Hello everyone. I haven't posted in like two years.
I used to have a pretty active hangout, but, like, all of the people that used to frequent that are pretty much gone now too... I don't think I'll try to revive it either. Time to let things rest.
I don't know if I'm going to be fairly active again or anything. I don't know. I just felt like coming back to the site. Call it nostalgia. I first came here when I was 15, looks like. Life's different now. While I used to click my knuffel every day as much as I could, that's probably not going to happen anymore. There's so many of them...
I'm just talking. I'm 24 now. Nearly finished university. Lots more anxiety. Living with my boyfriend. Studying for exams I'm not allowed to fail. Trying to find a part-time job.
I'll be happy to try and talk with some people in the forums again, but I'm not sure when I'll be ready to jump into random people's hangouts again.