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Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 5th, '20, 04:49
by Boris_Boris
Is anyone going to dress up for Halloween? Yeah, we're not supposed to go out, but that doesn't mean we can't dress up and go do some shopping for food or much needed supplies! I sort of want to dress up as Medusa this year and go shopping, I don't think I'm actually going to do dress up for Halloween and go shopping, but I do like the idea. Maybe I could dress up as a vampire? I don't know... if I do dress up, I don't wanna wear anything that requires make up because of having to wear masks.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 5th, '20, 20:37
by Moi

I stopped dressing up when I turned 18. Not happy about it, I'd love to dress up again but I don't actually go anywhere so it seems pointless to waste money on something only I will see xD;
The sad part is my little sister doesn't dress up anymore.
She's still young where she should want to dress up and go out, but she doesn't.
I have some good memories of her as a little girl dressing up and going trick or treating.
We took her and some other kids to this small town where everyone pretty much celebrated Halloween.

I love Halloween but it comes and goes so fast and it makes me sad.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 7th, '20, 16:17
by Boris_Boris
You can still dress up and go out... well, not anymore unless you need to get something. I don't know what I'd like to dress up as for Halloween if I do dress up, but I would prefer not to wear make up.

That's a shame. Trick-or-treating was always fun. Why did she stop? Did she become disenchanted with Halloween?

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 7th, '20, 20:24
by Moi

I'm pretty much a shut-in so I only go out if I need to.
So it still would be a lot of money and effort for nothing.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a horror movie makeup artist.
I wish I could do good Halloween makeup 8,u

Eh, she just mostly stays at home. She's pretty much on her tablet all the time.
She still seems to like Halloween, but I guess she just has no interest in dressing up and trick or treating. She did say she'd like to dress as a plague doctor, though.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 8th, '20, 23:53
by Boris_Boris
Not if you get an old sheet and cut a whole in it to drape over yourself and for your arms, and then paint your face white or whatever colour the sheet is.

Why not try practicing a lot?

Oh, just like my baby brother. He goes out still... but maybe not this year.

I have decided I'ma go out for halloween to a store or two in a costume.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 9th, '20, 01:27
by Moi

Aww...We used to use old sheets to make little ghosts to hang up.
I miss those days xD

I don't really have anything to practice with.
Buying a lot of makeup isn't in my budget.
But I am an artist so I do know some techniques if I ever do makeup 8u

How old is he :3

I hope you have fun 8u
Let me know how it goes.

I think it'd be cool to work in a Halloween store.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 9th, '20, 17:56
by Boris_Boris
Oh, that's cute!

You have yourself, yeah? Not having the funds to purchase a lot of make up is unfortunate, but you're alright, yeah? It's cool that you're an artist.

He's 11.

I'll do that... kind of excited, to be honest.

I don't because of all the awful customers who might go in.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 14th, '20, 03:05
by Moi

They were cute. I wish we still did stuff like that but we don't have the spare sheets u8;

I don't think I could makeup myself xD

Awww :3
My sister is gonna turn 14 next month.

I'm sure a lot of places get awful customers 8u

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 14th, '20, 15:20
by Sanssouci
I am going to stay home in my jammies.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 15th, '20, 01:04
by Kuuki
Sanssouci wrote:I am going to stay home in my jammies.
I'm going to do exactly the same. Which actually doesn't change much from my usual Halloween night.