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Who does Fergus watch the Quidditch match with?
Draco and his cronies  22%  [ 15 ]
Chrissie and her friends  9%  [ 6 ]
He stays behind to do homework  70%  [ 48 ]
Total votes : 69
 Post subject: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (CHAPTER 11 posted 23rd April)
Posted: Dec 9th, '14, 18:29    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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:ql: Recent update: Chapter 11 is live. We now need donations to kick off the next chapter!

So, I came up with a new concept recently which I hope will encourage some people to get involved~! I have written fanfiction on and off for quite a while, and some of my previous pieces became kinda popular... at this moment in time I'm also in need of FPs, more and more, to keep up with all of the items that I want to buy.

Here's where the concept comes in. I'm creating a "fan fiction shop", except, since anyone can read it once it's done, I'm not expecting just one person to donate fps. Each chapter will be written and posted once I have reached a certain donation level; that will be explained more later, as well as the perks that you can get along with your donations.

Before I wrote the first chapter, I asked you to vote on which fandom I should choose. Now we have settled on Harry Potter, and you can see the archives of previous votes down below.

Get voting, spread the word, and be ready for the next chapter! To get you in the mood, here are a few examples of my fanfiction written in the past... Please be aware that some adult themes or language may be present if you visit these links.

Death Note LxLight
Death Note Matt x Mello Kriminalist - Part One - Part Two
Harry Potter - Snape for Toten

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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Posted: Dec 9th, '14, 18:30    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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Website: http://www.rhiannondaverc.co.uk
Location: England

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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Posted: Dec 9th, '14, 18:31    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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Location: England

Chapter One: 500/500 :food:
Chapter Two: 750/750 :food:
Chapter Three: 1000/1000 :food:
Chapter Four: 1500/1500 :food:
Chapter Five: 2000/2000 :food:
Chapter Six: 2500/2500 :food:
Chapter Seven: 3000/3000 :food:
Chapter Eight: 3500/3500 :food:
Chapter Nine: 4000/4000 :food:
Chapter Ten: 4500/4500 :food:
Chapter Eleven: 5000/5000 :food:

Chapter Twelve: 1000/6000 :food:


Spoiler: Which Fandom?
Death Note - Matt and Mello solving crimes (Kriminalist Part 3) 3% [ 1 ]
Hunger Games - a previous games with original characters 5% [ 2 ]
Hunger Games - an alt version where Gale is reaped with Katniss 3% [ 1 ]
Harry Potter - Life for an OC student at the time of the books 19% [ 7 ]
Sherlock - alt version with John and Sherlock hunting werewolves 8% [ 3 ]
Vampire Diaries - What Klaus did in the 1800s, including pirates 0% [ 0 ]

Spoiler: Which house should our OC be in?
Slytherin 50%[ 4 ]
Gryffindor 0% [ 0 ]
Hufflepuff 13% [ 1 ]
Ravenclaw 0%[ 0 ]

Spoiler: Which house should Jeremy and Chrissie be in?
Slytherin (the same as Fergus) 22% 22% [ 14 ]
Gryffindor/Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw (he might have to find new friends) 22% 22% [ 14 ]
VOTE CLEARED BY DONATION - Choice: Chrissie to Slytherin, Jeremy to Gryffindor

Spoiler: When he spends his first night in the Slytherin common room, does Fergus...
x Make a friend?
x Make an enemy?
x Or keep to himself all night?
VOTE CLEARED BY DONATION - Choice: Make a friend

Spoiler: What is Fergus' first lesson? Second most votes decides his second lesson.
Potions with Gryffindor 14% 14% [ 2 ]
Flying with Gryffindor 0% 0% [ 0 ]
Transfiguration 14% 14% [ 2 ]
Charms 7% 7% [ 1 ]
History of Magic 14% 14% [ 2 ]
Defence Against the Dark Arts with Quirrell 0% 0% [ 0 ]
Astronomy 0% 0% [ 0 ]
Herbology 14% 14% [ 2 ]

Spoiler: How's Fergus at Quidditch?
Can't even get on the broom 10% 10% [ 2 ]
Sort of passably awful 19% 19% [ 4 ]
Beginner's luck with a rapid decline 19% 19% [ 4 ]
Moderately talented 5% 5% [ 1 ]
Good enough for the Quidditch team 10% 10% [ 2 ]

Spoiler: What happens at the Halloween dinner?
Nothing, they just go back to the Common Room scared
Chrissie clings to Fergus because she is afraid
Chrissie sneaks off with the Gryffindors to find Jeremy
Jeremy sneaks off with the Slytherins to find Chrissie
VOTE CLEARED BY DONATION - Choice: Chrissie sneaks off with the Gryffindors to find Jeremy

Spoiler: What's Fergus' most pressing problem?
Whoops, forgot to record this one! Sorry!
But the winner was: Blaise keeps giving him fashion tips, with 100% of the votes.

Spoiler: What happens next?
Vote cleared by donation with buyer's twist added!
"I would prefer Draco and Pansy to have a fall out ...
But a secret twist ...
Would it be possible for Blaise to take Fergus out shopping and ... Fergus impresses Draco? Something like when he found out that Goyle (Harry) could read? As a bonus at the end of the chapter?"

Spoiler: Christmas is coming! What big question does Fergus have to answer when the snow falls?
Vote cleared by donation!
Blaise asks him to stay with his family in a ski lodge over Christmas
Chrissie wants his advice about her feelings for Jeremy
Draco wants him to stay at Hogwarts and spy on Harry for him

Spoiler: Does Fergus find the Mirror of Erised?
Yes 7% 7% [ 1]No 0% 0% [ 0 ]
Follows them but doesn't look 33% 33% [ 5 ]



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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Posted: Dec 9th, '14, 18:32    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
Posts: 10673
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Mood: (◡‿◡)
Website: http://www.rhiannondaverc.co.uk
Location: England

:food: For every FP you donate, that exact value goes into the donation metre
:fc: I value an FC at 16k FP. This value goes into the donation metre
:ttok: Any troth item from my wishlist is priced at the Troth value x3 (eg 10 tokens = 30 fp in the donation metre)
:trade: Any wishlist item from the shops is valued at its shop price!
:bat: For retired items I am happy to negotiate a value
:qstar: If you donate enough to clear the donation metre in one level, without donations from anyone else, then I will allow you to choose the outcome of the next vote yourself. You can control the story!
:qh: If you double the donation amount needed, you can pick a secret twist for the next chapter. No one else will hear about it until the chapter goes live.

:pm: You may send me a message if you want to discuss your donations without revealing your identity
:deer: Donators will be named on this front page, but I will leave your name out if you prefer, and I will not reveal your donation amount.

:ql: CURRENT SPECIAL OFFER: convince 5 people to come and vote/comment on the thread quoting your username, and I will fill the next donation meter to the top and allow you to add 5 extra votes of your choice to the current poll!

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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Posted: Dec 9th, '14, 18:36    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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Thread is open from here~

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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (Vote Now!)
Posted: Mar 11th, '15, 12:06    


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Bump from the bottom. I need 7 more votes to continue so we're getting there. If you voted "choose another", please suggest an alternative.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (Vote Now!)
Posted: Mar 12th, '15, 19:54    


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So if I donate 500 :food: now, for the Harry Potter story obv, would that be enough to write or would you need more votes? o;

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (Vote Now!)
Posted: Mar 12th, '15, 19:57    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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Hehehe you are keen :qo: How about this: if you can convince one more person to come vote and post here, I will take your 500 fps as the rest of the votes and put them all on HP :qw:

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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (Vote Now!)
Posted: Mar 12th, '15, 20:09    


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Nellie voted! ;P

and so did Projectwolfie & Lacrimosa c:

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: ~Fan Fiction For Foodpoints~ (Vote Now!)
Posted: Mar 12th, '15, 23:04    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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Okay, I'll take that XD Voting is now closed, I will update the results and then start on the prologue. ETA this weekend :mcwink:

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