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Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Oct 11th, '17, 20:08
by Porcelain

Welcome to my tea party!
It's always tea time somewhere.

You've been invited to a tea party!

Take a seat and pick a tea cup! I'm your humble host, Porcelain. Tea is a time honored tradition of relaxation and fun, so to maintain the spirit of this, please follow the TOS, and be kind and respectful to the other guests.

Not good at introductions and greetings? Here's some thing that you can share with us:
Favorite kind of tea
What you're currently reading/watching
Something you're looking forward to
Current obsessions

Please enjoy your stay!

Images used are by Angelic Pretty/Imai Kira

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Oct 11th, '17, 20:08
by Porcelain
Reserved (for anything else I can think of)

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Oct 11th, '17, 20:09
by Porcelain
Reserved (for anything else I can think of)

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Oct 12th, '17, 02:04
by Porcelain
Let's get this tea party started!

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Oct 22nd, '17, 06:19
by Porcelain
How's everyone's ghost hunting going?

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Oct 28th, '17, 21:53
by Moi

I've gotten everything, so I'm not hunting much 8u
I do love the items, though.

My favorite tea would be sweet tea xD;
I live in the south-kind-of and it's a popular thing.

Watching rage compilations on Youtube.

I guess looking forward to Halloween xD

I write and draw a lot and other things 8u

Not really obsessed with anything. Right now. 8u

How are you?

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Nov 2nd, '17, 20:32
by Porcelain
I'm doing alright. Thank you for asking!
Sweet tea is sooo good. I drink a lot of it.
I swear I'm addicted to Youtube.

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Nov 3rd, '17, 02:23
by Moi

You ever come across people that will say "Just add sugar to tea!"
And it's....not the same thing >BU

I'm also addicted to Youtube.
I'm either watching it or Netflix.
But mostly it xD

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Nov 5th, '17, 05:35
by Julianne1122
♥ Favorite kind of tea
I usually enjoy a cup of English Breakfast tea with milk or a blend of apple and vanilla. *^*

♥ What you're currently reading/watching
I've been reading a lot of things lately but haven't watched anything aside from anime. I'm currently reading Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay. I have yet to just sit down and just read through the entire book though.

♥ Something you're looking forward to
COLLECTING ALL THE KNUFFELS (official and some wilds) although it's not likely to happen ~.~

♥ Hobbies
I really like reading books, watching anime, drawing, programming, and playing the violin (but I haven't practiced the violin in 2 years ;A;). I'm also currently learning the ukelele.

Hi there~

Re: Porcelain's Tea Party

Posted: Nov 6th, '17, 02:14
by Moi

Welcome ~
What kinds of anime do you like 8u