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Posted: Sep 19th, '20, 14:40
by Sanssouci
From The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.

Question #95: If by sacrificing your life you could contribute so much to the world that you would be honored in all nations, would you be willing to do so? If so, would you make the same sacrifice knowing that someone you thoroughly disliked would receive the honor while you went unrecognized?

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Sep 19th, '20, 21:15
by Moi

I'd like to think I'd be willing to do it. Especially if it benefited my loves ones.
I would also still do it knowing someone I disliked got the honor because I feel it's still good and I also believe that Karma would eventually bite them in the ass 8u

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Sep 20th, '20, 03:15
by rosedragonfire
I want to say that I would definitely do the first, but I'm not so certain about the second.

My dilemma, is that the first grants closure to my loved ones, while the second leaves them in likely agony. I believe I might actually choose my family over the world.

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Sep 20th, '20, 06:27
by Akili Li
I have noticed that many times other peoples' notions of what constitutes "a great contribution" differ GREATLY from my own definition of what that would entail. So I am not likely to at all, or at least not with such ambiguous phrasing!

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Oct 5th, '20, 04:42
by Boris_Boris
Yeah, I'm going to say no to this one. No for both of those because I don't want to die, not even for my loved ones. Yes, there was a time when I asked a higher power to take me instead of someone else who passed away, but that was when I was down in the dumps... like... way more than I usually am these days.

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 03:27
by Hitomi-no-Tsubasa
I agree with rosedragonfire. With the second notion, I'd be more willing to let the world burn just because of that person I don't like because I would be that petty, especially if they aimed to take closure away from my family.

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 02:38
by YourMajesty
This is a tough one. I think I'd have to know more about that great contribution before I could decide. If my greatest enemy (assuming I had one) would get the credit instead of me, would my family know? I wouldn't want them to not have closure.

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:51
by Carnehil
First - absolutely, I believe my family would understand my choice.
Second - heck no, if I think about who I genuinely dislike it's all people who have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and generally not the best people (so I'd expect them to greatly abuse gained privileges and I can't have that)

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:53
by KaT124
So.... probably just because of how my mentality is.

Re: Sacrifice

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 06:35
by kitestrings
depends on what the contributions are. are we talking nobel prize level of contribution, or fully automated post scarcity luxury communism level contribution? for the former: uhhh, no lmao. for the second: i probably would, yeah.

as for who gets the credit, i don't care that i don't get the credit as long as the person who does isn't a war criminal or a fascist or something. if it's just like "oh, that jackass from highschool i hated gets all the credit" then fine. a small sacrifice in dignity to make for the utopian future, lol.