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instrumentation vs lyrics

Posted: Oct 14th, '18, 03:49
by Akili Li
Okay that's not put very well because mostly what I want to ask is how much people choose music based on the words of the lyrics and how much is based on the sound of the melody, and that's vocal as well as instrumental, so....
not sure how to word it.

Not only do I have a question, I need help phrasing it!

But I'm curious, because sometimes people will tell me about songs and it seems to be all about the amazing (poetry/humor/insight/what-have-you) of the lyrics.

And other times they'll tell me about a song and it's all about the music, and when I listen to it and ask them what the words are, because I can't make them out -they don't even know! They weren't paying attention at all to the lyrics.

So which is it, that most drives your music choices?

Re: instrumentation vs lyrics

Posted: Oct 15th, '18, 05:23
by Lycanthus
instrumentation, 100%. there are so many songs out there that basically cover the same topics that i'd prefer to listen to one that resonates with me sonically as well. in fact, sometimes i think that words / lyrics are inadequate in expressing a feeling, and some things can only be expressed using nonverbal means. so i listen to a lot of instrumentals as a result, and kind of don't pay attention to lyrics unless the music is also good on top of it.

edit: also, sometimes instrumentation of a song is referred to as "production," but from what i know it has a bit of a connotation? as in, "produced by someone" aka, a producer. so i think it depends on what kind of song it is— a song that's performed live and recorded would be "instrumentation" and one that's created digitally would be "production" i think.

Re: instrumentation vs lyrics

Posted: Oct 15th, '18, 19:44
by CycloneKira
For me, it is 95% the MOOD of the song, regardless of whether it is set by the tune or the lyrics. Although I do instinctively listen for the lyrics most of the time (I mean, with Sia, there's just no way XD).

Re: instrumentation vs lyrics

Posted: Oct 17th, '18, 13:54
by light_sucks
I like both!
Some songs I like mostly for the lyrics, others more for the music itself.
Though most are a little bit of both.

Re: instrumentation vs lyrics

Posted: Nov 1st, '18, 23:48
by Chloe
I think it depends.

I own some cds where the artists have the songs with the lyrics than another cd where it's all instrumental and sometimes I like to listen to the instrumental side esp if I want to sing with no lyrics.

Re: instrumentation vs lyrics

Posted: Nov 7th, '18, 13:28
by Star Crystal Rose
I prefer the songs I listen to, to have lyrics. Sometime's I'll listen to Lindsey Stirling's music but I have some trouble listening to the straight instrumental stuff if I'm not in the right mood.
Some stuff like her Phantom of the Opera Medley or others that are instrumental versions of songs get listened to far more frequently because they are familiar.