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Login issue UPDATE

Posted: Jun 30th, '08, 19:59
by starkad
Hello out there,

several people out there are having issues concerning staying logged in. After logging in and seeing the successful login message, they are logged out again when they click any other link. :qno:

I figured out that this happens due to a minor settings change on the server, which renders old cookies stored on your computer invalid. To resolve this, please delete all (there shouldn't be more than one, but anyway) cookie files from and retry. :qwor:

If there's anybody out there for whom this doesn't resolve the issue, please contact me by posting here, PMing me or email to [email protected].

Sorry and thank you. :qoops:

[UPDATE] I just figured out exactly what I had changed to the server settings today, and I think it should work better now I've changed it back... But the thing with being logged out by feeding a Knuffel is a completely different issue, so I'll have to have a look into this later.
I shouldn't work on the forum while on work, I simply can't concentrate and make mistakes. :qoops: It may be that you have to delete cookies again now I've made another change to the system, but I'm hoping this resolves it for most of you. Sorry again.

You can find a tutorial about how to delete your cookies for each and every internet browser out there here: ... mozfirefox


Re: Login issue

Posted: Jun 30th, '08, 20:29
by Kyla_Ewens
I'm still having a bit of an issue. I stay logged in now, until I click on one of my Knuffels to feed it. Then it logs me out :qd:

Re: Login issue

Posted: Jun 30th, '08, 21:06
by Ambrienne
I understand that these bugs are demons from the abyss and hard to track down/conquer fully, so I'm not too upset. :qsml:

I am having the same problem Kyla is: Whenever I feed one of my Knuffels, it logs me out.

Oh, yes... and, for some reason, I had to delete all my cookies, not just the kofk ones.

Re: Login issue

Posted: Jun 30th, '08, 21:47
by Wren_Fritsche

:pshy: ~Just letting you know I have the same issue as those above me... Though I shall be patient... ^^ ~ :plve:

EDIT: It's working great for me now! Thanks Starkad

Re: Login issue

Posted: Jul 1st, '08, 01:13
by Meepy
I'm also having this issue. The first time, I was able to login right after, but the second... I cleared all my cookies, but I still wasn't able to stay logged in. Somehow, I managed around 10 minutes after I did so.

EDIT: I also get logged out when I feed a Knuffel.

Re: Login issue UPDATE

Posted: Jul 1st, '08, 09:18
by Yuuko
Well, it works now o_O;...might have to delete that email xD.

Re: Login issue UPDATE

Posted: Jul 1st, '08, 11:12
by Miryl
Thanks, starkad, I'm back in!!
Thanks a lot!

Re: Login issue UPDATE

Posted: Jul 1st, '08, 16:28
by Wolf_Blossom

:qh: Pls Click It 2 Feed my Knuffel :qh:

Re: Login issue UPDATE

Posted: Jul 1st, '08, 19:01
by Celestay
^_^ Yay! I'm finally able to stay logged in! Thanks for the help!

Re: Login issue UPDATE

Posted: Jul 2nd, '08, 01:43
by Kyla_Ewens
It just happened to me again. Deleting the cookies worked.