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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 4th, '17, 23:01    


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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole breathed out relieved at Leannas response, maybe a little to relieved. Well it was good that she actually didn't feel anything for a person who ruled a kingdom so ruthlessly. He felt himself finally relax a bit until Leanna said more. He opened his eyes as his heart skipped a beat alltogether. Well that was something he hadn't expected to hear. So there was someone she actually fell for. Somewhat irritated he furrowed his brows and just mumbeld a "Is that so..." He wanted to believe it was nothing, and surely not his buisness to ask for an explenation, but somehow knowing that fact made him sad.

And suddenly she began listing that persons characteristics. It irritated him even more, trying to figure out who that person was. The first description didn't help much. There were a few people who would fit into this category, probably someone he didn't even knew. The second one gave him an idea though. Her bodyguard that had accompanied her once? He wasn't sure, didn't even remember his name. Deep in though Cole suddenly felt movement on the bed and looked up. Leanna was suddenly hovering above him. Suprised he stared at her as she smiled down on him. What is she smiling for like that? He though and heaved a brow.

Before he could ask or say anything, she blatantly kissed his forehead and said the last description to fit the person she liked. Baffled Cole stared at her with his golden eyes that went wide as it began to dawn on him. No way... He nervously glanced around the room. There wasn't anyone else here but them. He grabbed the wrist of her hand, just in case she might run. For a second thinking it must be someone else and she simply was playing him. But Cole wasn't that dense to not understand what she implied here. Lightly sulking he finally replied. "I'm not a big baby."

Cole coughed a little before sighing deeply, he looked at Leanna. After a while he shifted, sitting up. In the next moment pulling her into an embrace. He didn't knew what was the right thing to do anymore. He should reject her. Should spare her the grief of going through the hardships of a relationship with a no name like him. Chances were high that they won't be allowed to be together, having no foreseeable future.
Yet here he was holding her tightly in his arms, his heart racing, feeling blissful.

Freya nodded in agreement to the queens condition. If possible she would like to stay alive in her hometown together with her son. Trips being definitly out of the question. She had enough of travelling for quite a while. She would be eternally gratefull for Amelias kindness. Freya smiled content at her friend, taking her up on the offer of her hand. "I don't think my son is that stupid." She said with confidence, as they began their way back to the princess room.

Cole kept holding Leanna just like that for a while without a word, before finally deciding to speak up. "It would have been so much easier if you were a guy." He gently kissed her neck. "Then I wouldn't have to struggle with myself like this." Cole sighed as he pulled back and looked Leanna in the eyes with a sad expression. "Leanna I-" Suddenly he sneezed out of nowhere, barely managing to turn away shielding himself with a hand. He blinked once, as if it had been a signal, the door opened.

Dumbfounded Freya stared at her son. On the princess bed. She halfway in his arms. She couldn't help but facepalm herself, shaking her head from side to side. "He is that stupid..." Cole looked at the two woman in slight panic his brain overheating. "This isn't what it looks like!" He began, throwing Leanna a helpless glance, quikly standing up from the bed he bowed before the queen. "I'm sorry, I felt exhausted and wanted to lie down. Your daughter was kind enough to let me rest on her bed." So far so good, the explanation didn't sound to bad, but he had no continuation as to why she had been in his arms. A stress droplet formed on his forehead as he franticly tried to think of something instead rendering himself mute. God damn it! Cole cursed to himself whilst his mother just watched him with pity in her eyes. His timing was horrible.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 5th, '17, 20:50    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna's bravery surprised even herself and she blushed heavily after Cole's eyes widened and he held her wrist tightly. She wasn't sure how he would react, whether it was fear or just shock that made him avoid her eyes for a while. Cole was an anomaly in her life, and she could never quite read what he was thinking, normally keeping himself very closed in. There was a silence that hung in the air, thick and tense as Leanna thought about what to say next - maybe I should make it out to be a joke? Tell him it was all a fever dream?

Cole coughed, and moved his body upwards, sitting like her against the headboard. She wanted to protest, to tell him that his body was going to ache because of the cold, but her mouth wouldn't even open. She feared that if she tried to speak, all her emotions might come spilling out at once. Cole pulled on her arm, tugging her entire body towards him and held her tightly. Leanna's heart was racing, she didn't understand what this meant. Was he reciprocating her feelings? "C-Cole?" she whispered, unsure what he was trying to say. He mentioned his own struggles, that she should have been male, and he said her name in a way that made her stomach flip.

His sneeze caught her off guard and she jumped, letting out the smallest of yelps. The door opened and both Freya and her mother walked in, both women shocked by the pair on the bed. Cole immediately jumped on the defensive and tried to explain his actions. Leanna's brain took a little while to catch up and she nodded vigorously about offering a space on the bed. He paused afterwards though, unsure of how to explain why they had been cuddling. Even she couldn't think of a reasonable explanation, her red face was probably a give away anyway. Leanna suddenly feared the 'conversation' her mother would be having after this - about how improper Leanna was, and that Cole wasn't of royal blood.

"Leanna..." the Queen began, her regular, professional persona coming out as she narrowed her eyes at her daughter. "Freya, if you wouldn't mind taking the gemstones and your son, I think Leanna is feeling well enough now" Marie was there, holding the door open and offering to show them out. Amelia gave Freya a sly smirk. Once they had left, the Queen sat by her daughter, "Leanna... look at me". She had not wanted to look her mother in the eyes, but forced herself to, shaking slightly at they way she was being scrutinised. "Look, Mother I can expl-"

"Do you love him?" her question caught Leanna off guard, and she buckled, face growing brighter with each second under her mothers intense stare. "I-I... I don't know" With a heavy sigh Amelia rested her hand on Leanna's cheek. "You can be honest, my darling. I fear I've pressured marriage on you so many times you no longer know what true romance is." there was an exchange of smiles, "I... I may have fallen for him" she admitted, pulling her knees up to her chest. "He's kind and sweet, he cares for me too, even when things were a little awkward when we kissed he-" "you WHAT?" Amelia's hand retreats and her eyes widened. Leanna tried to backtrack, but it was too late, "Leanna..." she said with a warning.

"Mother please... It all happened so quickly I- I just..." Amelia let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Honestly I didn't think you were that foolish." She gave a threatening glance, "Mother that's not fair I-" "No, Leanna, no it's not fair. As much as I love Freya, I just don't know if I can consent to you marrying her son..." the words hit Leanna like ice and she felt a lump in her throat threaten to make her cry. "Mother" she pleaded, but felt hopeless as she was left in her room alone without a second glance.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 6th, '17, 23:49    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Freya nodded to the queens demand, and walked over to the necklace picking it up and throwing inside her bag. She walked up to Cole and grabbed his sleeve dragging him along. "Come on." A little perplexed he began walking, grabbing his belonging alongside, turning once to Leanna with a confused. "See ya." Before exiting with his mother.

Once they were out it felt like Cole could breathe again. He breathed in deeply and immediately regretted it. He began coughing vigorously, halting for a second. His mother turned to him on the sidewalk. "You really caught yourself something this time." After what felt an eternity he calmed down and looked at his mother. "Guess I was careless. Shouldn't have run around in the rain." He admitted with a sad smile. "That's not what I meant." Slowly her sly smile grew wider into a grin. It worried him. Suddenly she ran up to him and hugged him. Suprised Cole tumbled on the spot. "What are you doing?" He said angrily, whilst his mother just giggled as if she was twenty again. "My son is finally growing up." She squeezed him one last time before letting go. "But I didn't expect you to set your goal that high. Going straight for the prin-" Cole quikly muffled his mothers excited voice which seemed to echo in the streets. "Are you crazy!? Stop messing around! This is not the time nor the place to discuss anything." He frowned down on her. "Besides, I'm allready a grown up." Freya just shrugged her shoulders and they continued their way home.

Once the door finally closed behind them Cole sunk down on the couch. With a heavy sigh he let himself finally relax, all the tension from before leaving his body. Freya set her bag aside in a corner going for the pot and kettle to make dinner. "Soooo~" His mother began in a high pitched tone. Cole had a bad feeling about it. "Wanna tell me what happened while we were out?" She threw him a sideway glance, her eyes glistening excited. "No." He said and turned his head away. "Oh, come one. Don't be like that. It's not like you kissed her or anything right?" She laughed. "Not today..." Freyas laughter died out. "What?" She turned letting the cooking spoon fall out of her hand. "I kissed Lea the day before yesterday, when I was out drinking with her." He leaned back letting his head rest against the backrest, staring up to the ceiling.

Suddenly his mother began laughing again, a heartfelt laugh. "You'r just like your father, just as bold and idiotic as him." Cole looked at her a bit suprised that she mentioned him. It had been a while. Seeing her wipe away a small tear in the corner of her eye made his heart ache. He bent forward, his hands together. "I don't know what to do anymore..." He admitted letting his head hang. Freya walked over to him, patting him on the head like a sad puppy. "Rest for a few days. Think things through and come to a conclusion." She smiled reassuringly at him, handing him a specialty drink against colds. Cole drew a grimace at its smell. Oh god it was that drink... He pinched his nose and downed the drink in one shot. "Blegh. Still awful as ever." Cole gave her the empty mug back. "Can't you make anything tastier?" Freya just smiled, tilting her head. "But tasty stuff won't help you much." Cole didn't like how gleeful she sounded saying it.

At dinner it was time for Cole to question his mother. "So what did you talk about with the queen?" Freya kept her composure, saying a simple "Nothing much." disregarding the matter at hand. War was coming. She knew her son well enough. If he heard they were going to send out a troop to infiltrate Yeurna, he'd sigh up for it. She wanted to avoid that at all cost. Loosing her son would end her. She smiled and added. "We talked about old times and how pretty Leanna has become. Don't you think?" With such a simple white lie she was able to divert Cole's thoughts towards someone else but her. The rest of the day they spent quitly. Cole went early to bed. Thinking of taking a break from all the things happening around him. His mother was right, he should stay at home for a few days and recover before taking the next step. Cole promised himself to think things through, and earnestly tell Leanna how he felt.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 9th, '17, 14:41    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna couldn't sleep, her mind was no longer foggy or heavy with voices so she had all the time to just think. Her mother had been less than impressed with her relationship with Cole, although she technically didn't disprove of it, and now her heart ached for reasons she didn't know. She missed him, and wished he was feeling better, but being a disappointment to her family was just as heartbreaking. So Leanna didn't know whether to follow her fleeting dreams, and run to Cole - or to accept her future and marry royalty and become Queen.

With a heavy sigh she swung her legs out of bed, and paced around her room, eventually settling on her vanity, looking at her face in the mirror. She had changed a lot recently, normally when she looked at herself she saw a girl in a prison. Now she saw a woman, who made her own choices. Her silver hair was down, and she ran her fingers through it in thought. Did Cole find her attractive? Was she pretty compared to other women, or was it just because she was a Princess? Her chest clenched painfully and she left out another long breath. The creak of a floorboard startled and she turned around in a panic, greeted by no one. Scared, Leanna stood slowly and headed for her door - she didn't feel safe anymore.

As she reached for the handle a gloved hand grabbed her from behind, one over her mouth and one pinning her arm behind her back. She was being pulled towards her window which was suddenly open and Leanna panicked, a cold fear coursing through her veins. With no other option, she fought back - she bit down on the hand covering her mouth, teeth piercing through leather and skin until she could taste blood. "You little bitch!" the man screamed, letting go temporarily. Leanna bolted for the door but was grabbed once more - she began to scream. "Help! Someone, anyone!" "Shut up, no one can hear you anyway." he responded, twisting her arm painfully and throwing her towards the window once more.

There was a ladder outside, and Leanna was thrown over the man's shoulder as he descended, she kicked and screamed and clawed at him refusing to go without a fight. She wished she had her sword... He grunted at each attack, flinching each time her nails came to mark his face. She was thrown to the floor, by a carriage, and she scrambled to her feet - "Look, just play along - I've been given strict orders not to harm you" he brought a blade from out of his belt and held it towards her in a threat. "Fuck you" she replied venomously, and punched him in the eye. With adrenaline coursing through her she wrenched the blade from his hand and held it in her own shaking ones, he laughed darkly. "Look, girly, I'll hurt you anyway if you keep this up." With fire in her eyes she threw the blade right at him, hearing his scream as it lodged in his forearm, and she ran once more.

Her lungs burned, not daring to look behind her as the sound of footsteps grew louder and louder as she was chased. Her feet suddenly fell onto soft sand, and she got the upper hand as the assailants heavy boots struggled with the terrain and Leanna suddenly knew where she was. Everything hurt and she was so close to that little house that she temporarily slowed down. It was enough for the man to catch up however, and he grabbed her hair, yanking it backwards and causing her to fall to the ground in pain. Leanna screamed over and over again. ad the man above her pressed the blade to her face and gripped her throat tightly. "You fucking bitch, look what you've done to me!"

The man had a black eye, his forearm was bleeding badly and there was scratched all over him. Leanna felt a sick sense of pride at what she had caused. She kicked more, trying to get him off of her but he was simply much stronger that she was, she shifted slightly, and pulled two objects out of a pouch in his belt causing Leanna to freeze in fear. A small vial of God-knows-what and a familiar dark purple gemstone, roughly cut and unpolished. He smirked and tightened his grip on her throat, "Drink up Princess" and got the small vial close to her lips. A distant roar startled the man currently strangling her and he hesitantly stopped his actions, "Everyone should be asleep" he cursed under his breath, another roar shook him deeply and he grimaced, he was starting to panic now and Leanna couldn't help but smirk.

She saw a familiar shape in the sky, one with large wings and a long tail. The man released her throat and grabbed her hair, pulling her up and trying to pull her back towards the carriage that was supposed to take her somewhere. She struggled against his grip again, screaming louder even though her throat burned in pain. There was a gust of wind and both humans were blown backwards as the beautiful dragon Azutri landed, furious as she dug her claws into the sand and refused to be silent. Her nostrils flared with smoke. "What the fuck?!" the man cried, letting go of Leanna and stumbling backwards, terrified of the beast in front of him.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 00:03    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Cole was fast asleep until he heard someone screaming being torn out of his slumber. As if it had been some kind of alarm he jumped up, threw over a shirt, grabbed his sword and walked into the living room. His mother seemed to have woken up too. Both of them looked at each other worried. "Did you hear that?" Freya asked a bit unsure, a lit candle in her hand. Cole nodded with a stern expression and walked over to the window, drawing back the curtains to look outside. There he saw two figures, seemingly struggling with one another. He narrowed his eyes, finally recognizing the silver hair that glistened in the moonlight. Coles eyes grew wide. "No way..." he whispered shocked as he began realizing the situation. Without another word he stormed out the door, running as fast as he could. Freya even more worried now going after him, at a much slower pace though.

"Leanna!!" Cole shouted stupidly, drawing the attention of the attacker from the dragon to him. It gave him the oppurtunity for retreat, realizing he had no chance anymore, he began running towards the city. Coles naked feet harshly hit the sand as he halted beside Leanna, kneeling down, quikly scanning her for any serious injuries. Aside a few scratches she seemed alright. He breathed out a little relieved, without loosing more time he stood up. "I'm going after him." He stepped back. "Take care of her till I'm back!" Cole shouted towards his mother as he allready turned around going after the stranger.

Luckily Cole had great stamina, he was able to catch up to the hooded stranger after little time. Following him through the streets and a few narrow alleyways before throwing himself at him. He was able to grab on to his shoulder throwing the men and himself to the ground, rolling till they both hit a wall. Cole recieving the bigger blow. The men seemed to regain his senses quiker, pulling out his dagger aiming at Coles throat he swung down. He quikly grabbed his wrist, grappling with the stranger for a few moments. The men seemed to have strenght equal to his, but regarding battle Cole was a quik thinker and had talent for it. He redirected the mens strenght to the side throwing him off stance. Taking up the oppurtunity Cole quikly sat up on him, wringing out the blade from his hand throwing it aside.

With the adrenalin coursing through his veins, Cole found enough strenght to hold the men down who kept on struggling beneath him. "Let me go you fucker!!" The stranger cursed, seemingly enranged. Coles face appeared stone cold. Without any warning Cole punched the men once. "What did you want with her?" he snarled at him, his eyes revealing a murderous intent. The men grunted in pain and put on a grin. "I don't have to answer to you shithead." he spit in Coles face, whos expression hardened extensively "You'r right." He wiped it away with the back of his free hand. "You don't have to answer to me." Cole glenched his fist and pulled it back. "But you'll have to answer to the king!" Cole punched him without any restraint, knocking him out cold.

Freya came to Leannas side after she had heard her sons order. "Oh my god. Are you alright?" She helped Leanna stand up. Feeling hot air blown at her from the side. She turned to see a dragon approach them. A bit suprised she let out a little gasp. Freya realized that it must have been the princess dragon. It had saved her. She smiled and patted Leanna on the back reassuringly. "It's okay now. You'r safe." As she continued to try and calm her down, Cole came back with the men over his shoulder. His mother in pure shock as other memories arose, her face drained of colour. "Please don't tell me you-." "Bring me some rope, I need to tie him down before he wakes up." Cole said and threw the unconcious stranger onto the sand. Relieved Freya made her way back to their house.

Cole still had his brows furrowed as he approached Leanna. "What the hell are the royal guards doing? Aren't they suppoused to guard you!??!" His voice rang loud as he felt anger consume him. "How the fuck did he get to you?" He stared at her realizing that he was blowing off steam on the wrong person, quikly retreating as Azutri was letting out growls at him. He sighed, kicking the sand to his side. Freya returned with the rope, and Cole did his work. A bit calmer now but nonetheless cold he spoke. "We should bring him to your father." Only when Cole threw a second glance at Leanna he realized that he must have been a bit scary in his current state. He forced his nerves to calm down. He gently pushed a few hair strands away from Leannas cheek, now speaking with a much gentler expression. "I'm glad you'r okay." As far as that could be counted. He finally smiled meekly. "You did well fending him off." Cole praised her fighting spirit. It took some courage, especially when you were the one with the disadvantage.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 14th, '17, 13:46    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna was exhausted, her legs trembling as the attacker ran off, Cole chasing after him. Freya knelt beside her and examined her briefly. It was a miracle she hadn't sustained any worse injuries - but then, the man wasn't here to assassinate her, he had wanted to kidnap her. There was a planned carriage and everything to take her away, but to where? Yeurna? Leanna shuddered and held Freya in a motherly hug, it was only now, after the attack that she realised how terrified she was. Throughout her years as Princess she had been warned of possible threats on her life, but never actually experienced one. She began to cry a little.

Azutri huffed and raked her claws through the sand in anger at the man who was now running off, but instead of chasing him, the dragon drew closer to Leanna and lay down beside her, providing warmth and protection. She didn't seem bothered by Freya being there, and relaxed. "I'm sorry..." Leanna whimpered, "... I-I didn't know where to go and- h-he just started chasing me." She let out a few sniffles, hands shaking, "...he said he wasn't going to hurt me but I-... I just got so scared."

Cole returned with the attacker on his shoulder, throwing him to the ground unceremoniously. Leanna tensed, but relaxed upon noticing he was unconscious. She didn't like the way Freya seemed to pale though, and then Cole came storming towards her, fuming as he accused the guards and swearing in anger. "I don't know!" she screamed back, starting to feel a little braver again despite the fury in Cole's eyes she had never seen before - they made him look threatening, Azutri notice the fire in Cole's voice and seemed to get slightly agitated towards him, which brought everyone back down to their senses. Cole calmed down and brushed her face lightly, smiling a little as he praised her defensive skills.

Leanna wasn't sure what to do, Freya had finished tying the man up and they were to carry him back to the castle, but she remembered what the attacker had said, and stopped both of them. "Wait! That man he-he said something about how 'everyone should be asleep'..." she hesitated as all sorts of possibilities ran through her mind, "What if he's hurt my family?". The fear of losing her parents wasn't something Leanna wanted to think about. "I don't know what he did to them, but it would explain why no one came to me when he was in my room..." Leanna definitely didn't feel safe in that place anymore. She would have to swap to one of the guest rooms. Perhaps one much higher up, and Marie would sleep with her. "Please... please, can we all stick together?" she added weakly, terrified of the thought of being alone.

She wanted to grab Cole's hand as they made their way to the castle, going through the 'secret' entrance she and Cole used all that time ago. There was a tense silence between the three, as Leanna had told Azutri to fly back to the shacks and get some rest, that she would scream once more if she needed help. The dragon seemed reluctant, almost playful in her refusal to leave, but did so eventually. Leanna was afraid of many things - right now she just wanted that warmth she felt when Cole had kissed her, that perfect feeling of complete safety and comfort... and pleasure. She blushed a little, looking down to hide her face. This wasn't the time to be thinking about that! As they approached the castle there was a figure slumped against the wall, and Leanna recognised it as Markus, one of the guards who had been signed to protect her.

Leanna rushed to him, ignoring the cries of Cole and his mother, and checked him over quickly, fearing he was dead. But the man was just... sleeping. She shook him and yelled him name over and over, but he didn't wake up.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 00:13    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Location: Mass Effect ate me alive...
Coles mien turned serious as Leanna mentioned that the people at the castle were put to sleep. "We should hurry then." He walked over to the unconscious men and picked him up. As he began walking he halted when he heard Leannas plea, he turned around. "Of course we will. Until this is resolved, we stick together." Freya looked at her son, somehow proud that he seemed to be so reliable in such a situation, once again reminding her of her beloved husband. She gently patted the princess on the shoulder. "Don't worry. We are here for you." Freya smiled sweetly at her, even though she herself felt worry for the royal family, especially Amelia.

Together they headed towards the castle. The streets were empty, dark and obnoxiously quit. Cole often prefered quit over noise, but in this situation it made him feel incredibly uncomfortable. He threw a glance back to Leanna, seeing her turn away he wondered if it was because of how he had shouted at her before. It made him feel bad, especially since she was the biggest victim in this situation. Suddenly she stared ahead, Cole following her gaze, he saw a figure slumped over. Before he could warn her she dashed ahead of them. "Leanna wait!" Cole called after her. Both he and his mother quikened their pace to catch up with her. Freya kneeld down to Leanna and the guard. "Calm down princess. Please!" She grabbed her shoulder trying to get her attention so she would stop shaking the poor young men. "Let me see."

Cole remembered seeing him once. He had escorted her before, they didn't exchange a lot of words, but he had seemed like a good guy. Seeing Leanna panic like this made his heart ache though. He decided to keep his eyes out for anything suspicious, looking around while his mother began to examine the guard. Freya checked his pulse. It was beating a bit slower than normally. She checked his forehead. He didn't seem to have a fever. Afterwards she checked his eyes, opening his eyelids, recognizing the awfully widened pupil. "A sleep drug, of course." She breathed out relieved. "It's nothing life threatening. I even prescribe this to some people who have trouble sleeping." She explained standing up. "But only in really small amounts. The dosage that was used here is much higher." She tried to calculate the effect time of the drug, putting a hand to her chin as she though. "They should wake up in about 12 hours." Freya concluded and turned to her son with an unsure expression. "What should we do?"

He first looked at his mother then to Leanna. "We can't go around checking up on everyone and everything. It would be way to time consuming and draining." He said as he made a step forward. "First I'd like to load this crap off me. Then we should definitly check on Leannas family." Cole turned around. "Let's go." He let Leanna lead them to the jails. Even here the guards were asleep. He nonchalantly took their keys, opening one cell and putting the bandaged stranger in before closing it. "I'll keep these for now." He said and pocketed the keys. Afterwards they headed up to the living quarters of the royals. After they entered their room Freya imediately went ahead to check them. "The same." She said sort of reliefed that nothing worse had befallen them. Though it didn't make the situation any less worrying. There still might be other people after them. "We should keep watch and wait till everyone wakes up." Freya said as she sat down in one of the chairs. She seemed exhausted.

Cole on the other hand still felt restless trying to figure out how things led to this. "How did they do it?" Freya shook her head in defeat. "I don't know. Maybe they smuggled the drug into their food? I just don't understand how it got to everyone." She sunk into though. Cole turned to Leanna. "Can you show me the way that guy got in? Or is there anyone else you'd like to check on?" He asked, ignoring the pain of his right shoulder with which he had crashed into the wall previously.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 19th, '17, 20:34    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna was so thankful that Cole and Freya were with her, everything was so hectic and scary it made her feel much safer to be among people she trusted. The status of the guard made her let out a sigh of relief - he was okay. Which hopefully meant everyone else was okay too. She had no idea how someone could affect so many people, but she decided to keep her thoughts to herself for now, she'd out Cole and Freya through enough already. She still desperately wanted to just hold him somehow, even just for a moment, too feel that security she had before, but this wasn't the time or the place.

Cole suggested locking the man away, and Leanna showed them the prison cells which currently held one other man, who was also asleep. Androa was a relatively peaceful kingdom. Cole placed the man down and locked him away, keeping a set of keys he had taken from a sleeping guard. Leanna felt a bit safer now, knowing he was behind bars. She led them back upstairs and hesitated, it felt wrong to just sit and wait, but there wasn't much else they could do. Cole and Freya were discussing how it could have happened, how so many people could be put to sleep so easily. Cole suddenly turned to her and asked to see her room, to examine how he got in.

"Sure. Follow me. Freya are you coming?" Leanna led him upstairs and towards her room, the door still closed. Walking closer she noticed there was a chain around her door handle, "It's locked from the outside..." she said, undoing it, "They locked me in there." The anxiety returned as she opened the door, revealing only her normal room with the window open. "I was awake when he grabbed me. I was about here..." she stood in the same place where he initially attacked her, "... he had come through the window, the same way we left." She walked over, looking out at the height, "... there was a ladder, and a carriage here but they've both gone."

Leanna didn't like being back in this room, it felt vulnerable now. Like anyone would just be able to walk in and attack her again. Her hands were covered in dirt and blood, she looked at them, feeling scared at the whole ordeal, and whimpered. A Princess shouldn't be so dirty, she shouldn't fight or wound people. No one would want a Princess who was still in her nightgown, a silk dress with lace and short sleeves, it was covered in filth, she had dried blood under her fingernails. "I was so scared..." she admitted in a very quiet voice, "... I didn't know what to do, how to react." She sniffled a little, "Now look at me... I'm still in my nightwear, I'm dirty and weak... I thought I had learned how to defend myself. But in that moment, all I could do was scream. What do they want with me?"

It was true, she didn't know why she was being targeted. First the creepy necklace that altered her state of mind, possessed her even, and now an assailant that threatened her, attacked her and terrified her. She could put the pieces together, the attacker was clearly sent by Yeurna. War was coming, and they were going to try and get to her first, maybe they still thought marriage would make things easier, if she married the Prince it meant they had equal right to Androa once the King and Queen had passed.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 20th, '17, 23:03    


Joined: Apr 12th, '09, 09:48
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Freya shook her head. "Sorry but no. I think it would be better if I stayed here, just in case." She leaned back in her seat, her elbow on the arm rest. "If anything happens, I'll just shout. Don't worry. You will be able to hear it through the whole castle." She smirked confidently. "Right. You are a loud mouth afterall." Cole couldn't refrain from making a remark about her statement. He smiled as he dodged his mothers foot that swung at his own. "We'll be back soon." He said and followed Leanna.

As soon they arrived infront of her door, they noticed how someone had locked it from outside. Someone must have put a lot of though in capturing the princess. Someone who might have noticed that Leannas hypnosis had worn off. Someone inside the castle... Cole's mien darkened at the though. After they entered everything seemed normal so far, just the swaying curtains in the wind that came from an open window, felt a little odd. He watched Leanna as she tried to recollect the incident. He followed her to the window also taking a look outside. The things were missing but he would have liked to inspect the place a little closer. Staring intently from up here wouldn't make his vision clearer.

Cole turned around seeing how Leannas composure began to brittle. His expression softened. With each of her sentences, he made a step towards her. He took her roughened hands into his own, which weren't in a better state to be honest. He gently rubbed them with his thumb. "You did all you could in such a situation." Cole looked her in the face and noticed that she was about to cry. He became a little nervous. Letting go one of her hands, he wiped away the tear from the corner of her eye before it could fall. "I.. I don't know what they want from you." Cole had to admit even though he would have liked to know the reason himself. "But I won't let them get you." He growled almost, thinking of the people that had organized that heist.

Cole quikly snapped back, staring at Leanna for a moment before his lips curled up into a smirk. He kneeled down, one of her hands still in his. He breathed in and out, his tone playfull as he began to speak. "I'd gladly serve such a strong-willed woman." He bowed his head. "My future queen!" He said exaggerated. "I only have one life but I'd gladly give it to you. If you have a wish, tell me! I will fullfill it no matter what." At the next part he turned serious. Cole gently kissed the back of her hand, looking up to her with determined, blazing golden eyes. "I swear." After a moment he began to feel embarrassed, looking away. Cole felt just a little stupid for putting on such an act, but maybe, just maybe it would stop her from crying. If Leanna were to cry he'd feel helpless.

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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Keeper (PastelWitch and Nihal)
Posted: Apr 26th, '17, 18:53    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Leanna's skin felt warm when Cole touched her, his kind words making her smile despite being physically and emotionally exhausted. He wiped her cheek and she sniffled, willing herself not to cry, just knowing Cole was watching out for her made the butterflies in her stomach return. She was so thankful for him being here, so incredibly lucky that she had met him of all people on that off-chance all those months ago when she snuck out. Things could have been so much worse if Cole wasn't here.

Then, Cole knelt on one knee, still holding on of her hands, and spoke the words that brought the brightest smile to her face. It was ridiculous, hilarious, even, that she began to giggle, enjoying the way he exaggerated some of the words. Suddenly, she watched as he kissed her hand, and she blushed hard, looking into Cole's eyes that now seemed determined and strong. They looked at each other for a little while, Leanna smiled again, feeling foolish for her emotions. "Any Queen- no, any woman would be incredibly lucky to have you swear your life to them." she said, holding his hand back, gripping it tightly, "But do not throw your life away so easily." Her smile turned into one of sadness, "You're a wonderful human being - and deserve a woman who would do the same"

She laughed lightly, "Come on, we should go back downstairs. I'm worried about Freya..." Leanna went to make a move but stopped and turned around, "Actually could you wait for one second?" She rummaged through her wardrobe and found a simple dress to wear instead of her nightgown. She went to remove it, but suddenly remembered Cole, "Umm, c-could you turn around. Don't leave! Just... don't look" Once he turned around she quickly changed, throwing on her clothes in a bit of a rush. "Okay. I'm done", her entire face a light shade of pink. She led the way back downstairs, not liking how quiet the whole castle was.

Everyone must still be asleep, and Leanna knew there would be chaos when they awoke. War was inevitable now an attack had been made on her, and it made her incredibly sad. They began their descent to the main living room and spotted a figure further down the hallway, Leanna's blood ran cold. "Targus?" she whispered, mostly in fear. Her brother had been acting incredibly strange, but only when alone with her. She his behind Cole a little, clutching onto his arm "Why isn't he asleep like everyone else?" she whispered again, watching as Targus turned to face them, a face contorted in pure hatred and anger. "Little sister..." he began, venom in his voice, "... You've made things very difficult for me"

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