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 Post subject: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 1st, '22, 19:41    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
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I know it's been talked about in the past and shot down but we were talking about it in my hangout and all agreed it would be a good idea.

Re-release old TT for :fc: in the TT.

:qh: A lot of old items are locked on dead accounts and won't be circulated making it hard/impossible to quest for items.
:qh: Gives newer users a chance to have these items.
:qh: More incentive for people to donate to this site!
:qh: It's common ground with sites and mobile games to do this nowadays. People can buy it on release then maybe a year or whatever later it comes back.
:qh: People used to hate this for collecting and showing off reasons, but people care anymore. They rather make a nice avatar for fun.

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 1st, '22, 22:53    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
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Sorry, I'm having a crap week and I don't know why I made this post. Sometimes I just want to help but I just end up pissing people off. now that I've made this it's just adding to my stress I wish I could delete the post but it's stuck here. unless a mod deletes it for me. :mcsweat:

As I said, people in my group all thought it was a good idea. Would love to hear from those who voted "no" to tell why, I'm just having a hard time understanding the cons to this. Ultamently it's up to Firn and I won't try to fight anything

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 02:07    

Rain Elfglimmer

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I'm sorry you're feeling stressed and I don't think having this discussion will annoy anyone :mchappy:
I originally voted no, as I was thinking about collectors and that it might also affect item trading as you could just wait for the set you want to be re-released. I didn't think it through enough though and I've changed my vote to yes as I agree with all your points, especially the one about helping donations.
I do think that if older sets return it should be for a limited time and at a higher FC price similar to how the older knuffels are priced in Knufftropolis. This way you're rewarding active users as they can get the sets for 1FC when they're first released and then they'd still be able to sell them for a profit later :)

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 03:53    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
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Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
Thank you for the feedback! I agree making a higher price for the old TT items would probably be a good idea. Maybe 10 :fc: for MT sets and 5$ for the TT sets. Or something like that, just an example.

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 08:20    


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Please don't feel stressed about this. :mcshock: All feedback is welcome.

Personally I've never thought about this. I do see Rain's point about collectors possibly being unhappy about this.

But my question would be: Is there really a big demand for old TT items? I don't think anyone would be willing to pay 10 :fc: or even 5 :fc: for an old MT set.
Remember that I used to auction off old items in the marketplace quite often in the past for the very reason that many old items are sitting in old inactive accounts. I still do it from time to time, but very rarely these days - The reason why I stopped doing it was that the items sold for very cheap prices - Usually the items of a whole MT set combined would sell for only a fraction of what a :fc: sells for in the market and when I offered single items for :fc: no one bought them. So I didn't have the impression that there was a high demand for old limited items and stopped auctioning them off regularly, because I felt like I was drastically devaluing them by selling them for cheap and people weren't willing to pay much for them. :mcshock:

But if people tell me there is a demand for these old items, I will gladly give auctioning or selling them for :fc: in the market another try.

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 11:01    

Rain Elfglimmer

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I think the demand is there especially for sets released in the last 5 years as a smaller amount have been bought.
There are threads in the selling/buying forum where older sets are sold for 4 FC or are being bought for 5 to 6 FC.
I think the problem with auctioning items on the market for FP is that users will want to try and buy the item for the cheapest price and not everyone checks the market.
Selling them for a buy now FC price maybe 2 or 3 FC per item on the market could be a good start just to gage interest.
I do think older sets should be offered in the TT for a limited time but at a much higher FC price like 6 to 10 FC as buying an older set for 1 FC would definitely devalue the whole set.

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 16:21    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
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Yeah, those numbers were just tossed out there for example. :mcheh: You guys have a better grasp on the pricing.

Yeah, Recent TT sets are why the topic got brought up in my hangout in the first place. I was gone for a while from KofK so I have like 700 wish list items and the marketplace hardly ever notifies me. There are a few sets I would be tempted to donate for. It does feel like people are buying less and circulating items less.

And yes. The items should be rotated in and out so they still hold value for those who want to be more on the collective side.

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 4th, '22, 05:33    

Carrot Cake

Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
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I been thinking about this for a while too and I can see both sides:

Re-release old MT/TTs for people who havent been here long and the older users are dead accounts so there's no way to recirculate the market. There's really no way to get some older items at this moment or ever. Unless as mention Firn does the auction method. I personally dont like bidding on auctions since it stresses me out to have to keep rebidding and getting on when its ending etc. I like browsing the marketplace for buy now options because of that and never look at auctions. That's just my personal experience! Also I missed plenty of sets that I have the funds now to buy!

Dont release
Collectors have paid a lot for these items or have multiple that they are using them to trade for newer stuff. Since fcs have a food value (set by the market but still a value) you are effectively placing a value on any re release set and they might not agree with that price (i.e. 1 fc = 100k. Old set released for 5fc == set is now set at 500k value). Plus now they lost the trading value of their doubles/items they are willing to trade. This means now they can't get new items since most people will just wait for the item they want to get re released. Idk if I explained this well :qno:
Also returning members will have less trade power to with their inventory.

Now here's the decision that only the Firn can make. Which side will bring long term growth? Which side will keep majority of the people happy?

What I would suggest as a good compromise (but will need to be coded in by starkad who is very busy so honestly its asking so much of him :()
When a set is released- sell each item for set fc value. So people can just buy the items they want and not the whole set (so its more fair for the people who bought it during the time it was originally released). And then this might push people to trade too since they might get a better deal instead of spending all the fcs getting a whole set.

PLUS give an option for people to refund their old MT/TT items for the fc value that people can buy it for- so that makes the collectors and traders happy since they can get their "value/investment" back. Which then they can use to buy newer MT/TTs.

Of course this doesn't help the returning players if they missed it but we can't make everyone happy :qsob: !

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 4th, '22, 12:33    


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I would love this, but I would never be able to afford the prices that I saw indicated in posts above. I always check the market, but lately everything is selling for FC. I buy what I can, but it would nice to see things sold for FP too. Not that I have an abundance of that either. lol I also noticed that it's mostly only been a couple of individuals that are selling too. I understand older items being more valuable, but if the market is not moving and the economy is "stuck", it doesn't give players like me much hope of owning past items that would really help to build looks. Older skins are a perfect example of this. I struggle with not having enough skin choices. I've been getting frustrated lately. When I put stuff up for sale it doesn't sell unless I put it up for dirt cheap, but I think that's because it's mostly older players here who already have what I'm selling. Just my opinion.

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 Post subject: Re: Re-release TT Items?
Posted: Dec 4th, '22, 12:53    


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Voted the "no opinion" option, not because I don't have an opinion but because I'd rather elaborate it.

I've missed plenty of items during my hiatus, and I would love to put my paws on them :mclaugh: so from a personal perspective, having a chance to do so would be glorious.
But I see a potential downside to selling them for FCs. If it does not sell it's a waste of time for Firn, but if it does sell... the value of FCs will probably raise.
It's already high enough (we don't see FCs for sale at 100k anymore) and having more uses for them will make them even more precious. Who is gonna sell an FC then, and at what price?
If the FC price seems very high to me, I wonder what newer users would think of it...

So for me it would make more sense auctioning than selling for FCs.
BUT I've seen Firn's auctions end up in very low values indeed. And if that's the case then there is no point.
Why? Because an user may get a bargain, and another user will be equally annoyed to find out that his treasured old item is worth so little. So you made one user happy and another user unhappy, and we did not benefit the site as a whole.

What I've seen, and which in my opinion is interesting, is what happens when returning users did a huge number of auctions. (I think the last one was Natsuyuki?)
Suddently there is some auctions going on, and if you want to bid on any of them you need to sell your own stuff.
Oh, I do have spares lying on my wardrobe, but I hardly ever care to sell them for FPs. I mean, what for? I have easily 1 million FPs and nothing to spend them on, so I either sell my items for FCs or trade them for other items (which is nice but hard).
But when there is something to bid on, I do need to replenish my FPs - therefore I have to sell.
So to those returning users auctions we had to add items from several potential buyers as myself, who wanted to make sure they had enough funds for bidding. And suddently the market is filled with many other items, which may attract yet other buyers who are not interested (or can't afford) the auctioned items.
This last for a while and then dies away as the auctions end.

My question is: is there any feasible way to replicate this from an admin perspective? And even better, to make it last?
What if instead of auctioning many items at once, we had periodical auctions? Let's say Firn auctions one item a week or a month. I might be interested in it, so I would rather have some funds saved just in case. Sometimes I'll bid, other times I won't, but I'll be making sure to have FPs just in case.
Would that create enough interest to make us hoarders sell our items for FPs? Would the marketplace become more lively, long-term?
That's what I wonder.

Because in my humble opinion it would be a success only if it creates some kind of reaction in us, the users.
(Which is always a wild bet...)

Also regarding "old" items.
I'm not sure oldest items are the most wanted ones. Most of us collectors have been around for a long time. Yeah, I still don't have a few of the old items, but I also don't have plenty of stuff which is only 2 to 5 years old.
I suppose it would be a good idea looking into which items are the most wanted ones, by the average user. And sell those.
I imagine it would not be hard for starkad to create a list of the items which have been added to more wishlists (preferably wishlists of active users). This could be a good reference - even if most users don't use the wishlist exhaustively you could get an idea of which items or sets are most wanted.

I don't know, just throwing in my two cents. :q2c:

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

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