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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 12th, '17, 18:19    


Joined: Aug 28th, '11, 19:32
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Oh where do you live again? I feel like I should know but I have a bad memory lol.
We had negative degrees a few days ago...it’s only beginning. WINTER IS COMING.

loool poor Raine...xP

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 13th, '17, 21:05    

Raine Seryn

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I'm in colorado. So it does get cold with all the mountains.
Probably not as cold as canada though XD

;u; I pushed through the distractions. But now today I keep thinking I should sketch some new adopts... but my tummy hurt so I'm being lazy.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 13th, '17, 22:32    


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It can't make up its mind here xD
It was cold enough for us to turn on our heaters and wear light jackets.
Then it got hot like it was mid spring.
And now it's kinda chilly and it stormed last night.

I got a pumpkin spice frappuccino earlier this month.
I don't know if they're supposed to be EXTREMELY strong or if the people didn't mix it right, but it was waaaayyy too much.
I ended up mixing a lot of milk into it and it was still too strong.
I was kind of sad because it did taste good the second before it punched me in the mouth with too much flavor 8u

I like...cuss a lot. I even combine words that should not go together.
I had forgotten how vulgar I get until I kept dying to this one monster.

It's so awesome how far they've come. They're truly a piece of artwork.
Though, I don't think I'm brave enough to try virtual reality ones xD
I startle easily by everything.

Lace is a bitch. I still can't draw it right. But I was sketching a skirt and the lace looked good. It was just squiggles. But it legit looked like lace. It kind of irked me because when I try to do lace, I can't do it right >___>
I save all my work on a memory stick I have.
I've lost a lot of art over the years, so I try to save every little thing.

I get hot easily. I guess it's all the fat. But I love it when it gets cold so I can snuggle up with blankets and drink warm things.
I usually feel like I'm in mid 80 degree weather.

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 15th, '17, 03:19    


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what's the coldest temp so far that you've witnessed in Colorado, Raine? xP

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 15th, '17, 09:01    

Raine Seryn

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@ hotarla- I'm not really sure tbh. I don't often look at the temp. ^^; the news site says the record low is -24, but I think that might be for this year? not sure?
One time my bf's care showed -22 but it was in Celsius.. but I don't know how accurate that was since the car was a few years old. (but maaan that was a cold year >_<)

@ Moi- It was nice out today, but it's cold now that it's night lol. I'm always in a heavy hoodie in the winter. Even with the heater on. Because we rarely turn the heater on. I just kinda.. suffer with blankets lol *poor life*

D: awww sorry it was too strong! I don't remember mine ever being too strong so maybe it's a flavor you can't handle well? Or maybe they added too much. =\

Lace is such a bitch lol. When I sketch it it looks so nice. All scribbles. But then actually drawing in patterns and things to make it look good. no thanks. too hard. ;_;
I've lost tons of art too. I was dumb and threw away all my sketchbooks from highschool years ago. =_= plus I've had several computers crash and lost everything. I backed it all up at one time. But now I'm kinda lazy.... >_>

LOL I get hot easy from the fat too. hahahaha. For some reason I'm cold this year though. But I've not lost weight so I don't know why. =\

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 20th, '17, 21:00    


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It was at least in the low 70s earlier and I went outside in a sleeveless shirt and shorts and it felt wonderful.
My dogs were running around like puppies.
I don't get cold easily, but my hands and feet are always ice cold.

Well, is it supposed to like....collect at the bottom?
I mean, I LOVE pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin fudge, but that was WHOOO 8,u

I've feared having to draw lace. My frills and such are pretty...boring because I can't seem to do it nicely. So I admire people like you that make nice lace 8,u
I wish I had more of my old drawings. I deleted so many because they weren't good, but now I want to redraw them.
And I wish I had more old art. I used to draw a ton when I was younger.

Maybe the earth is trying to kill us all 8u
Since it couldn't make you cold, it's trying different things this year 8u

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 22nd, '17, 11:54    

Raine Seryn

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Location: Colorado
ahhhh that sounds so nice! ;A;
It's so cold here again. ;__; kyle's window on his car was frozen when he went to come home tonight.

D: omg EW. No I've never had mine collect at the bottom, I definitely think they made it wrong somehow. Because that sounds really intense and very wrong.
I went to starbucks yesterday because it's in my grocery store and we had to pick up a few things anyway. The wrote down the right order, but gave me a salted caramel mocha instead. ;__; I didn't notice till I was home. I don't really like it because it's way to chocolatey for me, but I feel like I have to drink it because it cost so much lol.

I kinda fear drawing lace too. But Sometimes I get excited to get to practice it.
I've been trying to look at other people's drawings with lace lately to see how I can improve.

I kinda want to redraw old things to see my improvement. But I also am lazy and I don't want to redraw the same thing. XD

;___; there's so many mice in my kitchen suddenly. I think because it's cold out. I let my cats up there and there's mice running around all over now because they keep chasing them out. @_@ I've had to rescue like 6 mice in 2 days. And there were a few casualties. =_=

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 26th, '17, 23:48    


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I learned that my uncle loves the cold too.
He says he'll keep it cold in his house, and just dress warmer instead of turning the heat up xD
That's exactly like me >~>

Yeah, I didn't think it was right. But I'd never had a pumpkin spice one, so I thought I was wrong. My aunt said she liked it. Maybe I can try it again and tell them to go light on it. It really did taste good, minus the harsh aftertaste and sweetness 8,u
I need to try the salted caramel mocha.
I use that flavor creamer for my coffee every morning.

I love the look of lace and I love lacy clothes and lacy furniture and frilly things.
I watched a show with my sister and it showed an old Victorian bed and breakfast, and I told her that that was my kind of decor xD
I'd love an old Victorian house with Victorian decor >___>
I would bet people don't know I like that kind of thing.
I usually have everything in black and horror-related.
I mean, I'd HAVE to have a Victorian VAMPIRE theme, but 8u

I want to redraw so much. But lose interest so quickly.

Mice are so cuuuute DX
My dad said "I don't see how anyone would think mice are cute >>"
I'm not scared of rodents or snakes or lizards.
I used to catch snakes and lizards when I was a kid, and take them inside and my mom would flip xD
We've had a few rats outside. I looked them up and they seem to nest in trees and stuff.
I tried to save one, but my dog caught it.
Didn't even eat it. Just killed it. >>
One of them also killed a squirrel and just left it by my door.
I told them they'd better put some hot sauce on it and eat it <<
My aunt said my cat can kill rats and mice.
I think the rats or mice would kill her >>

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 28th, '17, 08:08    

Raine Seryn

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The salted caramel mocha was ok. Just too chocolatey for me.
I can't handle very much without massive tummy aches and sometimes throwing up ;__; so I only drank like half the cup over 4 days before dumping it out.
When I use a flavor cream at home I usually pick something basic lol. Like sweet cream or vanilla. Or cinnamon is one of my favs. Or white chocolate *_*
But usually I just use normal cream and add white chocolate chips myself XD

I love that aesthetic too. *_* So gorgeous.
Idk I can see you liking things like that. I usually see frilly victorian style to be a bit gothic in feel anyway XD (is that weird?)
I love antique-y decor. *u* Anything with lots of carving and details <33
My bedroom is decorated in more of an eastern look though because I would collect fans and other things from japan ect so my mom made my room super pretty and I never changed it. But my living room has cool furniture that's more my mom's and it has detailed pulls and lots of carved wood LOL. I bought a couch with lots of gold embroidery to go with it *A*
(and then my house is a ranch style on the outside LOL. doesn't match at all XD)

Mice are too cute ;__; I'm so sad finding them dead. There was one that my cats caught and brought downstairs the other day. It kept running around taunting them (like literally not even running away but running in front og them like 'come get me'). He was moving around too much for me to catch right away. But at one point he was trying to escape the cats and climbed up onto my couch and I found him just sitting next to me on the blanket. @_@
I got up and held a cup next to him and said 'get in the cup please' and he walked right in????? I was so surprised lol, it sounds fake. XD I took him outside and let him go tho.

My cats definitely kill mice. My girls are brutal and they can catch pretty much anything that catches their interest. @_@ My bby knoxx is an ok hunter.
But my oldest cat homie just kinda... watches them.. he's fat and lazy lol.
Someone's bunny escaped once and was in our front yard and we found our cat just chilling next to him instead of trying to hunt him lol. They were napping near eachother XD

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Hangout- <3
Posted: Nov 28th, '17, 22:14    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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I'm a chocoholic 83
So I might like it 8u
I mixed cinnamon with some chocolate creamer. Was good.
I've also eaten Mayan Chocolate ice cream.

People online know me better than my own family 8,u
I love history and antiques.
Oooh I'd love to see your room 8U
I had some Chinese figurines and a couple of fans and one of my aunt's patients gave me this item that I think is Taiwanese.
My aunt asked me if it was Chinese or Japanese, and I said "I think it's Taiwanese 8u" and she said "....What's that 8u"

Maybe you're a mouse whisperer 8U
My animals seem to understand me sometimes in the sense I told them "Go lie down" or "Go inside" or "Get the ball!".
Usually they just ignore me or beat themselves against me 8u

That's so cute.
Bunny Cat nap 8u
Mine naps all the time.
She's over 10 years old, so I tell her us old ladies need our naps.
She's very skittish, though. Leaves being blown freak her out so bad xD
And my dogs are scared of loud sounds. One tried to attack fireworks >>

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

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