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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Knuffels' House.
Posted: Sep 26th, '10, 10:10    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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Mahal is level 25 now!!! Let there be party!
For the holiday she got some jewellery from Asnath, but hid them in a chest (of drawers actually XD). Her brother Aldad together with his best friend Janai gave her new orange sleeves which she hurriedly put on. Jekutiel had no idea what kind of gift the darknes girl would like so he asked Nahshon for help, but it turned out that Liora has already chosen something oh-so-cool-she-will-for-sure-love-it!!!, so the air knuffel just joined two friends and they all gave Mahal a turquoise collar she's happily wearing. Jemima did her best but couldn't think of a present because some days earlier Mahal had started dating Janai. Well she said so. I'm not sure whether Janai knows the news. ;)

So, you're welcome to the Xtreme Darkness Disco & Dinner!!!
Have fun!

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Knuffels' House.
Posted: Oct 1st, '10, 07:44    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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The pool will be over today. I track the votes and they do surprise me, to tell the truth.
We'll see if anything happens in half a day. :)

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Knuffels' House.
Posted: Oct 3rd, '10, 13:18    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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Ok, now it's the birthday of Asnath, my very first knuffel! Although since we deal with levels, it looks mere like a promotin. She's been a good student and got level 50. Congratulations, dear Asnath! Though I can't understand what's going on in your head, I love you and wish you luck and new achievements!

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 4th, '10, 10:32    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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Academy FAQ

1) What the hell is it?
It's a thread for publishing my knuffel and showing their relations as well as keeping track of their evolutions.

2) Why "academy"?
I believe that it's odd to equate levelling up with ageing up. It looks for me more like some career progress. Or - my choice - academic progress. There are five stages = four academic years + graduatin and teaching career. Why not?

3) Why are those adopted later level up faster?
All knuffel are taught individually so those who are better at studies get promoted to the next year faster.

4) Who teaches the students?
Imaginary professors. However, as soon as a knuffel gains level 75, in other words - enters the fourth academic year, they can start teaching if they choose. They go on with their own studies too.

5) What the hell are you?
I'm the [Great & Terrible] Mistress of the Academy. Everyone obeys me.

6) I want to post. But the last post is with discription. Does it mean you are reserving next posts?
No, that doesn't, feel free to post if you like. I will not write "you can post now", I just add knuffel pages as soos as the knuffel appear and it's not important to have a row of descriptions for me. If you feel that you interrupt - don't worry, you don't and it's totally ok.

7) Do you feed and play back?
Sure! You can post your knuffel, you can post your links to threads, you can just say that you've fed/played and expect me to come to your profile and care for some of your knuffel.

8) What about digging and elements? Where's the connection with studies?
No connection. Elements are the same as starsigns. People are born under contellations, knuffel - under elements. As for digging - it's just the idea of finding treasures for the Treasure Cave thus supporting the Academy museum.

9) Does anyone help you?
Yes. My friends find some time to feed the knuffel and play with them. Also some people come here and leave messages that they have helped me. I'm very grateful to them. You can hepl me too.

10) When you adopt a knuffel you pay for it. How do you explain this fact?
With ease. After passing their entrance exam each knuffel gets scholarships. It's simply the food points for this purpose.

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 4th, '10, 12:01    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
Posts: 10210
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Room One

Room 1 is on the ground floor. You can get there easily if you head for the Pool and turn left in the middle of your way. There will be several rooms there, on one of them you'll see the doorplates: "Asnath" and "Jemima". Congratulations! This is Room 1.
As you enter you can see that everything is green and gold. There are a lot of plants especially seaweeds and various water flowers. The coffee table is flooded with maps of all kinds, and in the corner of the room there is a huge chest. Nearby – a chest of drawers. Jemima's bed is hard, made of thick wood, while Asnath's is a soft feather bed sunken into the special aquarium. In other words, it's impossible to mistake them.

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 5th, '10, 20:23    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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Room Two

You can easily find Room 2 that is on the ground floor. It's right between Room 1 and Room 3! Its door is made of dark wood and there are two doorplates. One of them says: "Aldad", another one says: "Janai". Can you see them? Al right. That's Room 2!
If you open the door and get inside you may even mistake the room for the hell. It's dark and fiery. Well, in fact no. There is a lot of darkness and fire but none of them hurts of harms in any possible way. It's the place where knuffels play cards and dice at night because they can do it in the Hall only at daytime. The most important feature of this room was a poker-table but the staff of the academy ordered to get rid of it because Aldad, Janai and their friends were playing for money. So now they play on the carpet.

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 5th, '10, 20:26    


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Room Three

ground floor

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 5th, '10, 20:29    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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Room Four

Room 4 is located on the first floor and is the most easily observed place in the whole Academy! If you go to the Library from the Laboratory you will see the stairs. Don't use them! Go a little further, then turn left, then right, then left and left. Done? Good! Another way to the room is going upstairs from the ground floor, turning to the library and following the same instructions: left-right-left-left. The doorplates say… Wait. Where are the doorplates??? Well… Put up with it.
If you dare to enter the room – be aware: Mahal and Liora live here! And it becomes obvious as soon as you notice a semi-professional makeover+tattoo station and heaps of scientific journals on chemistry. Another evidence is half-burnt rug. And curtains... Whoops!

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 5th, '10, 20:32    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
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Room Five

Room 5 is a rumored place. Do you remember how to get to room seven? Fine! Forget it. You go up the same stairs, but then follow the black arrow on the floor and move along the corridor until you're forced to turn right. There you will see the dor with the doorplates "Nachshon" and "Juval".
So yeah, there are a lot of rumors connected with this very room. One of them is that there is a treasure chest there. It's not true. Another one is that the two students who live there are lovers. It's also a lie. The third rumor is that when the poker-table disappeared from the room two it did not disappear from the whole campus. And who knows whether it's a lie or not…

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 Post subject: Re: AlizzZone: Academy
Posted: Oct 5th, '10, 20:35    


Joined: Feb 9th, '10, 19:43
Posts: 10210
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Room Six

Room 6 is next to room 7, their doors face each other. This room has been invented at this very place so that room 6 inhabitants had some neighbors. But it mostrly serves its own inhabitants for the same purpose. If you see two doorplates running "Vardith Varda Vered" and "Dorith" it is this very room.
It is the territory of mirrors and displays. One of the Shelves houses Vardith's medals for fashion and beauty contests, another one keeps Doriths "Silver Microphone" award figure. The walls are the absolute victims of sketches while both desks are depositories of notes and stickers with various things to memorize.

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