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Rearranging Knuffel?

Posted: Mar 8th, '18, 05:11
by Suugar-Fiend
Hi there this a re-furbished support thread. Below was what I originally asked and thought since there was no feature like this yet I wanted to suggest it. I think it would be really nice to be able to customize the order of our knuffel. Since at the moment we can't and are on a "new" knuffel appears first on our profile. I would want to be able to customize it in a way where I am able to show my favorite knuffel first. Since our profile cuts off knuffel after a certain amount of time.

What do you think? Leave some thoughts below :mcwink:
I know this isn't like.....a top priority kind of thing. But sometimes in the future I think it would be a really nice option to have.
I'm going to feel REAL dumb for asking this question. As I'm old as hell on this site, but for the life of me. I can't remember.
Can we rearrange our knuffel to display in the order we want? Instead of "the newest" knuffel first? Like for our profiles.
Because I have been sorely missing that options and don't know if we have it.
If we don't..........It would be such a great idea for us to be able to organize so that our favorite knuffel/wild knuffel display first----

Re: Can we re-arrange Knuffel?

Posted: Mar 8th, '18, 05:21
by Ziaheart
You can't customize the order of your Knuffel but there are pre-set orders in the drop-down menus on the top. If you haven't touched it, yours probably would say, "Default sort order".

The Knuffel displayed in the profile, those can't be changed,
as far as I know.

Re: Can we re-arrange Knuffel?

Posted: Mar 8th, '18, 05:28
by Suugar-Fiend
Awwwww.......DANG. Btw...Hey ZIA! :qh:
I think It would be really great if we had that option.
Thank you, I did see that "default order" and I use it to separate my Knuffel from my wilds.

But it would be really nice to have that customization option. I want to put all my Vindrae wilds at the forefront bcs I love her knuffels. I also want to rearrange my regluar knuffles to display my fav.

Bcs in my experience the only way i see someone's knuffel list is thru their profile, so it'll be nice to display the ones we want to display up front. As the more you have the system kind of cuts you off in your profile now :mcsquee: