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♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Feb 13th, '18, 23:07
by Moi

I was going to make a Chat thread, but I'm making another hangout instead.
I didn't want to worry about going off-topic and not getting many people talking there.
Hopefully this is okay and Firn won't kill me 8D;

I'm a pretty....dark person. I mostly wear dark clothes, I have a dark sense of humor, I love horror, I love gore, etc. (My sister calls me dark and depressing).
I've also been labelled a "Goth" by a few people in my life.

BUT I LOVE cute things.
When I see something I find cute, I squeal on the inside.
I want to collect everything I find cute and decorate my house with them.
Even people I find cute. Just hang them up. Heh. heh. heeeeeeh.

Anyways, I wanted to make a thread for people to come in and talk about all the things they find cute and what kinds of cute things they have and what they consider cute.

Feel free to post.
I don't bite.

What I Find Cute

Posted: Feb 13th, '18, 23:09
by Moi

What Does Moi Find Cute?

1. Baby animals
2. Lace + frills
3. Stuffed animals
4. Lolita Fashion
5. Anime girls + boys
6. Eyepatches
7. Knee socks
8. Stockings
9. Maid outfits
10. Pastel colors
11. Cat headbands
12. Animal hoodies
13. Ribbons and bows
14: Bandaids
15. Dolls
16. Glasses
17. Hair ties
18. Cell phone Cases
19. Glitter
20. Braids, ponytails, pigtails
21: Sailor fuku
22. Sweaters
23. Long skirts
24. Magical girls

What Others Find Cute

Posted: Feb 13th, '18, 23:09
by Moi



Posted: Feb 13th, '18, 23:10
by Moi



Posted: Feb 13th, '18, 23:12
by Moi



Posted: Feb 13th, '18, 23:13
by Moi


Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Feb 26th, '18, 05:06
by Madissskin
I think my cat is adorable. I like the packaging on fruit snacks. I think there is beauty in age and in the lines of people's faces too.

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Feb 26th, '18, 05:12
by ashabellanar
Is this in order?

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Feb 27th, '18, 01:07
by Madissskin
More or less!

Whats cute and what beautiful aren't exactly exclusive, but they are seperate but equal.

My cat is cute and beautiful because she is alive and good.

Old people are not always cute but they are beautiful.

Fruit snackage is cute.

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Feb 27th, '18, 03:24
by McCoy
My girlfriend says "s'cute" (contraction of so cute) in a cute way.
Open-minded peaceful thinking and fried oreos are cute.