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Posted: Aug 17th, '16, 11:44
by Fire
The purpose of this thread is simple: to remind you that even when life looks like it's at its bleakest, there is always a silver lining.

Simply post three things that made you smile today.
They don't have to be big things -just three things that made today worth waking up for.

As someone who suffers from Depression (as well as a host of other mental health issues), I find that maintaining an optimistic perspective during the bad days can be very difficult.
This thread is designed to help you through the hard days by reminding you that even though things look bleak, there is always hope, always something to look forward to, always something that makes the day worth living.

This thread was inspired by the lovely M o i.
She made a thread like this a few years back, and it really helped me through a pretty big rough patch in my life.
I'm going through another rough patch, so I thought I'd dredge this back up. Hopefully it help you as much as it has helped me.

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 17th, '16, 16:01
by foxfoot
1. I got to see my mom and have a nice life chat after a few months away from home.
2. I played this cool board game called Smallworld with all of my siblings.
3. The lovely Fire sent me some stuff to help with my first quest on KofK! :mcwink:

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 20th, '16, 04:15
by Plaguemouse
1. Someone sent me neat clothes and fp on Kofk!
2. I made some pretty good chicken for lunch.
3. My cat is fat and looks funny.

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 20th, '16, 09:49
by Fire
1. I had a wonderful night the other day. We were forced to evacuate our hostel due to a monsoon, so I spent the evening in town, chatting, drinking, and playing card games with new friends.
2. Now that the monsoon has passed, the sun is shining for the first time in a week.
3. I'm sitting in a hammock overlooking the ocean on Cat Ba Island, Vietnam! :qh:

Welcome to the Kingdom, Plaguemouse!
If you have any questions, or need any help with anything, please feel free to drop me a :pm: !
By the way, your art is gorgeous! :mclove:

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 20th, '16, 23:01
by Moi

Fire: >XD
I was like "Didn't I see this thread before uB" and freaked out because it was made August 17, 2016.

I hope everyone here having a hard time, I hope everything gets better.
I've been having rough patches this year xD

1. I saw some cute animal videos with my sister
2. I saw some
3. Got extra sleep.

I had a hard time sleeping last night because I didn't take my medicine.
I was up for over 15 hours yesterday, and I was exhausted.
But my anxiety tried to flare up.
I had to fight hard and I managed to fall asleep.
I got up at 7:30 AM and stayed up, but my stomach started hurting, so I lied back down.
I ended up napping for two hours, and my aunt woke me up and asked if I was sick.
I told her my stomach was hurting and that I didn't mean to go back to sleep.
She said it was good for me because my body needed a little more rest xD

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 21st, '16, 02:07
by Plaguemouse

1: I went to an artist meet up
2: I got a new library book
3: I almost have enough to get a new knuffle

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 21st, '16, 10:00
by Fire
1. Spent last night chilling, drinking, and playing card games with friends.
2. My fiance got into a gnarly Motorbike accident last night when his brakes failed near the edge of a cliff, and while he is really scratched up, be is okay enough to be up and about today.
3. Sun showers always make me smile. :mccute:

Plaguemouse, I've sent a little gift your way to help you with your new Knuffel. :mcwink:
Which one area you planning to get?

Moi! :qh:
You're not going crazy - this type of forum always helps me get through the rough patches. When I tried to reopen my old one, I realized that it was buried beneath months with of threads in the chats Forum, where it would be best served better, so I opened a new thread! :mccute:
I'm glad that you got a nap in - sounds like you needed it!
I hope that your tummy is feeling better. :mccool:

Re: Optimism

Posted: Aug 31st, '16, 07:22
by Fire
1. I finally found inspiration to write a new song.
2. I got to cross something off of my bucket list - eating fried crickets from a street vendor in Bangkok!
3. After Hanoi, Bangkok isn't scary at all! Even for lone adventures!
4. She's back!!!!! :qh:

Re: Optimism

Posted: Sep 3rd, '16, 15:04
by Ririenne
Ooh this is a lovely thread, I remember seeing Moi's but I don't think I joined in back then. I love seeing what makes other people smile and that they're keeping an optimistic perspective, you go guys!

1. Woke up before 2pm (I've been having terrible insomnia lately, majority of the time I go to sleep at around 6am and don't wake up until 4pm. I've probably just got my body clock all muddled up).
2. Reopened my Etsy account!
3. I saw one of my favourite videos that I completely forgot about and I haven't laughed so much in the space of 2minutes in my life.

Re: Optimism

Posted: Sep 9th, '16, 09:22
by jacobgrey
This is a great thread idea, I'm supposed to be keeping positive with my fibro so I'll join in.

1. Got a day of working today which is worth 1 1/2 days of what I need to earn, with time to earn more as well, so today is really good financially.
2. My hair is unicorn coloured and everyone is telling me how great it is :D
3. Last night I finished catching up with videos from the Burghley horse trials and the showjumping was really exciting, especially at the finale!