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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 22nd, '17, 21:47    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

When Mitchell started asking questions, Nelya heard something in his voice that made her pause. She turned to him to look him in the eyes while talking. "There are flaming ravens on deck, yes. There's a big beast made up of ravens that spews them. I don't know exactly how many are hurt, but there's bound to be a lot that at least got some minor burns. And everybody is probably tired and weary." She waited a moment to let the information sink in. "Do you think you can handle going up on deck? If not, we could separate - I would try to get the potion to the fighters that need a sip while you try to find more helpers down below."

Suddenly, they heard the sounds of footsteps and looked around the corner. Barnes and Minny were half-carrying the badly burnt Louis down the stairs. Nelya rushed forward to help them. "Oh, I'm glad you got him out already! Kira is expecting you, I already told her as much as I could about his condition."
Nelya considered offering Barnes a sip of the potion, since he looked like he had been through a lot as well, but decided to leave his treatment to Kira directly. They would reach the infirmary soon anyway, and who knew what she would find on deck...

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 23rd, '17, 05:57    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Fire. There was fire all around. Phoenix could see a woman and a girl who looked around sixteen years old, huddled together and trying to get out. The woman was screaming at Phoenix but no words came out. All she could see was the woman's lips moving. She could hear nothing.

The woman and the other girl ducked as some birds flew very close to their head. Although she hadn't heard it, Phoenix could tell that they'd both screamed in fear. The woman suddenly sprouted a third and fourth hand, and grabbed a long sword that was on a table close by. When another of those birds flew by, the woman caught it with her bare hands and cut off its wings.

The woman fended the birds off in this manner for about thirty seconds, and then she turned to the sixteen year old and said something. It was evident that the sixteen year old didn't like what was said, and there was some protest, but the woman was not to be moved. She smiled lovingly at both girls and said something. This time, even though Phoenix hadn't heard the words, she knew what they were.

I love you.

Phoenix' vision was no longer clear after that. It was as though there was water in her eyes. Tears. After that, she had the vague feeling of being pulled away. The sixteen year old was crying too, but she was pulling Phoenix out of the burning house, and wasn't letting the tears paralyze her.

In the infirmary, Phoenix was still unconscious, but every now and then, she showed movement. She groaned occasionally, and said "No," once. After a while, tears began streaming down her face.

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Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 24th, '17, 11:17    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
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Kira had just finished the last patches on Phoenix's arm as she notices some movement. Phoenix seems to be dreaming as she moves around a bit and mumbles. Kira can't really tell what the dream would be about but it sure is an intense one. Carefully, she places one hand on Phoenix's forehead. The cook's temperature is pretty high, so it might be a fever dream. A moist cloth is placed on Phoenix's forehead when Kira hears some uneven steps coming down the stairs. She takes one brief look to ensure that the chef is stable and walks out the infirmary to check who's coming down.

((More will follow, but i want to give Reht a chance to let Barnes interact with Nelya))

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 25th, '17, 13:27    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Going down the stairs had not been an easy task. The vice captain was clearly suffering from the journey across deck and growing weaker by the second - Barnes and Minny basically carried him down the last half of the cramped stairway.
Barnes had carried most of the injured man's weight, Minny's skinny frame not offering up much support, but she tried to make up for this by supplying upbeat encouragement.
"Not far now!"
"Kira's gonna fix you up right as rain!"
"Just a little bit further!"
She hoped the slight waver in her voice didn't betray her worries for the man - he was very badly hurt, what if Kira couldn't help him?

Barnes stayed mostly silent as they worked their way down the stairs, concentrating on where his feet were going and making sure not to let Louis' head bump on the low ceiling. Now that there were out of immediate danger, Barnes' body was allowing him to feel his various burns and scrapes. Working with engines, Barnes was no stranger to burns and, even if they were painful, he could tell that none of his injuries were particularily dangerous, although he would expect a few new scars.
Louis on the other hand... Barnes' eyes flicked up to Louis' face - he was clearly in a lot of pain, Barnes was suprised the man was still concious.

Barnes halted briefly when they rounded the corner to see Nelya. He nodded briskly and barked a quick thanks before re-adjusting his grip on the vice captain and continuing on into the infirmary.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 26th, '17, 12:24    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
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Kira comes around the corner to see that there are actually two people coming down the stairs. She recognizes the short figures almost straight away as a slightly toasted Barnes and Minny. The other figure takes her a little more time to recognize. The tall, slender figure was hardly recognizable as Louis. The flamboyant character with flowing hair was reduced to a charred figure.
His hair and clothes were mostly gone. Whatever remaining hair fell in front of his face as he continued to look down. Kira stood baffled, it was only when they got closer that she saw that he wasn't just black from soot. Most of his skin was worse off than her patient in the infirmary. It was a miracle that the man was still walking! She had to act quick, or this damage could get a lot worse. She rushed back into the infirmary to prepare the bed. She placed some salves within reach and a few other liquids were prepped and poured in trays. After that, she rushed back into the hallway to help Barnes with carrying Louis into the the infirmary and onto the bed. In the hallway she took over Minny's place under Louis's left arm. Kira was slightly taller and used to carrying wounded people. Still, she was happy that Barnes was there to carry the most of the weight. Louis didn't weigh much,
but Kira was going to need her energy to treat whoever came through this door. "over there, on the bed" She ordered stern. No more words were used than neccesary. Then, when Louis was laid down, she turned to Barnes and Minny. A flask of liquid was given to Barnes. "make sure that a thin layer of this is applied to every burn. For both of you. I'm going to start on the Vice captain now, and i would like it if you two could help me to hold him up in a bit. His back also needs treatment, and i think he's going to need a hand to sit up straight. Let me know when you're ready"

Louis was actively delighted when they finally made their way down the stairs. Barnes were great supporters, but the effort took a lot out of Louis. The last bit became a little easier when Kira came and took the burden from Minny. She seemed more capable of carrying him than the assissant. Minny was stronger, but the doctor managed to carry him with as little touch necessary. Something which Louis could definately appreciate at this point. It took some maneuvering to get Louis on the bed, but the doctor's orders made it go nice and smoothly. A huge sigh of relief was heard when Louis' body was left alone for a bit. He was safe here, and he could truly relax now. His stern face seemed to soften in an expressino of defeat. He let his head fell to the side as tears began to stream down his face. This occasion had been way too close for comfort and the exhaustion got the better of him. His whole body shook as he kept sobbing. It hurt,
but he couldn't care about it anymore. Everything hurt either way. His vision was blurred by the tears when Kira's face came into view.

Kira had been watching Louis while she instructed the mechanic. Kira's stern face softened up as she noticed how the vice captain broke down in tears. She didn't comfort the man straight away though.
Instead, she turned to the cabinet to grab a piece of cloth, which she soaked in some liquid. Then she turned to Louis, kneeling down to make sure that her face was visible for him and she could see eye-to-eye. "Sir Pétancourt,
Louis, listen. I understand that you've been through a lot, and i will promise that all will turn out allright. But now i will give you a sedative, so you will have some peace while i work. I shall place this cloth over your nose and mouth, and you will feel lightheaded. Don't panic, just embrace it. You will feel a lot better soon" with those words, she carefully places the cloth over the vice captain's mouth and holds it there until his eyes remain closed and his breath calms down again.

Louis only faintly hears the words that the doctor was saying. He nods shortly to prove that he understands, and lets the fragrant liquid in the cloth do it's work. It only takes a few breaths, and soon Louis' mind is drifts off into a peaceful darkness

Kira doesn't waste time now. She closes a curtain to provide some privacy, grabs some scissors and carefully begins to remove the last pieces of cloth that were still clinging to the vice captain. She remembered a time where this course of action always made her nervous,
but now she works with precision and care. Soon the remaining clothing is on the ground, and she proceeds to sanitize every wound and burn she comes across. Traces of soot are removed and tissue that is too damaged gets carefully cut away and sewn closed. Bit by bit, she treats him and she discovers that his entire body is covered in scars, all from different points in his life. Some even date back to his childhood. This man had been through a lot. She bandages the wounds and covers him with an apron. Now it's time to lift the man. She turns and sticks her head around the curtain. "Barnes and Minny, are you two done? I would like to treat our vice captain's back"

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 26th, '17, 17:53    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix was in that stage in which one usually finds oneself when in between being asleep and waking up. That stage when thoughts run through your head without a stopper to control their flow. And the thoughts that were running through Phoenix' head were several different kinds of random.

She thought about the birds on fire, flying around and burning up the vegetables in the kitchen. That led to her thinking about burning up the meatloaf that was baking in the oven, and burning the mashed potatoes, and burning up the broth and burning her hand against the hot pan. That reminded her of her encounter with the ravens in the kitchen once more, and the injury she'd sustained. And that woke her up.

She was startled out of her state of half-sleep and her eyes snapped open. Her vision wasn't entirely clear, and she was aware of the fact that she was sweating profusely. In the time that it took for her vision to focus, she tried to focus on the sounds that she could hear. Doctor Zhang was speaking, and was addressing Barnes and Minny.

When she could finally see clearly, she looked at her surroundings. She saw that she was in the infirmary and it all came back to her; after the attack, the doctor and Mitchell had come to her rescue and taken her here. She figured she must have passed out, for she had no memory of anything beyond sitting down in the doctor's chair.

Slowly, she sat up, finding that she could do it with relative ease. Her right forearm was covered by what looked like a patch of fish scales. She then looked in front of her.

Sure enough, the doctor was there, along with Barnes and Minny. However, the sight of the vice captain made whatever little color there was in her face disappear. She got off the bed and walked over to the doctor. "Oh Gods, what happened?"

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It's not over yet.
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You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 27th, '17, 12:54    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

It was clear to see that the events of the day had left Mitch in a shocked haze, but he did not break in the face of the horrifying state Louis was in. Instead, he visibly pulled himself together and seemed to brace himself for whatever might be waiting for them. Nelya, now reassured that he would be able to handle the sights on deck as well, smiled at him. "I'm glad. Let's see what's going on up there, then!"

Just as they were about to come up on deck, another rock went through the ship. The beast must have launched! Nelya didn't think about whether it might be an attack or the thing fleeing in defeat. She had only one thought - "The ropes!". She wasn't sure if she just thought or screamed that, but she launched herself into the air to check on them immediately. Nothing seemed to be falling yet, maybe they would be lucky after all. She reached the point where she had earlier added new rope and found that it was still holding, but barely. One of her knots had loosened on the impact, so she tightened it again and hoped that the beast was gone for good and wouldn't shake the ship again.
The whole thing hadn't taken long and she searched the deck for Mitch to get back to him. After she landed, she apologized "Sorry about just taking off. I had reinforced the ropes earlier and wasn't sure if the impact had loosened them."

((Feel free to have Mitch move while Nelya is gone fiddling with the rope, I delibaretly left it open where she meets back up with him so you could decide what he does.
Also everyone, if the bird rocks the ship again, you are free to decide if you want a solar sail to come crashing down on you ;) ))

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 27th, '17, 22:25    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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((awh yeah, let's rock the boat! :D))

Kira looked up when she heard Phoenix's soft voice, then realized that the girl got up. "Careful! we don't know how strong you are yet! You've been shaken up quite thoroughly and-" Kira could not finish her sentence, for the ship was shaking heavily. She figured it was another impact, though she couldn't know for sure. She struggled to regain her balance. From the corner of her eye, she saw the set of bottles and flasks shaking heavily.
Why hadn't she corked those yet?! She cursed and dove towards it. Yet it was too late. One of the bottles was knocked over and spilled all over the doctor. Most of it was soaked up by the fabric of her new coat, but some splatters came on her face and hands. There, they left a burning sensation. Kira drops down on her knees as she groans in pain. Still, she considers herself lucky that the splatter hadn't reached her eyes.
She curses the course of events and curses some more, just because she can. After that, she gets up. The splatter had left bright red marks on her face and hands. It still burns a little, but not as bad as it did in the beginning. She looks up to find out if everyone's still allright.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jun 30th, '17, 09:08    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
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Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
When the doctor began telling her off about not being being strong enough, Phoenix wanted to protest, saying that she was fine and she wanted to help, if anything was needed. But circumstances, in the form of another wave that shook the ship. This time, Phoenix relied on her reflexes to stop herself from falling, grabbing on to a table nearby to steady herself. Her right hand felt the stress this time as she held on, but she ignored it. Doctor Zhang was hurt, and Phoenix wanted to help.

"Doctor, is there anything you need me to do?" she asked, trying to keep her voice as normal as possible, even though she was shaking on the inside. She had never been in a situation like this in her life, and had no idea about what to do at times like this. The least she could do was ask whether help was needed.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Jul 6th, '17, 20:31    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Kira made a mistake right there. As soon as she opened her eyes, a remainder of the liquid dripped into her eye. She closed her eyes straight away. That stuff hurt like the seven hells! The situation was getting really frustrating to Kira. So far, she had been attacked by crows, she had fallen, she got nasty liquid in her eyes and two coats were ruined in one night!

It was Phoenix's voice that caused her to snap out of her fit. Kira was the one who was a lot better off than most of the people on this ship. So she had some burning liquid in her eyes, what was the regular course of action? She took some time before she replied to Phoenix. Kira's mind was racing and she had to slow herself down first. Crap! Why wouldn't her mind stop racing? It was easy for her to keep a level head when others were injured. This was different. The effort it took to not rub in her eyes already cost her a lot.

Oh, right, Phoenix. Kira pointed towards where she thought the cabinet would be. "Blue bottle, yellow label, i need it!" She kept her eyes closed, hoping Phoenix would be able to find the bottle. In the meantime, Kira settled against the operation table to stabilize herself if another quake would hit the ship. She firmly put her hands behind her. Accidently placing one on Louis' upper leg. Quickly she pulled it back, expecting a sudden response from Louis. The response didn't come though. At least he was still asleep, she thought as she put her hand on an empty space on the table.

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