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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 15:43    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
Once her mother had left, Ama turned back towards Nox, only to find a flock of people standing directly around his cage, shouting at each other.
She saw that Nox had retreated all the way to the edge of his cage in obvious discomfort.

She approached the group of people, listening and trying to find out what they were shouting about. When she realized, she chuckled.
As if her father would ever let Nox go...
She stepped right into the group, faking a delighted little laugh."Oh, my dear guests, I don't think there is any need to fight. You do not seriously believe my lord father would give a gem such as this one away, do you?"
All of them fell silent, frowning at her, but they retreated a little bit, starting to talk about how exotic Nox was again, but in a more calm manner.
One lady in a huge dress still stared at Nox without retreating though. Ama had to think a moment to remember her name.
"Lady Roxton, why, you look lovely today. Your dress is beautiful!" She gave a wide smile. "Will you tell me who tailored it for you?" She slowly led her away a few steps while engaging in polite chatter.
She looked back at Nox for a short moment and winked at him.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 16:00    


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Just then, the room turned silent as a man entered through the double doors. Then as the man bowed to greet the masses, he was given applause. "Wonderful work, Hunter Robin! I still cannot believe you actually managed to catch one alive!"
"Wait, what? He's the Hunter who caught the Raven Boy?"
"Apparently so. We owe this wonderful display to Hunter Robin."
"Wonderful! How many other Raven Boys do you think would turn up in the market with him leading the hunting team?"
"I couldn't say. Recently, people are saying that the forest has closed off, no one who dares enter comes back out."
"Oh, that is unfortunate. Do you think they'd be able to find Raven Boys in the other forests?"
"I don't think so. The only two Raven Boys to be found in the country were both in Sondrier Forest."
"If only the hunters could fly, then they might find out where the other Raven Boys are. I heard there were dozens of them the night this one got caught."

The Hunter was busy showing off to the guests but his ears didn't stop listening for gossip. He grinned. "Lords and ladies, I would like ta make a proposishun. Expeditions into tha forest 'ave been difficult lately, more so with the loss of our friend and cartographer, Mr. Wilks. And so it is in my best interest ta speak with y'all."

He strode towards Nox and the cage and landed a palm on top of it. "This 'ere is a wonderful creature only ta be found in Sondrier Forest. I know there are more of 'em, I had seen it that night. All fast and agile and incredibly proficient in finding their way 'round." His black eyes glinted with greed. "'ere's my proposition, if Lord Wittingham will agree. I will bring the bird boy with me back into the forest and 'ave it lead us to the nest. With 'nough funding, my team will be fully geared an' prepared to catch every single one of 'em."

He walked a few paced forwards, hands extended. "What say you, m'lords and ladies?"

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 22:06    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
When everyone fell silent and looked at the foreign man entering the room, Ama was confused. Who was that?
Her question was quickly answered by the chatter around her and she felt anger boiling in her stomach. When he started speaking and she recognized his voice, she was ready to burst. It was the cruel man who had threatened Nox.
And now he wanted to use him to find his brothers? How would he even do that? Nox would never lead him to them... What would he do to Nox then?

Everyone started to chatter excitedly and express their agreement when he asked for the crowd's opinion. Amaryllis felt herself step towards the hunter. She did not know what she was going to do, but she just couldn't let this stand. She was furious. She had no idea what words would come out when she opened her mouth.
"Why would he lead you to them? He speaks our language and you just told him what you intend, Hunter Robin."
The room around her fell silent and she could feel a glare on her face. She tried her best to smooth it out, to keep this an innocent question, maybe giving some doubts to the people around. Maybe giving some doubts to her father. He wouldn't want the hunter to abuse Nox until he was broken and willing to lead the hunt, right? He wouldn't want his rare collectible damaged. At least she hoped so...

(( This was hard! Ama had no idea how to react to such a horrible idea and neither had I :D ))

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 15:11    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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"As if you believe tha' thing can actually speak! He's jus' copyin' your words like the Monkey-parrot. An' if he didn't want ta, I can always threaten ta burn the forest. The Hunter's Association's been plannin' it anyways." The Hunter grinned as if nothing could get in his way.

"Listen 'ere little girl. I know the forest, you don't. I know the animals in there, you don't. You know nothin' of the outside world so just sit in your mansion lookin' pretty, alright?" The Hunter pointed at her as she spoke, as if she was another animal in a cage that he could threaten.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 15:41    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
How dared he? But at least everyone had to see how he was lying now, wouldn't they? They had seen Nox return her greeting and it was definitely nothing like "parroting".
When he started talking in his patronizing tone about how she knew nothing about forest creatures, she was ready to shout at him. She knew Nox much better than he ever would! But her mother had deeply ingrained some principles into her and at this moment she was thankful. A lady would not lose her composure, she would show she was above this person in a calm and dignified manner. So she gathered herself and said in her best arrogant talking-to-an-inferior voice: "I do not like your tone, Hunter. You should consider how you talk to me as you come to ask a favour of my father."

She could feel the mood of the crowd shift a little. None of these nobles were interested in the hunters growing too full of themselves and starting to lack respect for their betters. Amaryllis smiled slightly and was relieved when her father stepped in before the hunter could answer.
"Hunter Robin, let us discuss this matter between the two of us." His voice made clear that this was a command and the two of them disappeared into a side parlor.

"Hunter, you should be well aware that I have no interest in you catching more of these creatures and lowering the value of mine. I have so far been generous in financing your expeditions, but you do not show the expectable consideration of my interests." He looked at the hunter quietly for a moment.
"To put it more clearly: if you ever again act against my best interests in my house, I will be forced to find another hunter to supply me. And quite a few of my friends will take my word for the quality or lack thereof of your services."

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My personal Quest thread:

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My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 15:59    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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The Hunter had been in shock for a moment after hearing what the Lord Wittingham had to say. "I- You- ... I understand." he grumbled and turned on his heels, stomping towards the double doors he entered from and slammed the door so hard that a saucer displayed on the wall next to it fell and crashed into pieces.

The guests had started muttering to themselves, a few sneakily exiting the room from various doors, all planning to contact other hunters to start looking for Raven Boys for them, possibly even a Raven Girl if they could find one.

Nox had watched the whole scene. His face showing different expressions as the conversations and events unfolded from excitement to fear to a mocking grin as the Hunter stomped off like a child. And when he finally met eyes with Amaris again, he sent a thankful look, happy for her and how brave she was talking back to the vile man.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 16:15    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
Ama kept her face carefully composed when the hunter stormed out the door, but on the inside she was jubilating. Him looking so angry could only mean that her father had refused him. She wondered if her pointing out the flaws in the plan had helped with that or if her father simply wanted Nox to be a unique thing only he had. From what she had learned of her father's character in the last few days, she had to admit to herself that the latter was more likely. But ultimately it did not matter. What mattered was that Nox would not be given into the hands of this cruel man.

One thing was still worrying her, though. The hunter had mentioned plans to burn Sondrier forest and she did not know if he had been bluffing or if they would really resort to such methods.

When she looked at Nox he seemed rather happy and she wondered what he thought of these threats. But here and now they could not talk about it, so she just gave him an encouraging smile.
With the guests starting to slip away, she hoped that it wouldn't be too long until this ordeal was over. They just had to stay calm until then.

She mingled with the guests again, engaging in polite conversation and trying to smooth over the slightly unruly impression she might have left by confronting the hunter in the first place. She wondered if her mother would scold her for it later, but oddly enough she did not care so much. She felt a little light-headed, but happy with herself. It had been the right thing to do, so whatever consequences it would entail, she would gladly face them.

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 17:33    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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The gathering had ended with a plump man being escorted out the doors, links of sausages gathered in his arms. Nox did not have the opportunity to say his farewells to Amaris when they had covered him with the cloth and take him away. The man, together with a few others, had carried him, his cage, and the black cloth back to his room, grunting every few steps with their old bones grinding at their joints.

Back in the room, the head steward was speaking with the Lord Wittingham. "The cage has arrived, my lord. The chain links and the cage has been created to perfectly follow your specifications. The workers are prepared to have it hang over the great hall and ladders have been ordered for the maids. You will be able to enjoy watching the Raven Boy in his new cage hanging fifteen feet in the air by the end of the week."

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 18th, '17, 18:06    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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(( uh oh, that doesn't sound good for Nox and Amaris with the cage... ))

By the end of the gathering indeed her mother had taken her aside to talk to her. She was unsure what to expect.
Luckily, her mother didn't seem particularly angry, but she was wearing a frown. "I do not have to tell you that I don't approve of you confronting this rude man. You should know as much." Of course, she did know that, so she nodded. Her mother's face softened. "You handled his insolence very well though. And in the end, you might have done your father a favour by turning the mood somewhat against him. This surely made it easier to refuse this ridiculous request without many social repercussions." She even smiled now, and Ama returned it earnestly. "I am glad, mother. I was very shocked by this man's behaviour. My first response was anger, but I was very grateful for all the things you taught me that helped me to handle this situation more gracefully. Thank you."
Her gratitude was sincere and she was happy for the opportunity to let her mother know. That there was more behind her anger than her mother knew, making it even more essential to stay composed, she kept to herself.
"Have you had a chance to talk to father about the cage yet?"
A little afraid that she might push too far and show too much that she cared, she still couldn't resist to ask.
Her mother looked thoughtful, deepening her worry.
"Yes, but I don't know what to make of his answer. He told me he had already ordered a new one, but it would be a surprise. What is so interesting about a cage to make it a surprise?"
That sounded indeed strange. It could be a good or a very bad thing...
"I have no guesses, mother. I suppose we will have to wait and see again. Oh, that reminds me! Now that the surprise reveal is over, am I allowed into the upper east wing again?"
She dared not hope, but she couldn't stop herself. It would be wonderful to be able to just openly visit Nox.
But her mother shook her head. "Your father probably wouldn't mind, but I worry. This creature is something very different from the animals you normally play with, Amaryllis. I don't want you near it."

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 19th, '17, 09:14    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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The workers had started on their task. Burly men entered the great hall with various pieces of silver metal in their arms while others had entered with chain links and ladders. They were going to assemble the cage in the hall itself with the cage being thrice as large as the gold one.

"Mmmmkay men. I want no scratches on the floor. This was a custom order." A man in a suit spoke. "Metal workers, start putting the cage together. Make sure it's sturdy. We wouldn't want the boy to fall on the guests now, would we? Mmmkay?"

He walked towards the men with the chains who were all looking at the ceiling above them. "This one's simple, no? Hang the chains from all four corners and all four sides. I've already told you this. Then they all meet in the middle. Mmmkay?"

He walked towards the men getting on the ladders, climbing to prepare the posts and buttresses for the chains. "Mmmmmm, I like what I see. Keep at it. We need to finish this before the week. The Lord Wittingham wants to host his creature exhibition with the Raven boy as the centerpiece and wants that cage sturdy enough to last a lifetime. He doesn't want anyone sneaking off with his prize, mmmmkay?"

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