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Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 08:31
by Nashawryn
I usually get caught up by the title, then the back cover plot summery. Sometimes I'll pick a book based on something my mom or sister have said about it.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 08:46
by Akili Li
I forgot to mention one thing that influences my book choices a lot:


If a book has been referenced a lot in OTHER books I read, eventually I'm going to go look up that first book and read it.

It's usually a classic but sometimes it's reading a play or operetta. Every once in a while a short story (Like the Portrait of Dorian Grey, and The Lady And The Tiger.)

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 14:00
by Khalessii
If it has a new york bestseller on its cover and has positive reviews online. I rarely appreciate the book cover design/art unless it really is creative that would got my curiosity.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 27th, '16, 05:57
by Loke8999
It has to catch my attention. In the library I look for books with the sticker for sci fi/fantasy. Then peruse until something catches my eye. Glance at the cover, read the back/inner cover for summary. If I like, I'll read.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 27th, '16, 17:26
by saiyouri
Since I mostly read non fiction, mythology. I tend to go with what sounds good. I started my first fiction series and I didn't regret it. Someone told me its amazing and just go and read it. Did and became obsessed. So with books that are out of my norm I'm not really sure how I go about picking them to be honest, barley ever happened to me.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 28th, '16, 18:07
by Isenthya
Cover win me out but if the story didn't sound catchy I won't buy it.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 30th, '16, 21:11
by Yilara
If I like the cover and it catches my attention, I'll take it and read the blurb. If I like the blurb I'm going to read one or two random pages and if I like them, too, then the book's mine ^^"

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 31st, '16, 17:42
by PastelWitch
Normally it's by recommendation or 'what's popular' that gets me into a book. I'm a fan of the big classics like The Lord of the Rings. Other than that it's usually that I'll read or hear about a book, and that gets me excited. The problem I have lately is that I'm waaaaay into fanfiction more than actual novels atm because I'm just a big weeb haha

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Nov 1st, '16, 11:08
by Illyria
I usually just buy the books from my favorite authors automatically when they are released. But if I like the description then I will buy a book based on that, I don't judge by the cover :)

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Nov 3rd, '16, 08:22
by NaomiNight
A book with an eye catching cover. Once I've noticed the cover, I get curious and start reading the blurb to see if it sounds like something I'd read.