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Posted: Mar 13th, '21, 13:21
by chuunibyou
Do you collect anything? Feel free to post pictures of your collections.

I collect tarot and oracle decks. I also want to collect dolls, but I can't afford that yet.

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 13th, '21, 15:16
by Rayven
I don't have any pictures ready at the moment :qoops: , but I collect all kinds of things now and in the past. Stamps, stickers, stuffed animals, knickknacks (I call them pretties), keychains, and dolls but I'm pretty picky about which ones. Basically anything pretty, cute, or shiny. XD I think I may have been a dragon in a past life. :qt:

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 14th, '21, 03:36
by Moi

I used to collect rocks and pieces of glass and pretty gems when I was a kid.

I don't really collect much these days. I play some gacha games where I try to collect characters in the games.

I also tend to hoard stuff - not collect xD

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 14th, '21, 21:48
by Rayven
Moi wrote:

I also tend to hoard stuff - not collect xD

Every avid collector is a hoarder at heart. XD :qh:

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 15th, '21, 02:19
by Moi

I suppose.

I play this game where I can get items to help me in matches.
Like I can get toolboxes and medkits and keys and add-ons for those that'd help me in matches.
Unfortunately I don't want to use them. Ever. 8u

I get excited getting them, and never use them xD
I always ask myself "What are you saving those for?"

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 17th, '21, 23:54
by Rayven
XD I'm the opposite most of the time on games. I hate keeping duplicates of most items, especially clothes. It really bugs my OCD. XD

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 18th, '21, 21:37
by Moi

Yeah, I asked my sister if she uses the good items in the game and she said "Well, yeah." and I told her I just hoard them.
She said "That's why you lose all the time >Bu"
Not really. If I bring in good items, the Killer's always a douchebag and I don't get to use my items.
So screw that Bu

Duplicates don't bug me as much, but it depends on what I'm doing.
Like on Gaia, you need multiples of one item to make a whole outfit.
So having duplicates is fine.
But then like one KofK, I don't need duplicates so it can kind of bug me sometimes 8u

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 19th, '21, 13:28
by Rayven
You can always count on your sister for support. XD

I didn't think they made those sticky pages for photo albums anymore but they do! I might try collecting stamps or something made of paper again. I have a few but not many. I lost my old collection. :qsob:

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 21st, '21, 02:03
by Moi

Yup. Lucky me Bu

That'd be something fun for you to do u8

I'd like more stickers for my PC...
I have stickers all over my PC.
I actually need a new PC...and more stickers.

Re: Collecting

Posted: Mar 21st, '21, 12:15
by Gwendolyn Quincy
I collect Transformers, and GIJoes. I'm not a snobby keep in boxes kind of collector though. I take em out and play with them a bit and put them in displays. I may have too many, but well I wouldn't part with a one.