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 Post subject: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 28th, '17, 23:37    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England

The age of water has passed and the age of the sky has just begun.

New ships are being manufactured to conquer the air currents - faster than water but far more treacherous, the skies are fickle and stranger creatures than those of the sea lurk among the clouds. Different designs are being made into flying ships, each one mightier than the last and all are marvels to both magic and science.

But good times do not last, and as this great age of flight begins, so does another darker one.

As technology has improved, ship have become easier and less costly to create. With ships now more available, Sky pirates have begun to freely roam the four skies, raiding flight decks and weaker ships as they had done for centuries on the waves.
In addition to this there is a strange force growing, off to the east, where the sky is starting to get a deep red tinge, the colour of blood. All captains that have been curious enough to venture too deep into that area of the Amarus sky have not returned.

-{Plot updates will be added as rp continues}-


The Amarus sky (Eastern)
The Sericum sky (Western)
The Iratus sky (Northern)
The Silent sky (Southern)

The Dusk Bringer

The Dusk Bringer is a mighty ship, the outside is an almost exact replica of the ships of old - a black mast pointing up to the sky with no sails or rigging attached to the tall pole, it's purpose to act as a lightening rod, to nullify the power of an electric storm on the ship.
Although the outside may just look like cured wood, there is actually a thick layer of a magical crystal that coats the whole of of the ship - absorbing the light from the sun and the moon and transferring it into energy to power the great engines in the bowls of the ship. During the day the crystals turn the ship a gleaming white as they absorb the full power of the sun, whilst at night they shift to an inky black, conserving the day's energy and giving the ship a stealthy advantage over would-be raiders.

The inside of the ship is not nearly as glamorous as the outside, almost all metal interior, with a few patches of wood here and there. Basic crew quarters and kitchen and a large storage hold just above the engine hold.
There are a few weapons such as harpoons and cannons lining the decks and a razor sharp crystal blade protruding out of the prow of the ship.

All of the more advanced technology relies on magic to work in CS's world. So things like flying ships, communication devices, measuring equipment and other bits of machinery are augmented by magic - but guns, most medical equipment, smaller vehicles and odds and ends from around the ship should fit with early industrial era technology. So think steam power, inaccurate single shot rifles/ pistols and a pretty basic understanding of most scientific principles.

But yeah, rps are all about collaboration, so if you have an idea for a bit of equipment that would be a bit more advanced/ are unsure about something, bring it up in the OOC and we can discuss it c:

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (under construction - no posting yet please)
Posted: Mar 28th, '17, 23:38    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
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+ You may control more than one character, however please keep it easy to tell which character/s you are posting as - I find using character specific font colours is a nice way of doing this c:

+ This is a fantasy world, so feelfree to play whatever species you want, but try not to be too cliche

+ Fight fair. There will be combat at points in this rp, this will be just descriptive combat (no dice rolling), but combat gets boring if your character is over powered and perfectly dodges every strike. If you are fighting another player, always leave room for them to either dodge or take the hit - if you really want to describe the blow hitting/killing them, always check that this is ok with the RPer first, either through pm or an OOC post.

+ Please try and keep your posts to at least three sentences and at most 4 paragraphs per character. This isn't really a hard rule, just a guidline so that you always give the other players enough to respond to, but not so much that you might aswell just be writing a story by yourself. I'll privately message you if I feel you are consistantly sliding into either of these areas.

+ This will most likely be quite a slow paced rp, so no pressure on how quickly you post - but please let us know if you are going to be unable to post for quite a long time or PM me if you want to leave the rp at any point.

+ And of course, follow all of the KofK rules c:

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (under construction - no posting yet please)
Posted: Mar 28th, '17, 23:39    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
Hugs: 11920
Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England

As stated in the rules, you are welcome to have multiple characters. As this RP will focus around the Dusk Bringer and her crew, it may be difficult for you to introduce your character as an outsider to the ship at certain points in the story. So feel free to make any new character be someone who is already part of the ship, that all present crew members know at least on an acquaintance level (if you want to have a pre-existing relationship stronger than that with any other character, feel free to discuss that as a possibility with that character's RPer, and then put it as part of the history on your character sheet)

Crew Positions

Captain: Laslo (played by Reht)
Vice Captain: Louis (played by Louifayette)
Quartermaster: Felix (played by Nolfavrell)
Quartermaster's Assistant: Mitch (played by Nolfavrell)
Doctor: Kira (played by Louifayette)
Crow (lookout): Nelya (played by Chrizine)
Engine Master: Barnes (played by Reht)
Engine assistants: Minny (played by Reht)
Harpooners/ Canon master: None yet
Cook: Phoenix (played by CycloneKira)
Cook's assistants: None yet
Other: (feel free to suggest other roles!)

(Obviously alot of these roles may remain unfilled, but the ship shouldn't feel empty, so at times I may mention vague background characters in these roles until they're filled. You may also do this if you want.)

Character Profiles
-Reht's Characters-

Name: Laslo
Job: Captain
Age: 28
Species: 1/2 Human, 1/2 Elf
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft 2"

Personality: Brave and adventurous. He cares deeply for his crew and is friendly with them, but is also quite secretive and will often hide his true feelings/ thoughts. He's on the quiet/ serious side and generally calm - it takes a lot to make him angry.

History: He is quite secretive of his past. He commissioned the creation of the Dusk Bringer from Barnes' master, Aldrin - although no-one is quite sure how he came by the funds for such a venture. Gossip amongst the crew leans to believing that he must come from an important family, due to his general disposition and clear education - but he never speaks of his family and his appearance doesn't fit with any of the more well known aristocratic families.

Weapons/Powers: Sword & Rifle. The markings on his chest are no ordinary tattoo and have magic behind them, they glow faintly and become warm when Laslo needs to be guided towards his next goal or when danger approaches (he can usually ascertain their meaning from the level of heat and a slight feeling of movement under his skin). He generally hides their magical properties from other people, including his crew.

Name: Barnalby - "Barnes"
Job: Engine Master
Age: 43
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 4ft 5"


Personality: Grouchy and gruff on the outside but a softy at heart. Steadfast and loyal. Over-protective of Minny. Proud and easy to anger.

History: Grew up homeless on the streets with Minny's father Rick - although not blood related, they always viewed each other as brothers. They were semi-adopted by a local mechanic called Aldrin - a pioneer in sky ship engineering. Under his tutelage they both learnt to be highly competant engineers in their own right. They set up thier own business together and became hugely successful. They both married and had children, Barnes had two twin boys and Rick had Minny and another baby on the way.
They were all living together in a large appartment above their business when a terrible fire tore through the building. Barnes was out on a late night delivery at the time - Minny was the only one inside who managed to escape the building - her father having pushed her through one of the windows onto a neighboring balcony.
Barnes would have been a truly broken man after losing his family, if not for Minny. As such he is fiercely protective of her and always acts in whatever way best suits her interests.

Weapons/Powers:Fists and the power of shirt bursting!

Name: Mineille - "Minny"
Job: Engine Assistant
Age: 15
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5ft 2"

Personality: Energetic, cheerful, friendly and hard working

History: Barnes' niece. She lost her everyone in her family except for Barnes in a horrific house fire when she was six years old. As such she has a strong fear of fire and a deep love/ respect for her uncle, who became a surrogate father for her after the fire.
Barnes taught her everything she knows about machinery and she has flourished under his care. The two of them have been with the Dusk Bringer since the beginning, as the ship was designed in part by Barnes and his master, and they immediatly joined the crew of the finished ship to help keep it in working order.

Weapons/Powers:Two revolvers and a wrench.

-Louifayette's Characters-

Name: Louis de Pétancourt
Job: Vice Captain
Age: 35
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft 4
http://quarter-virus.deviantart.com/art ... -577174272
http://quarter-virus.deviantart.com/art ... -577174496
Personality: Louis is a loyal, open minded and open hearted captain. His emotions will always show, even if he does not straight up tell you. He very proud of who he is, and will encourage his fellow shipmates to feel the same way about themselves. He cares about his men and treats them with respect. He can become very stern and harsh if his men do not respect him. Any mutiny will be dealt with swiftly and precisely, without drawing too much attention. Despite being an excellent leader, he is a vain one. He really hates it when his outfit or looks get messed up, and might react explosive when someone would ruin his hairdo

History: Louis has come a long way before he joined Laslo's crew. A long time ago he joined the navy to explore the skies. He rose through the ranks fairly quickly and guided multiple navy ships to their victories as a proud captain. Still, something was missing. He conquered plenty of seas, but never actually had the freedom to go and explore. On top of that, the navy outfits really clashed with his hair.
He has had his fair share of crews to guide across the skies before he settled for a young captain named Laslo. Nowadays he plots courses, calculates wind and makes everything on the ship is in tip top shape. He knows the ship like the back of his hand and can maneuver himself everywhere through the use of daring acrobatics.

Weapons/Powers: Louis sports two masterwork rapiers. They may not be magical artifacts, but they are quite close to it. They are louis' favorite weapons, ever since he lifted them from a rich rookie pirate who didn't know what to do with them.
Apart from the rapiers, louis also wields a weapon which is a lot less high profile. The tall and slender heels of his boots are made from pure silver and specially equipped for Louis' fighting style. A kick from these beauties can leave small, yet deep, stab wounds. He only uses them as a last resort, so hardly anyone, save the captain, will know about it.

Name: Kira Zhang
Job: Physician/Doctor
Age: 32
Species: human
Gender: female
Height: 1.65 m

Her outfit is simple, white coat black pants, accented by a white apron and gloves whenever work requires it.
Personality: Kira, or rather Dr Zhang is a stern personality. She does what has to be done and makes short work of it. On top of that, she lets her actions speak for her instead of talking about them. She's not really a people person and will only talk to people when the situation requires it. She is not rude though. When questions are asked, she will answer. She just doesn't see the use of small talk and prefers to work on her own in the place she knows by heart. Others will only get in the way.

History: Young Kira does not elaborate about her past. she is probably smart enough to work in a hospital. Yet she travels around on a ship and has a makeshift (for her standards at least) operating room. You will never hear her complaining about it though

Weapons/Powers: She is a skilled surgeon
-Nolfavrell's Characters-
Name: Felix Spencer
Job: Quartermaster and 2IC for the Away Team
Age: 27
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"


Personality: Felix is fairly happy go lucky in both attitude and outlook on life. He's passionate about his duties to the ship and crew, and despite being naturally a very lazy individual, has a work ethic to rival no other when on duty.
He remains very chilled out up until the point that he is suddenly not, when his temper can snap and result in a few blacked eyes. A thrifty lifestyle has lead to a love of food which is so far unmatched.

Felix, while not a big sharer, doesn't shy away from his past. He lived with his mother and two younger sisters during his early years, until he was sold into service with a local leather merchant named Lorgen. This was mainly consensual as the then six year old Felix recognized the need for cold hard cash in order to provide for his family after his father was lost in battle upon an aging ship. It provided both a steady influx of earnings to his mother, and also one less mouth to feed alongside.
The experience helped shape him into the man he is today. From working on the leather with the small delicate tools that only a child can wield, to maturing into the book keeper and keeper of coin, Felix ended up with a well rounded education far more impressive than would have been expected of a mere peasant boy. Plus the constant supply of small treats from a soft hearted if gruff Lorgen helped to sweeten the deal. Small creamed pastries were especially welcomed by the growing Felix.
As he grew into his body, an old military friend of Lorgen's by the name of Rashid, returned to port with the need of a steward to work under his Captain's rule. Felix was quickly volunteered by his master with the promise of more profitable wages and even more excitingly, the opportunity to learn swordsmanship.
Between the ages of 14 and 21, Felix apprenticed with both Rashid as a swordsman, and the ailing Captain Barren as general steward. Within this role, he learned of all the logistical needs of a busy sky ship and developed his financing and procurement skills and charisma far beyond those learned in the local leather shop.
As he aged out of his childhood role, Captain Barren promoted Felix to assistant Quartermaster and kept him on board as a valuable member of the crew, both within an organisational and defensive role thanks to his skills honed alongside Rashid. Here Felix stayed for the next four years until at the age of 25, Felix was drawn back home by his mother's second marriage.
After staying home for several months to help plan and orchestrate the whole affair, Felix feared he had lost his role in the clouds until word came to him from his old master Lorgen of a new ship in need of a crew.
Using his vast network of business contacts and ears to the ground cultivated through his years aboard The Duchess under Captain Barren, Felix gleaned just enough information surrounding the new Captain Laslo and his ship to whet up an appetite. Spurned on by the knowledge that the great Aldrin has been involved in the ship's development (a name often revered by Lorgen and the other local craft masters), Felix bid farewell to his family and new stepfather and left to sign up for the Dusk Bringer.

Under Rashid and the other weapon masters on The Duchess, Felix developed a well rounded taste and affinity with weapons. He is capable of picking up almost any implement and having a go at stabbing/shooting someone with it, though Rashid always commented that this was 'pauper's luck'.
He is most comfortable with (and therefore always accompanied by) a short hand and a half sword, a revolver and a short, straight knife.
His sword was bought with his first paycheck aboard the Duchess; the revolver was gifted by Captain Barren when he left his service to attend his mother's marriage ceremony; and the knife was his latest acquisition, gifted by Lorgen after Felix informed him of his plan to join Laslo's crew. It was only once Felix was aboard the Dusk Bringer, that Felix noticed that the knife was the one he had used a boy in Lorgen's shop. A thank you note was sent as soon as he was able, returned by a heartfelt wish for luck and a small amount of coin for some pastries from his old grouchy master.

Name: Mitchell 'Mitch' Connor
Job: Apprentice to the Quartermaster//General Deck Hand
Age: 14
Species: Mostly human
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2"


Mitch is quick and clever, but a complete lack of real life experience has kept him quiet and shy. He's cautious and a bit of coward, over thinking to the extent that hesitancy can cripple him without somebody else more experienced to get him in gear.


Mitch grew up with his Auntie Elaine after his mother died shortly after childbirth and his father had been previously declared MIA. Grace Mitchell and her husband Frank Connor were both remembered to their son after Auntie Elaine decided to name the newborn after both his parents in tribute.

Auntie Elaine accepted Mitch into her brood, welcoming him alongside her own daughter Frankie ((named as you'd guess, after Elaine's missing brother Frank)) as a surrogate twin, having been born mere weeks apart.

Auntie Elaine was the main gaffer on her farm, taking over in her husband Clyde's absence. While Uncle Clyde made seasonal work as a map maker, Elaine shepherded her nine children (including Mitchell) around the place, ensuring that every child worked for their supper and fully understood the benefits and rewards of a hard honest graft.
Over the years, Mitch happily worked alongside all the crops, animals and tedious paperwork that came alongside a busy working farm. That is, until he and Frankie were caught causing yet more mischief in town.

Elaine's family farm valued visitors from out of town, seeing them as potential business and trading partners instead of just passing custom. As such, when Mitch spied a young blond man being swindled by the local blacksmith, he could not stand idly by. Although he secretly thought the man was useless due his apparent lack of recognition of the pig iron under his nose, he also valued the size of the man's purse.
Mitchell caught the man halfway through the transaction, and loudly pointed out the fraud in full view of the authorities. The blacksmith was arrested, and pleased with his success and the blond man's gratitude, Mitchell brought the man back to the farm to meet Elaine.
Unbeknownst to Mitch, the blacksmith had a number of dangerous friends in town who fully intended on making the boy's life a living hell in retaliation. After they had successfully forced her brother out of town, Elaine would be damned if they would do the same to her beloved nephew/adopted son.

It so happened that Elaine was already acquainted with the blond man, having met him twice in the past. Once as a small child peddling leather in the travelling markets, and again some ten years past as a lanky teen flanked by high ranking officers on The Duchess.
Felix Spencer was now the Quartermaster of the Dusk Bringer, a ship that was already gaining a name for itself. He'd already spoken previously to his Captain about his younger years as a steward and had floated the idea of taking one on himself to safeguard the ship in case of his own death. Having someone already in training was a cheap and effective solution.

Elaine jumped onto a stewardship as a solution and encouraged Mitchell to sign on. He was apprenticed for a fixed period of seven years like Felix had been, allowing him time to mature and leave the ship his own man.

Packed up within a week (allowing both Mitchell time to say goodbye, and Felix time to casually pick off all the blacksmith's more savoury friends and get them arrested), Mitchell entered service upon the Dusk Bringer.

It was only after Mitchell was aboard and chatting to other members of the crew, that he learned that Felix had an annoying habit of finding cheating tradesmen to barter with. Bitter and jaded from his own time as a tanner's boy, and further riled through his time as Quartermaster, Felix felt a true hatred towards liars and business cheats. He saw it as his personal goal in life to get as many of these characters weeded out, both to protect his own supply lines and also to protect younger merchants.
Mitch recognised the benefits that came with such admittedly childish actions and was newly inspired to work under and learn alongside such an organic and rag tag crew.

Mitch is pretty handy with a standard bow for general game hunting, along with a small scythe from his days farming. He's next to useless with any guns or swords, having never even held them in his hands before coming aboard.
He has been encouraged by Felix to spend his free time begging Neyla and the other bowmen/harpooners for advanced lessons, but so far has been too shy to approach.

-CycloneKira's Characters-

Name: Phoenix (No last name)
Job: Cook
Age: 20
Species: She doesn't know
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3''
Appearance: A short and sweet looking girl, she has straight black hair that comes down to the bottom of her jaw, brown eyes and brown skin. She is usually seen wearing shorts and t-shirts, but also has other clothes for special occasions.

Personality: Her personality fits her appearance. She is a sweet person who rarely gets angry (although when she does, she explodes) and her joy comes from cooking for the crew members. She loves trying out new things from the different cultures that she comes across while on board the Dusk Bringer. Her happiness is unparalleled when her work is appreciated. As a friend, she is fiercely loyal, although her judgement is not always on point when it comes to people.

History: She has no idea about her past, because she remembers nothing about her life before the age of 12. All she knows is that one day, she woke up and found herself quite alone in the world, with nothing but a small card with her name and date of birth on it. She lived in an orphanage for three years where she honed her cooking skills.
At the age of fifteen, she left the orphanage to try her luck in the real world. Unfortunately, luck wasn't in her favor and she ended up going from place to place in search of a steady job and shelter for another four years. After working at a small tea shack for two months at the age of nineteen, she heard stories of a ship that needed a cook. Not knowing what came over her, she applied for the position and was pleasantly surprised when she got it.
Since joining the ship, she has become close friends with Minny, and sees her as the little sister she never had.

Powers: She can sprout more hands at will. However, her energy levels are inversely proportional to the number of hands she has at the moment, so she only sprouts two extra, and only uses them to speed up her cooking. If she sprouts too many hands, there is a possibility of her dying.

Weapons: Everything in the kitchen (paprika powder in your eyes or boiling oil thrown on your skin doesn't really sound appealing, does it?)

-Chrizine's Characters-

Name: Nelya
Job: Lookout
Species:Half human, half unknown winged people
Gender: female

Personality: Nelya is quick to laugh and very open in general, but can also be quite withdrawn and stare at the horizon in silence for hours. She's usually up for any exciting adventures, and a few good-hearted pranks are certainly not below her. When she is in a more silent mood, it is quite hard to get more than one word replies from her though.

She grew up under the care and protection of her mother, but never knew her father, from which she inherited her wings. Her mother refused to tell her anything about him and she never knew any other winged people, so it was always a big mystery to her. Her mother was a seamstress, but Nelya herself never had any patience for the delicate work. She longed for adventure, she wanted to see the skies and maybe find out what people her father had come from. Even though her mother was not happy about it, she hired on her first ship when she was 17 and quickly got some appreciation as a lookout because of her keen eyes. She worked her way up to more prominent ships throughout the years, but always quit after a time when they wouldn't go any new routes she hadn't seen yet. After spending the last few months back with her mother, she was eager to get going again when she heard about the Dusk Bringer being in need of more crew members.

Weapons/Powers:Her main weapon is the crossbow, but she is not a big fighter in general. She mostly tries to stay out of harm's way, which is certainly made easier by her wings. They don't allow any prolonged flight, but are great for a quick escape to the top of a tree or a crow's nest.


Code: Select all

[color=please choose a colour]
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Description or illustration/anime image is fine, I'm not so fond of real photos but will allow if you don't want to use anything else)



[b]Weapons/Powers:[/b] (magic is very limited in this world and often causes the user harm, please try to either have big repercussions for your powers, draw limited power from a physical artifact or have no powers) [/color]
You may either PM me your profiles or post them in the OOC thread, but please don't start posting in character until I have accepted your profile and added it to this post.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (under construction - no posting yet please)
Posted: Mar 28th, '17, 23:39    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (under construction - no posting yet please)
Posted: Mar 28th, '17, 23:40    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
A young sky ship captain stood atop of his vessel's deck, the night breeze wafting through his silver hair and moonlight making the black crystals coating the ship glitter like so many stars. The Dusk Bringer skipped over the top of a leafy green sea, the tallest tree tops scraping harmlessly against the ship's proud hull.

Laslo steered the ship's wheel slightly to the left, his nimble fingers fluttering over the switches that controlled slight adjustments to the engines, a deep rumble from his stomach bringing him out of his revere.
He could smell something smokey and delicious drifting up from below deck - a sure sign that it was time to find a place to land for the night.
His hands travelled over various levers, slowing the ship's movement as his eyes scanned the surrounding area for a likely spot.

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 29th, '17, 20:01    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
Hugs: 2546
All Right, Imma sign up Louis:

Color= #BF00FF
Name: Louis de Pétancourt
Job: Vice Captain
Age: 35
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft 4
Appearance: http://quarter-virus.deviantart.com/art ... -577174272
http://quarter-virus.deviantart.com/art ... -577174496
Personality: Louis is a loyal, open minded and open hearted captain. His emotions will always show, even if he does not straight up tell you. He very proud of who he is, and will encourage his fellow shipmates to feel the same way about themselves. He cares about his men and treats them with respect. He can become very stern and harsh if his men do not respect him. Any mutiny will be dealt with swiftly and precisely, without drawing too much attention. Despite being an excellent leader, he is a vain one. He really hates it when his outfit or looks get messed up, and might react explosive when someone would ruin his hairdo

History: Louis has come a long way before he joined Laslo's crew. A long time ago he joined the navy to explore the skies. He rose through the ranks fairly quickly and guided multiple navy ships to their victories as a proud captain. Still, something was missing. He conquered plenty of seas, but never actually had the freedom to go and explore. On top of that, the navy outfits really clashed with his hair.
He has had his fair share of crews to guide across the skies before he settled for a young captain named Laslo. Nowadays he plots courses, calculates wind and makes everything on the ship is in tip top shape. He knows the ship like the back of his hand and can maneuver himself everywhere through the use of daring acrobatics.

weapons/powers Louis sports two masterwork rapiers. They may not be magical artifacts, but they are quite close to it. They are louis' favorite weapons, ever since he lifted them from a rich rookie pirate who didn't know what to do with them.
Apart from the rapiers, louis also wields a weapon which is a lot less high profile. The tall and slender heels of his boots are made from pure silver and specially equipped for Louis' fighting style. A kick from these beauties can leave small, yet deep, stab wounds. He only uses them as a last resort, so hardly anyone, save the captain, will know about it.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 29th, '17, 20:17    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
Hugs: 2546
It was a beautiful summer's night and Louis secured the last knots that would secure the everyones safetylines. A low rumble drew his attention away from the knots and towards the young captain. It took a few jumps across the slender masts to get to the captain. He released his grip on the masts just right, so he landed smoothly right next to the captain.

"A very good evening, my captain. Still up so late? Where are you taking this beauty?" With that last line, Louis put his hand on the railing next to him. It was a gentle touch, almost as if he caressed the ship.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 30th, '17, 02:25    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
((Accepted both profiles and popped 'em in the character post c:
Too tired to post myself tonight, but I'll try toget something written before work tomorrow c: ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 30th, '17, 09:07    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
Hugs: 2546
((I have edited Louis' profile a little. it now describes his weapons as well. Thanks for admitting the characters))

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 31st, '17, 02:54    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
(( ;o
As you guys might have guessed, Nolfie was part of the original rp years ago, I mentioned to him that I was starting it up again and he jumped at the chance to join again c: ))

Laslo turned to see his flamboyant vice captain and threw him a friendly smile,
"We're not too far from the port of Ailmareth - about another day's sailing. I know a cartographer there who would be interested in learning about that cluster of floating islands we discovered, and I have a good feeling about selling our cargo of spices there..." He absentmindedly scratched his tattoo and a thoughtful, faraway expression fell over his features.
He was silent for a few moments, before snapping his focus back to Louis, a smile once again playing across his face. "But yes! You are right, it is quite late. Time to lay anchor for the night." As he spoke he flipped a few more switches and carefully steered the ship as it began its slow decent into a small forest clearing below.

"It smells like Phoenix has cooked up something as enticing as ever. Have you already eaten, or would you like to join me?"
Laslo rarely ate with the crew, preffering to have his food in the solitude of his cabin, often working whilst picking at his meal. But tonight he was feeling more sociable - it dawned on him that, whilst they had been travelling and working together for a good few months now, he hadn't really bonded with much of his crew yet (well, aside from Felix, who had insisted on having regular drinking sessions with the captain - something that he had been apprehensive of at first, but had grown to look forward to.)
As their captain, he already felt a fondness for and a need to protect his crew, but he was also realising that his tendency to distance himself from others was the opposite of what his crew needed from their captain.


"Hey Fe-- Ow!"
Minny had popped up from her work at the sound of the quartermaster's voice and had promptly banged her head on some low hanging piping. She scrunched up her face as she rubbed the already rising lump of the top of her head. "Arghh... This is what happens when your engine room is built by fricken' dwarves.."

Barnes peered from round the side of a wall of piping and pressure valves, face pink and moustache bristling.

"N-nothing uncle." Minny grinned sheepishly and bent down to go back to her work.

Barnes sniffed dismissively, obviously still a little miffed, and walked out from round the corner, wiping his oily hands on a stained rag. He eyed the falling pressure gauges, "Looks like Cap'n's bringing her in for the night.." He noted, his attention quickly turning to Felix "Well, what do you want?" His voice gruff but not unkind.

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