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Snake Bite

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 02:09
by Sanssouci
From The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock.

Question #88: You, your closest friend, and your father are on vacation together, hiking in a remote jungle. Your two companions stumble into a nest of poisonous vipers and are bitten repeatedly. You know neither will live without an immediate shot of anti-venom, yet there is only a single dose of anti-venom and it is in your pocket. What would you do?

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 08:48
by Zupprika
how about sharing the shots and hoping to survive until 911 comes? :x
(yes I pick the option of not making a choice lol)

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 13:16
by Reht
I think my dad would most likely want me to save my friend - he's always been pretty heroic and he's in his twilight years now, so I think he'd want me to save the person with the most life left to live.

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 13:55
by Sanssouci
I would pick my friend. My father is older.

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 19:49
by Moi

My dad would tell me to save my friend xD

But I don't know if I could watch him die.

I would also pick the option to share it between them 8u
I don't actually know if that works xD

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jul 3rd, '20, 18:11
by KatchRocketman
Save my friend. My dad and I haven't spoken in years so I wouldn't miss him.

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jul 4th, '20, 09:33
by Sunlight
The right thing to do would be to save my father since he's family; but I haven't gotten along with him for a while now so I'd be tempted to save my best friend, instead. But my Asian sense of filial piety is screaming against that option in my mind so I'll probably save my father.

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jul 5th, '20, 20:41
by Koi
Brace yourselves, it's about to get dark XD;
I'd attempt the 50/50 to save both. Worst case scenario, we all go together because I'm looking for that snake nest. I can't make that choice, so it's all or nothing.

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Jul 11th, '20, 00:40
by Rayven
I would save my dad. I wouldn't even have to think twice. My dad has always been there for me but friends come and go. Mostly go. :qsob:

Re: Snake Bite

Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 20:07
by kitah810
My father and I haven't talked in over a year and before that we only talked once every 6-8 months. So I would choose my friend.