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The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 24th, '17, 15:24
by Sanssouci

The 2018 Reading Challenge

If you have a reading goal for 2018, feel free to talk about it and keep track of it here!

The Goal:

The goal can be anything you want: 1 book in 2018, 10 books in 2018, 25 books in 2018, 50 books in 2018, 100 books in 2018, reading a certain series in 2018, reading a certain number of pages in 2018, reading the same book 50 times in 2018, etc. Your goal is whatever you want and whatever is challenging yet still fun for you. It's a personal challenge, not a contest. So you set your goal and go at your own pace.

The Books:

You can count or not count any books you want. If you want to count audio books, then do it. If not, then don't. If you want to count manga, then do it. If not, then don't. If you want to count magazines, then do it. If not, then don't. If you want to count books for school, then do it. If not, then don't. It's all up to you!

The Rules:

1. Follow KofK's rules.

2. Don't make fun of anyone for having a different goal than you. We all have different obligations, and priorities, and free time, etc, so all of our reading goals are going to be different, and that's ok. One person might easily finish a 500 page book in a few days, while someone else might struggle to finish 500 pages in a few months, and that's ok. We're not racing, rushing, or competing. We're motivating, encouraging, and having fun.

3. If you want to talk about something that happened in a book, put it in a spoiler.

Who Can Join:
Anyone! Just jump in say what your goal is!

Deadline for joining:
Feel free to join in any time before 2019!

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 24th, '17, 23:46
by WishingMoon
I'm going to make my reading goal 30 books. I usually flounder between 15 and 30 each year but I need a hard goal to start pairing down my book collection. It is getting out of hand. I'm also a bit nervous as I'm a first-year teacher and scary.

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 25th, '17, 02:59
by Sanssouci
I'm still debating what I want my goal to be. I'm thinking 25-30ish.

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 25th, '17, 17:54
by AliceON
I'll make a 12 book challenge again. let's hope it doesn't end up being a 5 book challenge later XD

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 27th, '17, 11:23
by LittleJulez
Yay, another book challenge!

I am going to go for 20 this time.
I'd rather not aim too high this time. The more I read, the better!

Challenge: 20 books

- J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Russian)
- Herman Melville - Moby Dick dropped
- 1 Shakespeare play (aimed too high last time :D)

Currently reading:
- Vilhelm Moberg - Utvandrarna (Swedish)
- J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Russian)
- J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Russian)
- J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (English)
- Herman Melville - Moby Dick (English) dropped
- Howard Zinn - A People's History of the United States (English)
- Albert Hofmann - LSD-mein Sorgenkind (German)

1) J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (English)
2) Nicholas Sparks - See Me (English)
3) Amanda Coe - What they do in the dark (English)
4) Jennifer Burke - One Monday Morning (English)
5) Susanne O'Leary - Hot Property (English)
6) Anna Adams - A French girl in New York (English)
7) Ruth Saberton - Runaway Summer (English)
8) Noelle Adams - Roommating (English)
9) Izzy Bayliss - The Girl I was before (English)
10) Jodi Taylor - The Nothing Girl (English)
11) Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt - Oscar et la dame rose (French)
12) Maria Wagner Civera - Tren a media tarde (Spanish)

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 31st, '17, 00:54
by Mikael Hart
Hmm, I've been slacking this year compared to the year before, aha.

Maybe I'll do 15 books this year (and another 15 books of the Bible)? That should be doable.

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 2nd, '18, 01:31
by Sanssouci
I'm going to set my goal at 30 this year, and I want at least 10 of them to be books that I own but have never read.

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 16th, '18, 01:42
by AliceON
it's 16 days into the year and I already read 7 graphic novels *blush*
I'll just count them as 3 books and raise my goal to 16 XD there are no other comics on my to-be-read list so it should be all fine... r-rright..? XD

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 16th, '18, 03:14
by Sanssouci
Wow, good for you! I still haven't finished a single book yet!

Re: The 2018 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 16th, '18, 19:24
by AliceON
those were about 200 pages each, I'm not sure it even counts XD