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 Post subject: Poetry (RIP Kain)
Posted: Dec 14th, '13, 05:12    


Joined: Dec 5th, '13, 05:14
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Mood: Drinking: Irish blue mountain blend
This is a segment of an old poem of mine, I rewrote parts to my taste now, since I wrote it when I was quite young. But I'll tell you a lil bit about it before you read on, if you so decide. When I was 14 my boyfriend/best friend/soul mate decided to take his own life. I was completely shattered, I still have trouble to this day. I knew of the things going on in his life,but could do little to solve his problems. But I wasn't prepared for how sudden his presence would be smothered from my life. It traumatized me for a long time. I shut off all my friends completely. And for a long time after blamed myself for failing him, how couldn't "I" the person that loved and understood him probably the most, not save him. It's easy for others to question why I didn't do this or that, how I was unable to stop him. I've come to terms with the fact that I probably would not have been able to change the outcome. Nothing would have stopped him, he was too broken, and we, the ones around him, too young to fully comprehend or understand the signs. He was our glue, and without him we fell apart. But I'll end my little interlude into my past and give you some crappy poetry
Kain(12/13/90 - 4/23/05)
A Knot:

A feeling I cannot shake
One deep inside
My blood boils within
and I am alive.

I do not want to hide
If I am able to die
then I have the right to live

I am not a figment of imagination

A burning desire
shaking through
flesh and bone
Consuming, devouring
I reach out
and destroy

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 Post subject: Re: Poetry (RIP Kain)
Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 01:27    


Joined: Nov 29th, '08, 18:10
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It's so sad! I don't even know what to say.

I feel so glad that when I was that age (14), I didn't lose anyone important to me, family members or friends. I can't imagine how it must be like.

I don't know if your poem is the best thing in the world or not, but I liked it. And I also think it was a very beautiful homage you made to your bf.

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 Post subject: Re: Poetry (RIP Kain)
Posted: May 14th, '14, 12:55    


Joined: May 3rd, '14, 13:18
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Oh gosh. For that to happen when you're 14! I was 14 two years ago and I was hardly able to cope with life even though there was hardly anything I had to cope with.
I second Karuriyo, I liked the poem A LOT. Raw and hard and lovely is the way I see it.
I'm sure whatever turmoil Kain was in he's completely free from its shackles now, and your RIP is sure to have given him peace.

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 Post subject: Re: Poetry (RIP Kain)
Posted: Mar 9th, '19, 12:26    


Joined: Oct 18th, '17, 15:49
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So sad. I wish you to be strong.

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