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Caring for a Loved One

Posted: Dec 18th, '23, 18:16
by PastelWitch
What a stressful few weeks it's been.

My poor sister has been in and out of hospital with a myriad of issues; she's currently got a slipped disc in her back that's severely painful and makes it hard for her to walk. I'm trying to do my best but I always feel like it's not enough, especially when she's in so much pain and I can't do anything about it.

Does anyone else have advice or experience in caring for someone?

Re: Caring for a Loved One

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 01:34
by Outline
I haven't cared for anyone, but I've watched my family take care of my grandmother since she had a stroke. It's been very hard on my mom and uncles. Sometimes either or has to get away and do something for themselves. I have a three year old daughter and I feel that way from time to time, but it's nothing like caring for a sick or disabled loved one.

Re: Caring for a Loved One

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 01:44
by wolfcat87
Maybe make sure she's surrounded by snacks, drinks, and entertainment so she can avoid getting up as much as possible. Ask if she needs anything a few times a day. I'm stuck in bed with a broken toe for a few weeks, and that's what everyone is doing for me.

Re: Caring for a Loved One

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 05:41
by AutobotDen
Definitely make time for yourself regularly. Also, if your sister gets snippy or short with you, remember it's not personal, it's likely frustration at the situation itself.

Re: Caring for a Loved One

Posted: Dec 19th, '23, 11:35
by PastelWitch
This is all great advice thanks so much.

Luckily she is starting to show signs of improving but I just wish I could help get her over the hurdle so she can properly being recovery (at the moment it's just pain management)

I'm always happy to do whatever she needs but I feel like I might have a cold coming on so REALLY don't want to add that to her list of ailments haha

Re: Caring for a Loved One

Posted: Dec 23rd, '23, 11:21
by AutobotDen
sometimes, all you can do is pain management as the body heals.

Make sure you're wearing a good mask, and washing your hands often!