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Sore Winner

Posted: May 28th, '20, 01:36
by Moi

My sister has been playing this game that requires playing with other people.
A lot of the people are okay, but there's people who find the need to insult her for not beating them.

A sore loser is bad, but a sore winner is worse.
You won, you don't need to talk shit.
What do you get from that?

People could stand to learn some humility.
There's no reason to rub it in when you win.
Show some grace.

I always expect to lose, so I'm not surprised when I do.
I get surprised when I win, and I would never rub it in.
When I lose, I don't feel the need to be shitty to people just because I lost.

It's online stuff and I guess not that serious, but it's just irritating how people act.
Especially when they're shitty to people I care about xD

Have you ever had any issues with sore losers or winners?

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Jun 3rd, '20, 18:31
by Ninja Ai
I have had to deal with both, but in the past it was more sports related. There was this one girl in highschool who was always mean to me, for no reason. She was way better at me in sports, but she always felt the need to rub it in with a snarky comment or some prank. Thank god I'm an adult now and don't have to deal with competitive high schoolers, but internet bullying has got out of hand these days, especially in the gaming community. :( My method for dealing with shitty comments is to grace them with my humor, but not all people can handle it this way. I don't understand why it has to be such a knife fight all the time though.

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Jun 4th, '20, 01:38
by Moi

People are miserable and get off on insulting others and making them miserable.
That's what I think.

I have an anxiety disorder and try to avoid conflict.
I either ignore things or say something funny back.

Same game - I was being chased the whole match and my teammates just left without me.
I didn't mind being chased because I had the mindset of "I'll distract the killer while my teammates fix generators :3"
So I was trying to help them.
They did not help me in turn.
I managed to escape too and it was luck.
In the chat, they made sure to tell me "That was just luck :\" after leaving me to die.
I responded by saying it was pure luck.
I could have cussed at them for leaving me behind.
I could have rubbed it in the killer's face because I escaped by running right past him.
But I didn't. Because there was no need xD

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Jul 11th, '20, 00:34
by Koi
Never should we excuse people from belittling or treating others disrespectfully. I don't play DBD or other open worlds online for this very reason you've brought up XD Local co-ops with the fam? Online with friends? Golden. Can't trust everyone to have the same level of decency as we do though. It's a shame your sister also had to see that behavior...
I hope at least she can learn from you that there are big douches in the world and it's okay to be bothered by them. That's an understandable reaction.
If they're like that- it likely also means they're trying to prove something to themselves most of all, I think.

"I beat you! I WON LOSER!" could = "I won, SEE DAD? I'm not a loser!"
"You did a shit job at getting us through" = "I can't get anyone through anything"

That's what I try to remind myself :3 I hope it helps someone.

AGAIN- not excusing it. Just... ignoring it because I can't fix them. No matter what you say or what you think you could do, they won't react any other way but antagonistically. Whatever they are, they need a professional to get them out of/cope with what they're in.

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 20:11
by kitah810
I knew someone that would start throwing things when they lost any game. When they won they would rub it in everyone's faces. When they lost repeatedly they would attempt to cheat to win. Now when I play games it's with my coworkers and we jokingly talk crap to each other while we're playing but no one gets upset if they lose, no one rubs it in anyone's face if they win, we just play to have fun and hang out.

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 22:23
by ArmyMule
I like to win, but I like playing more. Some friends of mine and I were playing Phase 10 a few months ago and we had so much fun that we ended up having to quit before anybody won. There were seven of us playing with two decks, so it was taking quite a long time.

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Oct 18th, '20, 06:13
by Beautiful Disaster
My entire family are stupidly competitive and sore losers. A few are sore winners, but not nearly as bad as the sore losers.

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Oct 18th, '20, 08:39
by Yokuutsu
Sometimes people will seem like sore winners when they're just so happy they won.

Though that's not many of them....but when I win, I'm like WAT? HOW DAT HAPPEN?!

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 12:39
by amalath
I hate people like that. It makes me feel some people play games only to be able to vent and attack others. They do not truly care about wining or losing, just a chance to flame someone. It made me quit multiplayer games. Now I only play from time to time with my group of people I trust, who are adult enough to not attack each other or enemy team.

It makes me wish game developers and publishers started treating this more seriously and cleaned communities out of toxic people. I am aware that banning everyone is impossible and they still need to have their business in mind, but I do hope one day we will get more sophisticated algorithms and ways of evaluating other players.

Re: Sore Winner

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 07:07
by kitestrings
i always lose at games of skill so i'm used to losing. it's just annoying when someone insults you for losing for no reason other than to be an asshole about it. like okay.... i won't be playing with you again, then.