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If you could...

Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 20:38
by kitah810
If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

Re: If you could...

Posted: Aug 12th, '20, 02:56
by Bunnei
I would want Telekinesis because then i could move things to my will & that could include making myself fly since i can move things lol

Re: If you could...

Posted: Aug 12th, '20, 08:10
by Akili Li
Huh. I'd probably either go for teleportation, or time dilation. Mostly because I never have enough energy. Teleportation would save me hours every day of walking (although I might, weirdly, end up with a car. This is almost like teleportation in time savings? But the whole notion is alien and strange and kind of creeps me out. Teleportation, despite being a super power and utterly unreal, almost seems more sane than a car. Funny how the mind works). Or time dilation would let me get a FULL night's rest, in between alarums and whatever else life throws at me that keeps me constantly tired lately.
Yes, yes, far greater potential than that.
But, really, it's all about that extra time to properly sleep.
When you're tired enough, it's hard to think of anything else.

Re: If you could...

Posted: Aug 13th, '20, 15:14
by kitah810
I always wanted either telekinesis or self healing. Telekinesis would make so many things easier, even something simple like cleaning. I have lower back problems and bending over to pick things up is a hassle, if I had telekinesis it would be easier on my back doing things. And I'm also clumsy to the point where I've had to get stitches, self healing would be very beneficial.

Re: If you could...

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 02:34
by Moi

1. The ability to "fix" anything I wanted. Like if our AC breaks down, I could fix it. Or if someone gets injured or has a sickness, I could heal/fix them.

2. The ability to make people feel things. I'm extremely empathetic and I wish more people had empathy. I would like to force people feel things xD
Sounds bad, but for people who hurt others with no remorse - those would be my targets.

3. Telekinesis. Sometimes I'm too tired or I'm hurting too much to get up and go get stuff, so I could bring it to myself.

4. Fire. I just love fire and want to control it.

5. The ability to find answers to any questions I have. I'm heavy into true crime stuff and I'd like to solve crimes.

Re: If you could...

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 17:58
by Sanssouci
I want to be a healer.

Re: If you could...

Posted: Aug 15th, '20, 18:51
by Akili Li
Sanssouci, that's so simple and so moving.
You make me happy. :qh:

Re: If you could...

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 14:02
by JosieQ
Reality manipulation. That is all powers, I am God.

Check please.

Re: If you could...

Posted: Oct 18th, '20, 18:14
by IceAddict
Flying. I've always envied birds for their freedom to go where ever they want, soaring above the clouds and gazing down at the city.

Re: If you could...

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 02:17
by Hitomi-no-Tsubasa
Complete control of my brain, that way I could have many super powers at once, including intelligence to create alternatives for powers I don't have.