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How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 12th, '18, 00:50
by Suugar-Fiend
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I just can't find the thread in which this was mentions. But how many Lava lamps can you put on 1 knuffel before it becomes "redundant" per other words when it will no longer level up that knuffel any faster. I guess if you wanted to lvl your knuffel in a day that would be like 30 right? and if you wanted to finish lvl the knuffel in a week it would be like 5. Just confirming if this is how it works or if there's like a cap or something. :mcheh:

Also I know we have the chip fountain and the fireflies but when are we gonna get the rest of the elements?

Thank you! :qh:

Re: How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 14th, '18, 11:01
by Firn
I am afraid only starkad can answer the question about the Lava Lamps, about the functional items for the other elements: They will come soon, sorry! I feel like I need a "theme" where it would fit in and also, since they are animated a good idea for an item that can be animated, so it is taking me a while to come up with something. :mcheh:

Re: How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 15th, '18, 00:55
by light_sucks
I know if you do 10 you can level a knuffel in a day or two. not sure what the max would be. I've only got 10.

Re: How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 15th, '18, 05:14
by KimiLavender
I have ideas if you want them!

Fire could be something like a campfire, or a lantern or candle?

Earth a blooming flower? A vine twining around something? Autumn tree with falling leaves?

Dark and air seem harder to think of for me... A cloud covering the moon? A black hole?
Wind sweeping through like from Colors of the Wind in Pocahontas?

Re: How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 15th, '18, 11:01
by Sunlight
... an electric fan. lol And a storm cloud to go over your Knuffel's head.

Re: How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 15th, '18, 11:21
by JellyBrain
I think there isnt a max for lamps.
I once used 15 on a knuffel. ( cuz I hadnt more)

With 10 you need 3-4 days to max out.^^

Why not using animals?
Like a bird in a cage, or a dark cat cleaning its paw?

Re: How many Lava lamps....

Posted: Sep 27th, '18, 13:04
by Akili Li
I have something like 70 lava lamps (yes I am addicted to them!) and they truly are straight up additive; you can do the math to find out how many to put onto a knuffel to max it out in one hour, if you want.

It's 70xp per hour per lamp, so the top number before they become redundant on one knuffel depends on if it is a wild knuffel or an elemental knuffel, since they take different amounts of xp to max.

I forget exactly; it's 50,000 xp to max out an elemental knuffel? Is that right? Pretty sure that's right.
100 lamps would be 7k an hour. 700 lamps would be 49k an hour. 710 lamps would be 49700 xp in one hour; 714 lamps is not quite enough....
So if you adopt a brand new elemental knuffel with 0xp and put 715 lava lamps on it, you'd get to level 100 with it (max) in one hour. Also waste a couple of xp.
Any more than 715 lava lamps on a single knuffel is "wasted".... but you could do it anyhow if you wanted. You just wouldn't be getting much of a benefit.

Does that, ah, help? Are you truly going to go for that goal?

Just so you know, you can't "add all" in one click, so the sheer time it takes to manually click adding all those lamps to a single knuffel's room.... probably not worth trying to get 715 lava lamps.