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Posted: Oct 20th, '22, 19:43
by Amura
OK, I know some people here are seasoned veterans, but I never tried NaNoWriMo myself.
I'm considering it this year, although I'm not sure whether I'll have the time.
Anyone else is thinking of joining?

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Oct 20th, '22, 21:08
by Rubie
I haven't thought about nanowrimo in a few years. I've just been too busy with other things to really do it. I only ever hit the word count once. It's really fun especially when you throw grammar out the window. My stories were always a big mess, sometimes the plot made no sense, but it was a fun little challenge just writing a story as it came to mind instead of making sure everything made sense.

Maybe I should join again for this year.

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Oct 20th, '22, 21:20
by Amura
I suppose it does not matter much whether you reach the 50k words or not. Or does it?
To me it sounds like A LOT. That's averaging almost 1700 words a day, and I hardly find the time to READ that much xD
But if I can be content with doing my best, I suppose I could join on my own terms.

I'm checking the website FAQ and there are so many options, that even getting started there seems complicated! :mcheh:

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Oct 20th, '22, 22:11
by Rubie
huh weird. I don't think I've looked at their FAQ since I first joined. The only time I hit 50K, they just had you copy/paste your story to check the word count lol. But I always tried to do it every year back then. I should login to see what years I did it. I think 2019 was the last year I joined.

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Oct 22nd, '22, 23:12
by lunar_eclipse66
Wow this brings back memories. I don't think I've ever succeeded. I usually get bogged up with assignments or work. I'd love to try again though, it would be unofficial, but it would be cool to see if I can do the challenge.

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Oct 24th, '22, 20:27
by Dream-Baby
I've done Nano since '10 and believe I failed one year to make the mark. This year I'm dealing with depression and may not compete. :}

When feeling good I can easily write between 80-120k a month.

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Oct 29th, '22, 17:38
by Amura
Yeah, life has that bad habit of getting in the middle of the fun stuff you want to do :mcmeh:
I know I can't get to 50k so I set a 10k challenge, which is maybe possible? Not sure, seems like it's still a lot for me, but I suppose I can try.

Really? 80k a month? :mcomg:
How much daily time do you usually spend writing?
And btw have you got anything published? That would be so awesome!

Actually preparing to NaNoWriMo had a curious effect on me: it got me reading xD
I even bought one bundle of books about writing. I'm currently reading a books which is a collection of quotes about writing, and that's exactly the kind of book I needed right now. Extremely short pieces which make you smile.

And... I do have a theme and I do have a reader.
I decided to write an story about my gerbils for my son :mccute:

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Nov 2nd, '22, 19:40
by Amura
So, time to get started :mclaugh:

Re: NaNoWriMo

Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 23:35
by Amura
Anyone else is trying this year?

I'm not doing well at all, last 10 days have been awful at work and I hardly had any time at all - not to spend with my family, not to read, and even less to write v_v
It sucks.