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 Post subject: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)UPDATE!
Posted: Oct 10th, '19, 13:56    


Joined: Jun 30th, '19, 02:42
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So my dog has had a weird growth where his junk used to be for a while now and also he doesn't really want to eat his food. I'm pretty sure these are separate issues though and the food thing is because of his teeth; he'll happily eat the trash and whatever is on your plate after all.

But the growth.

This morning at 4:00am I decided to make fishsticks. And I noticed red drops on the kitchen floor that disappeared at one end in the laundry room and at the other in the hallway. It looked like blood but not obviously like blood so I quietly went around to all the animals to check them.

I found Lily (the cat) licking the bathtub drain and she yelled at me for picking her up but she was fine. I went to Conan (youngest dog) on the chair and he was happy to get some belly rubs. I then had to quietly go into my moms room where I found Asher (middle dog) and I checked him over. There was enough light from the hallway hitting him that I could be fairly sure he was fine.

Then I found Lucky (oldest dog) on the floor. The light didn't hit him as well there so I picked him up and brought him out to the hallway to look and promptly woke my mom.

It wasn't like, profuse or anything, and didn't seem to be actively bleeding anymore so she texted her boss (she's a teacher) that she's gonna be late because she has to bring Lucky in to the vet... which doesn't open until 8:00am.

It's currently 6:50am.

She also texted the vet about coming in early though because we're friends with him but idk what exactly she said or if he answered yet.

Anyway. I've just kinda been on the computer while keeping an ear out for him but like, I can't really watch him because he's in moms room and she's trying to get some more sleep before she takes him in.

And I'm just really concerned because we just lost Daisy (previously oldest dog) a few months ago to cancer and we've had Lucky the longest and it's just really upsetting :(

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)
Posted: Oct 11th, '19, 21:49    


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Oh no! Any updates?

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)
Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 03:15    


Joined: Jun 30th, '19, 02:42
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He had surgery today but the vet wants to keep him a few days for observation. We should be able to get him home on Sunday.

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)
Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 03:58    


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Oh, that sounds good! What ended up being the problem?

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)
Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 04:38    


Joined: Jun 30th, '19, 02:42
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Well the growth has been there awhile but it didn't ever seem cancerous so we kinda just left it because Lucky is pretty old and we didn't want to risk surgery. We're not really sure why it started bleeding but the vet thinks he might have got it caught on something? There's alot of branches in the yard rn so he might have caught it on one when he went over to chase a squirrel or something but now that I'm typing all this up I'm realizing the wooden doghouse is pretty old and he could have caught it on like a piece of wood or something, but people also like to throw trash in our yard for some reason so who knows. I'm gonna check the dog house now but it's dark now so I'll have to look around the yard in the morning if the dog house isn't obviously the issue.

I think he's just in observation because he's old.

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)
Posted: Oct 15th, '19, 01:24    


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Lucky can't home until tomorrow (tuesday) because he kept getting at his stitches

I just want my baby home :(

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)UPDATE!
Posted: Oct 16th, '19, 00:13    


Joined: Jun 30th, '19, 02:42
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My boy is home!!! He seems to be feeling fine... but he did make a very stinky mess in the car on the way home :/

I'm glad he's feeling better :)

ALSO apparently the growth was a carcinoma, which is a growth that is on its way to being cancer so we got it off of him before it became a real problem

We still don't know why it started bleeding

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)UPDATE!
Posted: Oct 16th, '19, 02:11    


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Wow, that's great that you guys were able to get it in time.

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)UPDATE!
Posted: Oct 19th, '19, 02:55    


Joined: Jun 30th, '19, 02:42
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Lucky is doing MUCH better and honestly I'm just updating this thread because the dark cave event wants me to post stuff

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 Post subject: Re: Concerned about my dog (injury mention)UPDATE!
Posted: Oct 19th, '19, 02:58    


Joined: Aug 29th, '19, 09:28
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I'm glad to hear your boy is doing well. Hope for a smooth and quick recovery! <3

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