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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 2nd, '16, 00:04    


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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
After a good rest Cole got up, picked his sword and went to get some dinner. The cafeteria was an impressive buffet, offering all sorts of variation with vegetables, meat and fruit. He got himself a piece of ham two eggs and some salad. Balancing his tray he went to the farthest corner of the busy room. During this hour a lot of folks met up to chat above dinner about their experiences and doings of the bygone day and future plans. Cole usually avoided most contact, but it didn't stop him from listening in. "Hey, I heard the royal family will be visiting town tomorrow." A few guys were sitting together chatting nonchalantly. "Where did you hear that from?" Asked another curiously. "Secret." he smirked. "You think their daughter will attend?" asked a third one. "Surely. I'm not gonna miss out on that. Maybe even hook up with her. Get to be the next king." said the other mockingly, as to the others replied with irritated moans in unison.

Nothing usefull as usual Cole concluded. The doings of royalty or whatnot didn't interest him in the least. He'd rather spend his day training than gawking at some woman. Though his mother did pay a visit to the castle a few times, only for buisness of course due to her profession. Though he knew nothing more than that. He wasn't really listening to her when she was telling him about it. He did hear that the daughter was an exceptional beauty. He couldn't tell, he never saw and probably wouldn't.

Cole shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he picked some salad from his plate. He remembered what his mother had told him before her trip. "You know it's time to find yourself a fine woman and start a family. Get those dragons and training out of your head for once." Cole had grumpily replied "Whatever..." and shrugged it off as if it didn't concern him. Why should he? There was no one that had caught his eye, or more like interest. Not to speak of his overall lack of interaction with people. It was something that held no place in his mind.

"Whatcha doing, Cole my brother." A hand rested on his right shoulder. As soon he heard the voice all he though was not again. Cole brushed the hand away turning his head to look into a face smirking down on him. A face consisting of dark brown eyes, big eyebrows and really short dark blonde hair with a potato nose as the topping. This guy was twice as buff but no brain at all. Though he seemed to love to get on the nerves of other people, especially Cole's so to speak. "What do you want Dend?" he sighed. "I just want to see if you'r okay. You almost got kicked out today didn't you?" Dend paused. "Poooor you~." The sarcasm in his voice was painfully obvious and cringe worthy at this point. Without a word Cole stood up taking his fork. "You know you are right." He spun the fork in his hand. "But at least I can afford a brain, compared to you." Swiftly he swung the fork down towards Dends neck getting it stuck behind him on a wooden pillar, his clothe's inbetween. That did caught that stuck up guy by suprise and gave him a good scare. Satisfied with the reaction he patted Dends shoulder. "Take care, you bother." With that he left the hall taking in the fresh air.

Cole decided to pay Dramor a visit before going home. This time getting in at the front. On his way he did wonder where Lee had wandered off to after he left so suddenly. He had expected to see him at least at dinner but probably decided to go home early. After passing the many stables and other dragons and some of their riders, Cole reached his. Dramor was awake as he laid there bored, uppon spotting him he turned away and presented him his butt, or more like his tail. Cole exhaled softly. "I'm sorry okay?" Dramor remained unmoved, flicking his tail. "Alright alright, I'll get you a whole bucket of treats deal?" By the word treats the dragon did perk up to look at him. He loved his snacks a lot, though not entirely convinced yet. "How about you give me a lift home? Let's go fly."

After Cole succesfully had fought Dramors excitement off they finally were ready to rise. With a good leap and the heavy beating of the dragons wings they took off easily. It was nothing new to Cole by now, still the sensation didn't subside. Slowly they made their way towards the town, after flying some extra loops around the academy and fields. Cole lived at the end near the coast. And it was a short ride, but still really pretty as the dim light's started to appear in the windows of some houses the sun reflecting warm colours on the houses and streets. And of course the sparkling sea. Whenever he saw that scenery, it trully felt like home to him. Cole got off at the shore and Dramor made his way towards the forest to hunt some food.

After a five minute walk he was home. It was a small but comfy house that had been mostly furnitured that way by his mother. While growing up here barely anything had changed. Even though he did grew out of some of the things that were standing around like the figurines made from wood, with which he used to play a lot as a child. It felt comfortably nostalgic, especially when he was on his own. His mother was currently on a trip since a week. It was uncertain when she would return. She had said it was urgent, and even though Cole had strongly opposed that idea she had made up her mind. Cole kicked off his tunica and trousers and simply fell face forward into bed, almost instantly falling asleep.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 2nd, '16, 00:36    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna had fallen asleep incredibly quickly compared to normal, the day having taken it's toll on her and it wasn't until her head hit the goose-feather pillows that she realised just how exhausted she was. Still, it didn't stop the way her heart beat happily in her chest when she thought of what she had accomplished - truly she wanted to tell her parents, but that would only cause animosity between them and with everything going on between the neighbouring countries she decided it best to keep it a secret.

When morning rose, Marie woke her gently, "Princess you've slept past dawn - you must hurry or you shall be late for breakfast". Leanna bolted from her bed and scrambled to get ready - lying when asked if she had washed her hands and face. At the table, both King and Queen seemed in better moods, asking about her lessons and laughing with each other about memories when they were young. When breakfast was finished, and the servants were clearing the tables, the Queen spoke up; "Leanna darling, I believe we haven't been entirely honest with you about tomorrow."

This can't be good - nothing ever comes good when Mother says that...

"Tomorrow is an important day as it is not only when your Father will be announcing there are opportunities for new staff here" - "Which the town love, haha" her father butted in - "But also when we announce your coming of age ceremony. Leanna sweet, it's time you chose a suitor"

She paled considerably. A suitor?! She had barely had enough etiquette lessons to please her mother let alone a possible husband. "Mother please!" she begged, "I don't want a suitor! Why can't I just choose someone I want rather than the stuck up guys who always lick the ground we walk on" her mother made a twisted face, "Leanna don't speak like that." she scolded, and let out a sigh, "We have tried giving you as much freedom as possible darling, but you must understand your position - you are royalty. Royalty must behave properly, it is a rule."

Leanna scoffed, rules were stupid. "I don't like it" she whispered, earning a rather sympathetic look from her father. "You are still young my child" he said in his calming and deep voice, "There are many years for you to choose - do not fret" he walked over and hugged her in a very warm embrace. Leanna smiled. Perhaps if she just got through tomorrow and then pretended like it never happened, Mother would forget and she would have more opportunities to sneak back to Cole and the dragons.

I wonder what Cole's up to now... she thought as she wandered back to her room, quickly locking the door and getting dressed into the scruffy clothes hidden under her bed. The were a bit smelly after yesterday, but she assumed that it wouldn't matter too much. Marie tied her hair back and twisted it into a bun so that the hood hid it well and Leanna snuck out once more. Remembering to be back at the castle by 1 so that they could head into town for 2. She ran through the streets, which were already being cleaned and decorated for her arrival this afternoon, and dove into the academy hoping to see Cole quickly so that they could go back to Dramor and Azutri.

It seemed that students of all ages were already busy going to and from buildings and it was then Leanna remembered that some people lived in the dorms here - perhaps Cole was there? She had no clue if the boy was a resident, or is he lived in town. The noise was louder as a whole bunch of them came out of the cafeteria at once, a rather large, bulky boy was a bit red in the face and was exclaiming something about pride to the smaller boys who followed him. Leanna wondered briefly what it would be like to have proper friends. She hung around the building the had snuck off to yesterday, hoping to catch Cole, if not she'd have no choice but to ask someone which was dangerous. The less people she came into contact with the better.

A gentle roar was heard over the tree tops and Leanna smiled, the dragons must be waking up as well - according to her home-made schedule (from when she would spend hours staring out a window just to catch them in the sky) there would be a few trainers who flew their dragons until about 10 or 11, then the dragons would sleep until afternoon before another practice run. She desperately wanted to see Azutri again, that one was such a pretty colour, and in fact if it wasn't for Cole she would never have met Azutri - Leanna reminded herself to thank the boy, before they headed off today.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 2nd, '16, 22:44    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole got out of bed a little sluggishly, scratching his abdomen he looked for his clothes that were sprawled across the floor of his room. After getting dressed Cole grabbed his sword, a thin sharp spear and a bucket. As he walked out he was greeted with the first few rays of sunlight, it was going to be a nice day. It was still pretty early and he planned to keep his promise to Dramor. Time to get some snacks.

Instead of going to the coast he went to the Zuriye Lake which was also connected to the sea through a small stream. It was just a little farther north of the town. He seemed to be the first and only one to be here so far. Perfect. He rolled up his trousers over the knees, getting out of his shoes, he got into the shallow water. Carefully with the spear in hands he progressed a little further, then completly halting his movement. The water was murky but clear enough for him to see as fish hesitantly came closer. Like a lightning bolt he shot the spear into the water piercing the fish, killing it instantly, then throwing them the little distance into the bucket. He kept doing so until the bucket was half full. Unfortunately for him in the middle of catching fish he slipped up and fell into the water. Annoyed Cole brushed his hair back and sighed throwing the wet tunica over his shoulder. grabbing his bucket he left for the academy since it wasn't to far off and he was to lazy to go back home and change. Besides the weather was fine toay he wouldn't freeze in the sun.

Along the way he picked up an apple as breakfast and ate it. After delivering the bucket to the staff for his partner he went on ahead to look for Lee. He had planned a workout for him which shouldn't be to boring, but probably not very pleasant for him. Whereever that guy might be now. Questingly he scratched his head as he stood in the entrance looking around. "Where the hell is he?" He though aloud biting deeper into his apple. "You looking for someone?" Bermond walked up to him. Cole turned to look at him, still a little angry from yesterday he snarled back. "None of your buisness." The old man chuckled a little. "I saw Lee enter before. It seemed he was also looking for someone. After that he went back outside."

A little confused Cole questioned Lees behaviour but then remembered. "I think I know where he is." He sighed loudly a little annoyed, putting a hand to his face, shaking his head. "So what happened? Did you decide to go bathe along with your clothes?" Bermond teased him, obviously joking but Cole only shot him an angry glare before throwing away the remains of the apple, storming off outside. "The youth nowdays..." He philosophized looking after the young men stride away. Once again he noticed the white dots on his back and front between his right shoulder and neck, going neatly along his collarbone and bladebone. Yet Bermond didn't adress it to him. As he did try before but the boy just shut him out. What else could he do if the opposite wasn't willing to cooperate? Bermond sighed and went on to his own buisness thinking when Coles mother would return. She needed to lecture him seriously for once, she might be the only one he would still listen to.

Cole turned around the corner through the thicket as the twigs and leafs brushed along his bare skin. As the view cleared a little he could spot the hooded figure, calling out to him a little annoyed. "Lee. What are you doing here?" He walked up to him his black hair still dripping a little. He lowered one brow. "I don't think we made an agreement that this would become our meeting place." Cole thought for a moment. Lee seemed very enthusiastic about dragons and even was able to meet one that toook a liking to him, it was understandable that he got excited to see his new friend again. But he did seem to forget that was not the whole deal of the academy, it wasn't the only purpose it held. It was not only to learn how to care and live with dragons but also fight.

"I get that you'r excited to meet the dragons again but not today. At least not as long as I am not finished with you. And the day just began we have a lot of training ahead of us. After that you can go on and cuddle with your new buddy all you want." Cole paused, considering that he just probably ruined this boys day but if he was only here for the dragons he shouldn't have applied to the academy. He made a step forward.

"Listen up. I don't mind that you seem to like dragons so much. No, I'd even encourage that. BUT." Here was the conflict though. "You might not have heard, but something fishy is going on with the other countries. Who knows what they are planing. For them we are an eyesore and they could be plotting some kind of attack. We have to be prepared, if you want to protect dragons you gotta learn how fight. Why else do you think the academy would send out they so much needed staff here. It's because they desperately try to get people to join." Cole paused as he got tired only having half the view of Lee's face because of his hood. A little irritated he pulled it off. "And get that thing off. It's annoying."

He was caught off guard by that silver hair tied up in a knot. For a few moments he went silent thinking to himself before resuming from where he left. "Listen if you want to simply care for Dragon go to the carers. I decided to fight for them, if you can't do that then leave, there's no point for you to be here otherwise." Cole locked his eyes on Lees, still a little confused by his face. He crossed his arms awaiting a serious answer before going back to the training grounds. May it be together with Lee or alone.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 3rd, '16, 22:15    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
It was a little while before Cole made his appearance, brushing a few leaves off his shoulder as he walked towards her. "We didn't, but we didn't decide on any place so I thought this was better than anywhere" she said with a small smile. Cole was weirdly, dripping wet, and Leanna had to quickly check the sky just to make sure she wasn't imagining things. Why was he soaking wet? She was about to ask when he began talking about their plans for the day.

Cole was talking about training before they went to see the dragons again which made Leanna cringe a bit - she was clearly very unfit. And Cole seemed like the type of person to train like their military, incredibly strict and not sympathetic. Well, she'd have to bail at 11 anyway to get home in time. Cole then began to talk about the academy and the reason everyone was so uptight - but she knew that already - her father was called to an emergency council again today and another letter had arrived. Late in the night Marie had also said that a few extra guards were called to patrol the kingdom and it's residents, including the dragons. Perhaps they really were heading toward war... that was a scary thought.

Without warning, and too quickly for Leanna to react, Cole pushed down her hood, exposing her hair. In shock, she didn't move and stared at him with wide-panic stricken eyes, even stammering while trying to think of some kind of excuse. He looked at her briefly, but then continued, as if it meant nothing. He was speaking, but not a lot of it was registering as Leanna was too confused and scared about her identity being revealed, and yet a great wash of relief fell over her when he said nothing and walked away.

Quickly, she put her hood back up and ran after him. "I'll follow you!" she said, trying to put her fake voice back on. "B-But I have to leave at 11 today... I've got - a uhh, private appointment" she paused, waiting for a reply and added, "I'm sorry" hoping he wouldn't mind. She felt even more self-conscious now that he had seen her hair.

Cole didn't seem very phased by it however, which meant he clearly wasn't one for being interested in the Royals affairs. That was good - very good. Hopefully he wouldn't be at the announcement today and Leanna could relax around him a little more. "So we're training today? Are we sparring, or just strength training?" When Leanna was little she used to love hanging out with the Kings Knight, Levi, he is no longer the King's Knight as he's too old - but she remembers all the stories he told her, especially the ones when he was actually fighting in battles.

The walked through to a large clear area, and there didn't seem to be anyone around, Cole had a sword with him and Leanna was reminded as she looked at him, by the fact that he's soaking wet. "Um, Cole - why are you wet?" Leanna had to lift her trousers again, they kept falling down her hips, and she looked down at herself, wondering if training was going to be the best option for today - she wore a dirty shirt with a hood, sleeves fully down. Three quarter length trousers that kept falling down and boots. Not exactly training gear. She stood opposite him and hoped he wouldn't ask her to remove any clothing - how mortifying would that be?

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 3rd, '16, 23:58    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole took his belt with the sword off pulling the blade out. A small amount of water came out as he tilted the sheath downwards. "I was fetching some fish before for Dramor but I slipped and fell." He put the sword and its sheath down on the grass to dry. The sword was brilliantly glistening in the sun, showing off the runes engraved in the blade. Those were ancient almost no one could read them anymore, but his father had told him the meaning of this one before. The runes read Strenght, physically but also mentally. "To lazy to change I came here like this. I'll dry off in the sun in an hour or two. Doesn't matter." He shrugged it off as a small inconvenience, not like he would die from it.

Cole ran a hand through his hair before turning to face Lee. "So you leave at 11? Don't tell me you want to attend that stupid ceremony or whatever it's suppoused to be?" He gave the boy a long stare, shifting a little uncomfortably as he noticed Lee's clothing. "Don't you have any more fitting clothes? Those look like they are about to fall off." He let his gaze wander from head to toe, quitly thinking to himself before finally speaking up. "If you want I can help you pick some clothes out. I know someone in town who makes really neat clothes for warriors." He picked his tunica up and stretched it with all his strenght and the cloth didn't show the slightest sign of tearing appart. "See, pretty solid." A little smile escaped his lips but shifted to buisness almost instantly.

"I planned to spar. But I doubt you can move properly in your clothes. So we just gonna do some strenght training for now. After that we can go to town and pick some clothes out, then you can go and attend whatever it is." Cole quikly disappeared in a small shack nearby, coming out with two wooden swords. "By the way back there is the academys armory. If you need something to train with, you can get it there." He gave one of the wooden swords to Lee, getting into position beside him. "Alright we can just start out with the basic sword swings. You don't have to move for that just use your arms. Try to imitate me as good as you can."

Moving his legs apart, for him though his left foot was at the front. "Use your dominant side." Cole now lifted the sword with his left hand his right arm bent slightly. Swiftly he swung the sword from right to left, then left to right and lastly thrusting it forward. "Got it?" He watched Lee give it a go, it seemed very clunky. Cole thought that it might have confused him because he had used his left arm. For a minute he stared at his right hand opening and closing it. Maybe he could give it a go.

"Alright watch again." This time he took the sword in his right hand his right foot forward. Swinging it from left to right, right to left and thrusting forward. His style was prominent with either side, just that the left arm didn't hurt if he strained it, his right did. He didn't let any of the pain show on his face, just massaging his right shoulder a little he let Lee go at it for about an hour before announcing their training session as over for today. It was a short one but since he planned to show him to the store in town they had to head there now. Coles clothes had somewhat dried off. He put his tunica and belt back on. "Alright lets go."

The store was at the towns plaza, though a little hidden in a smaller alleyway. The sign read. Groggs Clothes. He ushered Lee in first before closing the door behind him. It was a small comfy store plastered with all kinds of clothes but also armor. "Misses Grogg?" Cole called out as he didn't spot the elderly woman behind the small counter. It took a little while before they heard a door opening and closing and a woman with greyed hair come out. She looked more sturdy than one would think of a woman her age. But she ran this buisness for a while and was a very skilled tailor.

"Well look who's here." She laughed heartly. "And who might that be?" Misses Grogg looked at Lee rather intently picking up notions that Cole failed to see. "That's Lee. He's a newbie at our Academy. He got assigned to me. Since we are short on staff this year. And well as you can see he needs some new clothes." Cole gave a little slap to Lees back. "Go ahead." He then turned to take a look at the assotment. He was thinking of getting a new coat for the winter since he seemed to have grown out of his once again.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 4th, '16, 22:09    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
Posts: 1195
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna couldn't understand how Cole could stand being in wet clothes - she couldn't imagine anything worse. The gross feeling of it sticking to your skin, the way it felt cold when you had to peel it off, and especially the feeling of a mini puddle in your shoe, all of it was grim and Leanna hated it. It's why she often refused to go outside if it was raining. She spotted the sword gleaming and was going to ask what the symbols meant, but decided against it as he ran his hand through his wet hair, slicking it back and making him look rather cute in her opinion.

Cole seemed to notice her choice in inappropriate clothing and it made her anxious, she didn't particularly want to go into town. Cole left but returned with a wooden sword, demonstrating how to use it in the simplest fashion, and advising her to use her dominant side. She wrote with her right hand, so she held the sword and remembered the times she played 'soldiers' with the Kings Knight, smiling at the memory. Cole showed her what to do, but using his left, and as she tried to copy she found it much harder than Cole made it look. She was awkward and clumsy and embarrassed. Cole then swapped hands, although he didn't seem very comfortable with it - they trained like this for a while, before Leanna found her entire arm beginning to ache, Cole seemed to sense this, and ended the session.

Leanna was led into town, and she instantly pulled her hood over her head to cover as much as possible. This was bad, very bad. She stuck close to Cole, probably too close as she occasionally kept bumping into him, but she couldn't risk being alone, especially looking like this. He took her to a clothing store, 'Groggs Clothes', and they both went inside. Cole seemed to know the lady behind the counter. Leanna faced the floor and felt a bit rude, but simply couldn't risk it. "It's umm, nice to meet you" she said, putting on an even thicker voice change, trying to seem as different as possible. Misses Grogg smiled sweetly and led Leanna to the back of the store, making her panic.

"Umm, listen it's very nice of you to help but I really d-don't need anything. I don't have any money either... I'm sorry" Misses Grogg smiled sweetly, finding a tape measure and a few pins and fabrics. "Nonsense, I'll sort you out for free." Leanna clenched her fists - this was really, really bad. Like, extremely bad. Misses Grogg stepped forward and Leanna stepped back, slamming into the back wall of the little fitting room. "P-please, there's no need..." Misses Grogg smiled sweetly, putting her tools down. "I'm afraid your disguise isn't going to work against me, Princess."

Leanna froze in fear, how did she know?! "I've made all sorts of garments for the Royal Family and their faithful soldiers. I've even made a dress for you, when you were a babe. Don't worry, I'll make you a much better disguise than these hand-me downs." Leanna took a shaky breath and nodded, feeling calmer, "P-please don't tell anyone, including Cole... he doesn't know." Misses Grogg let out a small laugh, "I promise your Highness, oh sorry - should I say 'Lee'?" Leanna smiled, pulling down her hood while Misses Grogg expertly took her measurements quickly and efficiently. She left for a few seconds and then returned with a bunch of fabrics, telling her to try each one on.

Leanna nervously got undressed, looking at the different clothes prepared for her. She needed to check the time, it had to be 10 by now, hopefully she could leave here quickly and head straight home without being followed by Cole. Once dressed, Leanna looked at herself in a small mirror, she really did look much better, and much more masculine. Misses Grogg appeared behind her, "The undershirt helps hid your... feminine charm." She said with a small smirk, "I've got a hat for you instead of a hood as well, to help hide your hair." Leanna smiled brightly, "Thank you so, so much! This won't go unpaid!" Leanna left the small room to find Cole, she felt like giving him a small twirl to show off but remembered that boys wouldn't really do that - neither should she be so impressed by second-hand clothes. "I'm done, but... I should probably get going"

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 5th, '16, 01:04    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
In the end Cole decided to wait a little longer before getting a new coat, he did spot something else though. He picked up a belt with a holder for a sword thinking to get it for Lee. Maybe this will encourage him to train a little more if he felt like a warrior carrying a sword. After a while Lee came out presenting his new look. Cole nodded satisfied. "Good. Like this you shouldn't have any problems moving around in battle. There's just one thing missing." He walked up to the boy, gliding the belt behind Lees waist and closing it at the side. "There, the next thing to get is a sword. You can think what kind of sword you want to get, until next time." Cole smiled stepping aside. "I'll be sure to make a proper man out of you." He said it a little enthusiastically as he was reminded of Dramor who he had to teach how to behave.

Misses Grogg tried to hold it in but couldn't help as a bit of laughter escaped her lips at his words. "What?" Cole asked confused as he walked over to her taking out a little bag. "Ahh, it's nothing don't worry." She waved as a gesture to nevermind, still leaving him questioning her sanity right now. He opened the little bag ready to take out some coins. "How much will that be?" She shook her head. "You don't have to. It has allready been taken care of." Even more confused he looked at the elderly woman, then Lee, then back to her scratching his head. "Well... Alright then. Thank you for your service."

He put the bag into his pocket turning away. "Ah, Cole?" He turned his head back. "Yeah?" Misses Groggs features softened a little, with a slight hint of worry. "Did your mother return yet?" Cole paused looking away. "No.." She sighed. "Well, once she returns tell her to come visit me, alright?" She smiled reassuringly at him. "Sure." Cole walked back to Lee speaking to him. "If you are in such a hurry go ahead." He thought for a second before adding "Well since everyone seems to use today's occasion to be lazy, I guess I can join. I really need a drink." As in alcohol. It's been a while since he treated himself to one and after the past days he really wanted to loosen up for once. Before leaving and going seperate ways he gave Lee a gently pat on the head. "Seeya kid."

Cole walked along the main road for a about 5 minutes turning to the left entering a pub named -The Hamster Dumpster-. A very odd name so to speak. Still no idea why the owner choose that name but it was a nice pub, decorated in warm colours, swords and a guitarist playing in the background. His father had visited this place frequently saying that he met his wife here and they almost took the whole place apart arguing. It said it was quite the scene and he often got to hear it from his father's best friend, the one owning this place. The men was named Cleth, a funny guy, he loved to tell all sort of stories and was also the guy he heared a lot of good information from. Since quite a few people from all places would stop at his pub, and well it's true that alcohol loosens the tongue.

As soon Cole entered he was spotted immediately. "Hey look who's here!" Cleth came forth behind his counter. "Hey-" Before Cole could finish his sentence he got a bear hug from the owner, who was a little shorter than him with a beer belly but notheless with a strong grip. His light brown eyes really seemed to be happy to see him. His hair was short and dark brown, with slight hints of grey in it. "What brings you here? You wanna watch the announcement too?" He finally released him and Cole could breathe again. "Nope." He walked past him getting himself a seat at the bar. Today only a few people were inside. Well at this hour no wonder. Most were up and about outside getting ready or trying to secure a good spot to watch from.

"Just came to drink. I don't care about royalty or their stupid announcement." Cleth went behind the bar giving him a concerned look. "Drinking this early? Did you finally became an alcoholic?" He joked partially. "No. I just wanna lay low for now." He sighed. "Gimme a beer." Cole put his elbow on the counter, jaw in his left palm, looking bored as ever. Cleth patted him on the shoulder to comfort him before handing out the beer.

About two hours later Cole's cheeks were flushed just a little. Alcohol didn't get to him that easily but he still felt a small lightness. Cleth just came back from serving another customer. "Are you sure you don't want to take a look at the announcement. I heard their daughter will attend, a real beauty as they say. She might catch your fancy." Cleth spoke to him while cleaning a glass. Cole let his head rest on the counter eyes half closed. "Not interested. Seriously why do you and mother keep telling me to get together with some girl. It's annoying." Cleth signed. "Well youth is all about love. When you get older all you get is a grumpy wife telling you to clean the dishes." He laughed heartily. "What's so special about that princess anyway?" Cole finally lifted his head to take another sip. "Well it could be the silver hair. That pretty much runs only in the royal blood. And-"

Before Cleth could finish Cole spit half of the drink coughing vigorously. Between his fits he managed to ask. "What did you just say?" He wiped his mouth looking at the owner with wide eyes, shock written all over his face. "Well don't tell me you didn't knew. Were you really that desinterested in the royals to never have heard that?" Cleth threw a question back and truthfully he was desinterested in that matter, but now it rang a bell. His mother seemed to have mentioned something similiar in the past. He remembered only now though. Shit. His heart skipped a beat in shock as he remembered Lees hair. Theres no way... He couldn't believe what his brain was about to put together. Cole looked very seriously at Cleth. "Does..." He stumbled a little. "Does the royal daughter have a brother?" He gulped nervously awaiting the answer. "Yeah she does. Though haven't heard much of him yet."

Frustrated, but a little relieved he massaged his nose between his eyes. "Are you definitely sure only the royals have silver hair?" Cleth nodded a little bit unsure though. "Well that's as far as I know. I don't know if people from other countries have that trait as well." Cold sweat ran down Coles temple. Well things seemed to turn out entirely different than he had thought. But just to make sure he had to see it with his own eyes. "Where can I get a good view on the royals?" Cleth heaved a brow. "Well what. Now you want to watch them?" Cole slamed his palm on the counter standing up. "Just tell me." Cleth was taken aback by his changed behaviour but complied. "Well I think the Plaza is allready crowded. Don't think you'll get through there. You might be able to see them from our second floor, since they will be passing through this street to get to the plaza to make their announcement." The owner got nervous, since only minutes ago he seemed so relaxed and now was completly on edge. "I will borrow this for now then." He took his glass of beer heading upstairs ignoring the little complaints of Cleth who signed shaking his head. "Who knows what bit his ass this time."

Having arrived upstairs he walked over to the window leading to the main street, opening it with a light push. Leaning a little over the windowsill, he looked down at the crowd that has allready gathered along the street. "Seriously..." He whispered, taking another sip from his beer. Coles heart didn't want to seem to calm down. If Lee was really a royal, things could get more complicated than he had originally thought. It was allready a bother to train some unknown newbie, but a royal? There was more at stake. Nervously he looked to the side, looking out for the slightest glint of silver hair.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 5th, '16, 21:01    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna felt herself smile when she watched the exchange between Misses Grogg and Cole, she gave the kind lady another smile and was determined to keep her promise. She waved goodbye to Cole, "I'll see you tomorrow? Shall we meet at the same place?". Excited by her new appearance she felt safer running through the town and made it home in record time, meeting Marie by the servants entrance and running upstairs before anyone else saw her. Marie followed quickly afterwards, carrying a range of dresses; "Her Highness wanted you to wear the green dress if I remember rightly."

Leanna sighed, the green one made her look older, it was a dark green decorated in gold which always clashed with her hair. "Can we try the blue one on, please? I'll show it to Mother and get her approval" Marie sighed but agreed, hanging it up to straighten it out. Leanna then undressed and Marie helped her wash her hair and body. Wrapped in a very fluffy gown she was waited on while Marie dried her hair and braided it into one large French plait, then decorating it with silver gems. She was then given a small amount of paint to dye her lips with and an even smaller amount to give her cheeks a cute blush. The blue dress was very comfortable, with long sleeves and a full length skirt it really was Leanna's favourite.

It was a dark blue, like the night sky, and the bodice was decorated with silver inlays, all the stitching was in silver and the bottom had a beautiful embroidered pattern. Leanna twirled around and Marie approved, so she popped on a pair of cute shoes and headed downstairs, the King and Queen were talking among the newest Kings Knight and his rally. "Mother!" she said walking up to meet them, the King looked very pleased, but her Mother couldn't hide the disappointment, "Why did you not wear the green dress I asked of you?" Leanna sighed, "This one is much more comfortable, and I think it suits me!" The King laughed, "It certainly does my sweetheart."

"Yeah, it suits a childish girl like you" came another voice from behind her, "Targus!" she yelled, her brother appeared and gave her hug. He was much taller than she remembered. Targus was the eldest of the two and had been in another country for a large portion of his adult life, preparing him for his role as King when the time came. "Father why didn't you say anything?!" The old man chuckled, his wife having a small giggle herself, "There's no harm in a pleasant surprise is there, sweet child?" Targus looked very similar to Leanna, his hair was darker, however and cut very short. Atop his head he a small silver crown, he wore a military stile outfit of dark red and gold and a beautiful sword at his hip.

"Leanna, darling, there's something we wish to give you." he mother said suddenly as a young servants approached with a gold jewellery box, the Queen opened it and presented Leanna with a gorgeous little crown of her own made of silver and diamonds. "Come now, we must all head into town and present our news - don't worry Leanna you need not say anything." They each climbed into a carriage, Leanna sitting tight to her brother, joyful that he was finally home. It didn't take long for the cheers of the people to reach them, and they were escorted to a small platform, raised from the ground for these such occasions. The King took centre stage and waved, enjoying the cheers, "The people of Androa..." he began, "I have many exciting things to tell you..."

The crowd quietened down as he continued to speak; "First of all I am excited to announce we have new opportunities for all ages and all skills here at the castle. We encourage everyone in need to come to our open day as food and shelter is provided." He smiled sweetly and continued, "Secondly I am extremely proud to announce the arrival of my dear Targus! My son, your Prince, has returned from his travels and will be staying for the foreseeable future!" he half turned and gestured to Targus, who took a step forward and bowed before waving. Targus was truly charming and already the gossip rumoured concerning brides and marriage. Targus stepped back and smiled at Leanna, winking at her which made her giggle.

"Finally my precious daughter, Leanna. We are delighted to announce that Leanna will soon be of age where she will be visited by suitors from all countries. Please make sure they are all welcome in our Kingdom." Leanna blushed furiously, looking at her feet, a cough from her Mother told her otherwise and she snapped her head up, smiling and then curtsied, embarrassed by the coy noises the elderly women made. The King gave his closing speech, thanking every single person and then the family made their way home. Leanna got Targus to tell her as much as possible about his travels - about all the countries he visited and the things he learned. IT was incredibly exciting and it made Leanna want to travel - but, rather than on horseback, Leanna wanted to travel on a dragon's back.

She wondered briefly what Cole was up to, and if he was with Dramor and Azurite. She wanted to hurry back, but knew better than that - instead she stuck as close to Targus as possible, asking him more and more about all the wonderful things he got to do. Unfortunately he tales also included the true fear that people had when dragons were mentioned. Targus said how much he had really, really tried to make them see another side to the beasts, but die to constant hunting the local dragons were fearful and angry towards humans. And that made Leanna very, very sad.

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wild knuffel vote

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 5th, '16, 23:13    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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As the carriage passed by Cole only got a glimpse of a male figure he couldn't identify. Damnit! He ran the stairs down, put the glass on the counter and wanted to leave but Cleth stopped him. "Where do you think you're going? Without paying even..." Dissapointed he shook his head. Cole turned on his heel rushing back planting a few coins down and rushing out with just a brief. "See ya."

He didn't see shit. It was frustrating. Knowing this fact without being able to confirm it. Cole pushed through the crowd to a point the people were standing so tight that he felt trapped like a fish in a bucket. He was tall, but so were numerous other people infront of him. He was also to far from the podium to see anything clearly. He did see four people standing on it, and they indeed had silver hair, as he could only barely make out. He also noticed their garments but couldn't clearly see their faces.

Cole listened to the Kings speech still trying to move forward, only earning himself grumpy stares from the others. And before he knew it the announcement was over and done with, the royals getting back in their carriage home. "No, no, no..." He chanted as it passed him. Frustrated he bit his lower lip paddling his way back to the main street through the crowd, which thankfully started to dissolve little by little. Without hesitation he ran towards the castle.

Completly out of breath he arrived at the gates taking a minute to calm his breathing. As soon he was done he walked up to a guard. "Hello there. Could I speak Targus?" He really would like to have a chat with that royal son of theirs. Cole appeared rather oddly agitated and therefore suspicious to the guard. "I don't think that's possible right now. Go on your way." The men tried to shoo him away. "It's really important. I need to talk to him now!" Cole got louder being upset as it was, stepping forward. The guard seemed to pick up on his growing aggressiveness, now replying in a much unfriendlied tone. "If you don't leave now on your own I will make you." The guard gave him a fierce stare, but it didn't impose Cole as he continued his rambling.

"Well if you won't grant me an audience then just let me in! I want to work! The King said all people are welcome right?" Cole stepped even closer now, the guard pushing him away with a hand. "Alright that's enough. Get out of here lunatic." Once Cole had put something into his mind, he would try to achieve it no matter what. In addition he could easily act reckless. And so he did. Cole grabbed the hand of the guard throwing him over his shoulder running past the gates.

"Intruder!" shouted the men on the ground causing the attention of other guards to fall on Cole. He managed to dodge them, either pushing or kicking them away. By now he had stirred quite the comotion as he ran aimlessly through the castle till he came across a sensory garden where he spotted two familiar figures with silver hair, one in a dark red garment with golden influences and the other in a deep blue dress with silver ornaments. Before his eyes could get a view of their faces he was tackled down by a guard that had finally caught up with him.

Cole protested quite strongly so two other guards came to help to hold him down. His arms pressed against his back and his head pressed sideway to the ground. Cole couldn't see the people infront of him but could feel their stares. It was agonizing. He had come so close. "I just want to talk to Targus." He hissed through gritted teeth, breathing heavily. The guards looked up to the two figures questioningly. One of them asked. "What should we do with him?"

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Dec 5th, '16, 23:45    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna had dragged Targus away from the rest of the family so she could speak with him, they walked through their old play spots - the library, the largest hallway and finally the garden. It was brimming with wild flowers from all over the world and Targus started to explain which flower meant what to different people. His life had been fascinating, finding adventure in all sorts of places, trying so many unknown foods and experiencing all their cultures and customs. He should write a book.

They laughed together for a while, when Targus decided to ask a question of his own; "So what has my little sister been up to these past few years?" he bumped against her playfully, "I can't imagine you've been sat here obeying mothers many, many rules on how to be the perfect Princess?" he laughed and Leanna chuckled along with him. "Well for the most part I've been with Marie, who brings me little gifts I can't get from in the castle." She looked at the flowers sadly, "Mother doesn't let me go out much, so I pressured them into letting me get a telescope, so at least I could see that stars... Father seems to sense that I don't like being stuck here like a prisoner, but mother... ugh mother really wants me to be the same as her." She let out a long sigh, "I want to be like you! want to travel and most of all, I want to be with dragons..."

Targus shifted and let out a strange sound, "Leanna, even I haven't been very involved with dragons, you know that Royalty can't interact with them. I'm not a hundred percent sure on the reason why... it's got something to do with blood I think. Dragons like the smell of our blood?" He thought and looked up to the sky briefly, "Something like that... they're dangerous creatures. You know this... how many times have we gone through it?" Leanna moaned, he was right, of course but he hadn't met Dramor, or Azurite! They were wonderful in every sense of the word.

All of a sudden there was a loud shout, and around six guards appeared at the back of the garden, shouting with weapons drawn. "Leanna, get behind me" Targus ordered. She was terrified, no one had ever tried to break in before, aside from the occasional wanna-be thief who never actually got onto the premises. She stuck very closely to her brother, who now had his hand on the hilt of his sword, as they walked closer to all the commotion. On the floor was a figure Leanna recognised very quickly thanks to the black hair and gruff voice that asked to speak with Targus. She panicked and was unsure whether to run back inside, or hide - she opted for the second, and ducked behind a bush so that she keep an ear out for the conversation. Had Cole figured out her secret?

Targus stood taller that before, eyes narrowing in suspicion and power. The guards struggled to keep Cole restrained, "Let him go" Targus ordered, "I am Prince Targus - you may speak with me" he said in a very commanding voice, the kind that suited the next in line to be king. Leanna hid very carefully, covering her mouth with her hands, this was not what she had planned - not at all. What if Cole blabs about seeing dragons? Or that she'd held a wooden sword or climbed a rope? All these thoughts ran manically through her head and she curled up into a little ball as Targus continued to interrogate the townsperson in front of him.

"You don't look like a thief or assassin - oh I get it, you heard the speech and decided on stealing my little sister for yourself huh?" Targus glared menacingly, his purple eyes glaring daggers down at Cole who seemed more distressed that she had ever seen him. All the guards had their weapons drawn and she wished so hard for everything to calm down - but how on earth was she supposed to meet him tomorrow? He would question her, interrogate her, and she would never get to see her beloved dragons again.

Ah, she felt like crying.

The guards were shouting something, telling Cole to stop moving, but Leanna didn't know what to do anymore. Should she reveal herself? Or return to her peaceful little world of 'Princess Duties'. The rose bush that hid her rustled gently in the wind, and her hair caught in a few thorns, which she spent a long time picking free as Targus continued to harass Cole - the travelling had hardened her brother into a true leader. He was tall, strong and confident. Never faltering his words, or giving Cole a chance to doubt them. She heard her brother sigh heavily, "Get him out of here... I don't want to see your face on these grounds ever again. Or I can assure you a night in the prisons will be your home for the night."

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