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Back in My Day

Posted: Dec 9th, '19, 03:12
by Moi

You ever heard an older person say that or maybe not in those exact words but still? Have YOU said it?

I was thinking back to when I was a kid and I realized we didn't have a computer or internet or phones and I actually had my anxiety spike.
It took me a while to get a computer and internet - other kids had it.

I actually commented on a video, saying that when I was a kid - I had to read books to get ghost stories. I meant it in the way that I wish I could have just listened to videos on Youtube instead of having to read. Because I hate reading xD
Someone took it as offensive and yelled at me about all this stuff and I told them I didn't even say that and they made all of that up themselves and got mad at it xD

I love technology and the advances we've made. I think life has been made easier in a lot of ways and I like it. Back in the day was nice, but some of it just sucked.

We've come a long way with our medical knowledge and our knowledge on mental illness and it's cool.
People did all kinds of things in the past that make us appalled and make us laugh now.

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 07:41
by ArmyAunt
My dad started many sentences with, "Back in my day." I sometimes say that or, "When I was a kid."

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 08:38
by Kitalpha Hart
generally happens only when others my age range are talking about all these paid channel shows they grew up on. I tell them nope, bunny ears. Free broadcasting only. Only kid stuff was on channel 17, PBS Kids
I get a lot of "oh shit I forgot how cool their stuff was too" now, but the first time, man I watched a ton of brains break because these shows they considered essential shows all kids watched, nope. Here's proof of otherwise

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 09:18
by AutobotDen
I'm one of the older folks in a couple groups, so sometimes, I'll talk about stuff that happened when I was a kid. One of the groups I'm in, it's become a running joke (one that I willingly and gladly perpetuate) that someone'll say something I don't know about and I'll go "I don't _____. Remember, I'M OLD!"

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 09:58
by Leilailla
My mother says that frequently, especially when I don't want to go to school/work - back in my days we had to (blah blah blah)

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 29th, '20, 18:30
by Mirika
There's a similar phrase that I hate so much, it's "you're too young for this" (I guess it comes down to the same thing). People say it a lot about music and tv shows/movies, pretending that the internet doesn't exist and that tons of younger folks don't listen to or watch older things. This has been a pet peeve for many years now. My mother is always so surprised I know certain movies as if TV doesn't keep repeating all the blockbusters of any age...

But I bet I'm a hypocrite cause I am sure I might've ever done it myself. I can't recall an event, but humans tend to be that way, haha.

I do know that when other friends bring it up we might reminiscence over things 'from way back' (such as how dreadful it was to connect to the internet), though I rarely bring up anything. It has got to be awfully relevant to the conversation, haha.

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 30th, '20, 22:17
by Arachne
Oh, I use this phrase a lot. Not because I'm so old, but just because I have 15 years younger sister. Technological advance in the last years was so great there is a huge gap between people even of slightly different age. There was always an experience gap between generations, but it was never so amazingly big. So it simply shows up whenever we talk.

- You've been absent today at school. Did you ask someone about the lessons and homework?
- I texted my friend on messanger. She sent me the photos of her notes.
- How convenient. When I was your age, I had to phone my friend's family.
- Why her family?
- Because we had no cell phones. There was only one phone for the whole family and it was only in a specific place in the house, on the cable.
- What a pain.
- We also were able to take photos only by the camera. The notes resolution would be pretty poor and besides, it would take some time to develop the photos, not to mention the cost. I had to borrow my friend notes in order to see what they did at school and it was pretty problematic in the middle of the week.
- Really? That sucks.

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 30th, '20, 23:32
by CrystalOwl
I say it all the time, mostly as a joke, but I'm 25 so i do remember a time without certain things and its so crazy to see kids no1 a days thats hard not to say it sometimes lol

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 04:36
by kitestrings
i'm going to be 29 in a month and a half, and any time i say something along the lines of "back in my day" it's to lament how things sucked more in the past and have gotten better. nothing is ever simple though. the world is complicated.

Re: Back in My Day

Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 06:00
by Suugar-Fiend
Makes me feel old that I can remember a time when few people had technology. I think i got my first phone in middle school , and it was one of those flip phones that you had to press 1 button a million times to get to 1 letter but I became a freaking genius at it. I could type a whole paragraph in that thing under 3 minutes and I amuse myself now and then remembering that, it's crazy times for sure. I love that most things are touch screen now, I wouldn't want to live without it now.