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It's you!

Posted: Sep 13th, '16, 00:32
by Ririenne
Have you ever been able to instantly tell who someone was just by there avatar? Was it because of the style, colors or a consistent theme that they used?

Have you ever seen an avatar that you just fall in love with?
Or someone that never fails to come up with the most gorgeous avatars?

Is there a specific item or item type that you always include in your avatar no matter what?

Re: It's you!

Posted: Sep 13th, '16, 09:16
by Nankuii
Sometimes, I could tell when an avatar is Moi, even without looking at the username lol She's the only one that I know who uses the short hair in The Cutting Crew shop many times! :D
Also, whenever I see a lot of gold items, or GFTQ items, I remember Momo... and I'm usually right!
And when I see a very mature, fairy like avatar, my guess is Kat... which is also often right lol

I use the Victorian Blush a lot c: Not all the time though lol

Re: It's you!

Posted: Sep 18th, '16, 19:05
by AstaTheBroken
I can usually tell Moi's and Agriimony's avatars, but otherwise, I'm not very good at guessing.

I don't have anything special that I use all the time, myself. I used to always use a scar, since I have one IRL, but they get in the way of other stuff.

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 8th, '16, 01:30
by Megurine_Gem
On this website and another one I do recognise users by their avatar but I do try and remember usernames.

It's always great trying to meet new people and sometimes you remember by the avatar only XD Then it gets changed and you've lost them forever t-t

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 13th, '16, 08:19
by Lulena
I somehow ended up with a very spesific style these days..
It may be due to my item selection being a little limited,
but even my dream avatars end up pretty similar.

I tend to love avatars with similar asthetic tastes as me!
Like Vindrae, and Moi... I always really enjoy them. ❤

My favorite items to use is circle frame glasses,
halloween zombie eyes, pierrot face paint, snow
white skin, and doughnight '11 blush!

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 13th, '16, 10:45
by memoriam
I won't be any original, Moi's avatars are pretty recognizable with the gothic, elegant feel to them :mclaugh: I loved many avatars of many users, but I can't really recall the names :qhehe: I personally lack the ability to make such a wonderful avatar. Maybe I add too many items... :qsweat:

I don't use my basic hair anymore, always wearing a wig. The same goes for eyes. And I'll always try to stick something to the hand. Plus for me, an avatar without jewelry seems kind of naked most of the times :qd: Not all the time luckily.

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 16th, '16, 10:44
by Pingbot
Yeah, Moi has a really distinctive style & feel! :)

There are always lots of avatars that I find amazing! My item collection is very slow growing because I don't actually play that often -- I log in every day, but I haven't had a lot of time to do much else for a while. I love seeing what different people do with items that I do have, especially hair and wigs.

Personally, I usually pick a color scheme first, and then try to build around it. I end up using the Easter '11 skin (lavender) a lot because it's the only 'normal' toned skin I have right now. XD My avvie's base skin is gray! I also almost always make sure to use a pet and a handheld item. I love my base hair so much I bought the wig versions in a few different colors. ;)

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 16th, '16, 15:07
by Neith
I mostly recognize LilChaosKitten's avatar. Cause it's matchy although there is like 3/4 colours, and often 'cluttered/full of details' but still beautiful.
And there was someone with a coffee/pink (or was it coffee/cream?) colour combo too I think but I don't remember the name anymore ^^' I haven't been that much around lately.

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 16th, '16, 15:20
by Akili Li
Not a chance.
Lol, I'm always taken by surprise!

Re: It's you!

Posted: Oct 17th, '16, 00:29
by LilChaosKitten
There are Quite a few Users who you can tell
who made it due to their own personal style....

I'm happy and Sad that people can pick us out though. :mcheh:

I like to Match & LOVE lots of Accessories, Personally.... :mclove: