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 Post subject: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 26th, '16, 21:59    


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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
A gentle breeze swept over the fields of Androa, part of the western kingdom. A small but well known town. Known for many reasons. For the ship trades, thanks to the water coast on the northside of town. But also for the renowned blacksmiths that live there. But the most outstanding reason would be the numerous dragons flying up and above the town.

Androa is one of the few towns that became accustomed to dragons due past events. The humans that live here befriend the dragons instead of hunting them. They welcome the strenght of dragons which comes pretty handy at times and respect them. In return dragons can live peacefully by their side as friends and even family. But that opinion is not shared in most countries yet unfortunately.

The people of Androa took it upon themselves to help share understanding for dragons, and therefore build an academy where those willing or are simply curious as to how it is like to be with or around dragons can come to learn. It has been 10 years since the academy opened it's doors. And even after earning alot of distrust from other countries they haven't stopped. Still the struggle is always present as many wish to harm them. The hunt for dragons being a sport for many people who wish to attain honour through killing dragons. But the people of Androa have a strong resolve and therefore won't bow and yield to the wishes of others.

The tree's leafs rustled as the wind blew past. The leaf shadows danced back and forth as the sun shone through on this fine day. Cole had found the perfect spot to rest. Away from that grumpy old man. He took small even breaths as he rested his back against the tree trunk, snoozing the time away. Suddenly he recieved a kick to his left side and rolled over. "Ergh!" That hit was pretty rough, he still could feel the foot inprint on his shoulder. With his golden eyes he looked up to a man in his late 40's as he kneeled down rubbing his shoulder. "You could at least try waking me up a little gentler." Cole complained now standing up brushing grass and leafs of the leather tunica he wore who's arm parts were cut out and his slightly muscular arms could be seen. The man narrowed his eyebrows. "You want me to give you a kiss next time?" Coles face dissorted to disgust and shock. "Hell no! A simple pat would do." As soon he had that said the old man raised his whole arm and swung it down on him. Swiftly Cole dodged backwards, but barely managed to do that, still it felt like a small victory. "Well at least you work out sometimes even though you keep skipping my classes."

The old man sighed crossing his arms. "If only your father was here..." He mumbled, then shaking his head. "Anyway new recruits are about to arrive, everyone is suppoused to assemble at the academy's entry. So get your ass moving." After saying what he had to say, the man turned and started walking. Now it was Cole who sighed exasperatedly. He hated those stupid activities. Preferably he would have as little contact as possible with other people. The only one who he liked was Dramor. Snapping out of his thoughts he realised how far the old man had allready walked. "Waaah , hey Bermond wait for me!" He quickly picked up his sword and ran after him.

When they arrived at the academy most of the other trainees had allready assembled. They stood in a neat line and Cole simply joined on the nearest end of it. A man in a long blue robe with silver patterns and claw marks on the back came up to them. His shoulder lengthed hair had allready turned grey, he wore small round glasses and a book under his left arm. He overlooked them all since he was the tallest person present. His name was Phril and he is the chief's advisor. And on these grounds his word was basically law.

Phril opened the word. "Greetings my fellows. Today is once again the day we take in new recruits who wish to learn the way to live with dragons. I hope you all will welcome them warmly. A month ago we sent out some of our trainers, to spread the word of our academy further into the land, unfortunately resulting in a problem." He paused dramatically adjusting his glasses. "We might have to assign new recruits to some of you veterans who have experience to help them adjust. Depending on how many will arrive it will be the case since our staff might not suffice. Anyway, I think it will be a good way for some of you to form new allies and learn teamwork. We shall see." with that he ended his speach turning around towards the big wooden door, on one side a dragon carved on the other a human. Their symbol. Waiting for it to open to welcome the new recruits.

Cole angrily ran a hand through his jetblack, short, but fluffy hair. No way he would agree to look after some newbie. No way in hell. As soon this ceremony was over he'd get back to training. Intentionally touching the sword in the holster on his hip. It calmed him down a little. But still he was adamantly set in his resolve to get away as soon this was over. He crossed his arms, impatiently tapping with his left foot. Waiting for this ordeal to pass him.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 28th, '16, 00:32    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Luckily it seemed the castle was alive with activity since a new letter had arrived from the country over the sea, Karnacus. It seemed the letter had sparked some angry shouts from the King's advisors and even managed to get the Royal Guard involved. It was never a particularly good sign when a simple letter shook a council so much, but Leanna took the opportunity to slip out.

A young maid had brought her brothers clothes, which were only slightly too big, and with her hair tied up and hidden by a hood she looked like the perfect teenage boy. It wasn't like she enjoyed dressing in such ragged and (if she was honest - filthy) clothes, but needs must - had Leanna had a desperate urge to train among the best.

She was born to ride with dragons.

After carefully sneaking out of the castle, she made her way quickly and swiftly to the academy, where the entrance ceremony would be taking place. Only the chief knew of her secret, so Leanna had to be careful not to get too close to anyone, or do anything that might cause some suspicion. The academy was beautiful with it's high ceilings and ornate doors and windows. It was filled with dragon knowledge, filled with like-minded people who wanted to simply live alongside them and learn from them.

An old man spoke to the crowd, his robe making him look a lot like a wizard. Leanna couldn't stop the smile creeping onto her face, she was actually here! She pulled her three quarter length trousers up a little, grateful she didn't have the same buxom figure her mother did. The biggest problem would be her voice and her hair - long and silver it was bound to be questioned so she would have to do her best to hide it at all times. The large doors opened, a bright light emitting from behind them, she had hoped to see the chief here - he was a portly old man who was kind and sweet. He was one of the greatest men Leanna had ever known.

Scared, she made her way inside, sticking to the middle as to not get singled out so easily. There were a few people, wearing similar robes, inside and they had papers with them - calling out the names of new and old students alike. Leanna panicked - was her full name written down?!

Traditionally, women in general stuck to being teachers, healers and professors. Although a few were trained to work with dragons. Mostly it was men, who were larger, stronger and had more 'fight' in them who rode the majestic creatures... Leanna was not only female, but a princess. 'Royalty do not ride dragons' was a lesson drilled into her from a very young age when she first voiced her love of them. A hand rested on her shoulder, making Leanna jump at the sudden touch, a young man with bright green eyes smiled at her, "You must be Lee, yes? The chief told me to look for you"

She relaxed, "Ye-Yeah... that's me". She hoped her voice was not too high, but her hands were trembling with nerves. The smiling man directed her across the courtyard. "We'll be assigning you to another student. He's not the friendliest but he's one of the best when it comes to practical training." She nodded as she was led across to a boy who looked like he was angry with the world. Oh great. She suddenly felt very exposed, like this boy knew exactly who she was - like he was about to spill her secret and she would have the entire academy gawking at her.

Leanna's bright blue eyes looked at her new tutor and hoped, prayed and begged the universe that he wouldn't catch on to her secret immediately. He was much taller than her, with wide shoulders and muscles, his eyes and hair were that of a warrior - not to mention the sword at his hip. Leanna took a deep breath; "It's nice to meet you. I'm Lee" she smiled brightly, trying her hardest to show no sign of weakness or fear. She wasn't scared of him per say - just of him finding out who she was.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 28th, '16, 21:50    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Cole blinked a few times in disbelief. Flabbergasted he stood there silently after the one infront of him had introduced himself as Lee. He still couldn't believe it. Sure, he was one of the people here that had the most experience but he sincerely believed that most would reconsider. Especially with his attitude, with which he made very clear he had no intention of getting friendly with anyone. With just one glance Cole noticed the somewhat ragged clothing, surely someone from a pretty pour family and with that figure, he probably had little to no battle experience. In other words, training him would be a shit ton of work, and Cole was definitely not up for it. Though in his anger he failed to notice any further details.

Irritated he glanced between the green eyed men and the one named Lee before rushing past both of them with one single remark. "I refuse." But he didn't get far. And old man appeared, like a wall he stood before him. "Bermond get out of the way." Cole's irritation level kept rising. Why is everyone trying to get in his way? All he wants is to train. By himself. The bearlike men stood before him without moving an inch and giving him a dead serious look. Cole almost could feel what he was trying to say to him. And that would be to get his ass back and accept his responsibility. Only over his dead body though. He stepped aside to bypass the old man but as soon he did he felt a hand grab onto his tunic's collar and pull him back forcefully. Damn was that old man strong!

"Listen up brat." Bermond spat the last word at him. He was fed up with his attitude and decided to lecture him thoroughly this time. "I dun diddle care what shit you want. In a functioning society you gotta play your part. Or..." Bermond's expresion, almost close to murdering intent, closed in on Cole in a threatening manner. "Or you get kicked outta here. And when i say that, I mean it. Not just temporarly..." For the first time he felt seriously pressured. Cole had been forgiven quite a few mishaps and bad behaviour but this was the first time he was threatened with expulsion, and a permanent one at that. "It's time you learned how to cope with people and work as a team." Cold sweat formed on his forehead as Cole though it over, but truthfully there wasn't much to think about, he needed to stay. "Fine." He said somewhat calmly even though he was raging inside.

Bermond released him, his eyes still set on him to see if he would keep his word. Cole breathed in deeply and breathed out excessively before turning back around. With quik strides he made his way back towards the little boy with blue eyes. With great force he grabbed his right hand for a shake, not a single care if the opposite was fine with it or not. Cole put a lot of pressure into his handshake almost crushing, but he wouldn't go and break this newbies hand on the first day.... not yet at least. "Name's Cole. Nice to meet you too." You could still hear the anger and irritation as he said that. And even though he smiled, it was a distorted one and seemed to be more crudely than anything else. Cole intently looked into the opposites blue eyes, his own golden ones blazing as he though to himself. I hope you are prepared pal.

Without letting go Cole turned again and pulled the one named Lee along towards the general direction of the entrance or exist of the academy. "You can at least try to be a little nicer you know." Bermond shouted after them. "Your fault for apointing him to me. I will do as I see fit." Cole shouted back unfazed. On the way for a split second a thought crossed his mind. That Lee seemed to have rather small hands, well he was small generally so he shot that thought down pretty quikly. Probably didn't get enough nutrition to grow bigger.

Close to the doors he finally let go and turned around to face him. After that walk Cole was able to work off a bit of the steam that was bottled up inside him. Now looking at the situation calmy. This boy probably didn't think he would get someone like him either and was most certainly unhappy with the result. Just for a moment he felt sorry for him, weird enough.

Cole sighed starting to point with his hand into various directions as he started to explain "Cafeteria is up there, beside are showers and change rooms. You see that big and tall building? This is where all the trainers and old farts are staying incase you want to file in a complaint. Beside it are also the dorms for those who come from far away." He cleared his throat turning his gaze sideways. Maybe that wasn't so smart to leash out entirely infront of a newbie, it might come back at him and bite in the ass. "On the east are the dragon shacks. Behind the main building is the training ground, you just gotta walk through it." Cole scratched the back of his head as he though what else he could add, but gave up as he was to lazy to point out every single thing. "Today you can go and explore the facilities all you want. I'm gonna train outside. Anymore questions before I go?" He crossed his arms as he shifted his weigh on his right leg staring down at Lee.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 28th, '16, 22:16    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna stared at her 'trainer' with a slight cold fear washing over her, this guy was bad news if she ever saw it. He was exactly the kind of guy her mother always told her to stay away from. However scared she was Leanna was not letting this opportunity pass her by - she had risked everything to come out here so if this guy was going to ruin that she would use all the power she had to get another trainer (and maybe get this guy suspended or something as pay back). She could be stubborn when it came to her passions.

The man practically growled at the kindly green-eyed man and shoved both of them aside before storming off. The guy beside her chuckled and apologized and Leanna was two seconds away from starting a scene when a large man stopped the boy dead in his tracks. He seemed kind of familiar but she couldn't put her finger on why - maybe he just had one of those faces. He seemed to grab the boy with ease, forcing him to stay put. They were talking, and although she couldn't quite hear it she knew for a fact this dark-haired guy was getting lectured.

That put a smirk on her face.

It seemed to take a while but the boy turned back around and in big, powerful strides came back to her - grabbing her hand with a strength she was most definitely not used to - and introduced himself. Well, it seemed very, very, strained. Like it was literally the worst thing he had to do. Cole, as he so introduced himself, as golden eyes which seemed to sparkle in a way that Leanna liked very much, she had always been annoyed that she had gotten the boring silver hair from her father and boring blue eyes from her mother. If Gods were kind she could have had bright blonde hair and violet eyes.

"Oh, it's nice to me-ah" without warning she was pulled, hand still in Cole's as he practically dragged her in a new direction. She heard the large man shout back at them and she tried to turn to smile, but Cole was far stronger and she didn't have the chance. For a split second she was confused when Cole said 'he', but then instantly remembered and felt embarrassed about it. Cole seemed to squeeze her hand slightly and Leanna couldn't help but let a blush crawl onto her cheeks.

He then pointed out the various buildings, cafeteria, showers, changing rooms and finally the shacks and training ground. That was where she wanted to go most of all - even if she just got to see a dragon she would be happy. Cole asked her if she wanted to see anything else and Leanna shook her head, "I want to see the dragons!" she said a little too excitedly, hoping her voice didn't give her away. "I've waited my whole life to see one up close - are we allowed to touch them?" She could feel her inner child come out but couldn't control it - this was far too exciting.

Leanna hoped Cole wouldn't mind - especially if he was going to the training grounds anyway. She put her fingertips together in a nervous pose looking at them in fear as her prettily manicured nails seemed a little out of place. Instantly she threw them behind her back, "Do you know when we officially get to meet the dragons you have here? Do you get to choose which one you train with?"

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 29th, '16, 20:45    


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Cole's eyes widened of the sudden excitement of Lee. He was perplexed by his sudden outburst. Not only that. He did happen to catch on to something... rather odd. As rejecting his behaviour could be, he happened to be the type to voice his mind so he said the following without considering if it would hit a nerve in Lee. "Your voice sounds awfully girly pal. Didn't go through voice break yet?" He heaved an eyebrow a small smirk on his lips, now taking a closer look at the young men infront of him. His stature also seemed somehow odd. Well he knew from the very beginning he would be a lot of work.

Cole sighed defeated "Whatever. I dont wanna think right now of how much work your gonna cause me." He rubbed his nose as he now seriously though of his request. Seeing dragons? Possible. Touching them? Not so possible. Going right now? Impossible. Newbies had to adapt to the campus and the other people first before they would get introduced to dragons which is usually the time span of a week.

Weeeelll. Usually.... Cole wasn't included, or his mind wasn't anyway. And hey, even if he was against people himself, didn't mean he would oppose the idea of people wanting to try and interact with dragons, on a friendly basis of course. "Your in luck kid. I wanted to pay my friend a visit anyway before going to training." Still, a little nervous he glanced back to where the trainers were standing, chatting but also observing them. It wouldn't seem to strange if he would take Lee away right? He took hold of the hilt of his sword to calm himself. "Follow me." He said as he scurried past him towards the door.

Out the door they turned and went through some kind of thicket consisting of small and tall busches and also a few trees. The way wasn't particullary far since they basically now arrived at the outer end of the dragon shacks. Cole turned his head sideways throwing a warning stare at Lee. "Don't EVER tell anyone about this. We are on the same boat from now on... If we want to or not." He sighed and went over to a bush which seemed like any other around them, but under this one something was hidden, something he himself had put there. It was a rope with a hook at one end. Since the building was built pretty solid the only entrance for humans to get in was the front entrance. Well officially anway. The building had numerous holes starting from 10 meters and above, which were of course meant for the dragons to get in and out. That's were they would get in.

On his first try he got the hook firmly stuck on the roof. Well after doing this about a hundred times, no wonder. Cole tugged a few times on the rope then turned his head towards Lee. "I hope you can climb. Oh, and, once in we have about an hour before the caretakers are gonna come to clean up this place. They usually come at about noon. Visits are only allowed afternoon, to ensure a time the dragons can properly rest without getting disturbed." Cole explained while allready climbing the rope. Within a few moments he was at the top. A pretty easy exercise for him, not so sure about Lee though. He sat down at the edge his feet dangling down. With a slightly sadistic expression he said. "Let's see what you got in you kid." Cole would wait patiently, he wasn't in any particular rush, but a little bit of curiosity did get him. How much did dragons mean to Lee even though he haven't even met any yet. How far would he go for them? That is something that did interest him in other people.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 29th, '16, 21:37    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
At the mention of her voice Leanna got extremely anxious - but Cole seemed to shrug it off rather quickly, replacing his mocking tone for one of irritation and tiredness. She didn't necessarily want to be dependant on someone, but if it meant seeing, touching or talking to dragons then she would do whatever it took. Cole mentioned seeing a friend and then got very serious, he motioned for her to follow, which she did so in silence. She adjusted her trousers once more, as the slipped down her hips again, and she followed Cole through what was very clearly not a path.

The branches and weeds scratched at her and her hood got caught in one of them, to which she gave a small yelp and desperately tried to untangle it. She pulled it even further over her head once it was free and luckily it didn't seem like Cole noticed (or maybe her just didn't particularly care). That was good news in her books. Leanna could smell a difference in the air and her heart started racing, the boy in front of her gave a her look that could kill and went over to another bush. At first she thought he was just looking for another way around but then Cole brought out a grapple and hook.

With one swing he hooked it onto the roof and began climbing with ease while he explained their limited time frame. Without a sweat he sat on the roof, smirking down at her, Leanna puffed her cheeks - she could do this! If it meant seeing dragons she would climb a thousand ropes... only, she didn't really know how. She grabbed it with both of her hands and pulled herself up, trying to use her feet. She failed and had to drop to the ground and try again, this time wrapping the rope around her ankle as she used literally every ounce of strength she had to pull herself up.

The roof was close and she attempted to reach for it but her fingertips barely touched the ledge, and she was losing strength fast. "One... more... push..." she wheezed, hoisting herself up once again to bring her arms and chest over the top and then dragged her legs over with her. Leanna had to rest - suddenly very thankful for her piano lessons rather than physical training. This was hard work. After catching her breath she turned to Cole, "I made it" and she gave a thumbs up.

Once her legs regained feeling, and she wasn't going to fall over, Leanna walked over to one of the ceiling hatches and peered in - her blue eyes sparkling at the sleeping beast within. "...it's beautiful" she whispered, losing all care about where she was or who she was with. She knelt down and threw her head in the hatch, practically turning herself upside down as she looked within the shelter - there was more than one here! They were all majestic and huge. She wanted to get down, but how? "Are we using the rope to get down?" she asked, unhooking it from the side handling it oddly - it was heavier than she had expected.

Her arms were still tired but she place the hook in the side of the ceiling, and threw the rope down, adrenaline was coursing through her and she couldn't wait for Cole to catch up, she swung her legs over and shimmied down the rope - almost falling when she reached the bottom as it was a bigger drop than expected. The dragon closest was a dark orange and brown colour, it's sleeping face so calm and peaceful. Leanna stared in fascination, hand reaching out to touch it's scales...

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 30th, '16, 00:13    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
It was clear the first thing Cole would need to train on Lee would be his muscles. He had so much trouble climbing mere 10 meters, but he will give him credit for going through with it. When he finally reached the top, completely out of breath, Cole gave a little sarcastic applaud. To his thumb up he face palmed himself. Just you wait, you will get more exercise than this starting tomorrow, and probably hate me for it. Heh.

Meanwhile Lee went on ahead and hooked the rope on one of the holes to get down. Eager one isn't he? To Lee asking about the rope he simply nodded. At least he was able to combine two and two together, as opposed to the other trainees around which only seemed to have the muscle but no brain. In battle a good warrior needs both. Slugishly he went over to the hole while Lee had allready dissapeared in it. He looked down before sliding down on the rope. That's the usual hole he would get into since it was the nearest. He knew the basic outline of this building and also knew that his friend wasn't to far off.

As Cole turned around he saw how Lee was reaching out to an orange and brown coloured dragon. He instantly rushed over and grabbed his hand before it could reach the dragon. "No touching!" He put a lot of strenght into every syllable to make clear this was urgent. He pulled Lee a few steps farther away before lettin go and staring at him very seriously. "Listen, Dragons have a deep sleep they don't really mind the noise around them, at least most of them, but all are sensitive to touching especially when they are resting. Don't touch Dragons without their consent or they'll get angry. And if you cause a ruckus we'll be discovered before you can say shit." He ended his lecture with a relieved sigh. Luckily it didn't come that far, though he probably should have mentioned that sooner. "You can look but no touching for now."

As they were standing in the hallway you had somewhat of an overview of the many stabels this building held. From many came quite rumbling noises, the heavy breathing of the dragons and shifting from time to time. Cole suddenly heard a loud rustling noise behind them. As he turned he noticed a few stables farther away, first a black head with silvery eyes and then the whole buddy slowly creeping towards them. This dragons body was mostly covered in black scales with few purple nuances here and there. His belly was silvery just like his eyes. He kept coming closer while Cole shifted to defense mode putting up his arm infront of Lee. " Noooo~.." He said but it didn't stop the dragon. Out of nowhere he leaped forward and almost collided with with them both if Cole wouldn't have pushed Lee and himself down to the floor.

Almost three times their size he hovered above them both all excited. Cole sat up, streaking across Lee's chest as he pulled his arm up to push the dragons head back that tried to get a good sniff of the new person here. "No! Dramor! Get back!" Grumpily the dragon tried to reply but Cole closed his mouth shut with his arms. "Shhh. Don't make a ruckus here now." He shot him a very angry glance and the dragon somwhat complied sitting back. "Good..." He released Dramor of his hold now checking up on Lee. "Sorry about that. He tends to get overly excited sometimes." Cole helped Lee back up on his feet. It was weird, did he feel something on him when they fell? He felt something bumping his back.

When he turned around Dramor had drawn out his tongue expectantly. Cole searched his black trousers pockets, only to pull them out empty handed. "Sorry I got nothing on me today." Dramors ears dropped dissapointed. He laid his head on the ground drawing big sad eyes to make Cole feel guilty. It might have worked if he wasn't allready used to it. "I didn't have the time to go fishing yet. I'll get you some next time." He smiled gently and patted him on the nose apologetically. "Dramor this is Lee. Lee this is my partner Dramor. Don't let him near your shoes." He gave the new recruit a fair warning what would happen would not be his responsibility. "Anyway. As I said. You can take a look around but no touching dragons out of the blue." He paused thinking. "Or you can try this one. No guguarantee that you will get away unharmed though." Cole chuckeld amused. Seeing his partner smothering someone to death somehow was quite a funny thought to him. It almost made him forget the sensation he had felt before from Lee. Almost...

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 30th, '16, 20:59    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna flinched when Cole grabbed her hand and dragged her away, snapping her out of her trance. He warned her about the way dragons sleep and suddenly she felt very guilty, "I'm sorry - I just... got too excited I guess." She looked down, slightly ashamed by her actions, and then when Cole had released her, she looked around - amazed by every little thing. The large orange and brown dragon was still sleeping peacefully, and his scales moved elegantly with each rise and fall of his chest. He had to be the biggest one here, his tail was folded around his body and he emitted a great heat, like sitting too close to the fireplace.

Leanna then turned to where Cole was facing and saw a beautiful black dragon peer over. Cole seemed to be wary, putting his arm in front of her and warning the beast with words. Leanna stepped back, the sound of straw crunching underneath her boots and without warning the dragon leaped, it's massive size causing her to let out a particularly girlish yelp. In a split second Cole and pushed her to the floor to avoid the dragon from crushing her. She had never been so close to a boy before, and if it wasn't for the very apparent danger of being eaten by a dragon, Leanna was sure she would have blushed. He held the beast's face, talking to it with human words. Leanna was amazed. Cole seemed to have a connection with this one... Dramor as he called it.

She got to her feet, "He's beautiful". Cole seemed to think that Dramor was okay to touch, so hesitantly she reached out, letting the dragon sniff her before she placed her hand on his scales. The feeling was amazing, soft and smooth and warm. She pet him gently, "You're a good boy, aren't you?" she spoke to the dragon, almost forgetting Cole was behind her, letting her voice slip back to normal. The dragon pressed it's face againt her body and knocked her backwards, it looked like it wanted to play? "I'm sorry new friend - I'm not allowed to play with you" she said, stroking his face once more, this time with both hands.

Dramor sensed the rejection and then went back to Cole, giving Leanna time to reflect and feel incredibly elated, she looked at her hands in awe. She had touched a dragon!. A loud snort made her turn her head and she came to meet a very slender dragon with dark purple scales all over, it's belly was a darker grey and the scales by it's face were lighter. Some reflected the light very well, making them look white almost. The beasts red eyes were staring down at her and Leanna felt incredibly, incredibly small. Although not particularly bigger than Dramor, it was much longer. "C-Cole... who is this?" The dragon, without warning bent it's neck down to rest on the floor, right by Leanna's feet, making her jump - she wanted to touch it and remembered Cole's warning... but the dragon seemed to look up at her expectantly. It wouldn't hurt just a little would it?

"Hello sweetie, what's your name?" she said, not really expecting an answer, but the dragon opened it's mouth and let out a large, ashy sigh, covering her legs in thick smoke. Leanna giggled nervously, unsure if this one was playing, or warning. It was then that Leanna noticed the scar across this dragons back, and she suddenly felt very sad. This one was so gorgeous, it's scaled gleaming different shades of purple in different lights, how could someone hurt it? The dragon huffed impatiently and raised it's head again, it looked over to Dramor and blinked slowly conversing with the male.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 30th, '16, 23:27    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Mood: Glad you came~ :)
Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole put a hand over his mouth as he did his best to supress his laughter at Lee's comment about his partner being a good boy. He could be, sure, but rarely was. At least he did listen to Cole's demands if he had to make any. He seemed rather tame around the new recruit. He would have expected for Dramor to go all out since he liked playing rough, which did cause a few scratches on Cole here and there. Thruthfully he didn't mind, it was fun to frolic around with his dragon friend. But dragons also had the ability to get a feel of their opposite. If they felt danger they would attack if they felt calmness they would also stay more calm. A behaviour somewhat similiar to horses.

Dramor was a little restless as he had been forbidden to vent out his energy right now. Cole stroke his favourite spot onder his chin to ease the dragons unrest. He turned his gaze towards Lee as he noticed that another dragon had approached them, Lee especially. Cole recognized it. Never would he forget that scar on it's back, and those red eyes. "It's a Dragon from overseas. It's been a while here... Ah!-" Cole panicked a little when Lee stretched out his hand towards the purple scaled dragon. To his suprise though it didn't mind. He had his eyes drawn wide in astonishment.

Perplexed he walked over and so did Dramor who encircled the other dragon before sitting down next to, sniffing it. "How did you..." Still in disbelief Cole tried to touch the female but before reaching the scales it gave him a warning growl. "Right... You don't like people much..." He resigned, drawing his hand back. Questingly he scratches his shoulder as he turned to Lee and tugged a little on his hood. "How did you do that? Got some treats under there?" Cole said a little mockingly releasing him soon after, sighning a little. "The dragons here come from various places. Most of them are from the big forest not to far from Androa, but there are also some who come from farther outside."

Cole crossed his arms explaining further. "I'm sure you are aware that for many people hunting dragons is still a great sport. So the outcome of these can look like this." He nudged with his chin towards the scar of the dragon. "I don't know its name, but it usually doesn't let people get to close to it. Who knows maybe it likes you somehow?" He shrugged not sure what to make of it. "My da-" Cole's words died out as soon he started them. His mien became serious and a little absentminded as he stared blanky into space. An uncomfortable ringing noise in his ears. A memory, he wished to erase, replayed once again in his mind and his face grew grimmer with each second.

Out of nowhere he turned and made a go for the rope only saying. "I'm off training." Dramor perked up from his grumbling conversation with the lady, going after Cole who but pushed him away with a "No." Grabbing the rope he climbed back up. Leaving a sad dragon behind who whined worriedly. Cole had went from zero to a hundred for reasons that he wouldn't want to share, especially not with someone he met only today. And before he would let his temper get to Lee he decided to take off. He left the rope behind for him and took a fearless leap forward himself. In the fall he grabbed the thickest branch on the tree and carefully climbed down on it's bark. With a hop, he safely landed on the ground heading straight for the training ground.

It only took him seconds to draw his sword as soon he had arrived. He really wanted to mutilate that dummy infront of him. During a fight you had to clean your mind and concentrate wholy on your weapon and the way to lead each swing. The more slashes he made the more engrossed he became by it. Shutting everyone and everything else around him out. The further he progressed the heavier his breathing became and he started to sweat in exertion. Forget it all, numb it through the aching pain of his muscles. With his last hit he shouted out almost as loudly as an angry beast. Panting he let himself fall back into the grass. Not caring about the stares or the scared birds flying up. This was the only method that helped him. The numbness let him relax and become cool headed. Cole put his arm on his forehead staring at the sky that slowly started to turn darker. How long had he been at it? He had lost all sense of time while training. There is one thing though that Cole started wondering about. What was Lee up to? He closed his eyes shut to rest.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Nov 30th, '16, 23:54    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna watched in amusement as Dramor headed over along with Cole, sniffing the purple dragon. This new one, the scarred one, didn't seemed to like Dramor much - or rather, she simply huffed at him each time he got too close. When Cole went to touch her the dragon had growled and Leanna was surprised considering how sweetly it had been not a few minutes earlier. Blue eyes met red and in an instant Leanna's head was filled with this one particular dragon.

All of a sudden Cole grabbed her hood and made a joke, she freaked a little, tugging the clothing tighter around her. He began to explain the scar, and where this dragon came from, or that he didn't know it's name. All of a sudden his words died and his face turned to stone. "A-Are you alr-" but Cole had gone, saying he's off to go 'train', leaving Leanna in a shack full of tame but dangerous dragons. Cole had left so quickly that Leanna didn't know what to do. Dramor was now whining, much like a puppy, and the purple dragon was puffing her chest, smoke coming out of her nostrils a little each time they flared. Clearly she didn't care for all this commotion.

"C-Calm down Dramor.." Leanna attempted, walking slowly to the black dragon who was now fidgeting. Dramor's tail swished wildly and on it's way back it caught Leanna by surprise, knocking her down onto the floor with a heavy thump. Instantly the purple dragon roared, claws out as it stared Dramor down. Was it protecting her? No, impossible! Dramor seemed to sense this and snapped a little, to which the purple dragon sighed and backed off. Leanna stood on shaky legs, both beasts had gone their separate ways now, the distant sound of human voices warned her that her time limit was up. Dramor had already retreated to his own bedding, and so Leanna smiled at her new friend; "I'm going to call you Azutri!" she said happily, running over to the rope to climb back up. She struggled for a second, before a force rested underneath her feet and raised her up.

The purple dragon then retreated, and Leanna couldn't stop the smile on her face. Quickly, she gathered the rope, and got down the same was as before - Cole must have jumped, which was pretty impressive. In the distance, the clock tower chimed 12. Leanna ran through the bushes and placed the rope under a bush she had hoped was the same as the one Cole had got it from. She ran through the streets, all the way back to the castle, sneaking in through the servants quarters and then using one of the maids to help her slip back into her own room. With super speed, she undressed and her handmaid helped her dress into a light pink dress, kicking the 'boy' clothes under her bed.

Leanna sat, letting the handmaid brush her hair and decorate it with tiny flowers and braids. "You were lucky today - but if you keep disappearing Her Majesty is going to notice" the young woman said. Almost scolding Leanna, "I'll be extra careful - oh but Marie you wouldn't believe what I was able to do today. It was magical!" the young maid laughed. "Yes, yes Princess - you can tell me all about it another time. You'll be late for piano if you don't hurry along." And so she did. Rushing to her lesson and completing it with enthusiasm her teacher had never seen before. After that was literature, and then wash up before dinner. Leanne sat with her parents to eat, her father was in a bad mood, not nasty but clearly very tired, and her mother was trying her best to make him feel better.

"Oh Leanna, darling..." her mother began, "We are due a visit to the town tomorrow, all of us, so please make sure you've finished all your lessons by the time the clock chimes two, okay? Oh, and wear that lovely green dress I bought you." Leanna nodded politely, "Yes mother". Once dinner was done, she retired to her room and opened the window, looking at the stars - two dragons, with riders, flew in the distance and it made her heart flutter. She looked at her palm, she had done so much in one day! Tomorrow, she would have to tell Cole she couldn't stay long - if she were to be late for the meeting tomorrow then Leanna couldn't even imagine the horrors that awaited her.

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