened on his journey yet he kept being comfronted by matters that worsened each time a new one appeared. He closed his eyes enjoying the small breeze sweeping over him. Once again he had escaped deaths door. Cole chuckled to himself. This time thanks to a certain little princess.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 13th, '17, 22:36    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1195
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Mood: Obsessed
Location: Between Realms
While Cole was asleep, healing, Leanna had taken it upon herself to ensure of his recovery. She asked Freya for help in what to do, and Marie on how best to make him feel comfortable. She washed his skin, re-wrapped the bandages, applied salve on his wound and stayed by his side for a few hours every day, talking to him and holding his hand - watching the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed softly. Leanna's heart clenched painfully as she watched him - she caused this and the guilt was over-bearing. Many time both Marie and Freya said it wasn't her fault, but it didn't ease the weight on her shoulders - she needed to make this right somehow. So the other hours of the day she spent training with the soldiers, practising her sword skills against dummies at first, and then against real people.

She received many compliments, her training was going well, even she could feel the muscles growing stronger as she wielded her sword with more and more ease and accuracy. Since security around the castle was at an all time high, there was at lease two guards in every room, and occasionally she would ask one of them to restrain her, so she could escape. In just two days she had managed to break one guys nose, another one's finger and gave a really young boy a black eye. Still, it felt good to defend herself. Late in the evening on the second day, she visited Targus who was moved to a more comfortable room - that was still barred and guarded - he had also been asleep since the incident, but it seemed her brother was suffering from an intense fever that was threatening his health. Leanna felt a sick sense of satisfaction from that.

This morning she had already been to look after Cole, checking on his bandage which was clean, the wound healing nicely. After a quick breakfast with her parents - who were exhausted from all the political councils - she headed down to the grounds to train once more. She wore simple clothes, no dresses, just a pair of boots, trousers, shirt and waistcoat. Funny, if it hadn't been tailored it would look like male clothing. Her hair was braided back into a bun to keep it out of her face and she began to fight against one of the veteran's that was giving the lessons. "Now parry" he yelled at her as she dodged swiftly, spinning to land a blow on his arm. "Princess please do what I say!" he gruffed, recovering from her blow, but thanks to her weight she was already back on him, jabbing her blade on the armoured part of his shoulder. It jolted him and he stepped backwards, shocked when her sword was suddenly at his face. "Well my lady - I gotta say you're improvin' a lot" Leanna smirked. "Thanks to the best" she replied between heavy breaths.

"Go and take a break lass, we'll talk about weak spots when ya get back". Leanna nodded, sheathing her sword on the custom-made sheath on her hip. Her boots made a click on the pavement as she walked towards the garden, she wiped her forehead with a small handkerchief and just as she went to head towards the rose bushes she spotted a familiar head of hair sat underneath one of the grand oak trees. She headed over to him, chuckling at the fact he hadn't worn any clothes - the breeze could get chilly here, and she felt like maybe she should grab a jacket for him. But he did look so peaceful, his face free of pain or fever. Leanna smiled to herself as she watched him when a small giggle from Marie behind her made her jump and blush furiously. Leanna was nudged lightly and she poked her tongue out at the maid who shrugged innocently.

The young princess made her way over to Cole, "Hey" she said softly and knelt down beside him. "How are you feeling?" she asked, eyes drifting to the bandage around his waist that always made her stomach tie up in knots. The breeze washed over both of them as they sat in the quiet little place away from the hustle and bustle of the castle. "I was so worried you wouldn't wake up" she admitted, smiling sadly at the branches above them as they swayed above them, "Thank you for saving my life again. Everything has been such a mess in the past few months. I used to dream of a Knight in shining armour, on a decorated horse, but perhaps I got something even better" her cheeks turned a light pink as she spoke. She reached out and held his hand in hers, like she did when he was in bed. "I promise I'll never let you get hurt like this again" she gripped it tightly, placing it on her chest, above her heart, "I promise" she said again, a fire in her eyes.

"Now come on, let's go and get you something to wear" she said, standing and pulling him up with her, there was a tension in the air as he stood a head taller than her, and Leanna fought the urge to just grab him, pulling him down and kiss him. Honestly her head was a mess, how improper would that be! She had been struggling with her feelings for Cole ever since she met him and now she was torn between what she wanted - which was him - and what she should have as a Princess. Now that Targus was officially denounced as next in line due to his actions, whether they were by his own will or not, it meant she was next in line to be Queen. And if she wanted it, Cole would be her Prince. But that was a lot of pressure for someone like him, it wouldn't be fair on him - and so Leanna smiled at him softly, eyes gentle and apologetic.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 14th, '17, 20:06    


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Cole lifted his head as he heard a familiar voice call out to him. "Hey." He greeted Leanna back watching as she sat down beside him. "Actually pretty good. Maybe because it such a nice day." He smiled content as he saw her gaze wander to his wound. "I'm fine really." Cole added to assure her. Her fantasies made him chuckle under his palm but at the same time made him feel embarrassed. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, well..." not sure how to respond he became mute and looked away. Suddenly he felt his hand being touched, he looked at it. A familiar warmth spread from her touch through him. He watched her in awe as she made her promise. For the first time he felt his heartbeat quiken but at the same time feel relieved. "Thank you. Not just for that, but for taking care of me while I was bedridden." Cole gave her a satisfied grin in return, before being pulled up by her.

Cole laughed in response. "Yeah. I'd like to get my clothes back. Not that I mind walking around like that in such nice weather. But I've been getting a few weird glances." He snickered amused. As they walked he noticed they were still holding hands, he quikly released it before other people were going to see them like that. He didn't want others to get the wrong idea. Not as long as this weird atmosphere that hung between them wasn't cleared. He walked beside her noticing that she furrowed her brows a little. "Leanna." He called her before giving her a gentle flick on the forehead. "You'll get wrinkles like that." He laughed not really aware that he earned himself more weird glances from the people they passed by towards the washing area.

After they reached the place Cole gave a whistle. "That are a lot of clothes." There were a few people busy with handling the clothes, most of them woman, one of them seemed to have taken notice of Leanna coming over. "Ah princess, what may have brought you here?" she then looked at the half naked Cole. "In need of some clothes for the gentlemen?" She smiled. "Yes. But im no gentlemen. And to be precise, I'm looking for my own clothes. A red-brown shirt, black trousers-" "And grey boxers?" the maid interrupted him with a smirk. Cole gave her a strained smile. "That info was uncalled for but yes." The maid led them to the cleaned clothes, most of them folded neatly in a big heap. With no problem the maid pulled out the ones belonging to him.

"Ah thanks." Cole allready reached out to grab them but the woman dodged. "How about you try some other clothes on? We have some who I think would suit you quite nicely." Cole began to grow impatient. "No thank you. I just want mine." She dodged again. "Do you know how difficult it is to wash out blood? We deserve at least a bit of a show." An angry vein formed on Coles forehead as he glenched his teeth and fists. "Ffffffine!" He threw his arms up in defeat. The maid handed Coles clothes to Leanna, before she led him into a little sealed off space, giving him some of the clothes she had picked out. After a lot of cursing he finally walked out, pulling a bit on the jacket to adjust it. The clothes were a complete contrast to his hair. Mostly in white and blue with a few yellow decorations. Fit for a noble man. As Cole looked up he didn't only find the maid and Leanna staring but a whole bunch of others. He threw them a dissatisfied glance before complaining. "Don't like this one. Do you have a darker suit?"

After a bit of searching the maid did find one, after Cole changed once again he came out a bit more relaxed. It was a dark blue suit with little to no decoration. "I like this one better. It's more comfortable, and without any stupid dangly stuff on it." Cole bluntly said as he walked over to them. He ran a hand through his hair. "Satisfied?" The maid nodded. "But I think a pink dress would also suit you very well." Cole jokingly swung after them to shoo them away. "Zip it!" They laughed and scattered, back to their work. Cole turned to Leanna with a smirk. "So what do you say?" he tugged on the collar. Cole hadn't been really interested or invested in his appearance before, but he did wonder about Leannas opinion of it.

Once Cole was done changing back into his own clothes he felt a bit more at ease. He just wasn't used to wearing such formal clothes. He had persuaded Leanna to do some combat practise with him. Ensuring her that he would be okay as long she wouldn't hit his wound. After Cole had retrieved his sword they looked for a quit spot in the garden, without people gawking at them. He really was curious how much she had improved and intented to test her thoroughly.

Cole changed to his fighting stance, the sword in the left. He wasn't going to go all out, not that he could do that in his current state anyway but should be enough to test her. He went ahead and made the first attack. The fight began at a slow pace, exchanging hits, letting their swords dance and sing. She held herself pretty well, almost getting to him a few times, giving him a hard time. But Cole could be mean at times and use a few unseen methods. As Leanna swung at him he blocked her attack, suddenly bending his knee, reaching out with his foot for hers, making her loose balance. As she was about to fall back he grabbed the wrist with which she held her sword, falling together with her on the grass.

Cole smiled satisfied as he towered over Leanna, holding her fighting hand captive whilst he rammed his sword into the ground beside them. "Sorry princess but I win." Cole smirked. "Still you improved a ton compared to the first time you held a sword in your hands." He laughed a little. It died out quikly though, as he stared at Leanna, his mien unreadable. "Say. Don't you think I deserve a reward for saving you?" Cole suddenly said letting a few more moments pass before leaning in and locking lips with her. For a while now he had wanted to do this, but had restrained himself because of reasons he had yet to tell her. But in this moment he had it all thrown aside, to get a taste of that sweetness again. His kiss wasn't gentle but rough and demanding.

In that one minute he held her lips captive he felt a sense of bliss fill him until he had to part to take a breather. Cole stared at her with undefined eyes before a loud rumbling suprised him. It was his empty stomach that finally decided to voice itself. Cole snorted before rolling over on his back releasing Leanna and begining to laugh out loud. "Way to ruin the moment!" He continued to laugh for a while before turning his head. "Do you think you could spare some food for me?" Cole gave Leanna a bashfull smile. He let the worst get the best of him. It had been worth it though.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 14th, '17, 22:08    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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The small moment they shared together under that tree had a lot of meaning to Leanna, she felt like Cole truly meant what he said, that she had been helpful and done something worthy of praise. She beamed happily at him, a smile she hadn't been able to use in a long time. At the mention of his clothes, and the way he shyly let go of her hand, Leanna blushed a little, chuckling lightly. "Yes, I suppose walking around the castle half-naked isn't the best way to go about introducing yourself, come with me, I know where your clothes are." Leanna walked a step ahead, leading Cole through the castle grounds to a corner of the servants area where all the washing was done.

He seemed to notice the fact she was still concerned and without warning flicked her forehead, "hey!" she said with a pout, rubbing her head in a mock-injured way. They headed towards a young girl who was hanging up some sheets on a line, she approached them with a cute smile. "Hello Lucie." she chuckled at Lucie's chat, always bold and coy. "Now, now Lucie, let Cole have his own clothes back" but the young maid suggested something else. This time Leanna just shrugged, "I'd kind of like to see it to. Ol' rough-and-tough Cole all dressed up." she said with a smile, laughing at the way he gave in so quickly and with a fuss reminiscent of a child. Lucie seemed excited and handed him all sorts of garments, starting with a bright blue and white one which was extremely elegant but didn't suit Cole at all. He then got dressed in one that was darker and less formal, and he asked Leanna's opinion.

She was forced to swallow a lump that had formed in her throat. Honestly, if she was truly, truly honest; he looked like something out of a dream. He was incredibly handsome, the suit framing his tall and muscular stature perfectly. Leanna's heavy blush probably gave her away, but instead she nodded and gave a thumbs up. "It... uh, it suits you." Lucie's uncontrollable giggles made her blush even harder. "H-how about you change back into your own clothes for now?" she suggested, knowing full well Cole would agree. Once he's dissapeared to change, Lucie jabbed the Princess in the ribs. "Stop that!", "Well, well my Lady. Seems someones got hearts in their eyes - he's not exactly the 'dreamy knightt you'd expect but there's definitely something about him, isn't there?" she gave a suggestive wink and Leanna blushed heavily again. "Honestly, all you girls must do is gossip" but then her face turned slightly sad, "D-do you think he feel-"

Before she could finish her sentence Cole returned, obviously much more comfortable in his own clothes. They headed to a small secluded area of the garden to spar against once another, "I don't think you should... you're still technically injured" she tried to persuade him, but Cole seemed fine. Besides, it didn't seem like he was going to take no for an answer. The fought against each other for a while, parrying and dodging, Leanna felt a lot more confident compared to when he first fought against her all those months ago. But Cole was just so much more experienced, and he caught her off guard, snatching her balance from her as he took out her foot and sent them both tumbling to the ground. Her sword had fallen somewhere but she didn't look for it, all she could see was Cole hovering above her, their bodies so close, dangerously close.

He had her hand pinned to the floor and although she couldn't quite read his facial features, he seemed a little too cocky for winning a faux match. Leanna opened her mouth to suggest a rematch when Cole's lips connected with hers. It was like lightning coursed through her veins, the pure electricity from their movements made her let the smallest of sounds leave her throat as she moved her free hand up to press against his chest, almost desperate for more. He broke apart to breathe, the tension thick between the two of them when suddenly a loud rumble erupted and broke the moment instantly. Leanna burst out laughing. Cole moved to lay down beside her, "would you like to head to the kitchen?" she asked between fits of giggles, wiping some tears from the corner of her eyes. She turned to face him, their noses almost touching, she smiled sweetly, "Come on, there's always at one pot of something on-the-go in there." she said, moving to stand up.

She showed Cole to the kitchen, which was huge and filled to the brim with cooking utensils, as well as an amazing aroma wafting through the air. "Donovan? Have you been baking again?" Leanna called out to the kitchen staff. A tall, large man made himself known - he looked like the type that would be a leader of a mercenary gang, all full of scars and scruffy looking - "Donovan do you have anything my friend here can eat?" she asked him, looking to snatch one of the cookies left on the side. The head chef smacked her hand away, "Aye ma lady, there be plenty for 'im. But nout for you lass." Leanna pouted, "That's not very fair, is it?" Donovan gave hearty chuckle, "Aye Princess, but wasn't it you who ask'd me not to let ya have any sweets?" The young Princess blushed, "T-that was true... but not anymore, Pleeasse?" she begged, pulling the best cute-eyed puppy dog impression she could. Donovan allowed her to the cookies while he dished up a bowl of stew for Cole alongside some fresh bread. "Eat up lad"

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 15th, '17, 20:10    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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The laughing Leanna made the moment they shared even more so enjoyable. Cole stood up and followed after her saying. "Right about now I'd eat anything." As they reached the kitchen the different aromas hanging in the air made him even more so realize how hungry he had been. The men they met there seemed to be the kitchen chef, he seemed oddly out of place with his appearance. Yet the princess and cook seemed rather familiar with each other. He laughed a little as Leanna was first denied her cookie but eventually the chef gave in to her plea. While the good men went ahead to make him some supper, Cole watched as Leanna with relish took a bite out of the cookie, getting even hungrier. He grabbed her hand with which she held the pastry, bending down and allowing himself to take a bite out of it. He let go and chewed on the sweetness in bliss, just chuckling at the expression she gave him in return. "Come one. I'm starving. Haven't eaten in days." Cole excused himself until his attention turned to Donovan.

The dish he had cooked was mouthwatering to Cole. It has been a while since he had eaten anything freshly cooked. After their return Freya didn't seem to have the time to dish up anything decent. Always busy running to her friends and not to the forget the reports she had to make. Cole thankfully took the bowl and bread to sit down nearby on a table. Without further ado he digged in, showing barely any table manners, he didn't care at the time anyway. To busy enjoying his meal that pretty much took his whole attention until he was done. Satisfied he leaned back. "Delicious..." He babbeld as Donovan peeked over to them. "You're an amazin cook! Thank you for the meal!" Cole grinned giving him a thumbs up. The chef laughed and returned to his work.

Cole lied down on the table with his upper body. "Ah men. Guess I'm not gonna enjoy such a meal anytime soon." He sighed peeking up to Leanna. "I'll be going back home soon." His mien was serious as he sat up. "Did you knew that my mother was planing on staying here?" He paused before letting out a dissatisfied chuckle. "I'd like to stay too. Especially after all the things that happened. But someone oughta take care of the house." He smiled sadly but then hesitated as he shifted in his seat. Unsure how to start the following subject he pondered with himself if it would make feel Leanna to conflicted about it, not even sure if she even wanted to talk about it. "Say, after everyone woke up. What happened to your brother?" Cole paused for a bit before adding. "I'm sure your parents weren't happy about that..." he sighed.

After taking on another topic Cole listened to Leanna as she filled him on the time he was unconcious. "I see." He leaned on his hand as he looked aside a bit thoughtfull. Times were dire, everyone was busy preparing for a war. He looked back at Leanna dead serious. "Do you have some time later today? I'd like to tell you something. You could come by at my place." He said at first without a though before realizing one thing. "No scratch that. Let's meet at the dragon shacks. I think It's time I visit Dramor. He is probably worrying his scales off since I didn't come by. While we are at it we can talk." He avoided Leannas eyes as he stood up. "See you then?" Cole asked a bit unsure. There was no time anymore to simply shove aside the things he wanted to forget. He couldn't go on. Not like this. Not before coming clean with himself and Leanna.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: May 23rd, '17, 23:16    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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((Sorry for the delay!))

Leanna found it endearing how honest Cole was, he didn't hold anything from her and in made her feel like he was a true friend, and not a fake one brought in by her mother. But then... friend wasn't right either. Friends didn't kiss each other, and the mere thought of it made her blush. She watched him eat while finishing her cookie, impressed with his speed, but then he turned to her, telling her he was going home. "I-I thought Freya wanted to stay until she figure the whole gemstone thing out?" Leanna asked, sounding a little too desperate. "I suppose you're right, but you don't have to go right now, do you?" Leanne smiled, trying to see is Cole would stay for just a little longer. They could visit the dragons together if he was up for it.

"Ah, Targus is... he's still asleep. Freya and the castle doctor have taken a look and can't see anything wrong but he just wont wake up. I've not been to see him really." Leanna hugged her body, "I don't really feel like seeing him to be honest." she could feel the bitterness as she spoke, she could never forgive Targus for what he did to Cole. Never. No matter how much mind-control he was under. "My parents are both fine, annoyed and stressed because of all the preparations and politics but otherwise fine. Of course they're angry at him, but I think they can't truly be angry at him if it was some kind of magic, Mother especially is too inclined to forgive." She felt a little uncomfortable, talking about Targus and talking about the fear of War, but then Cole asked if she wanted to go somewhere, to which she was eager to say yes to - but then he changed him mind.

"The Dragon shacks? I was thinking of going there as well..." Leanna was confused by his sudden seriousness and the need to meet up rather than go alone, "... Sure, we'll meet there at around 7pm. Is that okay?" Cole seemed to avoid her as he stood and made to leave. "Oh, yeah! I'll see you later" she said as he walked out of the kitchen. The small chuckle from Donovan made her blush. She spent the rest of the afternoon and early even walking around the castle, secretly hoping she would bump into Cole or Freya, but it seemed the both of them had headed home. Leanna let out a long sigh once she reached her room, a different one from before, and wondered if perhaps she should change clothes? She shook her head, there was no need for that - they were only going to see the Dragons, it wasn't a date.

Time went by incredibly slowly until it reached 7pm, and Leanna practically launched herself out of the castle to the great discomfort of her Mother who forced a guard to follow her. Once they got close Leanna asked the guard to stay by the small pathway to the shacks, so that he wasn't close enough to hear or see her. She headed inside and smiled at the familiar smells and the soft breathing of the dragons, of course she headed to Azutri first, and petted her lightly. "Hello lovely, how have you been? Thank you for rescuing me the other day" Cole should be here by now, and it made Leanna nervous - Why did he call her out here to talk?

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