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Personal Thoughts On Death

Posted: Dec 13th, '18, 01:19
by Moi

Having lost a friend, my dog and family all in this latter part of the year has made me think about death.
Even more than usual.

I've thought about death most of my life.
I've had a lot of loved ones die, seen a lot of bad things, was close to dying a few times, etc.
I'm a dark and morbid person, so I can tolerate a lot of things others can't.
I've heard horrible stories and seen horrible images and stuff.
I think it's a way to numb myself.

I've been thinking lately that people see death as a horrible and gruesome and dark thing, but what if it's not?
I've always believed in an afterlife of some sort, but I know many people that disagree with me and think death is the end.

I honestly think the latter thought is depressing. It makes me feel that there's no point to being alive. If we don't matter, why live? If everyone we love dies and we'll never see them again - why live? Why experience the pain and sadness?
But there's been times where I hoped death was the end.
When I'm dead, I won't care. Because I won't exist anymore.
And why bother to struggle to survive when I could just end the pain and fear?

I wonder if life is a joke. We sit here and try our hardest to live and fear death.
But what if death is amazing? What if being here is horrible and stupid?
We're all idiots for trying to stay here instead of dying and being somewhere awesome?

What if there is an afterlife? And it sucks because it's boring? Or what if it's utterly perfect and boring?

I think dying and being reborn would be amazing. Those who don't get to live life for long get another chance.

I know people have different beliefs on this site and we can respect each other's beliefs.
I just wanted to share the thoughts I've been having lately.

Re: Personal Thoughts On Death

Posted: Apr 28th, '19, 08:09
by Bunnei
If we don't matter, why live?
I tend to think it's for a reason, buti am not sure. Makes me think that life is a gift, and you can try and enjoy it & get the best experience you can, or not.
I was raised Lutheran, and i always thought, still like to think there is some sort of peaceful, happiness type heaven thing that comes with dying, but i am not sure.
It scares me recently to think, what if there really is nothing, just black, no thoughts, or anything.
That right there makes me want to live my life the best that i can, because what if there is nothing after death, except the memories of your loved ones?

If everyone we love dies and we'll never see them again - why live? Why experience the pain and sadness?

I guess in my opinion, it is better to have loved someone, and miss them, then to never have loved & had no one.

Re: Personal Thoughts On Death

Posted: May 6th, '19, 23:23
by Audriella
I don’t believe in anything, particularly, but I choose to think of life as a meandering journey, and death as a rest after a long day.

I think people tend to fear death and dying because they’re the ultimate unknowns. I’ve spent quite a considerable amount of time thinking about death lately, since while I’m not actively dying, my health is poor and worsening. I haven’t been able to find much discourse on end of life care, unfortunately.

For me, life and death are what a person chooses to make of them. I’m trying to come to terms with both of my own.

Re: Personal Thoughts On Death

Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 10:08
by Lycanthus
i was born into buddhism and we believe in reincarnation. i'm not particularly religious but this is one aspect of buddhism i think about a lot because i believe that the ties we make with other people never stop after death. i think emotions have weight and, invisible, intangible things they are, the energy is still there, and i hate to think it just goes... nowhere in the end.

so for me personally, even if we don't remember our past lives, i like to think everything happens for a reason, and that we're all connected in ways we don't see, might never understand.

but as for the person i am right now, god. i do not feel bad for the dead. death itself has never sounded terrible to me. i think of it as going to sleep until your soul is reincarnated again. the /act/ of dying sounds unpleasant— as in, your body failing or otherwise being in pain or compromised, but after you're dead? i don't see a reason to fear the unknown. i guess it's because i don't believe in an afterlife or heaven or hell, but that living in of itself is the reward AND punishment. living in of itself is a state of highs and lows, joy and suffering, which cycles over and over and over in our lives and even across reincarnations

so for me... i'm not afraid to die and i am /tired/ of the highs and lows. i'd love nothing more than to rest. but i think the thing that makes death truly hurt is not being able to see your loved ones again. it's comforting to think that perhaps in another life we'll meet