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Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 22:05
by Moi

I know Halloween is over, but I was listening to a video about creepy noises and one had to do with a phone call.
This person got a voicemail from a family member that had been dead for six months.
I also had a family member get a message or voicemail from a dead family member too.
I think said family member is a liar because she's proven herself to be one, but she didn't sound like she was lying.
I don't know a lot about phones as I hate phones and didn't get one until earlier this year.
But can voicemails and messages...get lost? Or delayed? Because I tend to think of reasonable explanations, but I also believe in ghosts xD
And since I know nothing about phones...
If it was legit, then it's kinda bittersweet.

I've had people call the wrong number when we had our landline.
And people were always apologetic and I was never mean or annoyed.
We even had the same people call numerous times because I guess our number was similar to whoever's they were trying to call.

I remember this elderly woman called and asked if I was a hospital or a retirement home and I said no.
And she sounded like she was sick or had been crying.
I adore the elderly and I felt so sorry for her.
She said she was really sorry for getting the wrong number and wasting my time, and I told her in the sweetest voice I could that it was okay.

I also remember this lady calling and she was like "Hello 8D" and I was like "Hello!" and she said "...Who is this 8D" and I said "8D....Ashley 8u" and she said she had the wrong number xD
But her voice was so cute uB

I also had someone call and say "Is this him?" and then I heard scaryass noises in the background .__.

My mom told me that after my grandma died, she answered a phone call and heard faint preaching and a choir in the background and that was all.

Have you ever had a wrong number?
Have you had any creepy phone calls or messages?

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 22:57
by Kitalpha Hart
Last year had two or three wrong numbers from Russia
I live in the States

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 5th, '20, 03:07
by Hollena

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 5th, '20, 03:25
by AutobotDen
anymore, I get texts from wrong numbers. especially since I screen my calls.

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 5th, '20, 18:37
by Kitalpha Hart
Text messages rather than calls, but the pornbots have been texting me the past couple days
Just one a day so far but I'm hoping that gets fixed real quick

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 5th, '20, 19:43
by Lady Lissalynn
Many years ago. I was receiving phone calls on my cell phone from my own number. I never answered them. It was weirding me out. I think someone was spoofing my number.

If someone calls me and I don't know the telephone number. I always let it go to voicemail. If you're not in my contacts. I don't know you. So Im not going to answer. If the voicemail is important. I will call you back.

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 8th, '20, 14:28
by Rayven
Yeah, and it really irritates me when they ask me who I am and they called me. :qstr: It's been a long time since I had a creepy message but once in a while someone butt dials me. XD

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 8th, '20, 14:30
by Zupprika
I never had creepy calls, but I recently got a birthday wish from a stranger who sent a message to the wrong number lol.

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 8th, '20, 16:03
by Sanssouci
When I was a teenager I was home with my father. He went in his room to take a nap. The phone rang. I answered. A lady said something like, "You called me?" I said I didn't. She said, "Well, do you have any kids that might have prank called me?" I said no. She said, "Well, your number came up on my caller ID." I said I didn't call her. She said, "Do you know how caller ID works?" I said yes. She went on and on about how I called her, the caller ID proves it, etc. Then she said, "Well is this _______ number?" I said, "No, not even close." I should have said, "No, not even close, do you know how caller ID works!?" She hung up. I started to tell my father about it (he wasn't asleep yet, and his room was right there with the door open), and the phone rings again. So he said he'd answer it that time. He sounds really mean. So the lady was like, "Did you just call me?" He said, "No." And that was the end of it. She didn't give him a hard time. That was like 22 years ago, and I still think about that. She was just so rude and so insistent and so condescending, yet she dialed the wrong number (and it was off by multiple numbers, not just one), two times and was going to act like I didn't know how caller ID works.

Re: Wrong Number and Weird Calls

Posted: Nov 12th, '20, 07:40
by CrystalOwl
I used to have this old couple that would call and leave messages for their daughter, we apparently had the same phone number but off by one number , sometimes it would go through to me and sometimes to her, it went on for awhile and I finally answered and let them know it was the wrong number. They were so sweet and I kinda miss their calls even though they weren’t meant for me lol