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Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 16:08
by Sanssouci
From The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.

Question #106: Do you usually make a special effort to thank someone who does you a favor? How do you react when you aren't thanked for going out of your way for someone?

Re: Thanks

Posted: Nov 1st, '20, 01:41
by Moi

I'm of the mindset that I do stuff because it's right, not usually to get thanks or have someone feel that they owe me.
So when I don't get a thanks, it's just whatever xD

My family on the otherhand get pissed over it.
My mom especially will yell back "YOU'RE WELCOME!" when people don't say thanks.

Re: Thanks

Posted: Nov 1st, '20, 02:27
by ShortAxel
I try to always remember to thank people for any help they give me, even if its their job, because I appreciate what they're doing for me.

Whether or not other people thank me is eh. If its something minor I don't even notice, but if I do someone a huge favor etc and they don't thank me it stings. I probably won't try so hard to help them in the future.

Re: Thanks

Posted: Nov 1st, '20, 21:02
by Hitomi-no-Tsubasa
If it's strangers, then I say the actual words "thank you", but if it's family or friends I'm thanking, then I prefer actions over words, like maybe I'll bake them some cookies or something. For me, smaller favors I usually don't expect thanks of any form. But bigger ones, like helping them move or something, then some appreciation wouldn't kill them, be it simple words or actions.

Re: Thanks

Posted: Nov 1st, '20, 22:59
by Laviandre
I don't make a special effort to thank someone who does me a favor, however I always feel bad whenever people help me, that's why I don't usually ask for help.
And when people need help, I kind of try really hard to help them, even when I can't do much. I just feel bad if I know that someone's struggling.
And about the 'thanking' part, it really depends. If the person is part of my family, then I don't really mind, but if we are just friends, then I would like to hear a small 'thank you'. Now it depends if I really made a big effort to help them. If it's something minor, then I can get over it.
Anyway, it's common sense to thank people when they help you, or at least that's what I think.

Re: Thanks

Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 05:14
by Suugar-Fiend
I always take special care to thank someone when theyve done me a favor. I try to either pay it forward or pay them forward it depends on who they are and how I know they would want their generosity treated. I am not rlly the kind of person who does something nice and expect a thank you each time. It's nice but its whatever.