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The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 4th, '11, 23:33
by mercu
What the title says. ;]
Imagine that the AAY above you is your child - what would you do/say to them? Would you ground them, and why? Would you take them on a family trip (and then leave them tied to a tree)? Would you disown them? Your choice. XD

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 02:13
by Bored
Holy crap I have a child? How drunk was I when this happened.

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 03:14
by lunar_eclipse66
I knew it was a bad idea when my boyfriend came up with the idea, and 9 months later, you came into this world

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 11:05
by mercu
You need to use and exercise your wings more, young lady, look how tiny they are!

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 13:50
by Secret_Sun
How many times have I told you that you can only have sweets after you finish your dinner? Spit those out right now! >:o

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 16:01
by Nillius
Missy, I already told you! You should not and will not go running around, yelling at other children! Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.
-Points to a dark corner with a small step stool.-

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 16:16
by mercu
Why do you dress in such depressing colors? You could change into something bright every now and then.

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 20:01
by szuja
My God, why are you going around naked?! Go and get some cloethes on you right now!

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 22:56
by lunar_eclipse66
i dont care if its the latest trend, get that bone out of your hair right now. i didn't raise a freaking cave man. and stop bothering the cat!

Re: The AAY is your child! What's your reaction?

Posted: Aug 5th, '11, 23:00
by MellyM
i dont care you like sweets but dont put them in your hair!