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Posted: Aug 2nd, '17, 15:23
by Chloe
going to work on a new post.

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 12:11
by Chloe
Still looking.. going to wait about another week than I am going to just purchase the three I am missing with fcs. So basically your only chance at those two items.

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 22:51
by Julie
I have a Light Knuffel Generation 6, though he's level 100 and his state (image) is fixed at level 75. If you don't mind that, I'd love to trade (for either FC or items from my "most wanted" list in my buying thread if you have any for trade). c:

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 5th, '17, 23:30
by Chloe
That is fine, I will probably try to find a way to get that fixed but doesn't really bother me if he is stuck there or not.

As for your most wanted items.. I only see one item, the shigotonin sarashi in pink which I am not looking to get rid of...

I did see two items on your profile that I did have that I would be willing to use in swap.. the queen hair in cream and the butterfly lair pet, the purple one. Really never use either of them. At the present, I only have two fcs and not sure what the going rate on them is anymore.. I see people saying 20k than on the market they are listed for 70k.

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 12:01
by Julie
Against pure FP they sell for 65-75k nowadays (FP inflation combined with very few sellers) but against items I think they're worth half of that, since the amount of items people have is the same as always.

Does 2 FC + the hair sound fair for the knuffel?

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 13:10
by Chloe
Sounds good to me.

Well, I know sellers came harder to find. I use to buy my own but lately, I haven't seen much I was truly after to donate and I would never know what sort of price to ask on them. Too cheap would encourage resellers, so I just decided I would only donate when I truly needed to.

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 21:08
by Julie
Awesome, thank you. :mcglee: I'll send over the trade~

Good luck in finding the last knuffels for your collection!

I see your point on selling FCs. It's hard to find a price that's fair to both sides with the FC value being all crazy. :mcconf:

Re: T: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for Knu

Posted: Aug 19th, '17, 13:08
by Chloe
Thank you.

Right now, I really don't think I will find the other two. I probably will end up just adopting for fairy coins through the agency. Be the easiest way, lol.

Re: S: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for f.c

Posted: Aug 20th, '17, 03:45
by Jill Valentine
i have this knuffels for trade! ♥

Re: S: E. Flower Yukata, E. P. Sensu, Golden V. Hair for f.c

Posted: Aug 20th, '17, 07:21
by Poshi
I was alerted when you posted the sensu in the MP haha
I only have the fire gen 4 but could I possibly interest you in uh
Fire gen 4 + some amount of FCs for the sensu?

I have 2 FCs on hand I could potentially purchase more depending on how many you'd like. He's already level 100 so I'm not sure if that'll interest you. Let me know what you think :3