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Сurrent prices of digging materials

Posted: Dec 26th, '18, 11:49
by Adalrico
Hello everyone. Can you tell me, where can I find the digging materials pricelist? Thank you in advance.

Re: Сurrent prices of digging materials

Posted: Dec 26th, '18, 12:23
by Firn
Pricing for materials are determined by users and their supply and demand and change constantly. We do not offer any official price lists.

If you have a specific material in your wardrobe and want to find out what it has sold for in the past, you can put it up for sale in the marketplace (you do not need to complete the sale, just select an item in the wardrobe option of the marketplace sale page), and you will see a graph that will show you the price development of that item/material/FairyCoin/etc., like this:


Re: Сurrent prices of digging materials

Posted: Dec 26th, '18, 12:37
by Adalrico
I see, thank you. This is going to be easier than I thought.